JPgrtlBDAtftMABCH t*. HI!. iDr.'M S. Noble f Is Honored At A. and T. College (Continued Prom Pace One) the - college for ,Jhe celebration and exclaimed, w: hare laid It on tbjck^ I thank^joti froin my heart, and "i hope yowl'get someoue In my place who' wujn?tand up for yon as I hare." '??$&*-' *; Dr. Woblej^uneoted, 'If, in the hereafter, Jffa in "allowed to look on this place, TCwant to say. It La doing what I to do. A. and T. College la ajpqtng out znen who are baring EooJpiotaea and farms' for that la the dftrjway to make progress? through ttvning property." Presldmt Bluford, who presided, read a lgtter from Goveruor llroughton, whgexpreased regrets at not being nldjPto be present "It would give me geiraW pleasure to Join with others In joying tribute to our great fellow-citizen. Dr. Noble, and to have Bomemart In the program incident to the jgpsentaUon and unveiling of his porffiut In his long and useful life he has attained a notable position In our^tate, and It Is quite pleasing and appropriate that he should U? the liein^" witness of an event which aymbdliies oneof hla w great eat achlevei'ny>ta_*as member and chairman of board of .trustees of the North ,<Krolinaf Agricultural and Technical Wltff." wrote the governor. . W Dr. Clyde A. Eruin, state superintendent of public Infraction, who Tmade the principal address, said, "I (.have^ had the privilege to do honor i to many citizens of the state, but I 'never had a deeper satisfaction than , in .honoring my former teacher, who nas,piay?i^ an important part in mfl '11/$; and ,in* the history, of educutlqp ^tn North! Carolina." -ij proud that It waajfty prlvi* lege;!to,sit at the feet of this great j teacher ; at the University of North vC?t>ilpa and to have'"been able to ^tako^every subjecf'that he offered. Hlsjnflocnce on mynfe, and many &ti?jrs'. has been ^jreat," Dr.'.Erwin M 3 ' Greetings were brought from the , dtytof Greensboro by Mayor Huger ^ Klng,V frbm^the A, and T. student body by Fiyncls H. Mebane. president 'oi the A. and T. student coqocll; from ^dUomni by Prof. J. C. McLaughlin, xile^of the agricultural department, ."and fronrthe faculty by Dean W. T. [Olbta.4 . *;V M A large basket of flowers was preMnted^o Dr. Noble's daughter, -Miss fAlfce^oble, who was seated In tl^e audlencdj^hv Catherine Durham, class of ISM2, o9 behalf of the college. A'ieitors^n the .stage were A. S. *Glfford, JMdge Earl Rive*. Shelley B. Caveoes&fa member of the state leg.lalatiflf and Rev. R- Murphy "WU.Uama, pastor of the 'Presbyterian ' Church of the Covenant, Greensboro, rvrho offered the benediction. The col' lege, choir under direction, of Prof. 1 Warner Lawson sane four selections 'with Christine Brown- and Lawrence Martin as soloists. . _ ' ? The program was hr follows; L America ' . .. Congregation Prayer Rev. R. Murphy Williams JI Believe In One God Choral Society v Greetings: City of Greensboro . S;- V Mayor Huger King . Student Body __ Francis H. Melbrane Alumni Prof. J. C. McLanghlln Facnlty Dean W. T. Glbbs Deep River Choral Society , Address Dr. Clyde A. Erwln My Soul Couldn't Be Contented Choral Society . Presentation of' II. Clinton Taylor. Artist-iSo nor. Professor of Arl ?j5Jnveillng of Portrait H. Clinton Taylor Remarks Dr!'>l. C. S. Noble J^ffhen ,rye Done the est I Can ^lut Tki irfit-fi bMnUtiiT." ! wrotb a;yonnj? J'CSa'Whm -^rlblnVi, t?k!'?tVb THE Greensboro Church List ADVENT1ST Seven Lb Day Adventlat 1202 East Market Street BAPTIST Gethaemaoe . "A 110 Ireland Street /' New Light 1001 McConncll Road Providence 811 Baptist Street Trinity 507 Gillespie Street Mount Zlon 808 Wilmington Street New Zlon 1127 South Cedar Street tSt James 536 Florida Street United Institutional " * * ? 800 Marsot Street Friendship Primitive, y *. " " * 1405 East Market Street New Cedar Grarie 1224 Retreat Street Primitive > 61 tf Best Street Shlloh 730 South Ashe Street - . CATHOLIC J&St- Mary's 1414 Gorrell Street ; CHRISTIAN Blahon Temnle " jdl East Street ; . St. Stephen 1 " 505 High Street ' * / CHURCH OF GOD Church of Cod In Chrlat | 207 Gant Street , Mount Calvary Church of. I Christ "112 East Street CONGREGATIONAL .> First Congregational 401 High Street . * " EPISCOPAL ' Church of the Redeemer 009% East Market Street r * J HOLINESS V Christian Alliance 705 Best Street Lindsay Street . 601 Lindsay Street ' Mount Vernon. !?15 .South Street t Skenes' Chapel ' 1 ' 1024 East Mnrket Street Gorrell Street True Holiness CSS Sampson Street Mount Zlon _ 1519 McConnell Road Mount Plsgah 1107 Retreat Street St James White Oak LUTHERAN Grace Lutheran Memorial Church '." Washington "Street Corner . Ben bow Road . # . METHODIST Bethel A. M. E.? % 188 North Regan Street East White Oak A. (f. E. Zlon Ill Water Street Mount OH?et A. M. B. Zlon 131 Ueectf Street " "Trfiinfa. !?T. E. Zlon 447 East Washington Street Browning Chapel M. E. 1710 East Market Street High Street M. E. 1014 East lee Street , St Matthew M._ E. 001 South Ashe Street 1 . Warren Street M. E. 620 Warren Street * ' C. M. A. Methodist 1120 Morris Street SL Phillip A. M. E. Zlon 1211 South Ashe Street PRESBYTERIAN ? St James.*,; .? T, * 210 Forbla Street . ' v,. . ' . UNDENOMINATIONAL ' " Antloch : , 1*1 i People's Tabernacle':;^ FUTURE OimXJoj^olireNSBOBO Harper Holt Is Victim In Auto Wreck Three persona received , minor Injuries Jd two automobile occldeuLK recently. Tb'ey^are Harper Holt, 02. Negro,. Greensboro, route fl; Moses Russell. 25, Wilmington and A. C. Logan, "Winston rood. , Mr. Holt was a patient at L. Richardson Memorial hospital, where he was being treated for cuts und bruises about the head. Mr. Russell suffered u slight cut over the eye. Police said they were Injured when care driven by Odell Ingold, Greensboro, route 4, and Clarence L. Stubblefleld. Wilson, collled about C o'clock at Gorrell street and Reubow road. ' ' Mr.^Holt was a passenger In the car'driven by Mr. Ingold while rM. Russell was riding In that operated by Mr. Stubblefield. who was charged with careless and reckless driving and posted $100 bond for appearance In municipal-county 'court April 6. Officers sold Logari told them he was struck by n car driven by Grady L. Hunt. Carson's orchard. Church street extension, at Greene and.Market streets about 8 p. m. He was given first aid treatment at Piedmont Memorial hospital for bruises and released. No arrest was made. Alleghany Will nas norse, Wheel Comeback The aproachirtg day of transports-4 tlon by horse and. by wheel seemed,' not far off In Sparta. Alleghany county, list week. ' V . V A runaway horse at Twin Oaks caused slight - injury to two youi^g girls, riding. In a buggy, which' wap damaged when It struck k fenced"The girls were thrown over the feAce.tmt the driver was not injured. The horse _was not * hurt. *. ? '*' , < Three cyclists from Galax. , Ya.. were towed the 30 miles to &parta by holding ropes attached to an 'automobile. On the return trip, one of the bicycles went out of control near Twin Oaks and the rider suffered a badly skinned leg. ' Two men of the Scottvllle community rode almost 15 miles Into Sparta on bicycles, for their first shopping tour without automobile;). Whitworth Faces' Charge of Stealing Sam Whitworth, Negro, of 505 Gody street, nigh Point was lodged charging him with stealing chickens from Will Lowe, East Green street extension, on four (liferent occasions within a month's time, Bonds were fixed at $100 each. Whltworth denied theft of the chickens and told officers he doesn't know what a chicken looks like. Warrants charge hlra with stealing three chickens from Lowe February 14, and the same number on each of the dates March 8, March 15 and March 19. The chlcens were valued, at $1 each. BICYCLIST KILLED. Charles Jones. Negro, of New Bern, died at a hospital from Injures sustained when his bicycle was struck by the open door of a passing automobile ?*?: Blackout Elf fective At Ft Bragg The .aFyettevllle-Fort Bragg area had, a teat, blackout recently, for 10 minutes shortly after 9 o'clock. ^^Offlclala described lt< as "very efItjyyas th<i first blackout. In thtee, was active paxtlclp^lon *>f' the' air raid warmmpSl. auxiliary police forces, cb bfSck In^Eayettevllle was pa trolled, to see that al lights were out [ xSfb^^rmy <jnnrtcrronster;'corp* hns 'fcslbdohat substitutes for brass csn w. c. Vivian Heath Hurls Liquor At Officer Rankin To Policeman Fred lCmikiii life Beeuui to be Just a series of blows mid bard knocks. About two years ago he suffered a fractured shoulder when a prisoner struck hi in with handcuffs In the Jail. Recently Rankin's other shoulder was fractured when a prisoner fell in the elevator on the way up to the JulL, causing Rankin to fall against the side of the elevator car. And ^ost week Rankin's head got In the way of a half gullon pitcher filled with "white lightning" as it sailed through the air. He came out J of that incident with no worse Injury than a bump on the head and cloth- , Idr saturated with liquor. It occurred, police aald, when they went*to the home of Vivian Heath, | 209 North Gilmer street. In search of j whisky. As they entered the house, Vivian hurled the pitcher and Rankin failed*to dodge in time. ( She was held'In city Jail In default of $900 bond on chorges of assaulting the officer with a deadly weapon aud possessing the half.gullon of non-tax pald^llqnor for purpose of ^ale. She . was given a bearing Monday in municipal-county court. < ? ? Awards To Go To firms Subscribing To Savings Plan 'The state office of the defense savings staff has made available for lo- , cal distribution "certificates- of award" for firms subscribing more than 90 per cent to the pay" roll .deduction plan of stamps and'/bonds, : purchased, it was announced recently by. the local co-chairmen, N. S._ Cal houn and E. C. McLean.4 The certificates carry the.. lac- 1 simile of the signature of Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau and signature:) .of the state' administrator of '.the band sales and the' state chairman of sajes. The certificates will be presented by a representative of the state, or local committee at the determination of the administrator and state chairman. ? Negroes To Attend AAA Schools s In Rockingham Plans are being made in Reldsvllle in the office of the Negro farm agent of Rockingham county for cona.wlnn AAA irhnnlo In fho nmro thickly populated Negro communities of the county. At these schools, farmers will l?e glron first hand Jtk formation on the lPfci trlple-A, pro-, gram, Including farm allotments, payments, quotas, loans, crop insurance and deduction, soil building practices and general provision. iJemonstrutlons are being planned to show farmers just bow to work out their required soil building units. One farm In each community will be completely worked out hs an exam-' pie. Numerous Improved farm practices will be discussed. iThe first school was held in Ruffln township Tuesday evening, March 24. 't Prisoners Will Be Brought To City Chief of Police L. L. Jarvls and Sergt. W. T.t Jennings left recently for aMrtlnsvllle. Via., to-return Odell Hnyes, negro, to 'Greensboro to face charges of abandonment and: nonsupport - y u "" ' "Vp. Sergt D. P. .lorvis left to return Odell Holder, 905% "West Loo street to Greensboro from ^Newport News. Ya., where hq'la being held for local police on charges of erobexslsmfnt V A telegram from Martinsville police to Chief Jarvls said that the governor of Virginia has honoml extradition papers for Hayes. Holder, charged with., converting to KW^own use two bog?: valued-at . $JV2JIO, ^is j - - - . . FACE SEVEN V j;? Roosevelt Says Youth Groups To Stay President Roosevelt won described by a White House secretary as very much opposed to abolishing the civilian conservation corps and the national youth administration. The chief executive arranged to ronfer with Senator McKellar, Democrat, Tennessee, author of a bill to eliminate these agencies In the Interest of economy. Stephen T. Early, the President's press secretary, told reporters that Mr. Roosevelt regarded the CCC and QfYA as "perfectly essential war lltne services." The President, he added, felt the NYA was doing a valuable service In the training of men in skilled trades, and that the OCC was accomplishing essential work In addition to protecting the nation's forests Against fires. - ~?J? ' New Assistant Manager For North Carolina Mutual The North Carolina Mutual Life . Insurance has Installed a new assist- ^ ant manager to the Greensboro dls- y . s trtct' ' . 4 j. ; ; Mr. Francis Ramseur, of Winston- ' . .: Salem, has been promoted to assistant manager of the Greensboro dis- - ^ . ?. diet. Mr.'*Ramseur will assist Mr. JJJ. L. Gregg, the district manager. *' V 'Mr. Martin, fifrn the' home,offlce, . In Durham, presented Mr. itainseur. in return the agency forpe promised . , lovfll snnnort In Ihn now (nwinionf manager. . H WffWTTCTW ?; " BimHsSIB; ' 7 - . Howard's Place 1 SWEET SHOP ' ' '' ' . q We Appreciate Your Trade . " .v 824 S. Ashe St. Greensboro, N. "C. f ' PHOTO BY r ' | EDGAR B. MURPHY I [? 639 LINDSAY ST; . j ; 7 By 'Appointment Only \ . " [tV*: *?? 3-i?n/ :.,;V PHONE 1-3871 ~~ | '' WM. M. HAMPTON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon IOrFItK HULKS 10n2 A- M. 2-4 7-?.P. M. I And By Appointment 1006 S. Ashe St. ? Greensboro , Eccles & Wynn DRUGSTORE (' \ 900 Cut Market Street '. . J. PHONE j-1454. , \ ? BOB'S SMOKE SHOP 820'S. Ashe St. McAieris' jf 'MtoSiii Dry CU&ert ' \ . j roa piompt ustici V , DIAL' 9176 , ? AT.j ? I : ' , 821 8. ASHE 8T. V fo ^ BROWN'S FUNERAL directors!

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