Page 2-Ttw Perquimans Weekly, Hertford, N. C, Thursday, April 25, 1974 ; AHoiit Your Mailbox... 1 .1, C. y 1 " ji i ' ... f - ft h ''' is THE NED NIXONS i.r.KWhsrj A TOUCH OF COUNTRY Passing tourists on U.S. 17 STATE BIRD AND FLOWER The Ned Nixons had a may stop to view this relic of country life now sporting a refreshing idea when they decorated their mailbox with mailbox. Mrs. James Pierce has added a flower bed with a decals of the cardinal on branches of dogwood, black wrought iron pot containing greenery. . A As r L H - n .ft' m- ... s -C 'f's j ' . , ... . - ' , . . 1 . .IJffJ- I 4 . - If you can get the gas, a journey.' down the country roads of the county ; can prove friost interesting. Recently, just such a trip resulted in locating many unique, and unusual mailboxes. : Taking a little time, a few materials, and a lot of imagination, many county residents turned their mailboxes into eye-catching attractions. The old hand pump from the farhi seemed to be the most ' popular, while the addictibn of various decals is alsol catching on. . Some have used different letter ' styles to obtain the desired effect. Others added unusual posts. - As the dedicated mailmen make their rounds through "snow, and rain, and heat and gloom of night," the decorative mailboxes make things a little brighter. CORRECTION The ad in last week's Perquimans Weekly con cerning rabies vaccinations which began NOTICE TO DOG 'OWNERS contained an error. The ad read that W. Ray White, county dog warden-rabies inspector, would be administering rabies vaccinations at the Health Department on Mon. May 1. It should have read Wed. May 1. Be sure to check future editions of the Perquimans Weekly fqr the complete vaccination schedule. DINNER GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. William B. Amis and Julian Brinkley of Plymouth were dinner guests of Miss Elizabeth Tucker and Miss Virginia Tucker on Wednesday night. t J' J BACK TO NATURE Fenton Eure, Jr. of Route 3, Hertford displays deer decals to,! brighten up his mailbox. ", V ;FROM PAST TO PRESENT On cold winter mornings of years long past, a family member would go outside to 'pump the water needed for breakfast. I doubt that they .'thought this necessary item would end up supporting a mailbox, but as shown here it does so nicely for E.R. tstallings. DOUBLE DUTY This large mailbox belonging to the J.P. Elliott family of Rt. 4, Hertford serves a two-fold purpose. Connected is the box for the newspaper. I FROM PORTSMOUTH y Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith df Portsmouth, Va. visited his mother, Mrs. Fred Smith, during the week-end. : The ;. Perquimans Weekly J- Court House Square HERTFORP, N.C. 27944 ; . Entered at second dass : matter November 15, 1934 ! at Post Office in Hertford, N.C. RAY WARD V General Manager i- FRANCINE SAWYER I Newt Editor . OFFICE HR& 9 AJK. to 5 P.M. . Monday-Friday PHONE 426-5728 mrcikt a-k f , SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE YEAR '5.00 NOTICE! BY ORDER OF THE TOWN OF HERTFORD BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS I wiU advertise for sale in May, 1974, all Real Estate on whichl973 taxes have not been paid and also will levy on all delinquent Personal Property Taxes. I will hold the sale of the Real Estate on Monday, June 3rd, 1974. Please make prompt settlement now and save yourself the additional cost of advertising. Marvin Hunter Town of Hertford . , Published by Dear Publication A Radio, Inc. VOTE FOR EDWARD (ED) NIXON PERQUIMANS COUNTY COMMISSIONER Hertford Tcvnship ' Vote for o man who has hefped tho county In many ways: , Gradual of Perquimans County Hl-h School I Graduate of N.C. State Agriculture Institute ' Hertford Lions Club-board of directors ,'"''" North Carolina Peanut Growers Ccsrd of Directors I U Member Perquimans County Jaycccs Member Perquimans County Ycun Fcrmcrs end f!nt!ior Ccrcinittap C--rJ cf directors Pcrcj-jl.-snj Ccur.ty Tcrr.i C: rru Li Your Property With .JfVilliamF. Aindej . j P - ReaJtor ,; l , Hertford, N.C . Dill 426-7659 FOR SALE TVVO YEARS OF - THIS - MAN'S - LIFE . AS - YOUR - SERVANT - WHEN-YOU-NEED-HIM-JUST CALL FOR House of Representatives Fully Qualified ' . 4 Tana Mayor 8 - Tear Judge Municipal Court i D.A.V. VJF.W. American Legkm - Priionerot War Tears Attended 4 Sessions - Institute of Govern merit on Governmental Affairs ... APPRECIATE YOUR VOTE and SUPPORT Thank Ton) a- BARGAIN $ J YOUR ; SUPPORT OUR- VOTE 1 PlOTICE TO VOTERS The Perquimans County Board of Elections has appointed the following registrars for State and County Democrat and Republican Primary and County Non-Partisan Election for . Perquimans County - Tues., Nov. 7, 1974 POLLS OPEN 6:30 A.M. 'TIL 7:30 P.M. ' Polling places listed below: BETHEL: Mrs. Delsie Ward NICANOR: Mrs. Evie B. Dale .... ....,., ' . ' f . BELVIDERE: Mrs. Zenovia White .7 PARXVILLE: Mrs. Evelyn Ann Smith NEW HOPE: Mrs. Ben Chambers EAST KERTFCaD: F'rs. C:t;, B. Kare WEST MERTFOrvD: V.n. l:ch:3 Lzns, Jr. C.R. Wards BP Ser. Station Community Building ' Community Building ; Community tig. (Winfail) CcmmuRity Cuiliin; Perquimans Co. Cc-rthcuss K::::.1 l:;z.:z-. rl " m r- - . .J u u u 'zttzr f:crt: ccrci-.-.a r. "5 f. . T, zrzCz -.l; C r cJ C; t