i.'IES GFF DJII.D1FF - .HAIR STOPS FALLING CUrlel Try This! Mskss Hair Thick, . Oloeoy, Fluffy, BMutiful No Mora Itohing Scalp. , Within ten minutes after an appli cation of Dsnderin yon cannot find a jingle trace of dandruff or falling balr and jronr acalp will not Itch, but what will pleaae you moit will be after few weeks' use,' when yon aee new balr, line and downy at Drat yea but . really new bail trowing all over the acalp. A little Danderlne Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and craggy, Just moliten a cloth with Danderlne and carefully draw It through your balr, taking one email trend at a time. The effect li amas Ing your hair will be light, fluffy and 'wary, and have an" appearance of abundance; an Incomparable luster, softness and luxuriance. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowlton'e Danderlne from any atore, and prova that your balr li ss pretty and aoft a any that it baa been neglected or Injured by carelete treatment that'a all you enrely can hare beautiful balr ud loU of It If you will just try a lit tle Danderlne. Adv. Hie Paat A benevolent lady waa feeding a hungry tramp. She expressed her dis favor at bla wandering, idle life. "I waa not alwaya In tbla condition, mum." aald the tramp. "I came from a good family." -You dldr said the lady. "Might I aak your nametT "Hlanklelgh," replied the tramp. "Why, that la the name of the peo ple that lire next door!" exclaimed the lady. "I know It,". replied the tramp. They kicked me downstairs Just before I came here!" WHEN KIDNEYS ACT BAD TAKE GLASS OF SALTS Eat Lees Meat If Kidneya Hurt or You Have Backache or Bladder Misery Meat Forma UricAeld. Ho man or woman who eats meat regularly can nufke a mistake by flush ing the kidneys occasionally, says a well-known authority. Meat forms rie add which clogs the kidney pores so they sluggishly Alter or strain only put of the waste and poisons from the blood, then yon get sick. Nearly . .all rheumatism, headaches, liver trou ble, nervousness, constipation, dlxxl Peas, sleeplessness, bladder disorders some from sluggish kidneya. " The moment yon feel a dull ache in the kidneys or your back hurts, or If the urine Is eloudy, offensive, full of sediment. Irregular of pasaage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, get . about four ounces of Jad Salts, from any reliable pharmacy and take a tablespoon ful In a glaas of wster be fore breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This fa mous salts Is made from the add of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithta- and has been used for genera dons to flush clogged kidneys and . stimulate them to activity, also to neu tralize the acids la urine to It so longer causes Irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. . . Jad Salts Is Inexpensive and csnnot Injure; makes a delightful efferves-' eent llthta-water drink which all reg alar meat eaters should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean and the blood pure, thereby avoiding se rious kidney' complications. -Adv. - ; .' ! Ubht Wad. ' ."Brown's a lueky dog.";: " "What's he been doing nowr -"You know that 11,000 he inherited " a year ago?'1 . ' ,r ' Tea." - "Well, be atlll has.lt." ' r DRUB HUUSt tl.JUII.tU 'iv" BY FEDERAL COURT Judge Jeremiah Neterer, of the United States district court, to-day half of the Centaur Company of New . VAwfc- tk4 tManiifaf-inrAro nf FlntahAr'a ajaaioria, against me orevin a Holmes Drug Company of this city. oarts-.a. .a. .snae, aaaaea- aa a Hmm tha aim- slating of the labels of this well-known preparation, and from the evidence . filed In the case It waa shown that the Infringing label was first discovered m mole In Honolulu, and was traced to : Its origin her th Seattle. The defendant company Is one of the oldest and largest concerns of Its kind In the Northwest The decree- carries with It an order that -the Stewart ft Holmes Company recall the goods wnicn are on tne mar ket under the Infringing label, and to - pay all costs la the suit and damages ' assessed . at . ,400. Seattle, Wash., nans." Adv. i Needed Every One. - ': Asker Could you lead ma a VT -" Tlll ,Na I aosldnt. - ' ' Asker Have you a . friend that wtraVd lend me a Vt -- -TeJHt No. I have not a friend to pare. Kansas City Star. ' : t 7 . " " ' , ' 'V' v Tor lame back use Hanfords Bal aam. ' Rub It on and rub it In thor oughly. : AdV, y-.Xv': -.IV; ' Who. gives' a' trifle meanly is than the trifle Lavater.. - ' Charity begins at'home, and la often .kept rtgttt la the family,- r ; t;-f'. TAKE INTEREST IN GARDENS American Estate Owners Are Awale enlng to the Advantage of Beau ; . tlfylng Grounds. I am aware that the estate owners abroad are mora attracted to their gardens than we and the American owners to be, but I am also awake to the faot that Americans are mani festing a keener Interest In gardening In this present age than they ever did before. Long before many of our American estates attain the age ol most of the English estates they wilt compare most favorably In their natural beauty, which la being devel oped, but which only Urns can finish. American land ana pes should not be compared with English landscapes. An American landscape? who knows his business can get mors beautiful ef fects In the fall from the coloring of the leaves than Europe ever 8 reamed of. This Is due to different, cllmatlo oondltions. On the other band, Eu rope surpasses us In Its winter land scape effects on account of the holly. haws and many varieties of laurel that are ever green In Europe, and which we, owing to our climate, can not grow successfully, becuase they are not hardy with us. But the possi bilities for beautiful affects are Just as gnat here as la Europe or In any other part of the world. It sumply re mains for the skill of the gardener to develop them. -v. .-. Up to now, much of our trouble has been due to lavishly trying to follow European models and Ideas. America presents opportunities for horticulture which are unequaled In any other por tion of the. globe. California and Florida can produce wonderful tropi cal effects; the east, while It may miss some of the hardy evergreens, still can grow enough varieties to make evergreens a feature, and. as stated above, our beautiful fan at fecta are unequaled In any part of the world. M. C. Ebel, secretary National Association of Gardeners, In Letter to New York Times. Cin. PLANNERS WILL MEET Those Interest! In Advenes Move. ment to Gather at London, Enp. ";. land, Probably In July. The International Garden Cities and Town Planning association waa for mally launched at a large meeting of representatives from different coun tries recently held In London to con sider various proposals put forward with the Idea of promoting unity of action between workers for the same object In different countries. . Cecil Harmaworth, M. P., presided. and there were also present Ebeneier Howard (the founder of the move ment). Doctor Dobrsynskl (Warsaw), Prof. Augustln Rey (Psrls), City Arch itect Tonnessen . (Bergen), Doctor Honckeberg (Hamburg), Richard B. Watrous (secretary,' American Civto association), Mssao Ito (Osaka, - Ja pan) , Baron eon Strants (Berlin), Doc tor Ludwtg (Stuttgart), Adolf Otto (secretary, German Garden City asso ciation), Alderman Thompson ; (chair man. National Housing and Town Planning Council). Prof. 8. D. Ads- head, H. V. Lanchester, M. Montagu Harris, Dr. R. O. Moon, W. R. Davldge and Bwart O. Culpln. ' Meetings of the committee have since been held, and a framework of a constitution has been submitted to the constituent bodies. The first con gress was decided upon for 114,, to take place, If possible, at Letchwork, during the month of July. All propa gandist bodies will be Invited to Join, and societies and companies, having for their object the proper layout of land and the building of houses with a limited .dividend, will be Invited to become members. . - - '' Signs on Electrlo Light Posts. When electric lights posts ere placed on the corners, a good form of street sign consists of a frame of four sides, carrying the names of the streets, two, sides of the trams being parallel and the other two converging Inwardly, the shorter parallel side, about twelve Inches long, bearing the nam of the main street and facing that street, while the long one, bearing the same sign, Is turned toward the-sidewalk and Is clearly risible to on approaca lag along the side street The nam of the side street is placed on the two converging sides, and therefore la mora clearly visible from street oars than If placed at . right angles. The placing of such signs on lighting posts enables' them to be seen readily at night,, ... - Planning Landscape Gardens. -Mrs. John B. Headereoia of Wash ington city has a plaa tor landscape gardens that If carried out will be the finest of their kind In this -country and will rival the Kew gardens of Loa don. She has chosen a site on the Avenue of Presidents which Is now covered with thick woods. She has been In London tor several months studying the Kew gardens with the hope of undertaking their reproduc tion and expecting If poslble to sur pass them. : It was Mrs. Henderson who had the name of Sixteenth street banged to the Avenue ot Presidents, MAN CAPTURES HIS CAPTOR Colon si Pains, Commander of Confed erate Brigade, Tsken Prisoner When Thrown Into Vat. Among - the Confederate prisoners taken at the battle of Gettysburg was Colonel Paine, who eammanded a bri gade and waa captured by Private Abram Polger of Company H, fifth Kew York cavalry. The facts of the capture, as told by Polger, are as fol lows: "While charging la the edge of Get tysburg and getting separated from my regiment,! was made a prisoner by Colonel Pains and was being taken to the rear. On the main road. Just outside of the town, waa situated a tannery, the vats of which were under cover and were very close to , the street . . , "I was walking along beside the colonel's orderly and as we came near these tannery vats I saw a carbine lying on the ground. When I came up to It I quickly took It Seeing It was loaded, I fired and killed Palne's horse, which, In Its death struggle, fell over toward tha vats, throwing the colonel completely under the tanning liquid. "Seeing that the colonel was safe enough for. the moment I turned my attention to his orderly, who, finding hie pistol bad fouled and was useless, wss about to Jump his horse over the fence to the right and escape that way It he could, but not being able to do so, concluded he had better sur render. The reason I did not firs upon him was that tha last shot In the cap tured carbine waa fired at the colo nel's horse. As the orderly did not know this. It was my play to make him think Instant death awaited him If he attempted to escape. - ' "His gray uniform, with Its white velvet facing, hfs white gauntlet gloves, face and hair, had all. become completely stained so that he present ed a most laughable eight I then mounted the orderly's horse, and marched them before me to the mar ket place, where I turned them over to the authorities, who laughed hearti ly at the comical predicament of the colonel. . I had been captured by Colo nel Palne's command the winter be fore, and you can Just believe tbat I was glad to return the compliment with interest" , s. BIBLE FOUND ON WAR FIELD Baltlmorean Holds the Flfty-Yesr-Old Rsllo Subjeot te Cell of Relatives of Its Owner. ,' Picked up more than SO years ago on the battlefield of James' Mills by his brother, W. T. Blakiston, who waa later killed In the battle of Gettys burg, a Bible7 which originally be longed to Capt. W. M. Hathway of Company- C, Anderson's Lancers', Is now in the possession of George Blaeklston, president of the Hotel Bel- videre company ot Baltimore. It la being held by Mr. Blakiston In the hope that he may some day be able to fulfill a request made by his brother a dying wish that has never been carried out - When the Bible was found by Mr. Blaklston's brother the latter wrote Jn It the request that whoever found it should return it to relatives oi uapt Hathway. . Prompt Settlement of a Claim. Old Lady Do Captlng Bragg live here, mister? CoL Brent Yes, madame. Can I do anything for youf Old Lady Well, you aee, mister, I lives over whar the fltln' was, and when - Captlng Bragga . company skeered .the Ysnkees they ran rite peerst my house rite peerst an then up cornea Captlng Forrest with his erittur ' company and makes a line of fight rite through my yeard, and oversets my ash hopper, and treads" ' Gen Bragg (sitting In the tent) Col. Brent see that the lady's claim Is settled Immediately. ": Those Army Shoes. . k wrnin rwn t , whn an Hatful with Capt Sinclair waa trying on his first Mvmv ahftM ThV VflM VATV hPOad and much .too large for him. - He got tnem on, rose rrom nis sm, auo, looking at them, very soberly said: . "TtjwflL tf 1 mtA ahnt I want some of you to push me over. I can never fall down with these enoes on. ' . : The Wandering Boys. X "This Is old-home week In Plunk ville. but I dont think the district at torney Is entering Into the spirit ot the thing." "What makes you think thatr v " I Just found him overhauling hie old Indictmenta." : ' - Letting Him Down Easy. Irish Boatman, (surveying the soli tary result of the day) It's a folne fish tor the else av ut ThemU run about three to the pound. .- Angler Hardly that I should say. Boatman Well, maybe : the other two'd be a bit bigger. London Punch. '.C-s Comparative Manners.. if it tones So vou sot . seats at Blanks theater! How did 'you find their new box offloe manr Jnnaa He was so rude that he made ass feel like a Chesterfield. Judge. 13 GHiLD Cr.l.SS. Look,' Mother! , If tongue it coated, give "California ; : t - Syrup of Flge." Children love this "fruit laxative," and nothing else cleanse, the tender stomaon, Mver and Bowels so nicely. A child simply will not stop playing to empty the bowels, and the reaalt is they become . UgaUy . clogged with waste, liver gets sluggish, stomach Sours, then your little one becomes cross, halt-sick, feverish, dont eat, sleep or act naturally, breath Is bad, system full of cold, has sore throat, stomach-ache- or diarrhoea. Listen, Mother! Bee If tongue Is coated, then give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and In a tew hours all the constipated waste, sour bile and undigested food passaa out ot the sys tem, and you have a well child again. Millions of mothers give "California Syrug of Figs" because It is perfectly harmless; children love It and It nev er falls to act on tha stomach, liver, and bowela. Ask at the store for a W-eent bottle of "California Syrup ot Figs," which has full directions for babies, children ot all ages and for. grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle.-- Adv. . '. .-. i ' Father's Surprise. - Widower (to his lttUe daughter, aged ten) Dora, do you know that 8u sannej our housekeeper, Is going to be married? Dora Oh, I'm so glad we're getting rid of the old pelican! Won't It be Jolly? But who Is going to marry her? Father Well. I am. "OH! I FEEL SO THANKFUL" Sincere Gratitude Expmsed by Lady After beinf Delivered From v, ;. s Vsrjr Low State. Haynsl N. C. "I feel It my duty," avys Mrs. Z. V. Spell, ot this place, "to tell everybody how much, good CarduL the woman's tonic, has done for me. Last spring, I suffered dreadfully from womanly troubles, and was in a very low stats ot health, waa not abla to be np to attend any of my duties. we finally consulUd our family phy sician, and he advised me to try Car duL the woman's tonic, which 1 did, and soon I began to feel better. After using seven or eight bottles ! was abis to do my housework. - ' I am. now able to do all of, my work tnd takaucacsf.af.my children. I feel o thankful for the benefit I have ra :elred that I shall heartily recommend Cardui to all similarly afflicted women." - '-!..-. . If you, lady reader, suffer from any jf the numerous ills so eommon to your sex, try CatdnJ. it has been helping weak, nervous, worn-out women for over half a century, and ill help you, too.- - Cardui Is a perfectly harmless, vege table extract, of mild acting, medici nal, tonic hero, it is the laeat, strengthening medicine for -women. Cardui regulates irregularities, tones op the womanly organs, and bring back the brightness of health. --. - Get a bottle.today. ' BOOga Medicine Co.. auttanbagaTTena., for SKWiww4fc and Slpaae book."Home Treat tent for Woman," sent la plain wrapper, on AOV. .. In Ante-Reno Days. . "Well, Thomas," said father, "what did you learn at Sunday school to day?" Nothing." Oh, surely there was some informa tion for you." :'i 'Well, Solomon hasn't lost any of his wives." DEEP CRACKS ON JOINTS P. O. Box 178, El Paso, Texas. "My trouble began December, 1911. It com menced on me by causing a scurf-like skin and -my toe Joints, finger Joints and lips commenced to .crack and split open. My -finger cracks would bleed all day long; the cracks were very deep and my thumb seemed to be cracked to the bone. ; My bands were so bad that I had to sleep with gloves on. The cracks In ray lips would bleed often during the day and I used to put adhesive plaster serosa them to try to keep them closed. My toes ..would bleed, and I would find blood In my socks when the day's work was dons. The skin around tha cracks waa red and Inflamed. I wore shoes one sue too large on account of my feet being so sore.' I used to be come frantic with pain at times. My hands and feet used to smart "I suffered agony for four montha I went to town and got some Cuticura Soap and Ointment - From the time I commenced with the Cuticura Soap aad Ointment until completely cured was Just nineteen days." (Signed) sack Harrison, Nov. , 1911, Cuticura Soap and Ointment" sold throughout the world. Sample of each frecwith JJ-p. Skin Book. Address post card "Cuticura, DeptL. Boston." Adv. : '-'.V -Probsbly. "I was struck" on the head yeeter- day."-. ,'3v-,rr. "Poor chap! - Many bones broken?" Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets enrs con stipation. Constipation is the cause of manv diseases. Cure the cause and you corf the disease.' Easy to take. Adv. . Most ot us are apt to make light of the fellow who has money to bum. , SICMaiflOL ' Lesson (By B O. SELLERS, Director of Bventns DepartsBani, The Moony uiDie usmuu, LESSON FOR MARCH 8 . V WATCHFULNESS. (Tempers rtee Lesson.) - LESSON TEXT "Luk UJS-O. OOLOEN TEXT "Blessed are those nans whom the Lord when he comets shall Sad wstdstns.- Luke JI:R. The words of Jesus are the greatest authority the believer has upon which to found his belief in the Second Com ing. , Some refuse to have much to do with this Important theme because oth ers have perverted It or else "overly emphasised It" yet in the 260 chapters In the New Testament there are tl8 distinct references to this theme, a' far greater proportion than Is placed upon some ot the doctrines upon which whole denominations hate been found ed. - ' - -. - Relative Value. I. The exhortation to watch, vv. S5 40. This is the beginning of a new paragraph. Jesus has been showing the relative value ot material posses sions and the Kingdom of God and epitomises his 'teaching In v. 34. He now sets before his disciplines what shall their attitude towards him during bis absence (II. Pet S:1L U R. Ti tus J: II; TJ. Tim. 4:8). Thus to be 'watchful seems to contradict his sug gestions about anxiety. Ws need to remember, however, that the child of the Kingdom Is In entirely new relationship with the world. His desire Is not for self enrichment but rather to be In such relations with God as his rights demand and thus to bring to others their highest good. This pari able epitomizes opportunity. Rightly to make use ot none's opportunities spells happiness for the disciple when he the king shall appear. The evidence that we are watching for his appear ing consists of the readiness ot the in dividual who Is or is not watching, v. 85; I. Pet 1:13. Jesus knocks at the Individual heart (Rev. 3:10) but when he comes twill be to be present at a feast, v. 88. We cannot contract this time aad there Is no call to service to morrow. Lions girt, ready for the bat, tie or for the race, and lsmps burn ing, (light la always the result of some thing being oonsumed), are today's vis ible evidence of continuous service. " Peter's Question. ; J II. The explanation to Peter, w. 41-48. . Between this parable and the one which follows, Peter Interrupts by asking the question, "Lord, speak est thou this parable unto us; or even un to all?" . That which follows Is his an swer to that Question but It Is also a continuance of the teaching Just given. In this part Jesus refers to stewards (bond-servants) that it Is their su preme business to seek the Kingdom by selling In order to give, The one work ot a servant Is to give to the members ot an household, each In due season his portion ot the father's bountiful grace. John 21:16-17: I. Pet t:2; Jer. 3:15. There are many de ceitful servants who first feed them selves, or feed only a portion of the household, or who feed chaff rather than bread, even the true bread of life, L Pet 3:3; 4:10, 11. Jesus teaches US that each bond-servant shall likewise be Judged and that suddenly. III. The exhortation. Jesus Christ here presents tp us the fact that we shall all be Judged. That the measure of our reward or of our punishment Is dependent upon the measure of our knowledge and of our opportunity. James 4:17. To him to whom much Is given, ot him Shan much be re quired. Out present responsibility is that of being ready for the coming of the King and of bis Kingdom. The ex pression of that readiness is evidenced by our lives of service. There are of course many other phases of service not Included In this parable, but our Lord Is emphasizing opportunity, stew ardship, service, watchfulness. In or der to fulfill our service we must enter Into fellowship with the king in his reign, and those who enter Into that fellowship, who-are faithful, he will reward vv. 87, 43. ' The measure ot our punishment Is conditioned upon the measure of our kn6wledge (v. 48) and our knowledge can be enlarged as we use our opportunities. IV. The Golden Text, (v. 37). Is Intended toflx our attention upon the acts of our Lord when he shall return. It seems astonishing that he shall com pel those whom he finds watching to seat' themselves that he may gird, him self and serve them.' Here we gird, ourselves that we may serve him by serving others (Matt 35:40), But la that tomorrow the day ot his victory, he will gird himself and serve those who have been watchfulness and obe dient servants. This Is a suggestion ot tha -exceeding grace mentioned by the Apostle Paul, Rom. 11:33. - V. - The Temperance Lesson Is sug gested by the conduct ot those who are not watching for the King's ap pearing '(v. 45). They -fere Indulging1 tn the animal pleasures of the moment The Kingdom of God it not tn eating and drinking but consists ot righteous ness and peace and Joy tn tha Holy. Spirit Rom. 14:17. The' effect ot In temperance on the death rates, on the next generation, from an economic standpoint or viewed from any angle, la only the result Of the most criminal shortsightedness. A clear apprehen sion ot the fact of the lmminenos ot bis return would change all Uvea. " FiiEElSVICSi-r - . TO SICKVDl Thousands Have Been Helped By Common Sense Suggestioni. ' Women suffering from any form of female Ula are invited to communicate promptly with tha woman's private correspondence de -partmant of tha Ly- dla.PtnkhamMed- ' Idne Co., Lyna, -m-- ' Mass. Your iettervw' v will be opened, read and answered by a ; woman and held in strict confidence. A woman can freely " talk or her private llhrass to a woman ; -thus hss been established a confidential correspondence which has extended over " many years and which baa never been broken. Never have they published a , testimonial or used a letter without the written consent of the writer,and never hss the Company allowed these confi dential letters to get out of their pos -session, ss the hundreds of tboosanda . . of them in their files will attest .. Out of the vast volume of experience " -which they have to draw from, it is mors thsn possible that they possess the very r ' -knowledge needed in your ease. Noth- fog is asked in return except your good will, and their advice has helped thou- ... -sands. Surely any womsn, rich or poor, should be glsd to take advantage of this - " feneroua offer of assistance. - Address -ydia E. Plnkhsm Medicine Co., (con fidential) Lynn, Mass. ' " ' Every woman ought to haw . Lydl E. Pinkharo's HO-pajro -Text Book. It is not a book for ' general distribution, aa It is too expensive. - It is free and only . obtainable by mail. 'Write for it today. Rheumatic yield immediately to Sloan's Lin-faaent.- It relieves aching am swollen parts instantly. Kedojoas imsaon slid quiets tnat agon pain. Doe t rub it pene trates. SLOAN'S miiriEiii - 'Mis Pain ?tves quick relief from chest and hroat affections. Have you tried Sloan'sf Here's what others say . RelUf tnm RIOTutbat ' "Mr moUiar has tued ens tOc. bottle of loanV.liQlOMnt, and althoorh she Is oil ft! years of se. shs hu ob tained treat relief from her rbeinnsr ttom."-". U. a Llmdaf. Cite CaJ. . Coed tm Cold and Crm ' A little boy next door hud eroap. t Bare the mother Sloan ' . liniment to trr. She save him three drop, on soger before o!nr to bM. .tu, H. ... nr. v. t K. opt the croon In the manw."Mr. W. u. w mi fimwvt Am., I ,2. . Hes-aWe Cow doe In the world. . It has relieved bk of nourshria. Those nain. h.a all mn. and I can frohf sag; roar Liniment did I AtanDJmMMfao.lM I Slsasra laotraMtre Booklet ea . :n.T EDCR a- ,k lt- J J Wf in.l.i.i OIL. filacm aad aaa. Uoi- bo aad ana, shines without rob. - uu a . tjo, .i.ntn oiosa, lue. . ft ml...iiim fct, I T-U B Ue, X . . - "I -.' "wiuia rana an apaaeas wl:kft.aBS aad whUaas dstr canvaa aVaa, BABY ELITE aaaUauU ila -t. k.U P " 6S, AI. RaaotaeoWaas fe,Mk,.rbUf?- Paa-wakakaa4or4.ta.IUa. fc.lite aaa iSe. . . lUasMl..yMiid - SS BM pnoe ta Map for a Full ace ir.rliaa i lioio Beat wHiniMOKE broslaTcoT S-MAIheov St . Cambridee,i .pX TYPEWRITER .. II PavndsreUittstlfscuji,r. HiSIioe Polishes PbtaM QuaUtr Loraat Varieer i ;', -!v f J. ClitKI e COtPAJT, tsaKtHf, MM J QllMt " a (TI TXOUouJ , k KMOnekSliaa. TuU, Ooo4 'I amtbam, fcH (rrSkwrUav u