Face t-Tht Penpilmana weekly, Tlie Weekly Society News RETURN FROM CHICAGO i ' MT.'; and Mrs. R. S. Monds scent several days last week In Chlcaeo. nL. where Mrs. ' Monds attended a National P.T.A. Meetlnc , WEEK-END IN RICHMOND Mm. J h. Towe SDent the week-end In Richmond, Va, with her daughter, miss suzanne n Towe. FROM RALEIGH Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Reed and family of Raleigh spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Reed Sr., and visited Mr. Reed's grandfather, Mr, E. L. Reed, In the Albemarle Hospital. SUNDAY IN CURRITUCK Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis visited relatives In Currituck on Sunday. FROM VA. BEACH Miss Sue White of Virginia Beach, Va. was the guest of her parents, Mr., and Mrs. Julian white, during tne weex-ena. WEEK-END IN DEL. J. H. Towe, Sr. spent the week - end m Harrington, Delaware. RETURNS HOME Mrs. William Tucker returned . home Thursday from Richmond, Va. after spending several weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Martin. VISIT IN E. CITY Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Berry spent several days this week In Elizabeth City with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Berry. GREENVILLE GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Landing and Mrs. Cassle sawyer of Greenville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Berry on Sunday. WEEK-END AT FORT BRAGG Mr. and Mrs. F. A.McGoogan were week-end guests of Lt. and Mrs. Franklin McGcogan at Fort Bragg, N. C. Both couples attended the State-Duke Home--ewihyp-game In Raleigh on Sat urday and visited relatives in Red Springs, N. C. on Sunday. WEEK-END IN MD. AND DEL. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Towe. Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Earle Haste, jr. spent ine weea-ena in Balti more, Md. and Middletown, i iDelawareJ , ,- . 1 , , WEEK-END GUESTS Mrs. Rufus Harrell and Mrs. Gilbert Bailey of Norfolk, Va. were week-end guests of their mother, Mrs. Ora Hendricks. VISIT HERE Mrs. F. E. McCloskey and son, Darrin, of Norfolk, Va. are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Thach this week. SUNDAY GUEST Jerry Jackson of Chesapeake, Va, visited Mrs. Ora Hendricks and Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Jackson on Sunday. ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Wlnslow of Rural Hall, N. C, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Booze of King, N. C., Mr. and Mrs, Talmadge Rose, Sr. of Winston-Salem, Mrs. Richard Hosklns of Newport News, Va., and Glenn White Of Fayettevllle attended the funeral of-Mark Beers last week, VISIT IN CHAPEL HILL Mrs. T. L. Jessup and Miss Gladys Felton spent several days last week in Chapel Hill with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Huggins. ATTEND SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. c. R. Holmes attended the Dedication Service of the FarmviUe Art Center on Sunday. The Art Center was dedicated In memory of Mr. Holmes' brother, Albert Holmes of Farmville, by his wife, Mrs. Sue Holmes. Vw j MwtlbJ to year nice i:::;clk i carina IELESE t TELEGRAPH CCf. Hertford, N.C., Ttiureday, November 8, 1987 ; VISIT HERE Mrs. Vic Huggtos and son, Trip, of Chapel Hill are spending I two weeks here with Mrs. Huggins Parents, Mr. and Mrs. H, C. Stokes. WEEK-END VISIT Mrs. Walter J. Kanoy and Mrs. jack Kanoy spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karris In Greensboro, and Mr. sad Mrs. w. A. washam and family in Huntersvllle, N. C, Mrs. Washam Is a sister of Mrs. Walter J, Kanoy. ATTEND FUNERAL Mr. and Mrs. Charted Campen, Mrs, Elizabeth Cherry, and Mrs. w. c. Dozler attended the funeral of Mr. Campen's step-father, J. W. Turner, in Norfolk, va, on Wednesday. ATTEND MEETING The Rev. and Mrs. Edwin! Williams, Mrs. A. B. Bonner, Mrs. uoya Honon, Mrs. w. c Dozler, Mrs. H. A. Whitley J ana Mrs. scnoneia attended the Episcopal Women's Meeting of the Convocation of the Edenton District In Greenville on Thurs day. . SATURDAY GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Garland Stanton, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Carley, Trim White, Mrs. W. M. HarrelL and Mr. and Mrs. Brlggens, all of i'onsmoutn, va.and Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Harrell were guests of Mrs. Carlton Cannon on Sat urday, WEEK-END HERE John Stalllnra. student at U. N. C. Chanel HilL snent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy StaUlngs. WILSON GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. H L. Winsiowi of Wilson were week-end guests of their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wlnslow and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Byrum. Riddick-Felton Wedding The wedding of Mrs. Judy Wlnslow Felton and McKay Rlddick was solemnized Sat urday, September 30 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon in a setting of mixed flowers, palms, and lighted white tapers In silver candelabra at the home of the bride's parents. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. William Moore, pastor of Anderson's Methodist Church, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Wlnslow of Belvidere. The bridegroom Is the son of Oscar Rlddick of Elizabeth City and the late Mrs. Rlddick. The wedding music was pre sented by Mrs. Thomas Chappell, pianist, and Mrs. Ed Nixon, soloist, who sang, "Walk Hand In Hand", and the "The Wedding Prayer", for the bene diction. The bride wore a three piece ensemble of beige and brown with matching accessories and wore a corsage of yellow cyra- bidium orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie C. Rlddick were the attendants. Mrs. Wayne Wlnslow and Mrs. Johnny Wlnslow were mis tresses of the ceremony. immediately following the ceremony, a reception was held at the home. The couple Is residing at Whitest on after a weddlngtrlpto Gatllnburg, Tenn. . Birthday Party Danny Sloop, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Sloop celebrated his 2nd birthday Wednesday October 18 at his home In Win- fall.- -.;-: Those attending the party were Joy and Jill Meads, Wayne Wild er, Denise Wlnslow, Greg Bar- lilt, Micnaei Byrum, Alien ser ryman, David and Marshall Stal- lings, Julie Cherry, Bonnie and David Sawyer and Bobble Jean Keaton. Refreshments were enjoyed" by au. -. Bridge Club Meets Mrs. Charles Whedbea was hostess to her bridge club Tues day night at her home. T hose Playing in addition tothe hostess were Mrs. C. E. Johnson.Mrs. Nathan Relfe, Mrs. w. G. Wright, Mrs. Mont tort Haslam, Mrs. Catherine Ward, Miss Thelma ciuuh, ana miss Louise cnauc, MISS Elliott was hirh rnrm winner. A sweet course was served. Birth Announced Mr. and Mrs. Dan F. Daneker of Kodlak, Alaska announce the birth of their second child, first daughter, Carrie Odette, born October 22 at the Naval Hospital in Kodlak. ' . Mrs. Daneker Is the former Miss Gail Johnson, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Johnson of Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brough ton of Southern Pines, N. C. an nounce the birth of a son born Saturday, October 21 at Moore Memorial Hospital in Southern Pines. Mr. Br ought on Is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry ' .0? ; WEEK-END HERE ... Miss Connie Sawyer, student at A. C. C, Wilson, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Sawyer. VISITS HERE Miss Peggy Copeland, student at Loulsburg College, spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Estes Copeland In Belvidere. WEEK-END HERE Charles Woodard, student at U. N. C, Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Helen Woodard, DURHAM GUEST Mrs. Winifred Mason of Dur ham was the guest of Mrs. Rld dick Chappell for several days last week. WEEK-END HOME Miss Harrietts Williams, student at East Carolina University, Greenville, spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Williams. SUNDAY GUEST Mrs. Julian Brlnkley of Plym outh was the guest of her mother, Mrs. isa Tucker, on Sunday. WEEK-END GUEST Steve Chappell, stationed at the Marine School, Quantico, Va., was a week-end guest of his grandmother, . Mrs. - Rlddick Chappell, and Miss Ellen Chap pell. CONN. GUESTS Mr. Adrian Jordan and Mrs. Kay Pike of Covington, Conn, spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Greyson Jordan. VISIT IN COLUMBIA Mr. and Mrs. Greyson Jordan visited Mrs. Lessie Harrell in Columbia last week. HOME FOR WEEKEND Greg Beck and a school mate Church Lewis from Atlantic Christian College, spent last week endhere vis king his mother Mrs. Bill Tarkenton and grand mother Mrs. M. J, Gregory and other relatives. FROM CHOWAN COLLEGE y Miss AUeen Beck, daughter of Mrs. Bill Tarkenton and Debra Baker, students at Chowan Col lege, spent last weekend here with Mrs. Beck's mother and family. jrOUR MOUNTAINS AND TENN. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lane of Hertford and Mrs. Delbert Bryant of Edenton spent the week end touring the mountains of North Carolina and Tenn. WEEKEND IN GREENVILLE Tommy and Linda Long, spent the weekend in Greenville with Carolyn Long, and attended the Homecoming . events at East Carolina University. RETURN HOME Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Tore hand, Rt. 2 Hertford and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Dail of Newport News, Va., have returned home after attending "The Grand Old Opry" in Nashville, Tenn., and touring Rock City, Ruby Falls, Gatlingburg, Tenn., Cherokee and Asheville. Mr, and Mrs. Dail remained here five days visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wayland Howell and Mr. and Mrs, M, B, Dail. (ktepio&K::!' SUPDt PUNAMINS, 7rs-2V4 weeks' supply, $1 JO valuel SUPER PLENAMINS, 144's 8 weeks' supply, 2J9vahiel SUPER PUNAMINS, ass's. 10 weeks' supply, a $4.79 vsluei SUPE9I PUNAMINS, SeVs. 13 weeks' supply, a $199 value! Com In Now tor your SPECIAL COUPON Mad the front carton panel (or the paper neck ring of the SSS's) end Your Ssles Receipt To This Address: era crgs Kxxsst tt, imti Allow M iMct 9 WMht foe JHvfy w SsVwa la eMslel HV ewevnsfye VtTtJr WtfJ Wfwmw tim4$ nMptrtcttej or pfofifbteML "JTE DELIVER? . PHONE 428-5527 HERTFORD, N. C. -V TVtetdiH 1i Panned Mr. and Mrs. Amos Burner Wlnslow announced the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Linda Sue, to William Warren Perry on Nov. 18 at Springfield Methodist Church, Springfield, Va. - Book Fair Coming To Grammar School The Hertford Grammar School will sponsor a student book fair on November 9th and 10th. Dur ing library periods, students win be able to browse and select books. Parents and visitors may be able to see the books and place orders November 9th at 8:00 p.m. and November 10th from 2 4:30 p.m. Books will be on display In the library of the school. AU books must be paid for when order Is placed. The book fair committee In vites all students, parents and visitors to attend the fair. The fair will not only help spur student interest In reading and building home libraries but will also contribute to a worthwhile project. The school earns 20 of all sales and profits will be used for new books for the school library. The P. T. A. is sponsoring this event, with Mrs. Phillip TnacK serving as book fair chairman. The book fair display will include attractive new books from many publishers In all popular prise ranges. All read ing areas of Interest to students will be represented.' Including classics, fiction, biographies, aaventure stories, science, na ture. crafs, mvsterjifued to rerence dooks. wondefnu books to read or to give as gifts. The P.T.A. is working with Ed ucational Reading Service, a professional book fair company, to furnish an individual selection of books for the fair. ! Chamber Leader, Attends Seminar T.' Peraulmans County Chamber of Commerce Manager Leon I. Edwards Is scheduled to attend the North Carolina Chamber of Commerce Executives Seminar on November 5th and 6th, to be held at the Holiday inn, at Bur llngton, N. C. The session will negin on sun day at 6:00 p.m. with a full pro eram that night by the U. S. Chamber of Commerce, and last until 3:00p.nuMonday afternoon. Dlittr WftttbinyStiMt SSpsliiwiMa, '. 9- B r i :!,:::, . Christmas Parade Plans Underway; Thirty-Two Units Leon I. Edwards, manager of the Perquimans Chamber of Commerce, stated this week that the Christmas parade Com mittee of the local Chamber,has reported thirty two units have filed at the Chamber office for the annual Christmas Parade. Mr. Edwards says that there are still a few who have taken part in the past two parades to hear from, and he is expecting this to be the biggest and best Christmas parade yet. The parade, an annual event, Is scheduled to be held on Decem ber 2nd, at 2:00 p.m. - All who have not notified the Parade Committee that they will participate are urged to get their entry in by November 15th. i 'f ji ' t. Fodsrol Deposit Insurance) Corporation ... Which insures Fundi of each depositor up to PGOPL0SA3A::Tll!ST;:CCI- B!p.-.ter F.D.I.C. American Lerricn And Auxiliary To Meet Thurcday The American Legion and Auxiliary Legion of the WmJ Paul Stalling Post 126, wlUhold us mommy meeting Thursday, November 2nd, at 7 o'clock with covered dish supper. All members are urged to at tend and to bring their gifts oil send them utheynaventaireacm done so. . Bridge Club Mrs. v. N. Darden and Mrs. c v. Johnson were hostesses at a bridge luncheon at the Pariah Hraiaa an Tuesday at the PDisRonai church Harvest Sale and Luncheon and piayeu nriage at the Darden home, i ne gue list lnciuaea Mrs. tan rn, and Mrs. Cecil Garrett, both of Elizabeth City. Mrs. Nathan Relfe, Mrs. J. T. Blggers, Mrs. JOIN THE MILLIONS OF FASHION-CONSCIOUS WOMEN Special Offer, . . , ALL A Call Today PhyllU ctFEOPLES V WHERE FEC7LE W VVtlcomo Your Chocking And Senrlags Account And Fssl It An Obligation To Assist You With Your Othor Financial Nosds, EtprrfsUy When You Wish To Eorrow, GRovK:q ad zzzyz;z in i:c?T:zA:nr-i i:cr.in OPEN" 9:00 A.M. TO IS:30 P.M. Tl'EKOAVS Vl"'"VVH HATl'PHAys AND ON FEQAY OXMXCS FRC:i 9:9 V.T) Ti i CAKtiiC3 . . . . Charles Whedbee. and ' MImI Theima Elliott. Mrs. wneuuee was high score winner. riccli Club r.wC?3 ' Miss Mary Sumner was hostess to her Rook Club Friday Night at her home on Church Street Those playing were Mrs. w. j, Davis, Mrs. C. T. Skinner, Mrs. O, R, Tucker,! Mrs. A. T. Lane, Sr.. Mrs. Julian White,, Miss thelma Elliott, Miss Ruby White and the nostess. Mrs. White was high score winner and Miss White was low, A sweet course was served, Bridgo Club Kcete Mrs. Charles Williford enter tained her bridge club Tuesday night at her home on Dobb St. Those playing were Mrs. John Cost on, Mrs. T. L.jessup,Mrs. J. T. Blggers, Mrs. C. R. Holmes, Mrs. W. C. Dozler, Mrs. G. W. Barbee, Miss Ruby wnue ano miss Mary sumner. PIIYLLIS'S BEAUTY IN HARRIS SHOPPING CENTER WHO CARE.GETTING NEW CURLED STYLES . Beginning NOV. let THRU DECEMBHt $10.00 PERMANENTS NOW AT LOW PRICE OF (3X0 for Appointment Phone 426-5208 Mansfield . . . Becky Roberto J.v : LZ3Xy U J. M.i Ci vw-. ... in YOin cc:z n. C. Mrs. Earbee won the tytfi m prize. The hostess served sweet course. ..,....; i Student Cc 1M A ' Ujht Balb 13 Bfo S'JCCCC3V! Nannette Ambrose, report for the Student Couoil of Pt qulmans County High Schc speaking for the student coup thanked eachcltlzenofthecc? for helping to make their "t bulb" sale a complete succe The council sold light W on two nights, and each night t rewards were gradlfylng.The fore the Student C o u n c I oum now uxe io extend a ve warm "Thank You", Card of Th I wish to express my tban: JUL SoV whf and appreciation for the ci and every act of kindness sho' me since my return home. Lucille Tw: SHOP , I. . , J aJU.'. 1 i 1 1 ... ;t. ... X Brought on.

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