r-' f r 5 ; . Court Houm Squirt t::3TroRD,N.c. Tmni it neon elm mitttr vtmbJtiltJ4,MPoi U??MsV fort'Nortl,c" frertlsln Rates FurnlthH By . Request - inscription rath ' 93.64 L (In firqulmini County) Elsewhere in Saturday I Soundings The Elisabeth City District of tht llnlted Methodlit Church wilt offer very exciting, often requeued, and much needed learning experience called "Saturday Soundings" on November II from 10:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at the First United Methodist Church of Elizabeth City, - Ita purpose will be to Inspire, motivate, and enable local churchei "to discover their foundation, to determine their channel, and to chart their course," In order that they may better understand their million, The United Methodist Church ii cmwtHiUtiMHl rather tton congregational In strut1 turpi consequently, lis strength lor ministry lies not In lottse aiseelatlen of separate entitles working. Independently of mh filter but in a elneely knit erganiiation of interrelated parts functioning eoRoeratively: It i of fundamental ifflpoptant'e tnai tne stFUPtiiFe or tne mm fee understood a the neeeary and effeetive means of eaeeufing its miion of ministry; therefore, Rr : Nieholai Brant will he on hand ; to interpret (his mmn as it . reiate to tne general t on ferenpii the fteverertd Reltoit Joyner, Jr, as it is related to Annual Conference and Mr : drier darned, as it relates to 'the local church: In addition, Bishop. Behert Blaekbtirn will speak on the subject, "My Thoughts and tioals for Our Churchei," Council on Ministries are ex pected toattend this unnn railed opportunity to clarify their priorities and set their direc tions for the Christian mission of ministry, Dropout Rate Of Small Town Youths Highest Young men from small towns ore more apt to drop out of high school before graduation than their central city counterparts. According to FINANCE FACTS, a monthly newsletter on consumer behavior published by the National Consumer Finance Association, 1970 census data shows that 15.2 per cent or 1.8 million of the young men to to 21 years old were school dropouts. 19.8 per cent of the young men In small towns (or rural nonfarm Hreas) were not then enrolled In school nor were they high school graduates, In comparison, proportion of school dropouts In urban areas (which Includes central cities and suburbs) was 14,1 per cent; In rural farm ureas, 14.3 per cent. FINANCR FACTS noted that while the proportion of school dropouts in urban and rural areas closely paralleled the national percentage, the dropout proportion in small town hi'win was significantly higher It is mm h wtMer tit lw tr t U'ttl than to I eorM't: 4tenjttinin Disradi: HICKS laundry ft - HfmoBB Ptrquimani County TUEIBAV WSRNKSBAY FRIBAV SATURDAY. IIIL CRUMM1Y, Reutemia Truek Radio DispatehMi PHONI EOSNTON 1 Ho you plan to retire soon and want to know how Social Security establishes your age? The ; people at your Social Security Office located at 401 S, Dyer Street, Kllxabclh City, North Carolina, can tell you how, Their telephone number la MH-IHMt. If you are fortunate enough to hnvea birth certificate that was recorded near the time of your birth or a church record of your age made before your fifth birthday, thla la alt that will be needed. If neither of these records la available you still may have other sufficient documents, Usually two records are sufficient If at least one of the records waa made before Age 21. Other records that are easily available include: Family Bible, school records, Insurance policies, marriage certificates, Army or Navy discharge papers, children's birth cer tificates, or voter's registration record. Sometimes vnu mnv nnprf In obtain n rpnuim rwnrH hut If you are in doubt whether you nawMHoncfenjw establish your age, call your Social Security Office, telephone number 33B-.193I . Someone at the office will bo, glad to discuss the records you I' uvc with you and advise you If you need to obtain additional -recordi now. Income Tax Errors Mathematical errors atlll plague North Carolinians filing their federal Income tax returns, During the first nine months of 1972, the Internal Revenue Service checked 1,718,740 In dividual returns, Of thli :; number, 95,338, or 8.8 per cent, ' had math errors, Over 88,000 returns had errors favoring the govern ment, resulting In additional assessments of 18,7 million, This figure was offset by 12.6 million In refunds to the tax payer, making the govern ment'! net gain 13.1 million. It la ciiHior to pull down than to buildup, Kngliah Proverb. 8-lottor word gTLP-GAS Cimpirt biitini with tthir fuili -yau'll iivi in nulsmint main HhenH ini un in full iinium llin.AnlyiuHill Me luxury inl iinvmlinfi if ilpii'ln gill Call ut nw fr Immfilitt itlivtry. REED OIL CO. DIAL 42J-MU JJJJTfOJftNjO, J. i ip you Gm,!&im$m& DACCI YOUpELFUPlTITEl AiOAfJ THAT YOUITCITG YOUBSGIf. ' ' : - .... :b 11 LVtAlWVZAAr ir ' It Jr. IL 1" ill"- Let 's : GpfflcrQhurch Sunday nke A Habit . THESE RELIGIOUS MESSAGES ARE MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING BUSINESS FIRMS,,. M 1 j t-'y Church Gding PITT HARDWARE COMPANY Phone 426-0031 HERTFORD, N. C, WINSLOW-BLANCHARO -MOTCm COMPANY YOUR FORD DEALER W,M. MORGAN FURNITURE CO, HOME FURNISHINGS ftiMQ APPLIAN6E8 jm$r.. 6ANNON GLIANiRS BEP1NBAILI lERViei Phone mmi 1 T-s-.-r With Peoples Bank Strotch-A-Chock Account, you'll always hav monty In tha bank. With Stratch-A-Chack you can actually writ a chack for mora monay than you hava on dapoiit In your checking account. It a Ilka being able to write your own loan anytime or any place you need it, How? simple. Read ortut Wneh ysu write check far mere than your cheeking account balance, funds will be automatically transferred from your Master Charge Account (in multiples of 1100) to cover the needed amount. You'll never be overdrawn again and you'll always be pre pared for some unforseen emergency, Plus you can arrange to have funds transferred whenever your checking account balance (alia below 1100 (which saves you I service energe), So give yourself some credit with Peoples Bank Btretch-A-chech. It's available at any" peoples feank Office, J, C, BLANCHARS &CO.,INC, "BLANCH ARD'i" SINCE 1832 BLANCHARD'S BARBER SHOP Gerald W. Blanchard and Ward Blancliard Proprietors KEITH'S GROCERY PHONE 426-7767 HERTFORD, N. C. ONE STOP SERVICE STATION " BILL COX, Owner Tires - Creasing Accessories CALL 426-8870 HERTFORD, N,C. LANE'S WOODWOR K SHOP 'Custom Built Kitchen Cabinets" PHONE 284.2833 Route 3, Hertford, N. C. (White Hat Road) WINFALL SERVICE STATION OAS - OIL - TIRES AND REPAIRS FIRESTONE TIRES ; Tomsi E. Morgsn, Winfall vALL 42B-BB43 PEOPLES BANK ft TRUST COMPANY Member P.B.I.C. HERTFORD, N, C. Immhh mm) Tbtttstlav 1 Cgrtutbitix Jf;W? StmJty e UPthr 1 - Meiybi m iiha miliR Babies? Ffy Is dlsappaint yu, M I've sot a let en my mini, - Therp'B something wfsng in Amfi , , , and I'm. the chap who is getting hurt! our constitution 6ay that ns na n 6 denied the oght to worsh.p God. f'ffl Bn Amfian! Aeeerdine te the 0Jfi,1il,,l(?n 1 havB he HsM to learn abeut 6ed, te hear the Bihie stories, to he taught the Christian Way ef Life. Rut heie's the hith, While the Severnment ean't deny ' ?fcnVieMr-!S e,,-nd 6huf6h ,ehMl and ehureh-MY PAR rwis pan They can fb m ef my meat aaered right Just by neglecting my spiritual needs, Did you know that about half the children In America are growtng up without rsllgloui training? And yet there's a . tiiurch in every viHqgel - rea sir, I'm tteriousl Instead of talking about It, we ought to ja scnmething And we ought to start Sunday! Copyrlhl Wl KtWtr AdvMltM twvtw. Inc.. KfMW. VlflwU PHILLIPS pUfiNirURC CO. . ; factor tniarT MEW ltttiK;7 KUpHlTURE- , ,,ca.i.jj u. R 17 nIA&S DIXIE-AUTO SUPPLY DistributiVrof Cijfxlycur AULolrrotiv Kan Phonp 42fi VllH HERTFORD. N.C REED Oil W)MPANY ESS0Pft6t)W"fs"" .Hert,fQrlk N ; HOLLOWELLOlbCO: SUPPLIES i)f ' GOOD YEAR TIRi: PHONE 429 5541 DOZIER'S FLORIST HHrrit Shopping ( ntivr ! PHONtVjfi721 NighlmS'uiwUili Hili()4i '.ALBEMARLl: . CHEMICAL CO Ph6ftWtl,f6fl7 " HEM KHtl, H.ii, m ! Home Offled! Rocky Mount Memoir F.DIC. ROSIRT?OiNf:LfANf'rir BYRUM FURNITURI tAUHUnvC. ,. ; ; JCC.V.MNY (jUAHtvi'!,. t. .eh. ....... COObii.. f.. - ALL NATIONS UNDER GOD 1 nt rnaiioniil Sunday School Lesson for November 11, 1972 LKSSON TEXT: Isalsh 45:14; A rim S:7-8; Jonah: I Timothy 2 : 15. : Tpday we deal with a trait that la common to all nations; ..spnnKnifi from pride of country, it's roota are admirable..but the flowering can sometimes be less than perfect! And It is a failing common on a nationalistic basis today, as it waa in Paul's, time. -"; : v In our text for today we find Paul (a Jew) speaking to the ..Greeks, rebuking their sense of nationalistic exclusiveness, and reminding them of God's creative work, His activity in the. History of men, and His redemptive purpose for ALL .riatlons. ' It is unfortunate, but-human nature being what it is nil . good things are susceptible to abuse, Pride of race can degenerate into racism; patriotism can become oa high specialized a commodity that it becomes isolationism.,, breeding contempt and disregard of others. Today's Lesson can be broken down into three areas; (it) Codies AIL nations; (2) God Judges ALB, nations; and (3) Cdd.'pravidps salvation: for ALL nations, Studying we And that the return of the exiles was made. : jHjHRlWe by the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus the Persian, f yrus had become an Instrument in God's hands I He was to play at Important part in the history of Israel, Israel, , therefore, become Involved, whether she liked It or not, with ' a foreign power. And In that Involvement Israel was taught a lesson. The "Chosen Race" would be Justifiably proud to have been singled out by God...but when that pride lead to imtioi'iuilstlc arrogance, God humbled her, as a loving father chnstiM's a beloved child! God uses.., -r fui aul was soon to learn that to be chosen of God Involves responsibility, as well as privilege. She failed utterly to see that thla Involved a response of gratitude, and of dedication. In-Amos she received a warning of the consequences of, conceit and arrogance. Their very special relationship to God 1 did not give them Immunity to disasters! God does not "play fnvorltes".,.Hs Is an Impartial Judge. Hs crested and loves ALL 111! children equally, He agonises over them, and He tTjok'es with them! God judges.,, Throuph the sscrlflcal death of Christ on the cross at rvivary the world was given It's greatest and most loving gift Christ died for ALL men's sins, that they might repent, " tout- repcntlng-be born sgaln Into a sinless lifel God saves... - one must, therefore, pay special attention to the word "repe nt". We must repent of our selflshness-a selfishness which, shuts but the good of others; ws must repent of our , arrogancethat which tells us that we are better than ' Dtlws.. that ws are "ipeclalV We ALL exist under God. We exist BECAUSE of God. We nil are USED by Godl v,r y - Today, with modes of travel vastly superior to what It was r-vetroim hundred yean ago, the world has become smaller. Mnn'& inventions nave speeded up the tempo of Ufa, and ttiovpd onr horizons outward. Would that man was ready to so iHuHtnl the hwisone of the loull trot then, and only then, will Ml waiting be united In the Christian brotherhood so greatly dit-cl))y uod. Until this eomes te pass we will be (as were the f!,raeliles) subject to correction and punishment, We (noRt assuredly need to reflect Ciat the ills that beset tii iiy ami time are possibly the signpost of God, iisalfyiiil' hrpj inner renewal befote we can truly eomeuiuj eur ,fl.uod W0uld have us dot f pr-at tut ropyrltjlUed outlines pr edued by the Commlttes ( i .ih t'nifi otn fierles, and used by parmiulon), f..wf v., n, c, ' . L. ,i

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