u-r * . * ( Keep Up With the Tin Fin if VOLUME III, NO. 16 {J. f3p ^fiflSgj! ^mammmmam SGT. AUGUSTUS WRIGHT' f Sgt. Augustus Wright, of Winston-Salem, N. C., was a former student of A. und T. College be;V fore being Inducted into the army [ Wright is stationed somewhere in camp in New York. Night School Opens February 21 The adult vocational education night school will begin the second session of the 1943-44 term Monday night, February 21, and Tuesday night, February 22. ( l The fuculty is composed of Mrs. R. B. Withers, Mrs. Viola Hughes, and Mrs. Pearl Rogers Lee, sewing ;Mr. R. S. Poole and Mr. R. P. Shoffuer, tulioring and pressing; Mr. George Roddy, auto mechanics ; Mrs. Ethel Anderson and Mrs. Muttie Eccles, domestic service; Mrs. C. M. Gibson, practical nursing; Mr. N. U. Macoinson, bricklaying. The classes will be held at th? 4 * same time and places as for the 'previous session. For further Information, please !. call Mrs. W. M. McLaughlin, at 3-2173 or 2-2268. FRANCES GOODRICH DIES AT 87 Nutlonully knovvp for her promotion of southern mountain hanj.dicrafts, Miss Frances L. GoodV., rich died at her home In Ashe, vllle Monday at the age of 87. Funeraf services were held yesteri day. ; More thun 50 years ugo, Miss [ Goodrich came to the North Caro' liua mountain country from Bing]r hampton, N. J., and In 1805, she - founded the Allenstand Couimupiulty Center in Ashevllle, later ?. .widely known as the Southern Highlands Handicraft Industries f*with producing centers in Virginia, v. Kentucky, Georgia, and Tennessee ?aa well as North Carolina. V'crafts. It will serve as a lasting fv In 1980 she established a mu seum at Ashevllle as a permanent ^record of mountain Industries and ^tribute to her own work of half a jjcentury. Miss Josephine Connor, of Sallsrtrary, spent the week-end with her Ulster, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, and ;Mlsav Ivesta Connor, of 406 Cole I ?;?j GREENSBO Third Layman's Address Given At Browninq Chanel Mrs. Sadie L. Shepherd gave an inspiring message Sunday morning to the congregation of Browning Chapel. In Mrs. Sliepard's talk she said "The heart of every Christlau, Is torn apart by this war, and every Christian knows ( that war is not the right way in which to settle u conflict, yet it is done and we must do our part in helping others to remember to cling closer to our Savior. It was very fitting for Mrs. Shephurd to mention our future chlrch, "The Children," she related the time when the Muster showed greatest displeasure with his disciples when they kept the children away from hiru, and today the modern church should be interested in the health, piny and education of the children of its community. In Mrs. Sliepard's closing remarks she asked the congregation as a grouKio Join In extending the kingdom N-f God in our Community and city. A very successful rully was held at Browning Chapel Sunday night. The members of the church were divided into nine groups and each leader was asked to raise $25. Every group raised or surpassed the amount asked for in the rally. It allowed real church spirit and willingness to work. DR. D. W. HENRY VESPER SPEAKER Dr. D. W. Henry, well known clergyman and pastor of the Tindley Temple Methodist church of Philadelphia, spoke to the regulur Rnnnntf P/il????? vuirej,Ycapcr service Suujlay afternoon, on the subject. "All the Rivers Run Into the Sen.'" Said Dr. Henry in his address. "To be our best in whatever we do is the monumental meaning of life." He further usserted, "We can never do the best within us or nurture tljat service within us unless we are Inspired by some deep and cherished embitlon which we highly crave. The real meaning of living can never be achieved until this point in life is fully realized. In this alone lies true success." The choir, under the direction of Orrin Clayton Suthern II. at the organ, sang, "O Praise Ye the Name of the Lord"?Ooldsworthy and "My Way's Cloudy"?Burleigh. the solo part being rendered by Miss Priscilla Browne. FESTIVAL GIVEN BOY AND GIRL SCOUTS A festival was given for the boy and girl scouts of Greensboro at the Windsor Community Ceuter, Monday, February 21. .The festival was given under the supervision of the Future Outlook and staff. Games were directed and conducted by Mr. G. T. Channel. Refreshments were serv eu iree Dy me uoca The Wnrnersvlllfc Coterie club ^ met at the home of Mrs. Florence ' Norwood, Mrs. Annie Wnddy Price -l presiding, due to the absence of 1 the president. The election of officers for the next club year took place with the ^ following being elected : President. ^ Mm R T Wefttherlv. vice nresl dent, MIrh Lu vesta Marable, secretary, Mrs. Beatrice Harrison, treasurer, Mrs. Grace Brown, club reader, Mrs. Goldle Hargett. Members present were Mesdames It. T. Weatherly, Annie Waddy Price, Anna B. Moore, Edna Hunter, Ernestine O'Daniel, Goldle Hargett, Beatrice Harrison, Bessie Reddlck, Florence Norwood, Birdie Dusen- I berry, Grace Brown, Miss Luvesta h Marable. e I -???? Rem ITU r 20. 1944 Windsor Center las Full Schedule -Qr Comiug Week Oiien house for soldiers "and ivillans will be hold Sunday, Fob. tO, from 5 to 7 |>.ui.( Activities or the week Include a special leout program on Monday afterloott under the sponsorship of Mr. r. F. Johnson. The Ihirtner Center en in will play the Warnersvllle onm Monday nlffltt. On Tuesday ilffht the Omo^l basketball teatn vill play the (tenter men. The iVIiIlt rlub will meet also on Tuesday liixlif. The shift' Center >nft wet ball team will meet tlie I.uheran si lis at TtTC 10 in :i dourie-lieudcr with the Lutheran boys tnd the 303rd Whiff team on Wednesday. The regular veeren:loti nlffht for servicemen will bo teld at the Center on Wednesday light. The Teen-Age club will hold ts regular meet in r Thursday light. On Friday night the Maco Beauty College will crown "Mim Unco" in n ceremony at the Community Center. The. weekly Saturday night dance will be held Saturday night with Mr. Max VVesterbaud's orchestra. Highlights of the past week at the Windsor Center was a quiz thow sponsored by the Negro [business League on Friday night. Hie Rurtner men's team met couference. They were accompai tiled by Miss T. Ruth Itrctt, dean of students, who was a discussion leader of the meeting. WILLING WORKERS' CLUB HAS NINTH ANNIVERSARY . The Willing Workers' club met with Mrs. Martha Juckson, 1035 Armstrong street, Monday night for the election of new officers. Miss Ireue Slier was elected president; Mrs. Mamie McCauly, vice-president, Mrs. Alma Itlgabee, secretary; Mrs. Nancy Hooper, assistant secretary: Mi s. Chllle Miller, treasurer. This club will celebrate Its ninth anniversary Sun day at St. Stephens unrisuan church on High street. Iter. Cleland of Bethel church, will be the speaker. The Qospel choir will sing.