.J hp S-The Nrqnlmani Weekly. I1EVS REPORT FHOM VASIIKJGTOII Cei;rtss Stalls Kiioi's Keqiest lii Cost Peliticius Sileil- .1.. ! Vaahington, D. C.-The .White House was bitterly .'disappointed by recent ". stalling on Capitol Hill, as 1 West Coast dock workers continued to tie up shipping I'with their strike. l' Last year the President personally Intervened in an '.effort to obtain a settlement Land at one point thought he had produced a compromise .accord. But that bright pros ;pect collapsed and in Janu-ary-with the strike still r crippling the national economy-he appealed to the .Democratic-controlled Con gress to pass a law ending the strike. 'Striking dockers know ',most politicians in Congress ,are hesitant to vote for any ,blll which might cost them Organized labor's vote. Con gress, as expected, stalled. ,The President made an ur gent appeal in early Febru ary, but Congress still moved" leisurely. It waa the .old story. Organized labor exerts greater power over jhany Congressmen than any jbther political or pressure group. 0S taJ J ! I 5 J . r Price Hartford, N. C Thursday, February 17, 1972 President Nixon two years ago proposed strikes in rail, airline, shipping, longshore and trucking industries be limited. He would have im partial mediators settle dis putes , in these industries because such strikes incon venience or harm the public, the general welfare or na tional security. Congress failed to act, even as the dock strike on the West Coast continued to cost the nation hundreds of millions in lost exports at a time when the nation was experiencing a minus in its export-import trade for the first time in eighty years. The comment of House Labor subcommittee Chairman Frank Thompson (D-NJ) was typical of the attitude of most members of Congress. Thompson, in reply to the President's ur gent appeal, said he felt all his colleagues hoped a set tlement would be reached before they were forced to act. Mr. Nixon feels Congress should have acted two years ? DQDEUDGrb i-i-k Choose from 4 equipment packages on F-100 or F-250 Custom or Sport Custom pickups. SAVE UP TO $28 ' ON PACKAGE "A": e Special Paint e Special Seat Trim e Foam Seat (Custom only) e Bumper Guards o Bright Drip Moldings e Explorer Plaques e Bright Hub Caps o Vinyl Door Trim Panels (Custom) Ceo tii!c:iG!!:cr-r reductions based on manutecturtr-s deterrrNnanVe of dealers' actual selling priest, ago, in the case of the dock strike at least a year ago. This basic difference is one of the key issues in the 1972 presidential campaign. The President's position is that strikes by a small num ber of workers should not -be allowed to cause undue suffering to the vast major ity, threaten the general welfare and flout the nation al Interest. Democrats, who have long enjoyed the support of or ganized labor, won't go along. Among all Democrat ic presidential candidates, none spoke out forcefully a g ai n s t the West Coast strikes in recent weeks.- eoeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeo THE WORLD OF o ENTERTAINMENT? oeoeoeoeoeoeoeoeo TO FIND A MAN We view this film with some humor but mostly deep compassion for these young sters (so typical of today's youth) who. under normal situations, would find grow ing up a big enough job without having to embrace adult problems. To Find A Man" handles the situation in " a "fashion you forget it's just acting it can be any-town U.S.A. Here, 17-year-old Rosalind (Pamela Martin) realizes she's not so sophisticated SAVE UP TO $66 ON PACKAGE "B": Package "A" plus e Mag Wheel Covers ' (F-100 only) e Spear Moldings e Bright Swlng-Lok Mirrors e Bright Box Rails (Long WB F-100 only) SAVE UP TO $123 Oti PACKAGE "C-J Package "B" plus o Power Steering - o Automatic . Transmission v uogestsd PJ2 ese row rw T , J meua AOTAwYVtrt, 4tS !JSv ,"f frisk. -tmsv l IZzXll' V--ftrf "vaV i V M la i:n ' V . ;? , . V '. . - 1 ii t . Arrr. : wire &a when she finds herself pre r nant. Immediately r she thinks of an abortion as th easy way out. That can, be more trying than she wants to admit. 'Pi'P'r? I- -:--if'A-:t Andy (Darren O'Conner),' only ' sixteen atteinptilj to make the right contacts but this sensitive : boy experi ences great stress, when faced with this aduU prob lem. . fSv'i-'J'-''".i Rosalind's parenU,' playv -Pukisfll,r o Air Condi e Tinted Caw f . 73 ! '-"f . , ; V. ."tV ' Jk'' - ! ;Jy,-v - ' it ' . : ", ; " i if c.' . a .1,' ' t IK i - 'i ", ' J ' ' ' f? - ed Tiy Phyllii Newman and ' Lloyd Bridges, aren't exact ly. tbf Concerned Barents. 'Bitt the phvaletan (Tow Etell) and druggest ITom Bosler).re well placed In Jthelra::;.;' 1 In acting UiU OPrrated film" the very young should ' realize leg is pest saved i until they're more mature. It's a film that Is honest. ! humorous and a bit sadall .f jl In the right places !l 5 4. ft V. iAiv.s!;1-;. i ,vo r ' - .t- i . ' ' ft- v " ' ' '.ii" ? i .i it . ' '. .- . 'i, ?4 r '' 11 v' - r Maw- . I 1 ' &&:- I, Whtnaa the first opera heidinthe u.8.7 J. Ddyjw recall when. John OUrrn Jr. made the first. UiiEObltal flight? If S, Whaf titti American poet wan';tjim on February itmt ''''- I. Def)a4 Venl. Vldl. Vlcl. I. IdentijOr Utanua. - f x 6. Cdmpirt Uranus in use to the;earth. J t. Whatfli a vicuna? ! 8. WhaClS the Septuaglnt? p, Wati4i the food value of aoinabh? ' ? JO.WhO designed the Ptdera) Court' Building In Vaglr toltoft O.C.? Atfttsrl'li wki I UIII iPMswnis. ", r . February 30, 1963. ' t. Henry W. Longfellow, 4, t cane, I aaw, I con I. One '-of the planete-se v nm noti tna nun. g, lteaa la abMt fourteen an4 one-half times that oi the. earth, 'f V.lt.'g : '. arnaU, humpleaa memoer oi . tne camei I. Thb oldest Oreek trans lation of the Old Testa- i. . fv It Is a rich eource of . Vltamlnt A and C and lomo Vitamin B. Alao contains mlntrals. - to,Casa OUbert, completed 4 In WW..' ' 'i - Annoying ( Always forgive your one ' mles. YouUI find that it an noyn them no much. ira, uoiumma, s.t. 0 L -J I am rAk Baei, a sindsnt at NetLaastani HiCB. Wf the tntt U days, H wiD be nry I jiniu In record I TLJ.A4)evotion. caernytoeiwror ciaLa-dxvotion ttt44f r. ;:.5J-. . -- K I r - 1 XL i I . a 1 U 1 1 1 1 ( I Mil 1 1 1 1 I 1 1111 'lATl'LllI lill I I llll k III 111 III I tyjutnnt in ooaaiA, mj. t Fafget 'Athlete Heart9 OUR 14-TBAR-OLD boy is Jiut mad about sports, and U good at them." Mjr wife is afraid that be might eventual ly develop an athlete's heart X dent think this makes sense. Do youT Mr. M.C. Ore. Dear Mr B.: Tour wife's ooneera aaBout "athlete's heart" has no medical or sci entitle valloV jity. t ' Rowdver, aesuranee If ahe, too, la to enjoy your son's aeeora pttshmentai 'pv.Ottaruur All nuaeus of the body now terror end are benefited by exercise. The heart, a most important nius ele, grows larger and stronger With sensible and controlled PMrfMatoaar athletea l who have eompeted a their lives do not aevetop hn vroune that Is attributed to1 their youthful athtetio acUvltles. t would give your wife a sense of comfort If your own doctor ruled out the possibility she fears, bv a complete ex amlnatloni -'i ;;;.' . Without that you; and she may be In conflict about your boy's athletic prowess, Impos ing upon him an unnecessary psychological burden. ,-.ii'e":-e,;;-.Sy...-'! b fatigue always a sign of' i. - - Mrs. H. Km Va. . Dear Mrs. H.: FaUgue Is one of the most common com plaints brought to the atten- Oca of ooctors. (0 UP. XH FeaUirte ; ON WOMEN'S BIGHTS . I President Nixon hai naa SEE QUI EX1M SPECKljS ed Congress to broaden the Jurisdiction of ' the Civil ft THE LAST DAY OF ; IRllhts Commission to deal iwlth dlscrlmlnaUon wainst 'mtktkJ - women. He said this Admin- &LE FEB. 22ltd UtraUon will continue Its :; . t ! 1 1 strong efforU to open equal ;jv . r opportunities for women. Dww A8oa,Jlii. , , AUTOLITE ' FILTERS niflTLEWAX ffiiiiEs nhi; suns M MONTHS n AT OitLY $22a I $22 ; i- 30.O3T on all j. ?;j:it r.',D p:it supfues i DIXIE AUTO SUPPLY : HARRIS SHOPPING CENTER HERTFORD, ti. C. PHONE 428-7118 yt; :-l.fWAi-::'' knsAis TnncuiS iiut tijI nTrc-3.M.e- Wii'pt.fH '41 ':--- i irnnn rirAlTH FaUrue In Itself Is a symp tom, not an Ulness. It Is. too taay to dismiss chronlo fatigue , by saying it is a symptom of boredom or general wetjlnees, or even .of ptycnoiogicai on gin. '-: --y ''-': AH these may be true, but I believe that persistent fatigue ' deserves investigation. , The fatigue that comes at the end of a day for mothers Is understandable. Tne race they run m taking care of children, chores, and household duties would tax the energies of a professional fullback. A man's tauguo ener a oay. of hard work la based upon expenditure of muscular ener gy, v-; However, unexplainable faK,. tlgua must be tracked down by physical examination and by studies of the blood to find the exact cause. Does mental deterioration -occur with Parkinson's dm-:1 ease? ' ."'j , ,:-::::: Mrs. B. A., Ark. , Pear Mrs. A.: No, there Is no reUttonship between this Illness and Intellectual capa city. ; : : f, There la a fixed facial ex pression .which is associated . with this disorder. This masked appearance, and tremor of the hand, may give the impression. of Impaired mental oapadtyj But that is tetany raise. kaeptaJ ktet IsF Dr. Lester Com pared a epedal booklet readers of the ootawa mttSteV "Pay Attention to Yen Heart" For yew copy, seal IS cents in eobi and a large. setf-addresssa, stamped tops to Meter IV MJfc, la care of t SeebeekJettlSSr iradtaete, ma) f'r :f!V stoat C: i t -fsJ!ef-r ta 1 v?'''- Mi's ;