Church Sunday School lesson Sermon tells Christians how to live MAKE PEACE. (Matthew 5:#; 38-tt; Luke 6:31; 34-3?) "Blessed are the peacemak ers: For they shall be called the Children of God." (Matthew 5:9) The Matthew scripture given for today's study is part of Jesus' sermon on the mount. Christ gave this sermon sometime about the middle of His Galilean ministry; probably A.0. 28. In it, He is not telling us how to be I ? . l Dear Friends, Prearranging and prefi nancing of funerals has be come a sensible way to relieve your survivors of that burden at time of death. With prefinancing, the funds are placed in trust with a local bank of your choice. Usually the in terest earned exceeds the inflating funeral costs, and a refund to your estate is most probable. Discuss both pre-arrangement and prefinancing with us, at Swindell Funeral Home Inc. Respectfully, saved, rather, bow we, as Chris tians, are to live. Jesus had said, in the proceed ing verses that He had not come to do away with Jewish laws, but to fulfull them. That is, fill them full. In response to questions put forward by some Jewish leaders, notably the Pharisees, He began re-interpreting the old religion in light of His coming? and the needs of the new day. It is interesting to note, how ever, that in each instance where Htf re-intet-preted the law, He did not lower the demand of the law but raised it. In today's scripture verses 38-48 we are given an ex cellent example of this. Our scripture lesson begins with Mat thew 5:9 which is one of the "Be atitudes" which Jesus cited just prior to giving the sermon on the mount. PEACEMAKING. (Matthew 5:9) The Beatitudes each begin with Let us help you choose a beauti ful memorial to appropriately perpetuate the memory of a loved one. Call or come by soon! Our Only location Mwy 17 South ocrott Ifom Whuffing Pint* Hours Monday Friday SAM 5PM Sot ur day I A M 12 Noon 399-1570 Jollith A SHoilo Clifton owmu the word blessed. If the word blessed means "happy" as many theologians believe, then Jesus is saying "happy are the peace makers." Christ had much to say about peace; He emphasized it. He came to bring peace to the world. As He said on one occasion, not peace as the world knows it, but an inward personal peace that comes only when people have the right relationship with the Fa ther. However, in this verse of scripture, Jesus is emphasizing the role of peacemaking. He is speaking of the influence of a life of promoting harmony among people. Paul, when writ ing the epistle to the church at Rome, said, "How Beautiful are the feet of them that preach the Gospel of Peace." (Romans 10:15) In matters of controversy, Christian people ought always be on the side peace. JESUS' WAY OF PEACE (Matthew 5:38; Luke 6:31) Many years ago I heard an evangelist preach a sermon on the "Four ways to give," refer ring to Christians' every day in teractions with others. He said, "To give good for good is human; to give evil for evil is beastly; to give evil for good is devilish; but to give good for is evil is devine." It was an impressive sermon and I remember most of it. . Under the Old Testament law, people were commanded to love God first, and secondly they were to love their neighbors, as noted in the book of Leviticus. It isn't too difficult ot love lovely people, however, the problems for people come into play when we are ad monished to love the unlovely, evil, despicable people. That kind of love is not a hu man trait, and I dare say that hu manly speaking it borders on the impossible. In verse 44 of this scripture text Jesus says, "But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate, and pray for them who despitefully use you, and persecute you." If we are unable to do this hu manly, how then may we fulfill God's command that we do it? If we love, and bless, and do good to those who do us harm it is be cause of the devine element that is within us. As Christian believ ers, we are indwelled with God, the Father, God, the Son and God, the Holy Spirit, and they be come our enablers. It is through devine power that we are able to transcend our hu maness and love our enemies. The Lord expects us to walk obe diently before Him and to walk in daily fellowship with Him, and He will enable us to overcome our human tendacies of actions an re-actions in our relationship with others. "Be ye therefore merciful, as your father also is merciful." (Luke 6:36) (Lesson based on the Interna tional Sunday School Lessons) "LOVE, PEACE, AND JOY" George Wilmore, Pastor Mt. Sinai Baptist Church Hertford, N.C. When a man who has been living in sins turns from his sins, and turns to God with all his heart, he is met on the threshold of the divine life by these sister graces. The love of God is shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Spirit. The peace of God comes at the same time, and also the joy of the Lord. We can all put the test to ourselves, if we have them. It is not anything that we can make. The great trouble with many is that they are trying to make these graces. They are trying to make love; they are try ing to make peace; they are trying to make joy. But they are not creations of human planting. To pro duce them of ourselves is impossible. That is an act of God. They come from above. It is God who speaks the word and gives the love; it is God who gives the peace; it is God who gives the joy, and we possess all by receiving Jesus Christ by faith into the heart; for when Christ comes by faith into the heart, then the Spirit is there, and if we have the Spirit, we will have the fruit. "Make love, not war" as a popular slogan of the last decade. The scriptures say, "God is love", now, how are we going to make God? Love is to be re ceived, and with love comes peace and joy. If the whole church of God would live as the Lord would have them live, Christianity would be the mightiest power this world has ever seen. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meek ness, temperance, against such there is no law. . .If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit." (Galatians 5:22, 23, 25) THE MESSAGE ON THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED BY THE MERCHANTS AND PA TRONS LISTED HERE. Church News Women's Aglow to meet The Elizabeth City of Women's Aglow will meet Saturday, Feb ruary 15th, 9:00 a.m. at Virginia Dare House on McMorrine Street. Our guest speaker is Jean Wilson of Currtuck. A brunch will be served. This meeting is open to the public. For more informa tion, call 330-2647. Semi- Annual Circuit Meet held More than 1400 Jehovah's Wit nesses and friends met Saturday and Sunday at the Washington High School, Washington, N.C. for their Semi-Annual circuit as sembly. The theme of this assembly, according to Kelly Bond, local minister, was "Love For The Worldwide Brotherhood." "Love for one another proved to be ab solutely necessary for the dis ciples of Jesus Christ in the first century. In this 20th Century it is just as necessary that such love be shown. The program was de signed to consider many aspects of this love that is so necessary as a bonding agent, holding God's people together in unity and integrity," said Bond. Principal speaker for the two day event was D. Raftopoulos from the world headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses. The climax of the two-day assembly came Sunday afternoon when Mr. Raf topoulos spoke on the subject "A Worldwide Brotherhood Saved from Calamity." In his address Mr. Raftopoulos identified the true brotherhood as faithful and loyal Christians dedicated to de claring abroad Jehovah God's name and the good news of His established kingdom through His son, Jesus Christ. "Among Jeho vah's Witnesses there is a real international brotherhood,", he said. Raftopoulos also identified the "calamity" to be that which is spoken of in the Bible as Arma geddon and pointed out how sur vival of a worldwide brotherhood was foreshadowed by ancient types, such as Noah and his fam ily, Jehovah's deliverance of the Israelites from Egypt, and sav ing of first-century christians when Jerusalems was destroyed in 70 C.E. Concluding his address Mr. Raftopoulos drew attention to the Bible's requirement to be saved with the "Worldwide, Brotherhood." One of the highlights of the as sembly came Saturday when 8 new Witnesses were baptized. These new ones have joined over three million other Witnesses who spend much of their time teaching the Bible to interested persons free of charge. First Baptist to hold service Sunday school begins at 9:45 a.m. Morning worhip begins at 11:00 a.m. with Pastor London preaching from the subject "The Fate of God's Word." Luke 8:15. The senior choir is singing under the direction of Mrs. Barbara Shannon. ? Fellowship Union to meet The Perquimans County Fellowship Union will be held at the Melton Grove Baptist Church Winfall, NC. The Rev. Joseph L. Wills and Pooles Grove Baptist Church will be in charge. The Rev. John W. Law, Host Pastor. The Rev. J. H. London, Presi dent. The meeting is scheduled for Sunday at 7:00 p.m. Gospel Singers to give concert The Gates County Caranan Gospel Singers will give a con cert at St. Paul A.M.E. Zion Church, Hertford, NC, Sunday, February 23, 1986, at 3:00 p.m. The public is invited to attend. Church Unity Service held The Elizabeth City area Min isterial Association sponsored an Ecumenical Prayer Service at the Cornerstone Baptist Church on Sunday, February 2, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. The service was at tended by more than 400 mem bers of various denominations in recognition of the nation-wide ob servance of Church Unity Week. The Rev. John London, Pastor of First Baptist Church, Hertford and Sister Helen Scanlon, MSBT, Director of Catholic Social Min istries of the Albemarle Region represented Perquimans County. The Rev. Earl Alexander, Pas tor of Pearl Street Pentacostal Church was chairman of this an nual event. The Rev. John Trot man, President of the Ministerial Association, was host pastor. The sermon, delivered by the Rev. Brad Horgett, Pastor of North side Assembly of God, was a stirring reminder that we are "Commissioned to Witness to Christ." Greetings, Scripture texts and prayers were offered by min isters representing Disciples of Christ, Baptist and Luthern de nominations. A combined choir offered hyms of praise accom pained by Dr. Olive Wilson and under ther direction of Mrs. Lo retta Daniels. The Senior Choir of the host church provided re freshments for all following the service. I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who remembered me in their prayers. Also, for the cards, vis its, flowers, food, telephone calls and all other expressions of kindness shown me and my family while I was a patient in Albemarle Hospital and since my return home I shall always be grateful. Iona Baker The family of Daniel Robertson would like to thank their friends, families, and neighbors for the prayers, visits, cards, food and other acts of kindness bestowed upon us at the death of our loved one. Your though tf ulness and ex pressions of kindness will always be remembered. Clodie Hunter and family, Polly Robertson, Ray mond ( Funnyboy ) Rogerson and family I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the flowers, visits, gifts, and prayers since my surgery. Your though tf ulness will always be remembered. Cheryl Phillips