*V \ Keep Vp With the Time FUT ? VOL. I. NO. 13. MR. RA1F0RD DELIVERS LOCAL RADIO ADDRESS Fine Spirit of Inter-Racial Co-Operation- Is Very Evident In Greensboro ; loft's;a#.-:. vi?.... 'r1-* (The following l? a copy , of the v epeeeh 'on "Inter-racLal Co-operation" * - delivered by Mr. *- U fUlford over the . WHIG Broadrutlot Station. Oreemboro. N. C.. on Febmory 19th. m*. Mr. Baifard I. m number of the 'Unity >t Dadlry bleb reboot. rholrMU of the deport me r t of railberaaUeo .nod ocloneo of tlio N. C. Negro Teocb' oro aanoclatlon. ? member of the exec-, otlre committee of the IMrdmonl I)l?i" Tone here" Auoeiallon. and preol- * -*opt of the Groonoberv Mcn'i el.DO.J-j_. - . ' " ' ' .. I .am pleased to make tills contrl butlon to the local observance of In' j. t^*' j * - ' < El':' g;"V? v - *4: '***> *-.* *; t- >.' >. rCj 7. MR. E. L RAIPORD. ' ter-racial week. "Several public prograins and "religious services have al. ready been held and others are to follow. The general theme for the*week 'is that of developing a finer spirit ^ of inter-r?rl?l cooa.xrin ?nH "Won. It is quite appropriate then that (Continued On Page'Two) Rve Injured In" ' r Automobile Crash ry AT&ftU- y I / Five Negroes . were Injured;. one serloualy.' wbecjhe*carlnwhlch they | were riding was demolished recently , after .striking concrete' pillars and guard'rails of Buffalo'creek, bridge about two ~*mlles from the city on the ' .Winston-Salem highway. Four of the r I number were confined to L..IUchardI son1,Memorial hospital while still another escaped Injury In the accident. jXbe driver of the yehicle, accordI . -lng. to state patrolmen.' was Oscar <. li Cole.; 25, High Point, route 1. He I Is still ^unconscious at the hospital and ik> change .was reported In his condl* j tion. He suffered a broken right arm, I facial lacerations and other Injur 1p? . as yet undetermined.*' . <1*Others hurt In the wreck and their ' inJurUaare"Ralph QUreath, 82, frac; j tared left leg and faclat*-cut*; John a naa'rt*v'?t ^ Hired left nee and severe cut'orer ri*ht ;:eje";'-{XJn(!Uay .Wharton, lb, ; , bi^enqef^|ooC*4nd'Noi^MnjC^vU. jn??? URE . > GREEN WINTER PILOT 1 i -The civilian pilot, training court* for the winter quarter at A., and 1 college Is now open, add all person Interested In taking the course ahoul< send their applications to Prof. J; M Marteena, co-ordinator of pilot train Ing at the college. Applicants who are not enrolled li college must hare satisfactorily com pleted at least'two full years v * col lege work acceptable to the.lnstitu tiou. Applicants still, enrolled In col lege must be'fully matriculated can dldales for a degree and must baVi completed at least one., full year o accredited'college work. , The* course, which Is valued a $500.00, Is.completely financed by "th> United States government. The onl; expense, which the enrollee will'Incu UNDERGROUND F1REBURNING ATWELDONJ.C Smoke Pours From Man} Holes In.Groifcd; Has Burned for Weeks TOPr nnv n? '-? ? ? ? ouimi?ig oi, peopi' have visited the Weldon communit; center grounds here .this week t view 'j;an underground^flre," whlcl local, citizens Tteye termed' the ."my? tery fire,"' which .has', been burn In for several weeks arid shows no sign of abating.'. ^ - Sinoke poar^ lrom holes punch* In the ground by sightseers, over a: a reft of approximately 400 feet, ver near the community center building The ground In some places hqsminl en about two feet and two large trees their bases burned off, have-topple over. The barbecue pit .where "Hoc Muddles"' were . cooked, has falle apart from the heat~ and the slnkln of the ground'under Its foundation. The'most plausible explanation c the "mystery fire" Is that years nc the present- community center1 built cinden and partly burned coal wer dumped In* a hujre pile. Since thu time the pile wan leveled off and c. r :* / , CAM.KD"TO NEW JERSEY J. F. John^n.iaitor.ot.tho'rBti^ Oattyok. Vss rolled to'Trentou,' Wednesday by_tb^ nrlUlp?aa&jk his;brother. *Hu, expects vto tbi city by the oncl ff id The Future Outlook! I .. / )0K r.-. PRICI 5c REV. MR. POWELL SPEAKER FOR HISTORY WEEK 'aster of Abyssinian Baptist Church, New York; Also City Councilman "Democracy will lose If* place fl? world power if tin# Nt^ru and othr darker races are nut Riven an qual rlpht In the peace," declared lev. A. Clayton Powell! pastor of the ^ . ibyastnlan Baptist church of . New " ' 'ork and only Nejrro ever elected to. > . he city, council of that city, In a. peech at A. and T.. college last, "hursday jilRht, February 12,. In the Uchard B. Harrison auditorium. Reverend PowelV- was presented as ' Je highlight of Negro History Week elebration at A. and T. college. Denn 7. T. Glbbs. who presided In the abwiee of Presjdent F. D. Rluford, In-, rodaced tbe speaker. The college bolr under the direction of Prof.' , iTarner Lawson rendered special "* ' lualc for the occasion.- '?;7-:*v.'"*?*' * ' 5- i: & Speaking on the subject "Abraham y'v V Jnculn, Frederick Ikntglass, and the.. 'p~~ 'ecro Youth of Today,"; the speaker-- . f. ^ eclared, "Aft Abraham LlncoTrta?ST?ir\_; Phte nation cannot be half slave and jT^* alf free"; and Frederick Douglass.- ' !t Is-far hotter to die fighting for , rcedoin than to lire as a sjnvp." We'."! " < re faced with enslavement by fascist'*i. owere on one side, and on the oth-"* *" r. with a pseudo-democracy In which rc cannot give our own Mood or our *i\J . Ives except In certain jltn-crow sec- ' L Ions, to save democracy." i '* \ "We can lose this war," ,he-said:1"* If we win the war. we must lose /C 1 ^ (Continued On Pnge Six) . Rationing of . Gas Is Near WASHINGTON. ? Hatrtnlnc J'of' / asollne In the east appears to he'aft '* arly"-probability as a responsible, " ource said Atlantic seaboard, oil com- ';;,^'A' anles bad -reported that fast dwiriline stocks, due to war loss ,'iiiwr. llrerslon of tanker ships, Jxiatlfle^V. 4estrlctions on'non-essential cbnaump-Vv . lon- : 'ri% r> Oil circles heard that Industry .y? onimlttee reported to Secretary nterlor Ickes. the petroleum co^rdlnator. that consumption should '*'} * * (' le.cut ir? per cent between February '<, 5 and April 1, possibly by use oK oupon books. - ; , r'jNr'" The committee was reported alw>".-y' o have proposed a renewal, of tho f } HHnj*station 7 p. m. to 7 a. m'. ciir-C . 'ew used In the. east last- fall.', whenN, ttocks fell off. and su?e?ted that the.*", ' *? . itatlons-also 1*? closed nll^day ' Sun-V>-/'' lay. V V -J t'h / ,8uch a proeraro. If adopted, would 'j iffect 100.000 aervlce stations and * en million automobile owner* In the. 'r\?V' 17 wutern at a tea. and the District of Y* Tolumbla. V " V One source nalrt I>eoo Henderson. *v - i >rice" arimlnlatrator. already -was, at a-ork on ratlonln* plana for paaollne. y/t yaa nnderatood raSJCfSted a*' restriction ^ij^nrh^be irfcera supply Jbw7atf66eej^rt$Me tanker-glnkltiwband -dl