SATURDAY, MARCH 14. 1MJ. Andersons Have Party For Friends Harriett Ann au<l Alfred Anderson entertained thirty-six of their little friends Inst Saturday. The occasion twing their ninth'and sixth birthday. Games were played Indoors. Halloons and randy was given as favors. Mesdatues L. Rosen*, Nina .Tockson and 'Bernlce Mark, assisted with the serving. Ice cream, cuke, nud nuts were served to the following guests: Ruth McRalney. Murteena Bwadop, Mary Alice McRalney, Gloria and Shirley Musk, Elizabeth Campbell, Mury Ann Rogers. Mae Hamilton, Mae Catherine. Marjorle and Marlene .lohnsnn. Martha Ann. Nonce Avery. Myrtle Cuiuiitighno, Helen Green, Virginia and Bessie Douglas, Mae Belle I^fe, Doris Mae I Cnpp. Louise Graham. Sedella Simmons, Barbara Ann Gunu. Marion and Bettye Rogers, Yvonne Nelson, | Walter Robinson, Robert nud Charles Summers, Billy McRalney, Wilfred Robinson, Robert Green. Cephas Green. Mrs. Smoot Entertains Mrs. Carrie Smoot entertained in honor of Mr. Frank Maurice Lytle, who is leaving for Fort Bragg, Tuesday evening at her home on Watson street Lucy Laney Circle Has Valentine Party The Lucy Laney Circle had a post* ^.Valentine party Tuesday night February 17, at Mrs. E. B. Mills. V. - Mrs. Lucille Bright Entertains Beauticians February 10, the Gate City Bean in inUM luei HI uie uuiue ui M?? * Lucille Bright. 1301 Sloan street, with Mrs. Louise Blackmail as cobosless. Those attending tbe meeting were: Miss Dorothy Home, Miss Rhucelle Alexander. Mesdumes Hattie Davis, ' Nannie Minor, Rolierla Hayes. The club welcomed Miss Laura M. Spirej as a new member. Business Committee Has Meet At Grand Hotel The Retail Merchants committee of the Greensboro Negro Business Legion met at the Grand Hotel Thursday, February 12, with Mr. W. J. Smith presiding. Tbe nature of the meeting was to work out plans to promote the merchants' night program, and many other plans was formed. The date waa set for the next meeting which will be held February 24 at the T. M. C. A. Along with the meeting will be a banquet. The public la Invited to be present. There will be no admission. ? Mr*. M. M. Jones Host To Mini?ter?' Wive* Club Monday, February 10. the Ministers' Wives Club met at the borne of Mr*. M. M. Jones. Members presMrs. 8. A. Peeler, Mrs. F. A. Hargett, Mra. P. L. Jones, Mrs. C. W. Anderson, Mrs. S. S. Seay, Mrs. P. A. Taylor, Mrs. J. W. Tynes, Mrs. C. Cherry, Mrs. B. I* Green, Mrs. C. F. Hairs ton, Mrs. B. H. Lucas, Mrs. Peace. Mrs Winchester. V Sunshine Band Meets The regular meeting of the Sunshine band of Shlloh Baptist cburcb held their meeting In the home of Mrs. M. T. Halrston at R36 Austin street Wednesday evening at 5 o'clock. Carrie Ranking, president. v. " i- - " A?h Wednesday Observed V . . J Aah Wednesday'was. observed -at *' 'the Church of -the ^Redeemer ^Ith f V the celebration --of the Holy Com' as union. r .."."vV > .'I Mr. Green Preacbe* \ly Rer. J. J. Green went to Winstony ' Salem to conduct Lenton services at \ St. Stephen's Episcopal church. .. THE TIQUETTE THE NAPKIN. Place the napkin, half folded, acritw your knwn Do not open It fully unless It Is very small. Only chlldreu may bare a napkin tucked under their china. Use the napkin liefore taking a drink of Avnter If your Hps might leave a murk on the gloss. Beyond that, use It ouly when absolutely necessary. When dinner la finished, the hostess places her napkin on the table aud rises. Follow her lead. Do not lay down your napkin and rise until she does so. At hoine, you fold your napkin or put It In your napkin ring. If you are a guest at some one's home for several days, then you also fold it. ' When Invited for only one meal, do not fold your napkin. Place it easily on the table. Never fold your napkin In hotels or restaurants. " . Circle No. I Ha* Candle Light Service Circle No. I of Shllph Baptist church had candle light service Monday night, February 16, at 8 o'clock." ? ? / Executive Board Meets The executive board of Senior rMri-lo \'a T trill l.nlH ita mw.tln" Friday evening in the home of Mrs. I Essie Griffin on Austin street. All officers and chairmen are asked lo be present Little Moffitt Child Is Given Birthday Party Charles Moffltt Jr., was given a birthday party February 12, in honor of bis fifth hlrthday. The party was given at the home of his grandmother. Mrs, Annie Bower. 1026 Perkins street Guests present were: Mary Kathryn Domett Anne McAdoo, Gertrude McAdoo. Walter McAdoo, Jerome Bowers. Franklin Drake and Mae Bowers. Cake, Ice cream and candy was served. / HAYES-TAYLOR Y. M. C. A. HOLDS ITS THIRD FORUM Last Sunday the Hayes-Taylor Y. M. C. A. held Its third forum. Miss Frances William was the speaker. Rev. Glen Sett spoke briefly on the changing world. Music was furnished by Dudley high school glrlB' choir. Union Held At Shiloh The Guilford County Sunday School and B. T. U. Union wm held at Shlloh.- Baptist church Sunday erenlng at 3 o'clock. February 15, 1942. Mrs. H&nner Has Muaical Tea At Home There was a musical tea given In the home of Mrs. Hanner on Austin street Sunday, February 15. at 8 o'clock. It was given for the benefit of the church. * Airs. W. L. McNair Host To Modern PrUcilla'Club Tuesday, February 17. the Modem PrlaclUa club met "at -the home of Mrs. W. L. McNair. The president Mr*. K. Miller, being absent. Mrs. B. I*. Oreen. rice-president presided, i Teh dob decided to have a tea at I the T. M. C. A. February 22. Committee on arrangement: Mr*. N. By-1 num. Mr*. Mattle Robert*, Mr*. Sudle Byann, Mr*. W Lille Jenkins. Mexnbdrs present: Mrs. N. Bynnro, Mr*. "Willie Jenkins. Mr*. Mattle Roberts, . Mr*. Winnie Lewla, Mis* Mary Taylor, Mr*. N. C Jones, Mr*. W. 1? McNair, Mr* B. L. Oreen. {.? NAZWTLAO. . The scarlet. ground represent* national aociall*mv jth*- white circle symbol lie* natloDfcllsm,-r-and the waatlka. croa* antiSemltlam In the nasi flag. t \ -e'\ FUTURE OUTLOOK. GREENSBORO Club Holds Meeting The Consulate 4-11 club, a rcontly formed organization here at A. ami T. college, held Its regular meeting Tuesday evening. February 17. .Mr. It. K. Jones, specialist. Negro 4-11 club work, was present. In his reumrks to the club he gave its palpose, which Is to iM*r|?*ruute the Idea of 4-H club work In college, to j?r?s vide orgunl/.atlon and social activities bused on a common medium of exIperloncp, and to keep in1 touch with these memlwrs as probable leaders 'upon graduation from college. During the business session, plans' were discussed for the yearly progrnm of work, and n committee named to work out such a program to lie presented at tlie next meeting which is March 3. Other things discussed were: What a club could do as u contribution to club work throughout the state, bow It could 1m* an asset to the college and some of the things it would like to see accomplished through the formation of an Inter-collegiate organisation composed of representatives from the collegiate clubs at ' North Carolina College, Durham: State Teachers College, Fayettevllle; State Teachers College, Elizabeth City, and the one here. Following the business session, hot cocoa and cookies were served. .?? Special Singing Group The Special Singing Group of Shlloh Baptist church are having their annual opening Monday night, Felr ruary 23rd, at ShUoh Baptist church. Senior Usher Board ^The Senior Usher Board of Sblloh Baptist church will have their meeting. Friday evening in. the home of Mrs. jGladys Lytles at 1310 South Ashe street at 8 o'clock. . ' ; ' Mi?? Vera Purvis Ho?t To Wamersville Hi-Y / . The Wamersville HI-Y club held their weekly meeting In the home of Miss Vera Purvis at 1022 South Ashe street Wednesday evening, February 17, at S o'clock. The guest speaker was Mrs. J. J. Goldshorough. Idlewise Club Has * Pre-Valentine Party The Idlewise club gave a pre-Yalentlne party at the home of Miss Hazel Goldaton, 81!? South Ashe street, Thursday night, February I 12th.. Many names were nlaved. fnl-l lowed by dancing. Whist was the most interesting. Whist prizes were nwarded to Mrs. Blanche Beid, Mrs. Tbomasenn, Mr. John Murphy, and Mr. Raymond Mlley. A delightful repass was served." An evening of fun was enjoyed by all that were present Those present were: Mrs. Rosa Shoffner, Mrs. Erma Woods, Mrs. Blanche Held, Mrs. Mallorle May, Miss Dorothy Woods, Mrs. Pauline Long, Miss Berenice White, Miss Ellen McAden, Miss Ophelia Lee. Mrs. Mae Emma Murphy. Mm. Sophie Shaw, Thomasena Maynard, Edna Tompkin, Ardella Plowder, O. B. Black, J. P. Turner, John Murphy, Norrls Reld, Heury Garland, Clarke Ireland, Robert Shaw, Edgar .Thacker, William Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Hyman, Raymond Mlley. Robert Plowder, Johnny Maynard, Anna Goldstoo and Louise Wilson. . Piedmont Negro Future Farmers Plans Session - ? ' =?S 1 J;' NEWTON. ? Twenty-one eountles from tbe upper piedmont area will be represented -February 28 at th^ district Negro Future Farmers association meeting at Catawba Rosenwald Negro school at Catawba, about 10 miles east of .Newton. Reports of chapter, activities in victory bond and stamp sales will be made and district candidates for.state offices will be named. R. K. Wrlgbt Is vocational agriculture Instructor at Rosmwald school In thla county. , N. C. Mrs. Mable Gunn Is Hostess to W.I.C. Circle | Tim W. I. C. Hrrlc ?.f Shlloli ]tn|f tist church M their im-cilng in tin* home of. Mrs. Matdo t'.nnn :it s3"i Vance street Tuesday evening at U:3t> o'elm-k. The meeting was opened with the resnilar song service. Following the song service. Miss Lucy MjiIlhwiit, who is the chairman of the program committee. sjwvnsorod a splendid program, which was enjoyed by all. The meeting was closed with tin? W. I. C. motto, which Is '"She Has Done What She Conhl." President; Annie Sue Garland: vice president. Minnie IJrown; secretary. Lynette Rurton ; assistant secretary, Theltnn Woods: treasurer. Frances C.unn: advisors. Mrs. Mohlo Gnnn, and Mrs. Mamie Moorehead. # Archie Harris Addresses Father and Son Banquet Using as a subject, "The High flood Or Low Road." Mr. Archie Harris addressed the second father1 and son banquet. February 0. One, hundred and twenty fathers and sons were present to hoar Mr. narrls, who spoke. The "High Roads Or Low Roads" was classified as life highways with one carrying with It success and achievement, and the other carrying with it publicity. He stated that Greensboro offers i many opportunities for youth. who| are seeking the "high roods" of life. Colleges, public schools. Y. M. C. A-.I community centers, playgrounds and ( nvro vi OKIBIIIP will uiilllg in?r part to encourage youth to choose the right road of life. Mr. Harris was Introduced hjr Dean Glbbs. of A. atod T. college. Serving atf toast committee master, was A. II. Teeler. Opening prayer by Rev. J. E. B rower and son. Vocal selection by Rev. S. S. Seay. Buxophone selection by Rolom Seay. Jr. Mr. M. H. PeeJc presented a trophy to members of the T. M. C. A. Senior softball team who won the championship last Reason. Clnslhg prayer by Rev. S. S. Peeler. Members of committee who assisted: J. W. Pool, M. H. Peek. E. Smith. Rev. S. R. Seay, Bernard Walker. Harry J. Brown. * Wings Over Jordan Choir At Grand Hotel Recently The Grand Hotel was . very fortunate to hove as Its guest. February 14 and 1ft. the Wings Over Jordan choir, as they were on their way to High Point where they were scheduled for a concert there and llearhy cities. While here they found the newly remodeled hotel to be a pleasant and comfortable place for relaxing. ' There were also other out-of-town guests at the hotel, namely, Mr. and Mrs. Pope, of Hickory, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Robersrm. of Rohersonvllle. N. C. We are always glad to serve our out-of-town guests ot any time. REGISTRATION. There will be registration all next week at the Hayes-Taylor T. M. C. A. Please stop at the deak and register. . ?? Dr. And Mrs. Myers Are Reported Safe Henry N. Myers, Greensboro, son of Dr. and .Mr*.' Harry Myers, for many years Presbyterian missionaries to Japan where they have made their home at Kobe. Friday received the following reassuring news of his parents by means of a wire from Cordell Hull, secretary of state: . ? "The department has received a message for you from Myer* (mean Ing his father) transmitted from the Swlaa location at Tokyo through the American legation at Berne. Switz erland, dated February 14. 1W2. send tag lore and reporting himself well and safe." ?, ? -jl. .. ' . . Mr. Myers taker the message a< meaning his mother Is also well anf safe. This was his first newt of then Ince, declaration of. war again* Japan. Dr.,Harry Myers Is a broth er of Dr., Charles ,F. Myers, pastoi of First Presbyterian church." ' - 4' ;y,;. ?lt, PAGE THREE ? \ Mrs. Levi Tonkins Is Ladies' Aid Hostess TIm* Ladles' Aid i ,.f St. Matthews cluiri-h Dielr regular meeting in lh?' Ipum' ??f Mrs. T^vl Tonkins at .*27 Smith street Monday. Fobrunry Ifith. at 7*30 o'clock. Tlit-y ivitp served with delicious pineapple r:tke ami after dln'Hit mints. Moorehead Group Sings The^ Morelicad quartet sang tit the Father and Sou banquet that was given at the Windsor Community Center Friday evening. February 20, at 8 o'clock. # 1 Shiloh Baptist Junior Choir Has Organization The Junior Choir of Shlloli Raptlst church met Thursday night, February 12. at S o'clock for organization for the year of 1042. The officers are as follows: . President. Esther Walker; vice president. Frances Gunn; secretary, Minnie Brown; assistant secretary, Gladys Avery: treasurer, Ervln Stokes. The president was asked to appoint workers on various committees. The president discussed with the group ways of raising money. The suggestions were made us to huvlng a bazaar, a musical program, and perhaps a speaker one evening. Members present were: Maggie Rose Free. Annie Culp. Jesse Belle Luchle. Mary Lowe, Helen Burton, Frances Gunn. Cozle Jarrell, Dorothy Maynard, Hazel Jarrell. Burgess Rhodes. Gladys Avery. Mlnule Brown, Edna Herbln, Lucy Bessent, Esther Walker, Annie Garland. Lynette Burton, Ralph Osborne, Lawrence Carter. Robert Morrow nnil Frvln 1 Stokes. " Negroes Launch Drive WELDON. ? Eighteen community | meetings were held by the county I Negro extension workers during the I week for the purpose of launching the Victory garden campaign for the 2.286 Negro farm operators in Tlallfax"county. Representatives from SO communities, aggregating over 700 Interested farmers, were present.. at these meet in kb and fro mthts number . ?' 236 group leaders were appointed to * lead groups of 15 families with farm women serving as assistants. MARRIAGE OUESTION OPENS LEGAL DEBATE A lot of inquiries reach offices In the county courthouse, but one that the postman brought today from an army officer at an air corps train- * lng center in Georgia was definitely In n clam by Itself. Indeed. It was so knotty that it was forwarded "to the.' state attorney general for his opinion. The army officer wanted to know If North Carolina recognises "marriage by proxy," and -horseback opinion of officials was in the negative. "There were a lot of details that both prea tne nmaaia minus, oven witnout trying to give an answer. According to the Inquiry, It appeared that a young American and a 24-year-old young woman In Montevideo, Uruguay, want to be married, but there are the harrier* of dlatance and the Immigration and passport.. laws. However _ ^officials were of the opinion that the writer was wrong In assuming that the South American could not obtain permission to enter thla country. Anyway, It seems that the. Intended bridegroom cannot . go to South America for hla bride, and the only solution that presented Itaelf to the young couple apparently wan the i possibility of marriage by proxy. ..' V; Conaenan* at the courthouse waa.^'yl, that a person may do lots of things by proxy hut one of these Is not get- ' I ting married. , PRECAUTION. 1 . : . A - . ' - - iitjs; ) - The ringing qf church bella la t bidden In England during war - by defence regulations, except to r nal the war n pod nr a Oerman land-^^

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