Classifieds 4HBLP VAMTB WORK AT HOME No ?xp?ri?Kt necevury Write Cottage Indus tr?es, 1487V, Jenkins, Norman, Ok lahoma 73069 Juno it July f 1-wm.muu Form and commercial buildings ?or sale J H Cutrell Co.. call 1IOO 682 7777 Washington, N.C. ttn Rich, black topsoil. white sand. Best available We deliver or load your truck. 2*4 2361. May 20, ttn MrMTaraafY Antique collector will pay up to 15000 00 tor good early antique sec retary Calf Williamsburg, (104) 220 2595 nights. June II, 25, July 2 bmvmuwmvmma OWN YOUR OWN Apparel or Shoe Store, Choose From: Jean Sports wear, Ladies AppareJ, Mens, Chil drens Maternity, Large Sizes, Pe tite, Dancewear Aerobic, Bridal, Lingerie or Accessories Store. Add Color Analysis. Brands: Liz Clair borne. Gasoline. Healthtex, Levi, Lee, Camp Beverly Hills, Saint Michele, Chaus, Outback Red. Gen esis, Forenza, Organically Grown, Over 1000 Others. Or $13.99 One Price Designer, Multi Tier, Pricing Discount or Family Shoe Store. Re tail prices unbelievable for Quality shoes normally priced from $19. Top $80 Over 450 Brands 4600 styles. $14,800 to $26,900: Inventory, training, fixtures, grand opening, airfare, etc. Can Open 15 Days. Mr. Keenan (305 ) 366 8606 July 2 13-P10PMTY FOR SALE Holiday Island Large selection of wooded quarter acre lots for resale by individual owners. Oft water lots average $2,500 Canal lots average $6,000 Soundfront lots $15,000-to $20,000 GIFFORD REALTY Ted Weeks, REALTOR 426-7653 Dec. 13, ttn 1 acre of land with sess pool and well for sale Call anytime, 426 5553. July 2, 9, 16. 23 1 acre of land for sale near Hurdle town. Call 264 2524 anytime. June 11 July 2 1970 2 Bedroom Mobile Home for sale in Hertford. Call 426 2421. June 18 July 9 14-AtfTOS FN WE CARS JEEPS 4 TRUCKS under $300 BUY DIRECT! Loca* Gov't sales SIEZED & REPO vehicles Call NOW? (Refundable) 1 518 459 3734 Ext J 5629 for into. 24 HRS June 25, July 2. 9, 16 LEfiAL ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS EPA Project No. C370526 02 OWNER ; Town of Hertford p o Box 32 Hertford, Norm Carolirfe 2T9u Separate sealed B I OS for the con struct, on Of a sanitary sewer treat ">ent, interceptor and collection project including: CONTRACT I Wastewater Treat ment System Improvements A. Complete revisions of the wastewater pretreatment unit B The furnishing and installation <* the new proposed blower unit in the existing control building C The furnishing and installation of the dome diffuser aeration sy, tem, including the removal and dis Posal of the existing treatment unit components D The furnishing and complete construction of the new clarifier unit. E The furnishing and complete construction of the new aerobic sludge digester unit. F The furnishing and complete construction of the new chiorina tion unit. G The furnishing and complete construction of the new sludge dry ing beds H. Site piping revisions, including valves, piping, finings, bypass box revisions, and I Demolition, removal and cleanup of the existing sludge drv ing beds, and J Site work, including fencing re moval and replacement, grading and construction of gravel roads, seeding and mulching and nec essary erosion control measures * *" *'ecf leal work associated with these revisions will be received by The Town Board of Commissioners for Hertford at Tw?n Hertford. North Ca ..lina until 2.00 p.m., Wednes Au9u" 'J. 1W7 and then at -.d office publicly opened and read aloud The CONTRACT DOCUMENTS may be examined at the following locations: Hertford Town Hall. Herttort. North Carolina *GC P'*n "oam Raleigti, char Greensboro D#*? Plan Room, Raleigh *T. Green & Associates. P.A.. SSf Jon? Franklin Rd 1*4. Raleigh. North Carolina. Any contract or contract, iirs? Soi? uo,,*r ?I funded in part by ? gr^t from IB* the United State* Environmental Protection Agency. Neither the United State* nor any of It* depart merit*, agencies or employee* i* or will be a party of this invitation for Bids or any resulting<ontract. Thi* pra corement will be subiect to regula lions contained in 40 CFR 33 pub lished May 12, 19t2 The BIDDER agrees to abide by the requirements under Presidents Executive Order No. 11,24* as amended, which prohibit discrimi nation in employment regarding race, creed, color, sex and national origin. The BIDDER agrees to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 19*4, the Davis Bacon Act, The Anti Kickback Act. the Contract Work Hours Standards Act, and 40 CFR 35.93* F The BIDDER must certify that he has or has not participated in a previous contract or subcontract subject to Executive Order No. 11,24* (regarding Equal Employ ment Opportunity) as amended. The BIDDER agrees to make positive efforts to utilize small busi nesses and minority owned busi nesses. The BIDDER agrees to fully comply with the requirements and conditions of EPA's regulation, 41 CFR *0-4, in regard to affirmative action, to insure equal employment opportunity to females and minori ties, and to apply the goals and timetables for female and minority employment as set forth in 41 CFR *0 4, if applicable to the project area. Small, minority, and women's businesses and labor surplus area firms are encouraged to submit bids. Copies of the CONTRACT DOCU MENTS may be obtained at the of fice of F.T. GREEN & ASSO CIATES, P A. located at 559 Jones Franklin Rd., Suite 164, Raleigh, North Carolina 2760* upon payment of $100 00 per set. I Any BIDDER, upon returning the I CONTRACT DOCUMENTS in good | condition, within fourteen (14) days I after the bii opening, will be re funded the payment, and any non bidder upon so returning the CON TRACT DOCUMENTS will be re funded one half ( '/? ) of the deposit. Dated : June 23, 1987 William D. Cox, Mayor Town of Hertford June 25, July 2 LEGAL THE TOWN OF HERTFORD, NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOND ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special bond election will be held in the Town of Hertford, North Carolina, on August 11, 1987, for the purpose of submitting to the qual ified voters of said Town the ques tions whether they shall approve or < disapprove (1) the indebtedness to * be incurred by the issuance of bonds of said Town of the maxi mum principal amount of $200,000, which indebtedness shall be se cured by a pledge of the Town's faith and credit, and (2) the levy of a tax for the payment of such bonds, and (3) the bond order enti tled, "BOND ORDER AUTHORIZ ING THE ISSUANCE OF $200,000 SANITARY SEWER BONDS OF THE TOWN OF HERTFORD", adopted by the Town Council to au thorize the issuance of said bonds and the levy of such tax. The $200,000 Sanitary Sewer Bonds are authorized to pay capital costs upgrading and improving the Town's facilities for the collection, treatment and disposal of sewage, including the construction and re construction of sewage facilities and the acquisition and installation of machinery and equipment nec essary for such sewage facilities. The ballots to be used at said election shall contain the words, "SHALL the order authorizing $200,000 of bonds secured by a pledge of the faith and credit of the Town of Hertford to pay capital costs of upgrading and improving the Town's facilities for the codec t?on, treatment and disposal of sew age, including the construction and reconstruction of sewage facilities and the acquisition and installation of machinery and equipment nec essary for such sewage facilities, and a tax to be levied for the pay ment thereof, be approved?" with ! squares labeled "YES" and "NO" beneath or beside such words in which squares the voter may re cord his choice. In the event a majority of the qualified voters voting at said elec tion vote to approve the order, the incurring of indebtedness and the levy of a tax related thereto, said bonds shall be issued and taxes shall be levied for the payment of such bonds. The polls for the election will open at the hour of 6:30 o'clock, A.M. and will close at the hour of 7 .30 o'clock, P.M. The polling place for the election will be at the Per quimans County Court House, on Church Street, in Hertford. The registration records for said election will be kept open at the of fice of the Perquimans County Board of Elections, at 104 Dobbs Street, In Hertford, from 1:30 o'clock. A.M.. un.'l 12:30 o'clock, P.M., each Monday, Wednesday and Friday through July 13, 1ff7. Additionally, the Registrars and Judges o* Election may register voters through July 13. 1W7. The Registrars and Judges may be reached rhrough the Board of ?loc tions at the address set forth above or by telephoning 426 5545 The leaf day of registration for the special uaut ?taction shall be July 13. 1*7. By the order of the Town Council of the Town of Hertford A. Marvin Hunter Town Clerk Town of Hertford. North Carolina June 25, July 3 ORDER OF RESALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTIC SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION File No M SP 13 Before the Clerk STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS SARAH REVELL HARRIS and husband. WILLIE HARRIS; PEARL REV ELL SAUNDERS and husband. JONAS SAUNDERS and EVA REVELL JOHNSON. Widow v. MARY REVELL, Widow, et al WHEREAS, the duly appointed commissioners in the abovecap t toned matter reported to the Court that on June 3. 1987 at 12:00 noon at the courthouse in Hertford, North Carolina, they held a sale of the property described in the petitioned filed herein at which sale I.S. Blan chard was the last and highest bid der for the sum of and IS NOW, THEREFORE, OR DERED and DECREED that the commissioners resell said property as described in the petititon at pub lie auction after due advertisement as required by law. This 18 day of June. 1987. W.J. Ward Clerk of Superior Court. Starting Bid: S11. 128.55 June 25. July 2 NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA PERQUIMANS COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by SHAWN DEN NIS SCHWARZ dated 7 April 1986. and recorded in Book 115, page 307, in the office of the Register ol Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured, and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclo sure, and by order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Perquimans County, North Carolina, entered 8 June 1987, the undersigned attorney for the trustee, under the deed of trust, will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Hert ford, North Carolina at 12:00 noon on the dth day of July 1987, the prop erty conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Bethel Township, Perquimans County, North Carolina described as fol lows: Being Lot 58, Section F, as shown on plat of Snug Harbor Beach, re corded in Perquimans County Pub lie Registry at Plat Book 4, page 53. That this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes, and the highest bidder will be required to make a deposit of ten per cent (10 percent) of the bid price. This the 8th day of June, 1987. Walter G. Edwards, Jr. Trustee June 25, July 2 NOTICE OF RESALE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION File NO.: 86 SP 13 Before the Clerk STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS SARAH REVELL HARRIS and husband WILLIE HARRIS: PEARL REV ELL SAUNDERS and husband, JONAS SAUNDERS and EVA RE VELL JOHNSON, Widow V. MARY REVELL, Widow, et al Under and by virtue of the Order of Resale of W. Jarvis Ward, Clerk of Superior Court of Perquimans County, the undersigned as Com missioners appointed by order dated December 16, 1986 sha'l offer for sale the property described be low on the 10th day of July 19t7 at 12:00 noon at the Perquimans County Courthouse door in Hert ford. North Carolina. The property is located in Bethel Township, Per quimans County and consists of ap proximately 20 acres with road frontage of approximatley 645 feet. 916 acres is cleared, cultivated land with a small house on the road in one corner; the remaining 10.51 acres is woodland. The property is more poarticularly described as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pipe on NC Road No. 1339 at the Stallings property; thence South 77 degrees 12' 10" East 140.70 feet along the highway to an iron pipe; thence continuing along the highway South 67 degrees 32' 50" East 330.30 feet to an iron pipe; thence continuing along the highway South 71 degrees 54' 30" East 160.67 feet, cornering; w tan thence South 0 diyin 09' 30" Cast 1J01.J3 feet along me modre lint end through on axle to an iron pip*, cor noring , Nmacc Morth 7J degrees 4*' Wast 390.15 toot to an iron pipe/ centering. thence North 0 dp great 14' 39" Watt along ma L.C. Elliott and Stalling* property a die tance of 1.W 4Q feet to the POINT ANO PLACE OF BEGINNING Alto Known as the Reveil Prop erty. mi* tract of land has bean sur veyad by S Elmo Williams. Regis tared Surveyor, on March 4. 1*03, said Survey being incorporated by reference heroin. This sale is to be made for cash, and the highest bidder will bo re quired to deposit ten percent (10 percent) of his bid with the Clerk of Supecior Court of Perquimans County. The opening bid will be Sit, fa. 55. This the 10th day of June, 1907. TRIMPI, THOMPSON 4 NASH By: John G. Trimpi, Commissioner Attorney for Petitioner Telephone: 919 330-0104 JANICE MCKENZIE COLE By: Janice McKenzie Cole, Com missioner Attorney for Respondent Telephone: 919 436 0202 June 25, July 2 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OP REAL ESTATE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT D'VISION Before the Clerk File No. 87 SP-04 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS In the matter of the Foreclosure of the Deed of Trust of TRANSCO FINANCIAL GROUP, LTD., A Florida General Partnership, Grantor TO: GEORGE S. JACKSON, Trustee As recorded in Book 112, Page 797 Perquimans County Registry Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that cer tain Deed of Trust executed and de livered by TRANSCO FINANCIAL GROUP, LTD., dated August 28, 1985, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Perqui mans County, North Carolina in Book 112, Page 797, and because of default in the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out or perform the stipylstions and agreements therein contained, and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and pursuant to the Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Perquimans County, North Caro Una, entered in this foreclosure pro ceeding, the undersigned, George S. Jackson, Trustee, will expose for sale at public auction on the 8th day of July, 1987 at 10:00 A.M. at the door of the Perquimans County Courthouse, Hertford, North Caro lina, the following described real property: Lots 198 308, inclusive,as shown onplat of Holdiay Island, Section Q recorded at Plat Book 4, Page 297, Perquimans County Public Regis try. The sale will be made subject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, re strictions and easements of record and assessments, if any. The record owner of the above described real property as re flected on the records of the Perqui mans County Register of Deeds, not more than ten (10) days prior to the posting of this Notice, is TRANSCO FINANCIAL GROUP, LTD. Pusuant to North Carolina Gen eral Statutes, Section 45-21.10 (b) and the terms of the Deed of Trust, any successful bidder may be re quired to deposit with the Trustee immediately upon conclusion of the sale a cash deposit of five (5 per TILDON WHITEHURST SAND ROCK LANDSCAPING DEMOLISHING LOT CLEARING CALL: HOME 264-3219 : OFFICE 264-3027 TED WEEKS, REALTOR SMCfAUZINO IN Holiday Island Lots ? Cottages Mobile SHomes 426-7653 Holiday Island Bex 275 Hartford, N.C ism cant) percent of the bid. Any mic cessfui bidder shell be required to tender ttie full belence of the pur chase price so bid in ceeh or certi fied check et the time the Trustee tender* to him a deed for the prop erty or attempt* to tender such deed, and should said successful bidder fail to pay the full balance of the purchase price so the bid at that time, he shall remain liable on his bid as provided for in North Caro lina General Statutes. Sections 45-21.30 (d) and (a). This the 15th dey of June. IW. George S. Jackson Trustee Post Office Box 474 Elizebeth City. NC 27909 (919) 339 5111 June 25. July 2 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ES TATE IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION File NO. 97 SP 09 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF PERQUIMANS IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE CLOSURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST OF J. TILDON WITEHURST, JR. and Wife. PATRICIA H. WHITE HURST. Grantors to: J. FRED RILEY. Trustee As recorded in Book 111. at Page 121 of the Perquimans Public Registry. Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that ce tain Deed of Trust executed and de livered by J. Tildon Whitehurst, Jr. and wife, Patricia H. Whitehurst, dated April 22, 1995, and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Perquimans County, North Carolina, in Book 111, at Page 121 and because of default in payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and failure to carry out or perform the stipula tions and agreements therein con tained and pursuant to the demand of the owner and holder of the in debtedness secured by said Deed of Trust, and pursuant to the Order of the Clerk of Superior Court of Per quimans County, North Carolina, entered in this foreclosure proceed I MM ing, the undarsigned, Thomas P. N?l), IV. Substitute Trustee, will tipoat for Ml* at public auction on the l?h dey of July, IW, of 10 00 a.m.. ot tht door of mo Perquimans County Courthouse, Hertford, North Carolina, the following da scriboO raal property (Including tha house and any othor im provement* thoroon) : First Tract: Beginning In the western boundary of the New Hope Woodville Road in the center of that ditch that divides the lands da scribed herein from those of Jerry W. Whedbee; thence binding said road North 2) degrees 45' West 444 feet to the center of a ditch; thence down the center of said ditch South 66 degrees 4 r West 1.548 2 faet to the center of another ditch; thence down the center of other ditch South 28 degrees East 1,019.2 foot to the center of the first mentioned ditch; thence down the center of the first mentioned ditch North 43 degrees East 1,400 feet to the western boundary of the New Nope-Wood ville Road, being the point of begin ning and being Tract No. I on that plat entitled "Tildon Whitehurst, Jr., Perquimans County, North Carolina" dated April 3, 1972, made by S. Elmo Williams, Registered Surveyor, containing 26.6 acres. Second Tract: Beginning in the southwestern corner of the first mentioned tract in the center of a ditch and in the northern boundary of the Bill Cartwright lands; thence down the center of said ditch South 63 degrees 30' West 429 feet, South 48 degrees 29' West 705.2 feet, South 51 degrees 23' West 194 feet to a con crete marker. South 47 degrees 28' West 1,340 plus or minus feet to the intersection of said ditch with an other ditch; thence binding other lands of J. Tilton Whitehurst, Sr., and wife, Norma S. Whitehurst down the center of a ditch North 23 degrees 45' West 1,220 feet plus or minus to the center of another ditch; thence down the center of said ditch North 50 degrees 30' East 667 feet. North 39 degrees West 302 feet to the center of another ditch; thence down the center of said ditch North 67 degrees 30' East 1,9043 feet to the western boundary of Tract No. 1 described herein; thence down the center of said ditch bind ing Tract No. 1 South 28 degrees East 935.6 feet to the center of the first mentioned ditch at the south west corner of Tract No. 1, being POlflt Of Tract No. 1 described Mid Mln MHd on the aforementioned plot, ond containing H? acres The sole will bo modo subject to oil prior lions, unpold taxes, re strictions ond OHOfftontt of rocord ond ououmontt. if ony. The rocord owner(s) of the above described rool estate ot rofloctod on tho rocord* of the Perquimans County Register of Deeds not more than ten (10) doys pr ior to tho post ino of this Notice ore J. Titdon Whitehorst, Jr., ond wife, Patricia H. Whitehorst Pursuant to North Corollno Gen erol Statute 45-21. Wto), ond the terms of the Deed of Trust, ony suc cessful bidder may bo required to deposit with tho Substitute Trustee immediately upon conclusion of the solo o cosh deposit of ton percent (10 percent) of the amount of the bid up to ond including one thou sand dollars ($1,000.00), plus five ptfcml (5 ptrontl 0# any exce^ over tM thouaend dollar* (tlJMJM. Any aucceaatgi MddaT ?Hall to required Is tender tut t\ij t purchaae price to Md m caeh < titled check at I tute Trual tor tha property or attempta to te^a* der auch dead, and theuld aaid a ceeatul bidder (all to pay the i balance of the purchase price to b)4 at that time, he (halt remain iiebHj on hi* bid at provided ot In Nori? Carolina General Statute 4i* 21 30(d) and <e?. Thia tale will be held open t?C ( It) day* for upaet bid* aa required by ( This the tth day of May, 1*7. % " Thomas P. Nash, IV ? > Substitute Trustee 114* N. Road Street Elixabeth City, NC 77090 Telephone: 919-3384104 June 25, July 7 Top Prices For your commodity certificates we quote daily prices. HERTFORD SUPPLY CO. INC. 426-5591 Bill Herman Marketing Representative for C-4 Media Cable 'Spacial Discount Packaga Available Naw MmwmI Availabla COMING SOON Arrowhead. Snug Harbor, Winfall CALL 426-8B28 The Matt Hk* to buy auto parts. ONE STOP as*. AUTO PARTS. IMC. ToEE^r^erTJorcT""? 426-5706 Growing with Pride ? Serving Omp Customers Better Mon.-Fri. 9:00-6:00 Sat. 8:00-5:00 * First In The Albemarle Area * ? HEAR Computerized 4-Wheel Alignment System T-A-C?4 2-Wheel Alignment '19.95 ? 4-Wheel Alignment '49.95 NOW OFFERING FARM BUREAU PRODUCTS farm im BUREAU SERVICE COMPANY SATKMAB* TIRES ? TIRES ? TIRES Good Prices BMDGESTOne Quality HFGoodrich AC Service ? Custom Made Hydraulic Hoses ASK ABOUT OUR NEW QUICK CREDIT SYSTEM Interstate Tire Company Quick Credit We honor all these cards In our store ^ * 180' x 14' Fleetwood -,*198" ? I <- - ? - - i ? - ?? - ?? . t< Longest Home In N. C. Is At AZALEA" ? Stereo ? Storm Windows ? Frost Free Refriq. ? Furniture ? Free Set-Up ? Cathedral Ceiling I [z. I mmmmm iSrieTn, 12.S 135. AZALEA MOBIL1 Highway 64 By-Pass Willhmston, N. C. Phone 792-1141

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