lTUITURDAY, IfU VOL. 11, NO. 14 Final Rit Of The 'We are not promised one hundred days, nor one. We have no assurance when we wake up in the morning, that we will be around when night falls. Neither VMU iiwi luaii umnc.i uiesu things to us. If that be so, then it is expedient for each of us ta make every moment count. Not madly, nor in a silly last day of our life, beg, but in such a way that should you.'leave this life! very suddenly, you will leave pleasant memories, happy hearts , , for having' known you, and no regrets. ' ' So lived Mrs. Lethia "Granny" ' Morton, who was born December 22, 1836, and passed March . 9, 1952, at the age of 115 years while.making her home with her > , son, Bishop M. H. Morton, of 1804 Sherwood Street. Funerall A services were held Thursday, 'March ,13, at 2 p. m. at the InYstitutional Baptist Church by YDr. J. W. Turner of Charlottej Interment was , in Maplewood! cemetery %'Vr-Granny Morton was thel v^!,daughter: of, ^Emaiine and Saivd-* .; lina, .'asj. the -?Iaye..'o?fiMr^ Mose' i';; . Simpson.' ''Granny'moved-.;'' to; ': Guilf0id::^Coimty-.,.,arul..'lived: in, 'Greensbfero lot v'53V'.y*iip;,,' She! 4-*F?lp^ed. reminisin^^ :'.pj^t, ' "? century 'and attributed .her-''long y.-'Jife to long dresses and attend1-, ing to her o\yn'affairs'. Upon . reaching >' her lQQthj birthday; "Granny" Morton sang ' a duet with, her ao,&,- ? Bishop x Morton, fever ' Radio ; Station WBIG. In'; 19^8 she received a prize for being the oldest living mother in Guilford County. At the age of 22, she married the late Luke Morton and to this union were 14 children of which four surviye." Her. lat child was '; born when she was 53 years old. At her death she was survived by 200 living descendants: one Youths. Get Lec On Count Of Disi Two white' youths, who broke I up a name-band dance for Ne- j groes Saturday night at Dance-1 land in ORD, were given sus, pended sentences, fines; and a lecture in Municipal-County Court Monday. They are Eugene M. Creed, 27, ' of 1013 Elwell Avenue and Leer Garner Pegg, 22, of Route 1, ' Guilford College. They were ar' rested at midnight Saturday on charges of affray?an arfray which police statea DroKe up xne dance. Judge E. Earle Rives, presiding, told the youths, "It's a disgracdT ' when the colored folks are having a dance, for them to invite whitq spectators and then, have the spectators breaktup the dance." The judge stated in this instance a "group of no-good hoodlums caused a lot of trouble" at , /a dance which the Negro citizens Vere runnjagx-pivaperly. , rfre""defendants! were each given 30 days in jai|, suspended on I ' LL:.; tun i GREENSBORO, NOR' es Hel I Oldest / Bj" I MRS. LETHIA 'tGRA daughter, Mrs. Deana Ashby of o Pittsburgh, Pa.; three sons, Mr. r E. G. Morton and Bishpp M. H. g Morton of' Greensboro and Mr. g William Morton of Brown Sum- C mit, N. C., age 90, who is her o \ tyre And Fine : rupting Dance ' payment of $10 and oosts, and on ' condition of good behavior for 1 the next 12 months. "t" * o Red Cross Serves \ Soldiers & Veterans ; * According to Rev. Carl Her-1 v man,Chairman of the Home Ser- j ai vice Committee of the local Red o Cross Chapter, 330 servicemen, ] a veterans and their families were tl given services during the month L of February and a total of 2,- n 666 durihg the first eight months t; of the chapter's fiscal year, be- d ginning in July. 1951. Services p included reporting, communica- o tions, financial assistance, and i g counseling in personal and faml- si ly problems. i it Mr. Herman stated, "Red Cross j Home Service must not be j d measured in terms of dollars ;,i spent and number of cases in the! a files; it must be considered in j n(Continued On Page Five) t ian T. Roberts, Douglas High (Continued on Page 5) ?THE? rH CAROLINA, SATURD "or One Aothers .NNY" MORTON ldest living son; 75 grandchilden; 90 great grandchildren; 26 ;reat-great-grandchildren and 5 [reat-great-great-grandchildren lontinued to generations photo n page 5. A. & T. Student Teachers Return Twenty-nine studet teachers f the School of Agriculture at l. & T. College are to return td he campus today from sevensen of the leading departments f vocational ^agriculture in the late according to the announcelcnt of C. E. Dean, Teacher'rainer. The student teacher, avc spent eight weeks at the ractice centers teaching all-day. oung farmer, and adult classes nd directing the local chapter f the N. F. A. under the guidnce of the local teacher of the cpartment. Six of these men, ,onnie C'ook, John Alston, Benin B. Riddick, Ledell S. Mcln/re, Coleman T. Roberts and Ruolph Artis, will appear on the rogram for the welcome social n March 11, at 8:00 p^ m. to ive the agricultural staff and tudcnts a report on how they teasured up as student teachers. The practice centers and stuents were: Amos G. Richardson ad Lonnie E. Goode, Lincoln cademy. Kings Mountain: Cole Read The 1 at Iff AY, MARCH 15, 1952 Bennett College Fam Dr. And Mrs. David Yet another honor, this one ; was giv from the Bennett family, canrx^, The . to Dr. and Mrs. David D. Jones honorec in a surprise ceremony conduct-! when t ed during regular Vesper serv- tian Ec ices in Annie Merner Pfeiffer for the Chapel last Sunday. and sac A handsomely hand-done il-, Bennetl lustrated manuscript containing pasture the names of the entire Bennett tiful a family ? from the maintenance! | of all men to students, members of the complel faculty and staff and represen- the tan tatives of the Board of Trustees, | membe: 1 Miss n .-_. 11 n _ 11 - il Ya" pl D till lib 11 UUIIti^ti nUIIIB- ? g" j g, making Institute Closed l*"i0?] Here March Ninth sa^; success The Bennett College' 26th an-' gennet nual Homemaking Institute years. which concluded here Sunday was recognized as one of the recipiel most successful in the college'^ cation history according to President for th( | David D. Jones. . and Dr. Jones paid particular trib- it in tl ute to Dr.- Harry V. Richardson the op of the Gammon ' Theological educati . Seminary in Atlanta, Ga., and our de i' Djr. Myron F- Wicke, Secretary, entire Department of Higher Education, to you ^Nashville&CegQ,;,bo1h of whom jions. ."poke Jtt'Yepex, serviccs:'"-an4-^|f?^g ?$SSg5i ?j6ussioijs. .CJ^tjughout the yyeek-, ii&cni.'f' 'long. affair. . .t ' ? i The Institute, centered. about .. , 'the idea of "Re-Exarriinjng Val- V0C31 ues for Purposeful Living," gave " students, faculty and visitors the ^g0|( opportunity to realize the significant fact that no values are Ther applicable to purposeful living The' 1. ? ??.? - ' uy any group uiuess uiey ait) Dudley first accepted by the individual. ;ng th "Values are Human possessions," portun: j a statement of the Workshops 21. Th i read, "and without the individ- e(j anc ual they do not exist. They are the N; 1 significant only to the extent the pa that every individual is willing The to act on them in daliy living." cai Cai Dr. Wicke, in his address to cess." ? the Institute participants on teachei Sunday afternoon, emphasized school , the idea of applying what had wide, 1 been learned during the Insti- portun , tute to everyday living. dramal ' "You must come down from educat : the grandstand and become a prepar | member of the team," he said. The "You must join in' the game. Be- as foil , come a do-er as well as a think- discuss 1 er." Tuesdt Students: from 38 colleges Depart throughout the South were spe- Bulleti cial guests at Bennett College Special for the last three days of semi- e. f. | nars, gct-to-gethers and Work- 1 Directc shops where the idea of values 1 day ? I was discussed. ! the fol ? j will pi Senior Activities Begin At Bennett I Mcchai | Commi The '52 graduates of Bennett j dustric College will receive their caps a Quiz and gowns officially during the announ Senior Day program to be held WGBG in Annie Memer Chapel Friday tor. at 4:00. The sophomores, sister The class to the seniors, will robe hold " the seniors who will be present- evenini ed by Mr. Hobart S. Jarrett, 20, for Secretary of the Committee of persons Davidson Chairmen. Speaker for I attend (Continued on Page 5) i day- T1 / Future Outlook ofe PRICE): 6 CHINTS ily Honors I Jones on to Dr. and Mrs. Jones, rones', who were recently 1 in Washington, D. C., .hey received the Chrislucation Magazine award ir 25 years of devotion, irifices which have raised t College from a corn > to one of the most beaund thoroughly respected Eastern colleges, were tely taken by surprise by gible token of esteem by *""v rs of "their" family. Juanita Page, Roanoke, esident of the Student read the citation, whichi, 3 follows: , . President and\Mrs. David as on their 25tiC,omtuver Bennett College. W leep appreciation y I * ful administration""""1 t College for the past 25 - , for the distinct honor I has come to you as the 1 it of the Christian EduMagazine Award for 1952; i beauty of our campus e spiritual expression 'of le Bennett Ideals; and for ' ' portunity to 'achieve the ,gi :onal values inherent in ' mocrauc way 01 me;,inq v , Bennettt family extends our si'Vjare congratula- \ t ''-u'I'I 'S '-V -/ ' v^:- ^ ional Opportunity At Dudley High ne: "Steps to Success". . Vocational teachers at High School are conduct-* e annual Vocational Op- i ities Campaign, March 17is campaign wa? conceivi I has be^n sponsored by itional Urban League for st 20 years. } general theme for the lo-* mpaign is "Steps to SucIt is' the aim of these y rs to- acquaint the high5" ^ students with local, state ind national vocational opities; to emphasize and * ' tize the importance of ion, special training, and ation for employment. iui uic wvcn, ia ows: Monday?Homeroom ions of the general theme; { ly ' ? General Assembly, \ merit Day; Wednesday ? n Board Contest, and I Assembly ? Address by Corbett, Public Relations >r, A. .& T.,College; Thurs- , "Open House,", a tour of ' lowing departments which ' resent exhibits and demlions: Art, Home Econom[ricuiture, Trowel Trades, ified Occupations, Auto , rics. Electrical Appliance, ncial Education, and In1 Arts; Friday morning ? ; Program, J. Cirt Gill, . , iccr over radio station will serve as quiz masabove departments will Open House" Thursday % from 8 to 9 p. m. March ' the benefit of interested ; who may'.be unable to the exhibit during thq He public is invited.