TWO ROADtoF APPENDICITIS ? ' ' i By A. C. TERKENCE, M. 11. a Opelousus, La. 1 i "Doctor, this is Mrs. Barker," \ said ail anxious voice on my telephone several weeks ago. "My t son George has a bad stomach- ( ache, and he seems to have a ? lever. Should I give him some 1 medicine?" . I "Put him right to bed and c don't give him anything," I an- i swered. "I'll be right over." i When 1 got there. 11-year-old 1 George, looking miserable, said I he felt sick at his stomach. When t 1 asked him where he hurt, he s pointed the lower right side of t his abdomen, saying the pain had started higher up and then gone i down. 1 I immediately suspected ap- l pendicitis .and after making a a few tests I was sure. I told Mrs. a Barker that George would have to go to the hospital and have a his appendix out. He looked a alarmed at this news, but I ex- ? plained that taking an appendix ( out is not a dangerous operation 1 if it is done at the right time. As i a matter of fact, it is one of the < most common operations of all. >t Today George,/rid of his trou- i blesome appendix and getting j over the effects of his operation, i was in my office proudly show- i ing me his scar. He told me that 1 his seven-year-old brother Bob- ? by, anxious to imitate his big 1 brother in every way, was clamoring to have his appendix taken out too! George is an intelligent, wideawake youngster, and he was JONESBORO Cash Service GROCERIES-MEATS PRODUCE Phone 3-1513 19O0 East Market St. GREENSBORO, N. C. r ROYAL GARDEN CAFE / jM^I^AIT/ /,f' ii VB *^ ' JV I PWien dining out try Our Rib Barbacue, Chicken, Chops" g and Hams. Always Glad to Serve You. OPEN ALL NIGHT 821 East Market Street . Phone 9355 ' HI HI 8H HI Hi HI H TH IEAL TH ull of questions about his apicndix, questions 1 was glad to mswrer. First he asked, "What s an appendix, anyway? Will 1 uiss it? Can 1 get along all right vithout it?" I said that, as far as we know, he appendix is useless. I drew ieorge a picture of a worniihaped organ about four inches ong, and explained that this was he approximate size and shape >f his appendix. (Some are an nch or so longer, some an inch >r so shorter.) 1 told George hat the appendix is attached at [he beginning of the large intesines. He was amazed that such a miall organ could cause so much [rouble. "But since it didn't do me any ;ood, but gave me an awful pain, 'm glad to be rid of it," he comaeuted. Then he asked, "But ,vhy did my appendix hurt? What .vas the matter with it?" I said that the inflammation vhich gave George so much pain ,vas probably started when for>ign matter, entering his appeulix from the large intestine, blocked up the appendix. I exilained that this blockage workid like the dams George likes .o build in the brook, it kept his ippendix from draining, and injured its walls. Once the walls ,vere injured, germs could get in ind set up an infection. The iniection caused the pain, the nausea and the fever George had ,vhen his mother called me. I told George I was glad his nother hadn't given him a laxa:ive or an enema for his "stomichache." The laxative or enema vould have increased the presiure already caused by the 'dam' n George's appendix, and might lave caused the appendix to >urst, spreading the infection all iround. This is a serious condiion called peritonitis, which enlangers life. Lovelier Hair Styles Are Not Always Found In Hollywood ?SEE THE? MACO BEAUTY NOOK 700 EAST LEE STREET Mrs. Lola Whitfield, Mgr. Phone 3-4145 HARGETT FUNERAL HOME Ambulance Service Dial 4814 2-7358 Courteous, Efficient, Sym>athetic Care in the Hour of Veed. Someone who Underitands. We Have Everything You Require. BURIAL INSURANCE 906 East Market St. WWK?> [E FUTURE OUTLOC "Weil, I'm glad mother called you right away," George said. "You know, I felt so sick that morning I didn't eat any brer fast." "As a matter of fact, it's a good thing you didn't eat any breakfast," I answered. "Anyone who has abdominal pain and feels sick at his stomach should not take any food or drink. Neither should he use an ice bag or hot water bottle. You see, they might make matters worse. Another thing?no one who thinks he has appendicitis should rub or massage his abdomen and he should avoid any exertion. That, is why I told your mother to put you right to bed w h e 11 she phoned that day." George suddenly smiled broadly and said he was anxious to get back to school, so he could tell all the boys and girls about his operation. He said he was going to tell them all the things he'd learned about appendicitis. "Well, if you do," I said, "be sure to warn them not to try" any home remedies if they think they have appendicitis. There are only two things to do when anyone you know has abdominal pain and nauseau," I reminded George, "get him to lie down quietly and have the doctor called." If a person with acute appen (Ileitis is under a doctor's care within a few hours of the time the pain starts, he has little to worry about. It is the people who delay calling the doctor, and who meanwhile experiment with home remedies, who endanger their lives. * PARENTS OP QUADS ARE HONORED WITH TEA AT PARAMOUNT GRILL Mr. and Mrs. James Fults and family were honored guests at a tea prepared especially for them at the Paramount Grill Sunday, May 18, following their appearance at Memorial Stadium during the Song Festival. Mr. and Mrs. Fultz are the proud parents of the famous Fultz quadruplets, of Madison. A basket of pink roses and blue robins was presented to Dr. Klenner, the quads' physician, by Mrs. Jessie Walton, as "Miss Rose Beauty Salon," at the sonc festival Sunday afternoon. CARD OP THANKS Mrs. N. E. McLean, of 403 Beech street, wishes to thank her many friends for the lovely flowers, beautiful cards, fruits, and other kindnesses shown her during her recent illness. THE RED LANTERN IS NOW OPEN TO GIVE YOU SERVICE i)21 East Market St. B. D. McCAULEY, Prop. George Carr WOOD YARD We have Heater Blocks, Cooking Wood and Slabs. For Prompt Delivery, Call 3-4249. I IK E. L. RAIVORD DELIVERS COMMENCEMENT ADDRESS AT 11KRRY O'KELLY SCHOOL E. L. Itaiford, executive secretary o? the Bloodworth Street Y. M. C. A., Raleigh, delivered the Commencement address at Berry O'Kelly Training school, Method, N. C., Thursday, May 22, at 10;30 a. in. E. A. Johnson is principal. ' r .- .-^5 PLAY SAFE Good Health Depends on Proper Heating BEST QUALITY COAL REASONABLE PRICES Phone 3-4746 SMITH COAL CO. 110 Gillespie Street GREENSBORO, N. C. YOUR HOME C Call Us for Roof a Complete Roofing anc HODGIN ROOFING 921 \V. Lee St. M,:;. - : ' , , Shares of Stock in Re< Ready f Also 1947 League G For Further i Contact F. B. Mor iiibiiiL:;lTiiiiii|]iliiiiiil,iiiliiiii;,i,l;;i r ? Smoot-E Funeral Home of Guilford Mutua 24 HOUR AMBU1 EXPERIENCE 'Eels: Oilicc 3-4506?Rcsidenc 710 South I Greensboro, N( 113 IS OPEN 24 H Try our special T-Bone S Three-decker sandwiches, Corner Special. We also ser special curb service. 1422 East Market Street \ : ; SATURDAY, MAY 24, 194 LIBERTY MBTUA) g INSURANCE CO. Life, Health, Accident an Hospital Policies DIAL 2-2508 Aiul Our Representative Wtl Call On You T\\frc T?TT> enn -jv-/ IVi JLO r 1IKO 1 nd Gutter Repair I Sheet Metal Service AND SUPPLY CO. Plione 40U7 ....- . !i_, i Wings Corporation or Sale ame Season Tickets Information ris, Phone 3-6519 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll >ilworth Home l Burial Association, Inc. LANCE SERVICE ID DRIVERS e: 3-4210, 6633 and 3-4107 kshe Street )rth Carolina Handy Corner Cafe OCRS A DAY teaks, Half-fried Chickens, Boston Club and Handy ve beer and wine, and give Telephone 9233