y - Vol. .10 Kings Mountain, N. C, .Thursday t January . 8, 1914. yy i. - to.-.. 'Sl'- r 1 1 -tii..!, . am, ' . "'actl'! . , th(I - tax" ' 81 yULlJMAYERYE AS CLDE Mysterious D arice Of Two -Negroes, TiiVsku'U which wa'aald last ' week was" found near Crowders .; Mountain proves to' have been c found at' (he' point of Kings ;, Mountain by Mr. John' Carlco an opertaTvd in the Anna cotton : mill The base of the skull. was projected' from beneath' a log in ' a brook and was ' partly; tub :. merged by wa'terv It. U thought '- that the Teinaluder of the' skele t ti there, about so'newhere sft'ill ' PctCrtlinit to 'Dr.'. J.. ;ii.i'.",f a n 'i,f wcma. The sty it suglit nigiis of hair (wool) - auc!,;ilih. The doctor . tii.uk'K tittl tliij negreso came' to iu negress came to TV, illiwa-'is ; Uiti of' aynU-ti tliiijl may bo conne "te J with tj e i skiii.'atw the hUb'J 'a&L5&-;j& ' Uii tnysiery. On the of iri-"-Wm -. Btntfi'tt near ce tf lii'i Hud." or tNe n Golgotha, tiiere lived a o'luun aiid his" wifty in the 1912. Tii nesns sepin to (wen of the -"fussy" kine 1 is said that the man was ?to say one day to his wife kill you yet' V . The nekt he city council met In regular on Monday night and trans d much business. -Probably most impbrian act of the was to rule that all pity is must be. bald by January i. In order to expedite the lection the chief of police was lered to Insert an ad, ' in ' -the raid '.specifying the times and ices of his collections' during e ra-nainder of the months in u of the fact that he Is physlc- r unable to go around "to ev individual arid collect as usu Jpon coinplai nt . of" Div5 .1.; L. .Kay that his garden had n drowned for: more than i rs by the change in the grade ihe streets which.', turned; the inige fro-n its regular course vns .deefded that the cbuncij ti should me-t on the pferais'es t Monday at 2 P. M. tor the i0!e of viewing the situation the end that the garden should rf'Hei'ued by the' iriDRt praqtlcf :::.'lioil. .O..vv- !(-sks. Leslie "McGinufs d Herndoq ajppeard'i before ! card In behalf of the Kings ntain Railroad '; Recognition n 1 . s"esf bo-fy i isition,' Mr, McGinnis laid c with the ' clerk of the" com matter T of - appropriating meroial club fn 'trying j to" bring y frdifi the city treasury to about the cliangei'. ' v G; H.' Logan made a bust i p t j Grover 'Monday. Margaret Hord returned to school at Due Wes,. cca LaP' i came r burx ' ' cf Lin- : ' mday i . .-.I Of r nnx isappear morning -,.a neighbor - passed around to the house,'' finding everything lis tact, all the house hold goods' wer'ethere but no neicroesl. A pan of bread was found in the stove burnt inio a crisp and' other signs- ot pre parations for breakfast were to be seen. In' fact the house lout the" appearance of : the usuat habitat except that it had' been neglected long enough to allow the negroes' has ever n hna:' nirt )n-H. been seen and It is now twiieven tuat ciuraig iiic preparation of breakfast that Hie negro' man carried put his tnrea 10 am nis wiia anu nni, threat to kill his wifa and bnt where the'sktill was found, and t!iat he made good his escape. The skull shows no sign of foul play, but only the cranium ana a part o tneraciai Dones are present. It is' hoped that the jflndin'i of th' . koH1 may be. a clue which will eventually lead to the briaglng to justice of the mu'rderer if such he be. :" The" house - and furniture are stiU presVrved by . Mr. Bejihett like tliey were left," - f, : meei the expense of preparing the folder heretofore mentioned In the Herald before the board in a very sensible and effectual way.j.': It was estimated thlt the total cost of the project will not exceed thirty dollars and this amount was' set ' aside , by. :.tbe council subject to the ' approyai of the city attorney. yiV;;.-; "" Another very important mat ter found favor in- the sight ' of the board", viz; a "proposition jo co-operate witi' the .Commercial Club in conferring With the Divi sion- Passenger Agents 6f , the Southern "Railway proiipeotiyie to iifikiog the" town a provisional itop for trains jNo.- 87. and 33 flrst section. It was." ttrgued tnat such arrangements- wou id land many1 more" " people Vin" Kings Mountain'than' under, the pres ent regime.' Many Shelby' people are '1 nterested i n the iiio ve anci are anxious to have theseftrains stop herein order to give them a more efflcient'sch'edule. Then U avoid iuiionvehient "schedules oa- 'tr&ins''leaiitg-''. Shelby"they 'would come here" on' autom6bile and board the train; ';., ;' The city lerk" was asked to MJVW.'-R; Everhart andv, child ren returned : Monday -to '"their home at New Holland Ga.' after ' spending daps with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, DanicJl Fulton. : "' ! Mr, and Mrs. T. F. Massoy'-fi Ci t oiiville, S. C, is spending two .s in- Kin;ts Me y js'rei;evin;r Mr. ' J,i "II I'u'.V- City j j REV. D. E. VIPPERMA'W Who Moved To Kings Moun tain Monday From Mount Holly Where hp Has Resided For- The Past Four and a Half Year. Surry couuty and waa brouguii un on the farm. His preparatory .High Point graded school and Pinnacle Institute. He attend d inane forest college ana re- Wake Forest college and re under the late renowned Pr. J, ti. Richardson who wa ne of the states deepest spiritual forces. - ' ;.-'. '-. - '. He entered the ministry about eight -years ago' which time since has been cccupied on only two fields.' His flrst charge was at balifax, N. C. where he re mained for three and a naif years." Removvng fron ha', i fax tQ'Moqht Holly Mr, Vipperman!rMuh,n 2l,d ,,nrt 4th Sundays assumed the duties of that field for the oast four and a half years. H has been exceedingly Dopular in both these fields and his work Stan is out Us an eternal monu ment to his faithfulness. c Especially would wev notice some ol the mateiifli jrjwtD evident on his last field:-'. When he took charge ot the Mt. Holly church the sversgo attendance at Sunday school was 24, during his pastorate 185 when ho took charge there was no prayermeet ing. during bid pastorate' there was tin ' 'average attendance at. prayermeetlng "of 65,'and So on through the whole work." .MK'.Vipperman "comes here to take charge of a country field TOmp4V6f.-.'th6j:-'':6Upwing. chuiches; Bethlehem' Patterson Gi-dve.and Patterson Springs .,The new preacher among . -us has a splendid people with, whom to work and let us take this op- j portunity of congratulating . his constituency" on tlie ' ;chpice.pf such a good inani and " the , town of Kings Mountain on securing his residence; The; Herald be speaks the - sentiments of the people when H extends tha glad hand of Welcome to Mr. ' Vipper mafc, his wife; and four chlldrep' ;The .'.family'U'llwhstiAjthe Mrs, Lizzie Falls house on Kail- road avenue." . Ah Appreciation ' Af -We " desire to " express " Vo'n'r sincere thanks, to tne -CQurco, and friends" at' Groveiv for the large pounding receivedtvt thejr hanV oir'Ne w Year's My: ';''';'; V It,se(med that nothing thatis needed for the tahle Was o.niftted ahd'msny Rood things came in larffe ' quantities, - enfact - every thing that is heeded' Trda : the kitchen' to tbel)arl6r'Was Includ ed, and one friend who is. not' a' mnmbor of thechurch, sent some nice new crisp treasnry'.notes V.'etvuly appreciate alt these '.;.;' but,' ninro t'.SB - this, " VP ; -i V-n f , ' t i . V whi. tf;sy v - :-i-.. i, : A : -i ! "t LOCAL CHURCH CALENDAR. St. ."'ttbews Evangelical Lutheran ARev. Chas. K. JJell, Pastor. Public worship at 11 A. M. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th,' Sundays, and at 7 P. M. 1st, 2nd, and . ; ; v 4th Sundays." . ' . Sunday School each Sunday morning at '9:43. 1 . 1 '; ,r" " -7. - Hoyct Memorial Associate Rtformsd Presbyliriac " Rev. O. L. Kerr,' Pastor Preaching every, Sabbath morn ing at 11 o'clock.' Evening ser vices at 7 o'clock 2nd, and 4th, Sabbaths ' Sabbath SuhoDl 'every . Sabbalb morning at 10 o'clock.," . : t " First PrrsSvtrrlan. tmsrmrr : U. Pastor. , M,li ounUays at ll A. M. auTTT1 ,7:15 P.M." San1v Pchool every Sunday morninir at IOqVIopW " First Baptist Kev. J R. Miller, Pastor. Services 2nd and 4th Sundays at 11 o'clock A. M. and -- at 7:15 P. M. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 Vcl ck. j. '"; First Hlhodist Ep'scooi' South Rev. M. B. Clegg, Pastor. at 11 A, M. and every i Sunday bight at . '-,. ?,o'clo'j. " . j-. Sunday School af 10 A. Mevery Sunday. " 4 - M Grace Hethwflst . . - ... . Rev. B. A. Culp, Postor. Services every Sunday at 11 A. .-.M. and 7:30 P. M. -4 Sunday School -at 9,45' every Sunday morning.' i- :.''. ' YeOle Basket " Mrs. Jacob Heavener of ' this .town Is in poss jssian of the- old fainUyr heir- loom,'! which' Is a basket mautTi'ff England some-' time prior to the year 1794,' The" basket is made of oak splits on an oval hoop without a handle and holds about one-half bushek It' is the kind used by our fore fathers and fbremothers as roll basket." Me thinks I can see that old - Great, grand mother 'with pipe in mouth and fly bonnett puler shuffiy abput i,the head, as she moves about, the oi'd loom in the rearof : th'l6 V'.f&hihi wearing ye ole hoop skirt," and moving toward the f home; made Chair' in" the i "rnerle'.Shi' sits downyi'nd pulls thls very identic al old basket np '- near and "takes (rom.it' a VjlargefleMe''' of"''wcibl. and a pair of -'cards :and" begins to "aip'-' away. Soon 'she has the 'b&'iltleirx' It.ii1ft''Jr'bn''ct then retiresV f Belpre1"; day - the next morning that old Great--grand'-father rises and " pulis' on his' home, woven 'garb ' iightsi .his pipe,:' bBrids''the toheel' 'shocks the'spindle and spine thb hasket of fleecy roqls i ito" a", thread so fine- thiit Arachne .wou(4 ;. feign hatness ahd hdadte her phantom Vooha lii ' Ordei to. weave ""fabric' that tlie i gods'.wbuld . admire. Then comes.: the hbihe ' woven jeans?''" -"'." i " '"'.'' : ''',".-'.''"' ' So much, for the reverie," Mrs. Ilnavener's great-grand-.fathfv" brought tl'ie brif - t to this con i !ry in' the .yc. r - 1701 and '1 near the pi-' nt town t . f:: .ryviUe. TI'e ! I i a l,i'rpVi'' f -r a vv '-' A FREE FOR Country too . Fulton and This country is too small to ma .wl tV. ..Mil... tr m mia. k. ...I, uuiu lira, anu viiflu uuvft wuu . -! drawing near the closn of the tale of tho frea-for-ntl deer rfrive u . - j ------ noon as heaat about the heater in hia store with friends' relalingjh'and ain.Vuct..;Hpll.eio2',,aa7 '! the thrilling experience' of t.he j not excelleX.eiriay.". , . '. , r- day, and turning to the Herald man the lover of the chase said 'And you may tell em Ul ao too" We do not know whether the people but here goes notice the buck is to see no more peace until he changes quarters or Kings Mountain baa a new "Wa jumped biuf at exactly I welve o'clock" Mr. Fulton -k,, twelve said. And wuy are you o sure about the time ot day?. "'Because I had just finished my--biscuit and sausage'. News came to Kings Mountain a, day or two previous that a deer wos , between - here and Shelby In the vicinity of Mr. Miles Hamrick's farm on Buffalo creek. No more welcome, tidings could bavtv reached the ears of some of., our people , who bold ecords for . deer slaying and others who are aspiring1 to the feat of taking, the acal" of the antlered flecy-f03t. So according to' arrangmen'-s Messrs. " H T. Fulton,'; p. Ml ., Baker, G. F. Hambright,"'0. ; B' alla and Burgen Falls, formed a ebmpany Friday morning and put off to the deer (dear) vicinity! Some went by autosorae on hosebnok and others mounted in VariousJ styles mostly on footback joined the company puthb way. By the time the Kings, Mountain party had arrived'th w'ibte "phce was covered with people' s' if some great -sport was to . be , pulled off.,.We imagine that it savored sotflewnat or tne.urympic garnas of the East exoept that jio rqj-al garbs were . pesent and" women and children were absent To' the hon.cpmbatants of the section it must haye reminded, of Sher-t man's . army -. except' .'that': no devastlori- was in the wake, yfi- The reporter asked MfcEaltott. to estlmatevthe . erowa :whieh finally jpi'ned' . . the chase:. ar($ after a number of efforts tie" dtU clared that he could4-t pUce" '(4v. estimate except that" about ' alh the people frbm,''here 6b fiiii "''-. -"' - klv"--;;-.: !.,.;..- ...... I.--k- r a .The Gaston .county; woners.. met. .Monday Jtt T?gir session band .transacted the .'re gular .ro.ntihe of business." 'Anil will meet again next iMondayr-ld settle with the tax bollectprsi.'t!';'?: The' commissioners, aro ,-wolJ pleased with the system of4cl lecting In Gaston, i. e. towne in ! colluctoj's. ' . The township'4'.' lector, they a.y ounces pik. !!: eiiv ;. of Ullli; 1 pro)Oi and collects the t;i..es the tfi. ( ' t r-ay. hia cdmm 'or i ".-nnco, ri '.t. 1 'v'ro- v'h 1 ""nli !i te O. ( a I 1. ii;i;i .t.L that 45 Sit'-' '! 1 F4iRs:8t taVifrtacr. r-;.?- ?'i-s3j-s sit ": . '' ' liually .luUiM''.W-Xt'.fc'5! W ' f IT T". 1 1 n ' U.t (f. - iuuv I . .Jt. .u. x,n.iikv OWM v. "-".;" . i -. attend passed . y. vi v vv , ri . . " '. all down.abljed.hJVrlQ-'-U' ' - It was.)atii,oe, spuchnefl df ,dear and he was .u eji paVp.a ffjlo' on a hillside' n&r lr 'swi:ici'a" mici i nu iii.f yyA ,iiini hunters soon r'ind jresji sL;a cka They formed a"' long. ijne. spa " made 'a f ulF biVbftV' UriVe4ith hlllsicfa keeping 'tlfo' Sd&k fctob' f'her aigb-f :-t?acksla;nd grazing. we- b-' seed.' So confident aa-1FfilM8 'ho. A ; 8eem''io'h"a've o'ee'h.ibn0fe'f'of the irinyttia thr aniriTivr'frta on the'laiae'fi'felflMn betOh a?sd""oft pif wiirtT' a presently1" hu'piitf'ol:t'ri&5h s wenMntji V5-4flfilntfi monStS-eros- hnoU'wIi'fuT!! 'aiSr'jd- - i f from'tn-i sithiS tcBt-'ifiSo'dt dowSHtft. . irtng;ln?rmIrMs" ol '?cflc8s'diTiu joinedn'-'ol'iefulcnf Vlii&iper"Vi?iffit'!l;'; ' e witJfgfihsWiS'fedmS'gn: -"a.. Abqut forty d6swS,5ivi;i:'l'J:Jt' iffeie JepiiafiJetfinrmM at' , o"nyOm8;iW t'.jfVea'fil-t' , of ;fti8'?;h,ofi"r''dhas'9;We'y':c"iie' -'.' aH'iti'"M:Wi v:-i m : -rofB'eylocr -'- witto bste;J M?FWS6tf4r: aatc' Miw vrove o KVia itfu" si nr'rfa-o.inltiacftfS"fbre!,U' itavioeiicrttalrsi 8ttbB8tFaiXv?d' wa-aokii llki $rfettvkil. reilthff yidwv bforecoui-t oas thwiti-'Saaiei aiialid"6"."i ' !Hg te8de't;'lB3tt4af,rf. : Sstofcharwdvad vfcfct u'86k,; : :Th expedition, if so' we'tl.. ktt lft'-3ft''wlti w.WjeJeefcms?.fc-aaeseMfU erin4&ttei!aog&!i4&eS ft"- aM'lW'8a'iilft,liul! thl8'tftrjrHih tMf .ffiltiL .tVlt"2eer.'r'Vs'''' VcaAaitaih 3BOS i I

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