*,Keep Up With the Times J FUT . VOL. 1. NO. 37 i, ?? 7 ??? -? . Charles Robinson I sfc' Dead .1 i-~ CnABXJW DOWD ROBINSON. { Charles I>owd Robinson wail born . to "the late Randall and Cla'rissey Robinson near Mount Gilead, North Carolina, located In Montgomery d county, October 17. 1875. IJe wns the a s. oldest of four children/ o He. was the last member of'the A / ' first graduating class of A. and T. S . College. After finishing Id 1000, he w .V taught at the- College." While there n K^he/waa summoned to Tuskegee Nor- a ? mal''and Industrial Institute, where he served as teacher and traveling ^ . photographer for Booker T. Washing- n l.;-to?L^;w. s While a student at A. and T. col- t - lege he met Carrie I>ee Brown (de- V . ceased) in Jonmboro, North Car<>- S ' Una, Whom he married In 1909. They p fc/llyed In Greensboro for-a few years o then went to Tuskegee. Born to n were nine children; namely: t Charles Henry, Jr, (deceased). Car- * rle Eustace, Clara Gladys, Minnie v . Elisabeth, Helen Orella," Beatrice f : (Continued On Page Seven) t GOVERNORBROU ' " PAY OF TEA< ' >& " -v ' - ' . f '.i^Raise of S3 a Month ' ^Suggested; May Ask ' "SLegislature for More ' Vj4- . ??rT--'";-: '^According to information from Ra- , .lelgh,'Governor B rough ton* has re white an? j#* Negro"' teachers would W. boosted' ijt feTjthe /fOTeroor*a s^nmiflDdatJons^are * ^pltwAsJiet-fin reasonable contlnKenJ t^orf'ah <*ild tikftlMtrtboUM*^o.the puV ,tbe; s^te on 'a ^ such^^a ure , GREENS Slegro Soldiers From Fort Bragg ro Be Entertained Dance To Be Given At.Community Center According to announcetuent mntlr oday by Harry Parker, Negro reflation. director and co-ordlnatnr of ecreatloTi for Negro service meti In he City, First Sgt. Altiert A. Hank* rill . bring a contingent of Negro roopsf rnro Fnrt ttrngjr to the city or a day of recreation this Thur*lay. The occasion Is the baseball ume between the local (Joshen Bed Vlngs and the nine of the service tieschment. quartermaster corps of Fort. IraKK. The men will arrive by bus rbursday morning at 11 a. m. and rill be guests of the Center during he day. The buses will report to the Vindsor Community Center, headluarters for soldiers, and make the Jenter headquarters for the day. The Center's soldiers lounges will he open luring the day for reading, writing nd social hours. Noch.i pool will 'tie pen free of charge to the soldiers, fter tlie gaaebalj game at Memorial itadium Thursday night, a dame rill be held at the Center for the len. The public Is Invited to attend nd helpx entertain the men. Communication was received today y Parker from. P. M. Rinford, recrelion representative-of the Federal ecurity Agency in this area now staloned in the ' manwner area at Padesboro to the effect that the F. >. A. and the U. S. O. expresses apreciatlon and thanks the people f^Oreenaboroi for. the *^splendtd man?r In which the troops' were enteralned last week-end." Another tunoy of Negro troops from the mancuer areas Is expected to vlalt the city or another week-end of recreation in he near future. ghton wants :hers boosted News of Maxtan Miss Myrtle Ware has returned to her home in Hasty, after spending some time with her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Parnell, of .Maxton. AJnry i ? -*- 5 and MVa. Bud Cole, of* Maxton. } ' illw'Tenneea'Mcrniffle, of Fayettevllle,' plana . to spend her vacation with her aunt and uncle, Mr." and Mrs. Jaine Frank Brlggs. .'Y ?.? Mr.'a Foster Moody- a ad Nathaniel Malletfe," of Maxton, have* left Max? ton to .Work at Fort Bragg. . Mrs. H." C. Walden and daughter, Lester Walden, spent laat',W**k wItB her ' daughter and, eon-ln-law/ Mr. and* Mra>.Waat)lngton, of Haw River, . "Mrs. Sailtefo.'Malloy, of New York dty?t?J vIsttlnfc *S>er " roothef/aJiilre rt^Xewa^ V dayi VMr^Oiarieg Calj> .gpcot; the',eg nlng^ Tueeday^A^yiat 12,'^with llfi . 3 . ?THE? : 01 >BOKO, N. C, SATURDAY. AUGUST Navy Day To Be Celebrated At Windsor Center Navy Band From Chapel Hill Invited According to announcement made today by Harry Parker, assistant director of recreation In charge of the Negro division of the local recreation commission, and co-ordlnator~of recj reatlon for Negro service men In jThe city,"Navy"day will be. celebrated" %a't the Windsor Community Center at an early date In the near future not. yet announced. Invitation has been exlended.-the Negro Navy hand, the first of Its kind, now stationed at jthe Navy's pre-fllght training school at Chapel Hill, to .be guests of the Windsor Center for a Navy prom to he held In honor, of the men. The date of the celebration will lie de I term I tied by the commanding officer of the Chapel FT1H unit A large portion of the Navy band la composed of local boys from the city niicf A. arid T. college, the band drawing much of Its talent from the Dudley High school and A. and T._ College band units. " ' M A detachment of Negro troops from Fort Bragg, will be. the guests of the Windsor Cpnter this Thursday for a day of recreation It'was. also announced . today. Tbe^^meo will agnlu he In charge of First- Sgt. Albert A. Banks, of . the service. detachment, quartermaster corps, which has been to the city - several * timer*. The troops wui arrive at the Windsor' Center, as headquarters at 11 a. m. and remain throughout the day und evening. The occasion of the visit 4 (Contihued On I'age Three) Rev. Mr. Kilgore To Deliver A. and T. Baccalaureate Sermon nni-in- mi..iint Hew. Tbomaa Kllgore, paator qt the , Frl^mlfthJp Baptist church, I WlDCtoa-Saj^m,Vlll deliver the bnccaulaoreate sermon at A. and | j T. Collef&^re^bon*, on . Sun' h^lUi*ro?W-i9sM?ofCirtKlltori?ni.-. j of North , ^^roUi^^^i?p^^|^'win glve^ *^the ^commencement*^ a'ddreea on *^7V- "V,*;. ^^A'Hi^mao'-Kilcbre^-psBtor of _?li< Krtcnrtahlp Raptlaf' church,- "Wlnaton ; f^iera/ N. C, and W.%D*ilarralchae! f }?? controller"*of -die Unlveridty Vi North'Carolina, will be the'prlnHpn ^(Coatinoad On Pace Three) . ' ;-^r- : -r .Vp" ITU 33, 1943 / First Aid Unit ] Organized Here < Red Cross Mobile Plan ' Is Authorized Authority to organize a mobile j first aid unit was received last week I by local Red Cross chapter from" area headquarters In Alexandria, ' Va., and six first aid instructors hHve enrolled. * | Only first aid Instructor* who I hove cars, are in current good standing and have taught at least one class may register in this particular mobile unit. Those enrolled have been furnished . with lG-unlt .kit*, which they must carry In. their, cars at uU times with metal markers attached to the car designating the driver as a qualified first alder. Covers are furnished so that the marker will not show If someone not qualified to give first aid drives the car. Report forms are also carried by the first aiders and all acci- j Hor>9o In u.hl?K .Ko- !_l_i n aid must be noted on them. c [ Five of the six Instructors en- t rolled comprise the entire county o 'nursing staff. They include W. C- li Stulllngs, Miss Mary Frances Kllgo. Miss Lucy Monroe, Mrs. Dorothy B. j Jones and Miss Mary Elizabeth Grlf- e [fin. Mrs. Clara G. Carlton, of Mor- s rison-Neese Furniture company'also e is enrolled. It is expected that other j I Instructors will. Join the. unit which j is .ihe first of its hind in Greens- ( boro. Negro Policemen CHARLOTTE, Aug. 15 ?Two neV 1 Negro policemen were sworn in here ' today, bringing the total Negro of- 3 fleers on the Charlotte police force 1 to four. All will do police work In ' the Negro section of the city. WILL REMOVE SIF FROI Fire Trucks and Ambulances Not To Have Siren Warnings Sirens will be removed from all ambulances, fire trucks and other vehicles In Greensboro shortly so that " only siren sounds In the city will be those of the new electric- air raid uurnlng system, according to a statement from _ Defense Co-ordlnator Charles G. Yates. Mr. Yates said that removal of sirens from all vehicles has been requested and recommended by the state defense office and that It will be' o'clock nooo effectlve' last" Saturday, i- August lS^Vand continuing tachi SatI, urday until; farther- notice.'-47-*c - ; f -Purpose In' the" weekly '"tSst,IIri ii Yatea pointed out In his letter is to (Continued On ,Pa'?e'-Two)>'jfi? m; i? Tlzcfuturg Outlook.' | SOK riCICK: 5r ' >JN Rev. J. W. Tynes .. Celebrates 10 th Vt^. i\nniversary REV. i. W. TYNES. August 24, 8:30 p. m.~Sermdn by )r. J. T. Halrston. imstnr of ihn Shi. 'AS" jh Baptist church, assisted by his ' hoir, ushers, officers and congregu- J '" *^3^ ion. The Deacon and Trustee Boa*-djj_ _V f Providence Baptist church, will be . iost to tlie visiting pastor and hurcluj . August 23,, 8:30 p. m.?Sermon .by *f lev. W. D. Johnson, B. Th, pastor \ .'y^fy if the New Zion Baptist church, as- ' J? isted by his choir, ushers, officers lud" congregation. The Provldenqe Uert club and Circle No. 2 mill be ' lostesses to the visiting pastor and - .v'.'-2| :hurch. " -V*' August 26, 8:30 p. m.?Sermon' by Sev. It. C. Sharp, pastor of the : -V'' ^roWQIng.Chaupel Methodist church,' *//. isslsted by his choir, ushers, officers -*' ind congregation. The Providence Deaconess Board, Daughters of Zion and Senior Missionary circle will be hosts to the visiting pastor and ^ (Continued On Page Six) [ENS > VI ALL VEHICLES Schools for Bus Drivers Will Be Held ' The office of SupL ?T. R. . Foust, ' today sent notices to all principals of rural Guilford county schools to.;* V'"; advise them of the annual schedule of schools for the. bus drivers, which regular and substitute drivers are reqlred to attend. A state highway pa- . trolmao will be at each school to Is- ' sue certificates of proficiency. > egnf bns drivers will meet at the .. . county garage on Battleground road ' -/ Saturday, September 2, atv10 a. m.' for their ahoof. The schedule of schools for -white v.' drivers, each to begin at B ft- m. on _ the dates specified follows: Angust 24 at Rankin school 7or\C^7 drivers from Bcaaemar. Guilford. Rankin, Madison, Monticello and Bnsick schools, August 25 at Leaner I Ue,. Glbsonville, Whltsett and : ' 'y^> Alamance schools. August '.26 Jamestown' school,t for. drivers from^^S^^ Jamestown, Union Hill, Sedgeflei?^!^j^ Allen J a j* and Oak View ^ fteiboul August 27 at Pleasant Garden for bus drivers from Pleasant' dec. Sumner and . JisthsnleJ Oreene';;" schools, and. August 28 -at 8ummer-