Bennett Sets Pace P For Victory Garden / Bennett College'will set the pace for patriotic borne-makers in Greens- Ir boro this month, with tbe planting of tl< " a" victory garden In. Its own front o( .yard. Topaoli and compogt are being E I carted to a aquare of; ldod near the di - Henry Pfelffer Science ball on the w campus,, where seeds will soon be bj sown' for a model vegetable patch, le beautified by borders of home-grown tl flowers. - . ^The llomo Ecouoralcs division of g| ' the college Is sponsoring the garden. dl wlhch, it la hoped, ma ybecome a ^ demonstration-center In home garden- M log for families living near the col- n lege, besides gervlng as a project for ^ the workshop In community leader- ^ ship for home defense which is to lie C1 held at Bennett this summer. a In a recent meeting of the Bennett $< Home-making Institute. B. A. Hall, ft Guilford farm agent, pointed out that b only 42 per cent of the Negro farm- g ers In this county have gardens, and *\ urged the development of co-opera- ^ 9 tive garden tracjts. One of the alms of ' irArlrahnn ? TL.nnofl \\"t 11 be" to provide demonstrations of and give Incentive to such group enter- , priges. , b * Cars with plastic bodies recently dlnplftveU are said to weigh about 2,000 pounds o r 1.000 pounds less * t.' than a conventional car of compar?' able size. ? , EciJes'&Wynn J * DItUG STORE i r >' . 900 East Market Street ]< .'.A?y PHONE 31454 . ,.i V* {~y PHONE 3-3877 '' J-V ffM. M.'. HAMPTON, M. D. g V. . Physician and Surgeon V OFFICE HOURS / v R 10-12 A. M; .. 2-4 h 7-9 P. M. ... v... . And By Appointment .. 1006 S- Ashe St ? Greensboro ^ - ' PHOTO BY ~~\ f EDGAR B. MURPHY , * 639 LINDSAY ST. By Appointment Only I Phone 3-1877 f\ O 4 ~'===i=i====^=J B ?. ?: . b, '*,/ Howard's Place J SWEET SHOP H< "*>?' J w ' N We Appreciate Your Trade 824 S. Ashe SL Greensboro, N. C. ^ "..T 1 '' n The Alexander -SjjSFsN u Beauty Box , fc'tltwJ Whin fhm'i BnalT lJV-'.?v* V '/ nm U CW? 0 ' PHONE #143 , T ;tiyy |j i\5. < MM: L'Mwktl SL r ' 4-\ ^ Ormikm.'N. C. V . e * W ' v 10 K rBETTY GRAB 7 yj VICTOR MATU JACK OAK sojvdof* /SiANDi .*x*+ } I'h-V *Z-<F\ T"*? ncirn. KHU U f i|-v ^vK.IILLT tlUUT T III! UTT1 htlA rf//w,U1,T miB n^iibnii" msmiMM . the* 4. LD. A.ToMee Vt Bennett College The annual festival of the Negro itercollegtate Dramatics Awoclaon will take place on the campus ! Bennett College, April 10-12, Mrs. ro8tlne Coles Itobluson, director of raniutlcs at Bennett, announced this eek. The festival will bo attended F representatives from several of the adlng Negro colleges and universes In the country. Three one-act ploys by Individual roups of players, a full-length rama by one of the visiting groups, ad several business and technical ?slons will fill the program next lonth of this yearly gathering of lite theater groups from Negro Inst Iltlons of hlgber learning which ame Into existence over a decade go, at Howard Uulverslty. Several acial events are also being planned >r the vigltors by members of the lennett Little Theater Guild, hostess roup for the festival. Students and teachers of dramatics i schools and colleges, as well as ther'persons Interested la the drama, rill be welcome at all meetings o1 lie festival except the closed businegs essioos, during which officers will c elected, and other huslness trans cted. The present officers of the N. I. D, u, all of whom are expected to be al lennett for the festival, are: Josepli fewton H1U, director of dramatics a) Jncoln tJnlverslty, Pa., president; lias Felicia Anderson, director ol ramatlcs at Virginia Slate College, rcretary; and Olllngton Smith, dlector of dramatics at Morgan Col?ge, treasurer. , The institutions which will particlate In the festival this year are: Incoln Nnlverslty, Morgan College, haw University, A. and T. College, i Greensboro, Howard University, Irglnla State College, Hampton In.Jtute, Virginia Union/and Bennett, lings Dett Song )n Broadcast .. Miss Lottie McCoy, of Columbus, president of the Student Senate at ennett College, where Bhe la a memf?P of (hp wmliif pIbm aant* Hr 1? athanlel Dett's recent composition, Hymn to Parnassus," In the twelfth defense" broadcast sent over the 'orth Carolina network from Ben ett College last Thursday evening Has McCoy's golo followed a talk on iusIc and the war by f. Nathaniel -alllo, instructor of music at the coV ' f . * . > "The Contrlbutiou of Science to Na tonal Defense" will be the topic ol tie 13th Bcnqett broadcast to be air on. April 2,. with Charles M. Ford clence instructor, as speaker. $lt S0N . ? f- NOW.pjumNG ^THRTT^A7l:tiRn xy US OUTLOOK. GREENSBORO, | I jHj . vj fl Ht- ' JK ? . .OIK': ' >M?k la *-eP j I G9 ^ W11,1.1AM A, RHODES Dr. Carringtoh r"Preaches Forceful . Sermon \ "An Educational Approach to the Problem of Kellgtno" was the subject 1 used by Dr. WIUUui Carrloglon. of I the Howard University School of ' Religion, who was principal speaker ! for worship service held In the Rich- i . ard B. Harrison auditorium of A. and f T. College last week. Dr. J. M. Smith, professor of re* liglon and social science, offered scripture reading. L The speaker listed "five types of ( students according to their attitudes toward religion, that were as follows: the active fighter of religion, the doubter, the pacifist (who leaves religion alone), the person who makes religion part of hh; everyday life and the religious fanatic. Describing religion ag designed to help one appreciate life?to help one think for' himself?and to help one live up to the highest and best within himself, he said, "Religion is worth something when it la worn on the Inside." Dr. Carrlngton further declared that on coming to college many stu-j dents thrust religion aside. He said that such religion did not amount to uiuai, mr true reunion cannot oe destroyed by o college education. That liberal college education and "bid con? cepts, which were drilled into the lo'<r, dividual In a narrow' community, ; cause the newcomerg to college, totjr become confused was admitted. How e*er, the educational approach to re' llglons was stressed aa the destroyer 1*" of the conflict between' religion.and ;* adence and the remover of the many f5 prohibitions 'from'"religion. . ^ I v ,V Although sharks ^usually . stick' to salt water. Central,America's Patuca rt river contains sharks 200 mQes from N. C. / r ' - ' ^ : V *' k m ^r- ' J . M v-: .? jfJtJ B y I 4 1^ ijfl H MLSS HAZEL LEON BRIDGES Scenes From Recital Sponsored By Greensboro Negro Business League':.* . lv>: '''} 'iaWW n; \ ? > V ; ' : \ ' a. ? * * .j ' ' -A, ... - 1.- ' :W ? Wright and Chavis Arrested On Liquor Charge Warranto charging transporting 35 gallons of non-tazpald whisky for the purpose of sale were Issued Saturday olght by police for Julius A. Wright, 215 Obermeyer street, negro janitor at Aycock school, and Charlie Chavis, Negro, 1012 Nelson street. Wright was released under 5500 bonds for appearance In municipal-county "court April R irhlla OJ?WI. ?* "* -? --- ..mms wua lo, on iqtaua, whs recognized to be In court on the same date. . Police said seven five-gallon carta of liquor were seized in 'a car which they identified aa belonging to Chavls after it had been backed Into '. a swampp spot off Nelson street Satur: day night. They-said they had thrown the raya of their flashlight on the driver and allegedly recognized him as Wright, but added that he escaped after backing the car Into-the soft ground. . V '}' t? ' | The officers said a wrecker . was brought to the scene1 to jtull the car out. While this 'was In progress a"! car passed by and they recognized Wright as a passenger and arrested him. ' - NEGRO FARMERS MEET. , REIDSVJLLE. March 27?First oi a. series of meetings for 'Negri farm era%fCR^klnghainycocm ty\^ go under Wa^Vthls'.-Sreek: wlth-atmeetini I^nmm/K^ro fam. conntj^alM today, Lotif N^lfen cnltTira'atTvWu, ondaf jnrparrlaloB O A. *>i. McKoy haaril AAA profram' la fonnaHon-tejyj; BoarcM, <<ile "'.About one-sLxth of the farms of the / country were classified by the UHO-* census as too small or unproductive to be self-supporting. I'hone 9523 Expert Servk* LELIA'S BEAUTY SHOPPE APEX SYSTEM 803 H E. Market # Greensboro ACME BEAUTY & j BARBERSHOP ; -* <. DIAL 2-3093 * 1108-1109 S. Ashe St. v Sharpe'a Funeral Service and Burial Insurance j Ambulance Service Prompt, Courteous Ser\iee H- C. SIIARPE, Prop. I 717 Asbe SL Greensboro, N. C. MORROW DRUGSTORE Phone 7981 (or) 9312 813 East Market Street NOTICE V t .* . < J TO ' * ' CHURCH, SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES He*4?urt?rf tmr Cambric, All Colors, 15c Yd. Efird's Dept. Store . ' ' - 4 Everything for the ' \ Home on Easy V; " j*-,' Vy V Ternwat ' ^ . - Phone 4107-8 ? * ;i?*. 121 No. Elm. St. 1 ' g . V.-.- ' , Send Your Dry Cleaning With Your Laundry ^ Make One Call Do It AU J Columbia Laundry Dl.n?n ClOO . * riv | A IIUIIC UlifO > 1 . tisEmmiffl SUN CREST ORANGE :IK r. i ntDUOHT rtOTTUHG* C O.X - , * 1 jn *. wim'tn. rs? t?9fi

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