BUSINESS Spruill receives a Certificate of Achievement upon successful completion of each seminar from William Dillard. supervisor, technical education, kitchen products. 1 Spruillattendstrainingseminar BENTON HARBOR. MI, June IS, 1984- Jan Spruill, owner of Community Gas & Coal Service in Hertford, recently attended a three week appliance service seminar conducted by Whirlpool Corporation at its John H. Platts Educational Center in Benton L Harbor, Michigan. During the first week, the "Kitchen Products Technical Seminar" covered the theory of operation as well as complete troubleshooting and problem diagnosis for microwave ovens, dishwashers, compactors and ranges. Refrigeration fundamentals and diagnostic techniques, including sealed systems, for Whirlpool refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners . were Pig-Pickin slated The Perquimans County Jaycees and Jaycettes are again k hosting an afternoon of family fun and games with an evening of spectular fireworks at Missing Mill Park. A pig picking supper will be held Friday, June 29th from 3-7 p.m. at the Perquimans County High School to help sponsor this event. Donations $3.50 a plate. Can you imagine 4th of July without fireworks over the Perquimans River? Come out and support this event, June 29th. Contact Greg Biggs after 6 p.m. for tickets 426-5864. covered during the second week in the "Refrigeration Seminar." A "Home Laundry Technical Seminar" held the third week covered laundry fundamentals and diagnostic techniques, including installation, electrical and mechanical systems, solid state electronics controls and water systems and filters for automatic washers and dryers. Special attention was given to the importance of correct problem diagnosis in extensive "hands-on" work sessions. Disassembly, components checking and the proper use of electrical test instruments were also stressed. Students diagnosed products with known defective parts to develop and enhance diagnostic skills. Comprehensive tests were included throughout the seminar to evaluate progress. Letfc close the bode on forest fires. Srrvice *f This Ncwspyer & Tht t*lll|iiy Omndl I Directorysolicitation confusing ROCKY MOUNT-Business and professional firms in eastern North Carolina may be confusing listings in a private national "classified directory" with Yellow Pages advertising in their local telephone directories. B. C. Nixon, Carolina Telephone and Telegraph Company directory manager, ?aid the toliciation by Intra State Telecommunications of New York, N. Y. , has no connections with Carolina Telephone. "I have received inquiries from a number of business people in Carolina Telephone's service area who thought they were buying space in our ? .^?lements CHARLOTTE-NCNB NaUonal Bank is implementing a 96 million branch automation project expected to be completed throughout the bank's statewide network by early 1985. When completed, the new system will computerize many routine transactions. Customers will find that such tasks as changing addresses on accounts or consolidating accounts will be quicker, simpler and easier. The new system, which consolidates all account information about a customer in one place with the latest in banking industry technology, also will improve NCNB's ability to help its customers get the most for their money frm bank products and services. "Customers will see that the bank is more able to appreciate how much business each of them does with NCNB," said Buddy Kemp, president of the bank. Thus, NCNB will be better able to tailor individual accounts to more completely satisfy customer needs. Ultimately, Kemp said, the automation will enable NCNB to offer customers better prices and service and more innovative products. company's telephone directory," Dixon said. "In view of Intra State Telecommunications' approach, we at Carolina Telephone are concerned that our customers could be misled by the material they are receiving to believe that this is a solicitation for Carolina Telephone Yellow Pages. Carolina Telephone is in no way related to Intra State Telecommunications of New York, N. Y. , and any space purchased from them will appear in their publication and not in the familiar Yellow Pages of our telephone book." PRE 4TH OF JULY SALE Monday & Tuesday Only Big reductions throughout the store. Come by early for the best selection. Owners Mr. & Mrs. Joe Meads and Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Jones wish you and yours a r safe holiday. /\ ^ - . a Vn i G&W BUILDING & PLUMBING SUPPLY OPENING JULY 2ND FORMERLY HARRIS PLUMBING & BUILDING located 206 Periy Street Hertford, N.C. NEW EXPANDED INVENTORY! WE WILL DELIVER! OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS! New Proprietors - W.A. "Billy" White Bill Glover 426-5576