A ? "? Agriculture 1 980 agricultural roundup for IV. C. looks bleak kept ia mind that most decliaes ia quality aad qaaatity were the direct result of bad weather Cora, soybeans aad peanuts suffered the worst. N.C. corn yields, for example, were teva If perceat from Hilar oaiyC bushels aa acre. Ia good years this caa be as high as M bushels plus. Soybeans produced oaly II baahels per acre, dowa II perceat from the previous year. Peanuts took a II per cent beating with only 1.191 pouads u acre. la recent $ years tamers have made I over 2, M pounds a Fortunately, tobacco ? maintained its golden lining, I at least partly, and a (air crop resulted. On the market flue cured acreaged $1.41 a pound I with a reasonable yield of I 2,012 pounds per acre. Quality ? was down but 750 million c pounds were sold bringing a < whopping $1.1 billion in gross ' farm income. < Still, it was better thai the 1.39 a pound average price of m but coats of niitUw Jao went up. In 1979, oaiy 993 nillioa poinds were soM Tossing $M2 milboo Adding to that, burtey powers produced II ??Mm KMinds against ? poor IS ailico pounds in 1979, ?b in crease of 111 percent. The 1979 xop was a disaster due to blue noM. At this writing. North Carolina has soM 11 miOioa Hog numbers decline , but wheat acreage up Deceaiber im ? Fefcnury m. IT pereeat hetow the suae pevtod a yeu ago. March ? May 1*1 farrowiags arc expected la total 12S.M0, dm 14 percewt tram March throagh May 1SN. period, September ? Noveaaher. North Carolina producers farrowed 130,000 awt, down 4 perceat fro* the fiwaaralif wild a year earlier. Utters averaged 7.3 pigs ? ap froaa aa average 7.1 a year ago. The pig crop touted M.M head, u chaaged froaa the pre now year. Hogs and pigs on farms Dec. 1. ISM in the United States are estimated at M.5 million head, down 4 percent from a year earlier but 7 percent above Dec. 1, 1971 Hogs and pigs kept (or breeding are estimated at 1.2 million and market hogs and pigs are estimated to total 55.4 million head. Nationally, producers in tend to farrow 8.8 million sows during the December 1980 ? May 1981 period. If realised, farro wings will be 8 percent below the same period last year. The U.S. pig crop Sep tember ? November 1M0 totaled 25.0 million head, down 1 percent from the pervious year. The average litter size was 7.28 pigs compared with 7.12 a year earlier. The lttl wheat acreage sown this fall is up sharply from a year earlier and the largest since 1961 according to the North Carolina Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. Wheat acreage seeded this fall for harvest in 1*1 is estimated at 440,000 acres, up 35 percent from the pervious year. Wheat production in North Carolina during the ISM totaled 10.5 million bushels This is a 39 percent increase over the previous year's production of 7.C million bushels. A yield of 35 bushels per acre was harvested from 300,000 acres compared to an average of 36 bushels from 210,00 acres the previous season. Oats production in 1SS0 totaled only 3.9 million bushels, a drastic decrease of 28 percent from the previous year's productioa of 14 railboo tartMb. A ytoU of 8 bushels per acre was har vested from lym acres compared to a yfcM of SI bushels harvested tram 9M99 acres in 1979. Rye seeded this fal for harvest to 1*1 is fHimahd at 14S.M acres, ? acres from the previous crap. Rye production to 19M totaled 499,999 bushels, dowa IS perceat tram M9.999 bushels the previous year. Average yield was at 19 bushels per acre compared to 23 bushels in 1979. Emergency loan program attracts many applicants Frea ? to 2S per ce* of tafriMH Cwaty's tn mtn kiic applied for mmig Immiwitd crap yew, accortaf to *? pronM MmmMm to the Piratri Hoat A4 ?iaistratioa for ap Another 35 farmers have for Small the ASCS office, he said. Riddkk said there are more the Small Basiness Ad loaas thai have plied. "I don't what the drawback is," he said. "A 1st more have a lass aid could Both 1mm carry a 5 per ceat interest rate. Hie only major difference is that the farmer must show a 20 per cent loss to qualify for an FmHA loan. He must only show that he has suffered a loss to qualify for the SB A loan. Both programs, however, require that the farmer show repayment ability. Riddick speculated that the FmHA program has been more popular because the organisation has a local office. SBA maintains only one office in North Carolina, in Charlotte. A stipulation of the SBA loan is that up to GO per cent can be used to pay back debts, but the other SO per cent must be used to finance production ex penses for the 1981 crop year, Riddicksaid. SBA loan application forms are available at the ASCS office, and ASCS will figure losses for the individual farmer who wishes to apply, said Riddick. Another ASCS disaster program paid out some $85,000 to county farmers to make up for losses suffered in corn crops during 1*0. Compensation was paid for production below CO per cent of established farm yield, and about <5 farmers received payment, Riddick said. Soybean crops, which also suffered heavy production losses during lMt, did Ml quality for the program. Perquimans County was declared a disaster county by the federal gowmtt ? September after a drought that lasted most ?( the sim mer cut deeply Mo form production. That declaration made qualifying formers ebgMe for several emergency programs. Farm Bureau names farm family of the year RALEIGH ? Mr. ud Mrs. DavM P. Th|k of Me l, "u "Ye of tfce Year" at tke 43h i cwtmUw of Ike Nortk CirtUii Para Bireai TV nag (Mile was As atate > DavM a mi Ms wife. Peggy. ?? will aiae receive ai pa* ti* to tfce Para Bweaa Jaaury IMS. 1M. to New La., vkere they wfll Tngat, ?. farms over 1300 acres la partnership with his father aad brother. Their dairy herd, a hog aad beef cattle ?peratiaa. Teagae's ? include the major portioa of farai management. herd health, as veil as field work respoo The Teagues raise 1 15 percent of their dairy Major crops in the opera tin corn for grain aad barley, red clover, ad wheat In ad the Teagaes perform WOOD STOVES MR) WOODSPUTTERS FOR SALE REASONABLE PRICES! S For Information Call Mights: 221-4216 ? bill ACC BALLGAMES NORTH CAROLINA NEWS Channels 7 and 9 Are on the tower! It's time to get that rotor to turn the antenna. custom work for other far mers. Teague returned full-time to his father's farm after ob taining an associate degree in dairy husbandry at N.C. State University. While working to build and improve their farming operation, Teague has also had major responsibility for improving and remodeling of facilities. This has included a modern calf facility, milking parlor, and new silo. In ad dition to renovating their machine repair shop, Teague converted an old telephone truck into a mobile shop which carries spare parts, tools, and emergency supplies for the dairy herd. Teague and his wife have both served on the board of directors of the Guilford County Farm Bureau for several years. They are also members of the county Young Farmer and Rancher Com mittee and David has served as chairman since 1975. In 1977, David was chair man of the North Carolina Farm Bureau Young Farmer and Rancher Committee and in that capacity served during the year on the state Farm Bureau board of directors. David and Peggy hold leadership positions in a number of agricaltnrallj related organizations and are active in civic, school and church activities. Farmer's newsline Hear the latest crop, livestock, and farm economic information from Washington. Farmers' Newsline reports change each weekday at 4 p.m. Washington, D.C. time, and are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The toll free number is 800-424-7*4. Dec. 31, Jan. 1 ? Fanners' Prices Jan. 2, 1 4 ? Fans News Special Jan. 5 ? Farmer's ISM Telephone Costs Jan. S ? Farm News Special Jan. 7 - Farmers' IMS Electricity Costs lMgfkMOts FREEZER tor sale 14 ft upright, ??most new. Will negotiate 474 5711 or 474 5704 after 4. 97 " Cm ?*-? i/^wtwwm fw jut "WINDMILLS FOR SALE I" Lower yaw electric bill, protect your family & business, plus help conserve America's valuable resources!! Have "your own" (windmill installed today and save stt forever! Far "Free Brochure", write: American Wholesale Wind mills. Box 741. Stone Mountain. Ga. ]*M4 il-WwOmrtwHiii *154 WEEKLY guaranteed Work 7 hours daily at home (tin tor one hdur toaity). Free brochure. J. Chruch. P. 0. Box 5SF.Hays.NC 70435 SALES POSITION - I. Honest, t Mhg to wort hard. X Hoot a bock bwo.4. Ww^hUhiorolngi. 0? 'anMd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as co-executors of ttw estate of V.N. Darden. deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina. n ntlli I mil nan nma ' ? ? , I ? ' M . nws is iu noTiry an persons mviny cwim against lt? estate of said deceased to exhibit them to lt?e undersigned atWN. Front St.. Hertford. N.C. and Route 4. Box 21 A. Hertford. N.C , on or before the Mlh day of June. Nil. or INs notice will be pleaded to bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to sold cstdo wiM ""ros Wto day of DecembeMNM. Sue Porter Darden Florence 0. Christensen Co-executors of V.N. Darden. Dec'd Dec. H 31. Jan. US NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Town Council of Hertford will conduct a public hearing on the pre appfication tor Community Develop ment Block Grant (CDBG) funds which W ?wnnniW W Dy IW U.j. UPpifl - - * ? * - - ? ? ? i >? >i ? ? ** ? ? men? Of nouvny mw u?omi urvpiop ment. The hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 1 INI, at 7:Sp.m. to explain toe features of toe CDBG progr aflt, proposed activities and to raceme citijen cofflffieiHs on Ihe content of a pre application tor grant tonds. The CwncH wHi also dhcwss toe ctow?il of toe King Street Community Develop ment Program of im. The hearing will be hetd to toe Municipal Building on Grufeb Street and Is open to aN Interested cifiim W.O Cox. Mayor Hertford, North Carolina OK.M.K3I NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Hawing qualified as E*ecutorj?Mtie deceased. Mite si Perquimans Canty. North Canto*, toft ll to notify all Hertford, N.C. en ar before toe Wto day of June. >tol or toh notice will be pleaded to bar of toetr reowery M LEGALS NOTICE Of ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Executrix of the ?slate of Charles Lloyd Brewer, deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, mis is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at 106 Carolina Street. P. O. Box 111, Hertford, N.C. on or before the ltth day of June, mi or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate wW please make immediate payment. This Hth day of December, W. Dorothy Corey Brewer, Executrix Charles Lloyd Brewer, Dee d Dec. H. M. 31, Jan. I NOTICE Of ADMINISTRATION CTA of the estate of Befle 0. Byrum deceased, late of Perquimans County, North Carolina, this K to notify all having cl^inis of said deceased It exhibit them to It* , Ml nni|i. j ? | ij n ? gj y f tfWtfWwf on or before Ihe lllh day of June. till, or yyllj recovery. All persons IwdebliU to said ^yj|| payment. TMs and day of December. UN Thmtas Preston Byrum Administrator. CTA. of Befle O. Byrum, Oec'd. Oac. II.N.MJI AS VtkHkl cr?# year, the ki||tit I See B the I Ik* MMjr kcM to earn toll ? a great IbMhbi thertokafptfttogMtai the resalt euN be all of the the vie af borrowed eapitaL Pajriai these exhorbitaat toterest rates may be more ?f a bordea tbaa maay farmers la spite at the coacera this caases. 1 * have faith to the farmer's ability to tarn a mtoas toto a phis aad I think this wiK kappea tkis time. 1 kaovlkapesaaadlalsokaow it mast * we are to hare the food sapply we kave i to take for granted. 1 AUTOMOTIVE TntHr?r w?rtct*? ?>????? in? in bn> EASTERN GATE DAT SUN EMMCi)) ntW Cm?mi ?A ft lnt? iim> mMi rilWWIl *r*n ONE SW SEB VTCE STATION ?M?m parts sm?? t?>>w e*n * ?mw? trim. WACO'S WElCXWG $S?V)CE 4? UPHQiSttWY BOB'S oPHOtSTE** SHOP <*? In< Mh %rwiH?r? WtlniAMtM H? MB ggaaaas wlirt# Fa* Mw pmlnni?tfi SUTTON KfMIWIW Htrwt HM NMMMB HOME IMPROVEMENTS MEW AMNTtONS Bathrooms kit <?? WHIH. ?t?lity. all types XH4W OttMir* CM T EAST CAROLINA HOME IM W*OVE/*ENT Vinyl I interior I n tenor riwomli?9 work Estimates. s??1??rtar?e(ofcs.4K?*lttSitss LANDSCAPING LEARY PLANT FARM complete ?es>?n service Commercial 4 m?i. RADIO TELEVISION LAY OEN S RADIO I TV Qwsar TV sates I service Crtit I Panasonic ratios. Ml lpplmiu sates ft repair*. PLUMBING HEATING electrical and service, etectricai contractor LLOYD R "*LUTCM" OAIL H4 }m ' MOMOTt YOU* BUSINESS Oft SIVVtCE KM OMIT SS KR WCtK! WINSLOW-BLANCHARD AO TO* CO SfeS"0* F^RD NnKMM.-MMw.-Fii MtlrMS*. isi7R,NEtmm.iu. dealer's uc. Rami USED CAR BUYS n IhuiKtertMrd J6.000.00 V8. AT, PS, AC, R, 79 Lincoln Tawn Car $9,000.00 V?, AT. PS, AC, *. 79 Faimwt,44r. SSJSM9 4cy? . AT PS AC *. 79 Piato, Wagon $4,750.00 4-cyl., AT, PS. AC. 71 hate,**. U500.H 4-cyl . . AT AC *. 77 Far* LTD, 4*. $MSMI va. at. ac PS. a. 7$ Lincoln Mark IV $M*M va. AT. PS, AC 71 Gitalia Mr. $2,895.00 V? AT PS AC H 75 M|? Qttrfir, 24r. $2,200.00 AC PS. ft, AT. New Cor Bargain! 1980 Fiesta No. 2850 4<yL. 4-spd. flip up opan oir roof. h?o*y duty pockogt, radio Hnt?d glon. 38 M.P.G. (EPA??t.) Jtvv (S1MS.M B0MI) S1SJS FOR 4t MOTHS wwumwicum USED TRUCK BUYS TIOmlVm IVatM Vt. AT, PS. AC 79mcm?c?n VK'smm ? Nn.ACK.AT. 7IM4H $M*M Vt AT. PS. It, AC 7SMF1S9 SUIMI Vt, AT. PS, AC It 7i ant. at pLmw Vt.AT.lt HfMRK TWtJIt vt, AT, PS. Pt 4<yL.4^d.ltSa 7SMF2SI WW! AC. PS. Vt. AT. Ift. TSfMRSI SUM! Vt.AT.PStR.lL 74Mnn nmm VS. ST. PS. p% 740wl4i4 S2JMUM V*. AT. PS. P?. !4MFIS? ttJNMI WUAT.M.

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