WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, i975 ■ ■ . . THE TRIBUNAL AID AGE 7 SHOWS ENTERTAINMENT NEWS Soul Train’s Coming Attraction Dionne Warwicke, one of the most admired and highly regarded vocalists for over a decade, makes her second ap pearance on Soul Train this weekend. poser turned singer, and a new group, the Futures. The lady who was “dis covered” by Burt Bacharach and whose voice has been associated with some of his most memorable tunes, sings in gifted fashion, “Move Me No Mountain”, “Take It From Me” and “Getting It My Way”. Not content to be a per former of international fame, with countless awards and honors to her credit, Dionne Warvricke has resum ed work on a lifelong ambi tion, to earn a master’s degree in music education. m Host Don Cornelius also greets on television’s musical showcase Greg Perry, com- 1 Although not new to show business, having written and produced some of the most popular “crossover” soul-pop songs on the charts in recent years, Greg Perry is just get ting started as a singer. From his first album, “Variety Is The Spice of Life”, he sings “Come On Down-Get Your Head Out Of The Clouds”, and “One For The Road”. Closing out the talent are the Futures with their rendi tion of “I Had A Dream”. ON SIAGE IN PERSON Greensboro nil Coliseum SUNDAt T. f. Productions and WEaL Radio presents 9bpics^«ar -SORRYSIR, I'M JUST NOT THINKING ON ALL FOURS THIS morning/.’" PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS SEA FOOD CENTER 1104 kSHBlRO STREET GREENSBORO. N.C. 274DG Floimders, Shrlmpi Qvsters, Ste^, Mackrel. Cat Fish, Porgies, Black Bass, and other Sea SecureH on Heqiiest . VELMA N.BENNERMAN,PROP. 274-9113 Fisher Named CcMtinued frcm Page 6 He has worked as Virginia Union's director of federal relations, as director of financial aid at Virginia State, as assistant professor of continuing education at Vir ginia State, and as a teacher in Philadelphia. He was an apprentice embalmer and funeral director at Fisher Funeral Home”!!!" Durham from 1963 to 1967. He attended North Carolina Cen tral University at that time, before transferring to Virginia Union. Fisher is an licensed funeral director, having completed the associate in applied scienc degree in mortuary science ai Joiin Tyler Community College in Chester, Va., in 1975. As sports information direc tor at NCCU, the first for whom a position has been budgeted, Fisher will be i .jsponsible for the preparation of athletic programs and brochures, for ticket sales promotions, for compilation and maintenance of athletic statistics, and foi the preparation and distribu tion of news releases to newspapers and broadcasting stations. He will conduct his operation from the office of the athletic director. Freezone is for corns that hurt Absolutely painless. Nodangerous cutting, no ugly pads or plasters, in days, Freezone eases the hurt...safeiy helps ease off the corn. Drop on Freezone—taie off corns. 1Ff©©S(0)Di]©' REMOVES CQ8NS AND CALLUSES 7 p.m. to 12 Mmnight WCOG M ike invites you to listen to 132^ TlwinoieyooRsleD^betterit sounds. Listen for fun ond gamesi IWQ NOW SERVING BREAKFAST Mon.-Sat. 7:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. Ala Carte COUNTRY HAM 2 Eggs, Grits or Hash Browns Biscuits or Toast $1.95 BEACON SAUSAGE 2 Eggs, Grits or Hash Browns Biscuits or Toast Golden Brown Pancakes $1.95 GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION ■ plus- HAROU) MELVIN ANDTHE ' BLUE NOTES” - plus SHARON PAGE 'pluS "THE DYNAMIC SUPERIORS” - TICKET PRICES - $5.50 ijg advance $6.50 Day of ShoW ' On Sale At Greensboro Coliseum Box Office Belk Friendly & 4 Seasons Reznick’s — Winston-Salem Don’t Waste Your Money With Unappreciative Merchants 24" cliain ^ —Sterling silver or sold filled—$19.00 jSue-Beth Jewelry ^^250 Hudson Street, York, N. Y. 10013 B—Zodiac rlne to vlt match lA- bracelet, ?. synthetic birthjtone.* Sterling Silver—115.00 14 K. gold— $56.00 DRIVE Mr First Application Relieves Itchy Sl(in Rash Also Helps Promote Healing Medicated Zemo quickly relieves itching, irritated skin. Then Zemo helps nature heal and clear red, scaly skin rashes externally caused. For fast relief, get Zemo Ointment or Liquid. A—Heavy zodiac pendant or charm.* Sterling silver —$24.00—In 14 K. g"ld —$123.00 A If you are not satisfieil, money refunded within 15 days of pur chase. Return by Insured mall. (Return Receipt requested). Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery. N.Y. State add applicable tax; N.Y.C. add 8%. Send check or money order No Cash or C.O.O.’s C—Man’s moslem mo tif ring. Sterling silver —$25.00 — in 14 K. gold—$129.00 \ A®.' % 0—West Indian style zodiac bracelet.* Sterling silver only—$17.50 'H * All zodiacs available All Jewelry about 8 to 10% larger than shown. THANKS from Greensboro, N. C. ROOD tsio FOR MAKING US ONE OF THE TOP THREE RADIO STATIONS OUT OF THE 30 RADIO STATIONS THAT SHOWED ON THE APRIL/HAY 1974 ARBITRON RADIO SURVEY for Greensboro-High Point. (Parts of the day WEAL was number ONE In certain categories on the survey.) Thanks to you, our listeners.