- ; if |?<f Keep Up With the Timet IDT VOL. L NO. 42 ' ' * 49.' 0 i Marian Anderson Will Cristen the Washington s i*:MarlHr? Anderson, lyMirat^L con?< .fra^to, will christen the Liberty ;,J_Chli? Hooker T. Washington when " If the ^JO.OO^-ton r??N<l la Imtnchni bv 1,^ thy^Callff 1 r 111 a Shipbuilding t'orjmras'^.tjoiv, at 'Wilmington. Oit1.,<the V. S. >* Ala'rftliue -ComiulMtanti announced toV' '' %Tbe Booker T. Washington. the Liberty. Ship to be named for til , -Negro, wa? dMlpiHtrd In honor of . Booker Taliaferro Washington, noted ; ';*Kegro educator Mini founder of Tit*Normal And Industrial 111stt- j J" at Tuskegee, Ala. Mr. WttBlilng ''foremost exponent of Industrial QffiocfpfratlbMfor Negroes, died on' No^ M15,t-* '< **'.; ^&^Hw^<^allfornl? Shipbuilding Cor^^^watton^and the Hooker T. WashlncE5@bn^hlptLaunching Couimittee, a cltlMMKen'a'ffoLp. whi ch la co-sponsoring the S^Uunchlng, have lovHed Mrs. Portia ft^^qahtogton Pittiuun, 'only - living *Vd?Vighter of the educutor, and Mlw iiWldmlae. Washington, a granddaughter, IX&roV^ltD&ta the ceremony. Mrs. Pittjraputn resides at iTinktyre I nstltute. |yj?mnd ^bq granddaughter Is a .governH&'JDent, employee In 'Washington.,.. liar .'Invitations, have "heeu. exK*g&ed? tofjdra.; Miry' McLeod. HetJB^u'ne, T)1 rector' <>f Negro^ Affairs for IiTnunucu un-raye I nreej , | IlND t. aggies RATTLERS, ft tie A. and T. Aggiea^wiDa a one of the south's mos lay night,; October 3, at 8 n^gemenf will be thejAj 'OfcarW^U.-Pelkerry.ond 'An, Archibald Morrow, ' Dutch nd Bronnan .King, have hwiv ntinp on . Ironing out. th^der the offensive" and defensive i of . the Apple gridiron ins-. The ma)orit^ ol^ player* are n, and the Apple .mentors have 9 ~ : URE GREENS Bennett Starts 17th Year As a Woman's College President Jones Is At ' First Chapel Meeting Th?* beautiful iuik-stuiltle.1 cniupui t?f Itenhett college Iwchuip the rcem of enlivened uctlvlty last Wednesdnj as returning students tramped t< their classes anil thereby itmu.TMrat eil the school's 17th opening as nt educational institution for women. l'resident D. I>. .lones sounded tin keynote for the yenrji work wlien hi told tlie students at the first chape! meeting to strive for efficiency li every assigned task, and warned them tlmt their lives "must be tied up with our national life or with tin world, and we ure all obliged tr help In this total struggle until vie toryi Is won." Health safeguards mental poise, nail appreciation of tin simple things are all necessary ailjuncts to victory,- the president said War time demands* are reflected lu the change of course offerlnm litis school year. Physical education, lo'np a vital part of the Institution's pro gram, has been' stepped tip to 'in elude a more strenuous program, in' volving all students.' Miss Elisabeth Staiifleld, Butler University's worn ?n's tennis champion and holder ol the Indiana A.A.U. championship* li the AO and 100 yard sprints,'.has beer added to the physical education stafi to assist in developing the physical stamina of students. The "work shop", conducted for sit weeks this summer for the benefit of graduate and non-graduate com munlty leaders from several Btatei as a part of the Bennett Collegt Summer Institute for Home Defenw and covering the fields of nutrition child care, health education, consum er education and crafts will have lti principle extended throughout tbi school year. - ' v. Through this program, students a the direction of Mrs. Marie Bather a specialist in clothing and Dr. Mur lei Petionl, in health education, wil study urban v and rural eoramunlt: I problems- through first hsnd contact, i . .(Continued On Page Bight) VS. A. AND M. CTOBER 3, NIGH1 neet the J^Qrifo'^and M. Rat t popularin&r^eciional classic. *15 o'clock, Jn Memorial staid iuro tries' first home jrame'.>;' . ff ?-?''*& .? Step Up Program For.Training of. Nurses for Nation ' . V- ?, AuxTlfary Workers To ' "Jie'Better Classified: If; ni?p , shorUg^ta*}L?tnorsing field, Fe< , eral {Adrolol?tr?t<>r P?a] vv1Tr? -1 v *-vv THE? ; 01 BORO, N. C, SATURDAY. SKPTKMBI Fuel Oil To Be" Rationed In the Eastern States It Appears Now Many Homes Will Be Cold Coupon rationing of fuel nil in 3d 1 eastern and midwestern slates and " the District of Coluruhla probably ' will t?ec1n about Ortolier ir>," hut will rover all nil m*ed after , Ortol?erNtl. ? Prlre Administrator I^eon Henderson announced today. ' The program will lie Initiated us ' wain as necessary forms mid coupon I books can he printed and dlstribntfid. 1 he said, warning bluntly that the ' prospect of uncomfortably cold lioniea ' this winter confronts residents of the ' rationed area who depend on oil for > heating. The nffected area compris' Ing more than a third of the country, contains almost three-fourths of the ' nation's population. The amount of oil to be allowed each heating unit under the plan. 1 which Is ganged to nit consumption I 2S OOP rmi In tho iiffarii"! orim trill : be based on.several factors, chief among them being floor apace In the ' house and the amount of fuel nscd ' last year- . Householders, to get coupon ration ^ RheetR, will |a? required to furn'rh local rationing hoards with detailed Information about characteristics of ^ the dwelling and furnace. This will ^ he done through use of an application form during a special registration period. dates" of which will he : announced later. ' Employing a formula worked out by 1he OPA In consultation with the 1 heating Industry, local rationing hoards "will determine the nunilter of ' gallons of fuel oil to maintain day time temperature of fill de.grees under average weather conditions. Ad' Jnstments then will he made on the basis of paat consumption. If poor Insulation and poor oil 1 hm-ner efficiency make It Impossible -. to. maintain the 0.1 degree tempera ture with this amount of nil, the 1 householder Is expected to cut down F the heat loss rather than burn more ? fuel. , To prevent actual suffering Ir cases where householders lack the financial means to make such needed j improveemnts,' or where sickness m other factors are Involved, local r? tinning hoards will 1*? permitted t? mafce exceptions to this rule. * As details of the rationing pi hi 8. neared ,completion, Mr. Hendersor urged householders to convert oil burning furnaces to ?Coal wherevei and as soon as possible and tolnstaf Insulation. \ weather-stripping ant storm-sashlng in homes In the. inter est of fuel oil conservation. "The effectiveness of your efforts to do these things will determine t< a large extent, the degree of. com fori 1 you wilL have In ymtr homes this win i said. V- ' vS \^JT^^<>|'l-.-situation It rso critics p it bat/there simply won't. }>o enough "tf v k^tpj^people*. A warm ,\.ln all-hoittt r hjmae/4thU wlnter.r If t^ey set now; If there'are several thiiiga they c*n d< C tjv^keep. themselves from going cold And moatWfectlve'pf the#* o is J to take out the'oil burner ?n? if put jln'-'fpal.y If Tor some reason yoi tj' cap'L"do this, there nre other way? o i\ helping*-yourself. L SKtf (Continued On Pace Three) - WW JTL CR 2?, 1942 - | WOMEN AND MACH1N ing an increasingly important craft, munitions and ordnance source of labor supply. The y< ing bushings in the picture ab Negro women employed in th eastern navy yard. Ernest Cotton < Will Be At Liberty Ship Launching A 10-year-old Negro youth who lieeded Booker T. Washington's adnionitlon to obtain an Industrial education will one of the" more than 500 Negro skilled, semi-skilled pud uuskllled shipyard workers who will , witness the launching of the LibertyShip. Booker T. Washington, at the , California Shipbuilding Corporation V Wilmington yards. V; I The youth ia Ernest Enloe Cotton, who attended Tuskegee Institute at i Tuskegee, Ala., from 1038 to VmL . Young Cotton was trained as a I sheet metal worker at Tuskegee and " returned to the west coast In 15M1 to seek employment In a defense pluiit. I ? Although Negro** are employed.hi a variety of skilled categories at the ' California Shipbuilding Corporation. no sheet metal openings were av?llI able when the youth applied there for ; Cotton accepted a Job as a Janitor i ' In the yards but Immediately entered1 a defense training school for weld-, era. Five months ago, hla Industry ] ' was rewarded when he was given * regular employment as a welder. f .The voting Tuskegee graduate did not get an opportunity, in * work on j the ahlp which will be named .for tlie founder of his\arhool, butIkhk *?j signed to a similar shlp^nearbyy^' f "J f really ' would.TdlkeV to - have * orked 'on ij," he safd/**'but?. I bare no; time to feel bad; >'hopt It, We're ; turning out ship* here'In res-ord time , and every man must work where heV ) tiee*led. The ships .are al^.-for^tlm f some Importan^ purpoae,'eo/l'iil;3uA. as proud as If J. had ctmtflbuteA'-d^ recti y to the . :ad The Future Outlook! j )0K ft WUrd InR^H "*' MMiyii'lllB I ' I B wr**fm hn^HH H : '*pw|^H9 H5S| Bf^B^^B : -. ' /: ;. .' -'r; .-V'.', . :. ' >fflre nf War Infoniiution t?boto. it ES?-Negro women are playpart in war production. Air- f : plants are now tapping this >ung woman shown undersiz- ';.: / ' OVO in nno nf oovorol VinnHr/vl e aircraft factory of a large A. and T. Has Approximately 400 Freshmen Faculty Conference Precedes the Opening Approximately 4^0 freshmen registered at A. and T. college last week to give the Institution- the largest enrollment in Its history.' With the final registering of npperclftasmen this week the total college attendance is expected to reach ^ [record mark. -V ' V* Several programs were held for the, freshmen last week, among them being the President's Reception and the Freshman Jollification. The" last- ' named program, which was held In the college gymnasium last Saturday \ " night, featured the newly-discovered \ talent of the freshman class. \ .Many 'of the Incoming freshmen and npperelassmeo have made appll- " 1 cation.-to' the senior unit of the ^ i^onimueaon f*a^e Five) Meat Will Appear Less Frequently Meat la sn Hem that will appear" leas frequently on our tnhle* during the coming year, though the amount ? we'll get?2% pounds per person P*r week .t?' la about our average, con- /*:.j sumption for-the past 10 years and well above, the one pound a &, thaf th?, Englishman . gets.' the 12 ounrea'per week 'allowed (.ennang, orj^fjfe the^li^ oubbea- available ^ for^bal^-^^?, starred *,'Belgian*.'/; Oyr total ?xneat^jjfflf; supply, is the latrrai.on"record^ but because of the needs of the fighting 'StI* force* .and of our allies, we will ran 8 WIlloo ponnds short of 'betng'^We^&C

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