WEDNESDAY. JULY 11,1973 THE TRIBUNAL AID PAGE 3 THE FOLLOWING ESTABLISHMENTS INVITE YOU TO ATTEND THE CHURCH OF YOUR CHOICE HAIZLIP FUNERAL HOME 206 Fourth St. 882-4134 High Point, N.C. BILL'S CASH WHOLESALE R.F.D. 3 BOX 118 PH. 431-2427 TRINITY, N. C. SPECIALTIES - NOTIONS - CIGARS § ■ 1 COMMUNITY SHOE SHOP “WHERE GREAT THINGS HAPPEN” 2312 N. Patterson Ave. Winston-Salem, N’. C. 727-9047 JEWEL BOX 416 N. Liberty St. Keepsake Diamond Bulova Watch Manager Troy L. Featherson 725-0431 ';; SHAW’S GULF SERVICE Complete Car Service 1522 N. Liberty 748-9905 DR. E. J. LOVE, PASTOR NEW HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA The Race And The Goal This one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which HOLIDAY LINCOLN MERCURY 2100 S. Main S 2400 W. Green Dealer 1699 phone 883-0514 Phme 883-4181 Phone 883-4957 are before, I press toward the mark for the prize. Philippians 3:13, 14. The Apostle here is letting us see the secret of his own life and telling us what made his the sort of Christian that he was. strenuous concentration and these are the things that contribute to success in any field of hfe. “WE MUST MAKE GOD’S AIM OUR AIM.” In the testimony of the immediate context. He regards the aim towards which he strains as being (Verses 12, 13). In the summary of the teaching of the immediate context. He took God’s purpose in calling and Christ’s purpose in redeeming him as being his great LOOK! STOP! AND HEAR! MISS TERRY LEE ON WAAA 11:15 SUNDAY to be the same. “GOD’S AIM” The aim stated, what, then, is the aim of God in all that he has done for us? The production in us of God like, and a God pleasing character. “THE IMPORTANCE OF THE AIM” For this all the discipline of life is set in motion. For this we were created, for this we have been redeemed. For this Jesus Christ lived and suffered and died. For this God’s spirit is poured out upon the world. “THE RESULTS OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF GOD’S AIM” It changes man’s estimate of the meaning and the true nature of event. It will give nobleness and blessedness to our lives. How different all our estimates of the meaning and true nature of events FORSYTH FUNERAL HOME “Your Sympathetic Funeral Home” Service With A Smile 1800 Patterson Avenue would be, if we kept before us that their intention was to mold us to the likeness of Jesus Christ our Lord, and saviour. It changes a man’s estimate of nearer objects and aims. Men take these great powers which God has given them to make money, to cultovate their intellects, to secure the gratifications of earthly desires, to make a home for themselves, and all the while the great aim which ought to stand out clear and supreme is forgotten. "FORGETTING THE THINGS THAT ARE BEHIND” Remember and forget past failures and faults. Let us remember them in order that the remembrance may cultivate in us a wise chastening of our self confidence. Let us forget our failures in so far these might paralyze our hopes or make us fancy that frown. “Make God’s aim your aim, concentrate your life’s efforts upon it; pursue it with a wise forgetfulness; pursue it with an eager confidence of anticipation that shall not be put to shame. “Amen” HOOVER’S FUNERAL HOME Since 1921 1113 E. Washington Dr. 882-8424 High Point, N.C. J- THE TRIBUNAL AID P.O. Box 921 High Point, N. C. 27261 (919) 882-3744 MOORE’S FUNERAL HOME 739 E. Washington Dr. 882-4414 High Point, N.C.