FU1 VOL. I. NO. 7 Large Audience Hears Concert At Bennett Standing Room Only As Gatlin Presents His Orchestra An audience which taxed the chjimclty of the Little Theater at Bennett college listened Friday evening, Peel 5, to" "the first conre'rt of the year presented by the 40-piece orchestra of the college under the direction of F. Nathaniel Oatlln. There wna stundIng room only aa the progratnmme ^ opened, and latecomers found that even the extra seats, which had been put up In the aisles to accomodate the overflow, were taken they they arrived. - ' * ^ t A highlight of the evening won two ; solos rendered by Mr. Qatlln. "who la ?a'.clarinetist Accompanied by Miss . Edwia Graham, he played Mozart's Concerto for Clarinet' and RlmskyKorsakaw'a Flight of the Bumblebee. '.And-lila renditions were enthuslnatlI cany received. ? w . i/^'Conslderable1 applum**? also greeted ; Miss Evelyn McNeil, student condnc ' tor; as she led the orchestra iu the ?p?|ylng nf Herfuth's Victory March, jcooclodlng number In the' second selections played . Miss Mei No?is also ? violinist g^Other/selections played by the orf^ei^a - included j Wagner's ! March (tronS^.TumliausCr; Ghya' Amaryllis. Rich's- I'oein, and Brahms*-'Hunffitrlan Dance No* 8,' which comprised groyp' of number presented, ^^tte^second ' groups consisted of so? lections from the Bo>?emian Girl and yElklfe, Tchalkowsky's Andante Can&?hD^ and Intermezzo by Provost, as afl the IIer*utl1 ottmher. BjKtfr: Gatlln's 'solos comprised the Jtmrd group' outhe programme, and '_for^ Its concluding numbers the orfraostia'^played Strauss' Talcs from Vienna Woods. Herfuth's Moxlyamj^jiDfl God Bless America by f.Yrrlng Berlin. m Bennett Receives gSearly $1,000 gjfirom Conference wRally Attended By ^Approximately 100 v " s.-r w^Clcrgymen, Laymen" total of nearly $1,300.00 In caah ' and food contributions to Bennett Colr'lefe'froui the 80 charges of the ; .Methodist Conference of North Caroyilnn was reported Tuesday Dec. 2, if al' the annual rally sponsored by the ^^inference for the college. The rally fjw' attended by approximately 100 grgymen and layinen'Trtmt 'the four jgc fJP^cta the' state," who brought fyj Jth'.them about Sl.OOO^ln cash donara gnV and -nearly, three hundred dolJ3 iJ5l^forth'x)f food. ' ? ^ith^late1*reports still coming In j-^rpooh,'"the total^fltruro atood at more twice the amount contribute! at I^BjAvent, latrt-yes^r. The uiiuroal ane^rithe^fally i Is. aUribnted to, the ft^t2>?. f <rar- dl?trtct arifttrlnt? KjgTf 1 (bvQpnfaf?>c<c Ifrh <Wvr*jiOt itiii iii r ! . t URi GREENS Choi i.-.v EO^wwwwr^t ^KfiyEBjJV: |Cj| K XMl Hll I I . '11)6 sixth consecutive annual 1 by the A. and T. ColICRr Choir to of Prof. Warner I.a\vson,will be h B. Harrison Auditorium, Sunday, program, which has grown to be significant musical programs for t T., will consist of appropriate mu? . mas season by the masters, rang! century to the present day. Caroh tries will also form an important gram. /, *. The highlight of the prograu performance in Greensboro of Ra "Alleluia" for rhorus of mixed \ William Brock Held Gn Theft Count He Is Said To Have Broken Into Graino Feed Mill William Brock; 17- - year - old was today charged with hreakln; Into Graino Feet! mill. South Elu street," the night of November 22 am stealing. 100 hags, vnlued at $H police announced,' explaining ' thn Brook w as already 'being -held fo investigation when the warrant wa issued. - <>.; % . Meanwhile,- police' continued thel investigation. "of several * week*en break-los, Including the crluie * a Montgomery ' Ward company ston 232 South Elm street, where inei chandise alued at $185 was taken a: ter an empty aafe had l?een opene and a futile attempt umde to entt another. . ' ^ It was' nlao reported thut nothlri was liilssing at Thomas and Hov ard company. 210 East Gaston stree where entrance had lteen mat through , a rear window and an ui successful atteinnt made to knock ? the nafe combination. ' < * Two nulomohrie seat c'overn. vitltM at $12, -were- report wily stolen wb< E. T. itnd W. N. C. TransportHtl? company wnrehwrae,. . 12tD Son! BtroeU ;wrb ngain broken Into du Ing the week-emU , 'i*. *1* >iyNd : arrest was reported ' In tl ^reak-ln^at: Que^n .rte". company" i ?THE EOtl HORO. N. C? SATl'RDAY, DECEMBER rs~r.-. . " r. . ir Gave Concert Last S . Christmas concert position was wril ider the direction, KoussetiUky for Id In the Kirhard shire Music Ccnle r-_ . _ by the student boDecember It. The ?,!!?. Hoodoo, one Of the most The A. and T ' i'"." "> recOBhition ot i, tor. the Christ- trrem^atlonri ng from the 16th s___. j?_a .. rOUn" ens on the latte, pro" played a major rol " > I . Farm and Home I n will be a first fonrerninjj the pro ndall Thompson's - * and officials for toices. This com- music festival. Five Paintings Are 1 | Presented at Bennett ] Five famous palntlnjr* of the Ifa- * Ilan Renaissance and Albrecbt Dorer's "Adoration of the Klnea" was depicted In the living tableaux pre sented at Bennett College .Sunday afternoon, in place of the weekly vesper service. The tableaux which was shown in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer chapel of the college at six o'clock In the afternoon. r Music by a' choir of- freshmen ' 1 trained by upperclnssnipn. and poetry i * readings formed the background of ^ the tableaux,. which have been ar1 ranged by Miss Enwtlne Coles. dlr rector of dramatics at the college, s with-tf>e collaboration of >fra. M. B.' nennls/art instructor: The paintings r' to be represent^ Include: The "Vlslta tlon',' AlhPrtJnelll: Holy Nlitht. Cor-' 1 eglo, Raphael's Madonna of the Chair The Holy'Family by'Michael Angelo, r" The Adoration of the Kings by Durer, and The Slstlne Madonna by Itwpnel. <1 . * IT ' - ' > iK Dr. Channing Tobias v. Speaks At Bennett ' . - ' Y ?? Dr:'Channing Tob\HR, national se<^ ^ retary of the Y.-M.-O. A., spoke at W Bennett [College pri - Monday; ^t>tC..'ft[" .. 1 . f Other recent -speakers on the ,Ben^ nett rumpus have Included -Dr.* Sain- j ufi r?. |>if?cior.of Agricultural >n and Extension" Work In -Angola, Afrlca, and Samuel-M. Jenkins. executive [T~- secretary of "tbc, Independent Social . * Oenter-of*Hartford,-Conn. .Mr. Jenh*r klns and.bisJtremaking artour ofiwlorfd^bpola !n\th?' aonth. Martin T* . Harvey, nnllonni- dliee-. 5 Qff yoangipeoplia- ^ork^fiir'the 6 $ BeiaKtXyiege last week. as did Dr f&l*^^/Harrln. head rrf the l?dncA-i jiUoh;;dapa^B^r^9taaV^t^lve^lr7., ^ ^'yrM^a^^paiiled^by; Mlsa j Re' ITL( 20. 1941 unday jMf." -1 ,. . flj ten at the request of Dr. Serge the opening exercises of the Berkr, at which it was first performed ly under the direction of Prof. G. th, July 8,' 1940. . T: . .. ?. " , Choir has not only achievec} a loIts work, but the reputation has by reason of two coast to coast ear. It was the invited guest of '$ Christmas Caravan Series and ' le in the broadcast on the National lour of die NBC. Numerous letters ; gram MRTTpoured Into the college tee a record attendance to the Bennett Orchestra Makes Initial Appearance Orchestra Has Had Remarkable Growth Under Mr. Gatlin The Bennett College on-best rn made Its first appearance of the season December 5 in a formal concert under the direction of F. Nathaniel Gatlin, Instructor of nmalc ot the college. Forty young women" played In the; concert, which was Riven at 8 p. tn the Bennett little Theatre, and to which the public was Invited.' -Under Mr. Gatlln's leadership, the Bennett 'orchestra hag made remarkable stride during the past' three years. From an eight-piece unit In 1838, it has developed Into a complete little symphony, with 17 violins, viola, three cellos, two string basse*, flute,' three -clarinets, three E flat saxophones, tenor Mixbphone, French born, three comets, two drums, and twomhones." The members of the orchestra baa* also made considerable progress In skill-.and technique, as well 'as' In^thelr stage decorum and observance of dynamic* in music. r. 'The" program Friday" night whs a varied one,' Including works by Wagner; hrahtns, Tchalkowahy. and the elder Strausa. as well a* lew-known composers. The Victory March by Herfurth Will be""conducted by'Mlfw Evelyn McNeil, atudent conductor, and^Mr. GatllOi who la a clarinetist, j w 1 iy%' rWder.'*: Rlfeidty - Koraakow'a ^jnighpofv the'^Btimblebee'V acwi?" palled by'Xflwi Edvrla Graham. >. y*Aecordlng to V survey* of collective bar training bearing completionby! the TSrentleth^Onito ry^Fund. shout one-' third-'of bthe^workers bi-t10 lending ?hdp.comll6otii: WSm ad The Future Outlook! )0K , PRICE: 5c Y.M. C. A. Is Planning Second Anniversary Phalanx Fraternity Serving Young Men Between. 18 and 30 ' " -t 'f Among the events planned at ous times are: Annual breakfast for . tomltory residents, the poen house \ eceptlou, first annual Founders tiay, . innltersary banquet, piano recital . ' ind-tea,"'mother and (laughter banluet, sponsored by the Tri-Hl-Y gorls J'J'. :lubs, tlie Pioneer Roys anniversary >rogrnna. and many other events to >e announced later. The Hayes-Taylor Memorial Y. M. . X -A. opened Sunday. December 31. 039, and at tlie present time bou^fsre if a .membership' of 8.10 including . lome .300 Junior citizens, of -100 men nember ships and over 100 -women ' ncmbers, great strides have been oade. and In the Pioneer program for OJ8 a dally nursery school for chll- . Iren between ages of 2 and 5 Is held ^rom 9 a. m.to 12:00 o'clock. This ervice Is under the direction of Mrs. *? V'.; ivvle Gordon.' ' The Phalanx Fraternity headed by", v fe? >avid Moorehead,'is serving. young~ ~~ nen between the ages of 18 and 20. iyv Che Mens Club, tinder the leadership if Robert Halth is also being a .dla- / Inct service for the men of the cits**;"'v ' ' . - ' ; i. .The Womens Auxiliary, with Mrs. ,V-?.V . Ulce Campbell as president, baa ac-.-^jte ^ ompllRhed some outstanding Vorlc : luring the year. - 1 The Hl-Y program la under tLe,<*i* ' leadership of Ernest .Raiford, of Dud- '^i.; ' ey High School. These young inen_,^*^'-; have a' very, active group and are- ' making an outstanding contribution' it "the High School. * ' The Terra Cotta Hl-Y group under' ? ; the leadership of J. B. Wllllnuts, is one of the newer groups for young'^. men at the Y. M. C. A. 1 ' Miss Lea Alma Sboffner has and * Is producing some very fine musicians. Since her two years service at the Y. M. C. A., she has produced; . some outstanding musical groups.* * The Emblem Club lead by Perry > i\V: J. 'Brown, president. Is anotiier flne<^ l.V. Men's Club at the Y. M. C. A. These^;^.^'V men hold as their motto "Service to'jfrj&yy* Others*;. Membership in the Clubs is about 300. Organisations are-^rY f: found in the following schools:^ '*&: Charles H. Moore. Washington Street - >v" Primary. Washington Street '.Gram-.' mar, "Terra Cotta. Swlalla and Florence The Y. M. C. A. committee of man- , agement under the leaderahlp of C. E. Dean Is making Its' contribution v J. towards the work. Members are n9. t'.$, follows: Watson Taw, Robert flalth. A"l?,F. D. Bluford, D. D.'Jones. B. W. gff Barnes, George Bridges.- J.- T. H?lr-^^*1 ston, W. N. Nelson, J. A. Tarpley, -' "William Coinpton, C. E. Dean, W. C.' A< Cleland, Perry J. Brown and Frank- >//Jin J. Brown. Miss Nell Craig Makes Address j - ' _ ',... <;? .{ Mlas Nell Craig, formerly .<Ti the', }':y* l.ft ~r .h. rv.it. re- , il.iliANJfJt -y? V'""* sent dli*ctor-of tba'^Pitai ^omrni'i poll *e. addrea**^ tinfii*t*/}?-??? Aftbe Bennett Banner, ?todent4 j>ub^^?-f > . llcatlon' of Bennett' Collect' mrolHr. motltiK of the *tnff Wednesday eTenln*. ' ,V J.vTtae meetlnir wan lieJd In jthe inar Booth of Pfelffer Selene^ - Hall

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