nn ountain Herald urn ss M y(4 lVo1.11 Kings Mountain, N. C, Thursday, April 9, 1914. No, 11 V $14,000 FIRE The W. A. Haunev & Bro. Building The Fire Alarm wis raised a little after foot o'docd Sunday morning The Building was occupied by I.B. Rhyne Store and H.T. Fulton's furniture and undertaking establishment Nothing was saved from either building - Damage $14,000 with $9,500 The Mauney building on Rail ruud avenue was destroyed by fire here Sunday morning in less ti an an hour. It was a three ' story building and was occupied by the J. B. Rliynoi Co.s Shoe . Store and H. T. Fulton's furni ture and undertaking establish ment. . Mr. Fulton has opened up a temporary office next door to Mauney Bro's. grocery store and will take care of his under .' . taking business right on. The ' -F Stents of bis safe were left in odd condition and his books and accounts are all in tact. Mr. Rhyne has not signified his intentions as to what he will - do but if is suggested that he .'will devote his time to his busi ness at the Sevier mill for a "" while at least, r. ., FIRE DISCOVEUED. . The fire was discovered by two "men who were passing 'through town on an automobile. We have been unable to learn - who the men are or, whither they ; were going but one of them stated that they left Charlotte at ,2:20 A. M. They had stopped at the public well here which is situate about a hundred yards from the tcene of the fire to put water in the automobile. "We 'heard something .like someone ' breaking In the store and having no gun we hastened across to ; the passenger depot to report the matter to the operator, but about the time we reached the 3,233 Children In Parade. County Commencement! .The biggest stunt to be pulled off InCleveland County in a long time was the County Commence ment in Shelby last Saturday, Theweather was ideal andimmidi ately after day dawn the wagons, buggies and a j to8 were on the road throughout the County all headed toward Shelby, the hap piest set of bright faced children teachers committeemen, parents and friends ever seen seen on Cleveland soil, v In the early morning they began pouring into Shelby and they kept on pouring - in until you- couldn.t see the , tjwn for people. Crowded! why every street, store backyard and -: every other available spot was crowded so far as , this writer coulds'ee. How many were there? would not undertake to es "te that great throng of peo ho were gathered in their ivV-iV-eityinthe interest of - public - education. single knocker of public - schools were present we imagine that he felt about like r a -dancing master tTr-irt 1 A In ; fAold negro was seen i weeping on, fine Courthouse square who ap oroached a reporter and -said, "whit -folks it breaks my heart to see all dis and to fink I have to coma up and-stanNbefo dat fer dabling in lickor." It HERE SUNDAY MORNING with Contents g op in t moke. Insurance Re-building began Monday. depot the fire rushed out at the I front of the building and we to jgetber'with the operator gave the alarm," stated one of the gentlemen . ''and it must have been about 4:20 o'clock" he con tineud. STARTED IN RHYNE 3 SHOE . STORE. The fire started in Rhyne's Shoe Store and evidently well to the rear of the building. The flames were within a few minutes gushing out at the top of the building and lapping over on to H. T. Fulton's Store. The pec pie rallied to the scene in great numbers but nothing could be done to save the building or goods. Fulton's store whs brok en ODen with the hope of saving something but the smoke quick ly drove the venturers out. GOOD WORK DONE. With as much dispatch as could bo expected from our fire fighting equipment the work of combating the flames began. Three streams wer pouring in to the fire just as quickly aa as possib e and the men worked with all their1 might with the facilitied at band. . While noth ing couk be done to save the Mauney milding the conflagra tion was kept from spreading to other bu idiogs. ; THE I OSTAL AND DEPOT, ' The 1 'ostal Telegraph office Was nexi to the Mauney bnilding with notl ling but a brick wall to (Con tit ued on Editoral Page) was an iwf ul place for the criminal but a glorious place for the aspiring citizen. , Shelby 'bi doors were wide oped and hpr people - were re joiced to giie the town over- for' the day. fori thoso who are to make the ' history of the next generation. I ' ' This was Cleveland County's second annual commencement and it met with craning success giving an impeW to education that will have a 'asting influence among the boys and girls and parents iu the county. Fifty four of the 73 white, school districts in the county wew represented in the tjwo-inile parade which was the leading feature of the day. The number of pup.'s from each school ranged in nVnber from 20 to Shelby High SchoM's 475. x r Practically every school ' had their children dressecMn neat uniforms following -the banner of their school carried by the by the school committeemen, ane under the -direction pf the teachers. ; The ' proud parents visitors and children not. In the parade numbered fully 8,000 while cy ' actual count ' 8,233 pupils were in the line of march.Tbe : .CUffsede Renown Band beaded the procession and Continued on.Editorai Page- Unfailing: Signs of The Advent of Spring. When bifurcated lightnings flash and gleam upon the heaving bosom of the mad storm-king; when the inaffu- , sive bug is suddenly snatched irom the blissful scenes of domestic tranquility, into the snapping jaws of an un scrupulous toad; when the lead-colored turtledove chants a mournful dirge from the topmost branch of a sky-piercing tree; when the babbling brook makes sweeter music to the restful soul than the paeons of departed glory, or the songs of triumph in war; when the rosy-cheeked maid en plucks the dusky plumage from the throbbinc back of a quacking goose; when the playful lamkin skips away from the lee ward sidoi'f his maternal ancestor; when the sombre-liuod swallow, with rustling pinions, darts into the dilapidated chimney of some deserted cabin; when the frisky bee martin chases the little honey-bee into the scented petals of Spring's sweetest flower; when drowsy tinkhngs lull the distant folds; when the plaintiff whip porwill calls threateningly to his slumbering mate; when ' beetle wheels. bis drawing flight; when the lowing, herd winds slowly o'er the lea; when all the air a solemn still- ' nebs holds; when the whang-doodle tnonrneth for a drink of moonshine; when the fleet-winged bull bat soars to im measurable heights and takes a sudden plunge into the unfathomable depths; when the beautiful plumaged red bird calls cheerfully to his faithful spouse like a boy whistling for a fox-hound; when the speckle-back tick in vests his poisonous proboscis into the sensitive cutis, be tween the unpretentious toes of some youthful swain, and irresistably admonishes him to take off his abominable number ten, even though the timid youngster is seated by his bestgirl in some up-to-date synagogue; when the pretty butterfly vies with the variegated rainbow, as to which can display the greatest variety of pleasing colors; when the surly herdsman chips the fleecy wool from the quivering back of a fettered sheep; when the pr tttling maidens insist that they shall appear in high society in abbreviated clothing; when the boisterous boy stumpeth his great toe against a protruding root and rippeth up ; the curving nail thereof; when the' buzzing bumble-bee pumpeth his unwise head against the unprotected ceiling in a vain endeavor to discover the shapely hole that is not; when the self-willed home suddenly pounces upon an unsuspecting nailhead, .with the full expectation of capturing a careless fly; when the lovely dog-woop is in bloom, and the fragrant yellow jessamine perfq.nes the balmy breeze;' when the fair-faced summer girl is seized with an unwavering desire to don a striped bathing suit and split the stormy Atlantic Ocean wide open from the electrical display known as the Aurora Borealis to the Equatorial Cloud Ring, and to watch Old Neptune kick up the ''White Cans" with his watary heels; then you may be assured without the faintest shadow of a doubt, that spring, beautiful, budding, blooming and blossoming spring, has cast anchor in the safest harbor in your re spective neighborhoodand may your dear little heart be just as blithesome and gay as the little song-bird out there in the orchard that is. almost buratiug is little throat in its attempt to fill the air to the overflowing with its rapturous music. . Glean Up April Days Set By April 14th and 15th have been appointed by the city conucil as clean-up days and everybody in town are earnestly requested to fall in line and help to make the occasion one of 'great success. The Sanitation committee of the Civic League sent Mr, Geo. E. Lovell as mes senger to the city council Monday night asking that the council take the matter up. ; The: movement met the hearty approval of the council and the above named days were set. .. ' ; . '- ' We are instructed to say that every hous-bolde is requested to clean up all garbage c5n their re spective premises and place it at the front of the lot to te col lated by and hauled ..away by theWms belonging to the otiy. No hulling from the individual houses or stores wil) be done on the first Cay as the teams will be employed t cleaning up streets and other puMic places. But on the 15th the wagns will call at your premises add? remove your r,ubblab. But remember 'now that you are expected, to have if collected at a plaoi where '.tne wagon can reach Iti v r f . 14tii and 15th. City Council. Collect tin cans, broken crockery, old tin ware, old paper old rags, and all other kinds of r'ubmsh until your premises are clean. Bear in mind that one old tin can may raise enough mosqutoes to suppy a ' whole neighborhood and that enough flies may raise in One pile of soggy paper to distract the town. It is also requested that all honeysuckle vines be cut down and any other shrubbery that might serve as a breeding place for flies mosquitoes or germs. The Civic League will give their regular Prizes as follows The child making the greatest collection of rubbish $1.00 and to the child making the second greatest collection of rubbish 50 cents. ' Mr M. Sidenburg who if opening up a first class lite of clothing and cents furnishings in ?h Plonk building, has moved bis family to the upper floor of the building. Bit family consists of his wife and four children, They move here from Franklin Virginia. The Herald wishes to. weloomt this family to oar town and bespeaks for then prosper ous business and pleasant sojourn among! us. .. , .: Subscribe for pie Herald, EVERYBODY'S TALKING THE HERALD'S CONTEST Miss Vernua Lindsay is Lading Contest Stnd in Your Name Today and Win the Handsome Piano The Contest is Young, Now is the Time to Work Get in the Race for it Has Just tk gun Your Chances to Win are Good as Any Booster Period Closes April 25th, Get Every Vote Possible Before Then. Like everyone else in Kings Mountain and vicinity you have doubtless given thought to The Herald's Great Voting Contest. The remarkable value of the prize has astonished many and many have made interesting inquiries or sent in their nomina tions. This is the time to enter your name and set out to win One of the gifts offered to those who get the greatest number of votes in the great contest. It will require a little time and en ergy to win one of these prizes, but think of the reward. If you enter today and work steadily you may win the handsome piano or at least one of the many at tractive prizes. : If you delay, the votes that might easily be yours today may by tomorrow have been promised to some more energetic candi date . KEEP YOUK FRIENES IN MIND. Do hot forget any of your fri ends. There are plenty of them and there is a chance you may forget some until it is too lte It is a good plan to make a list of all of those you think may help you, and when a new name occurs to you get it down on the list so that no opportunity may be lost. MANY INQUIRIES, A number of persons have written the contest department that tbey are willing to subscribe to The Herald but that they dor sire to wait until some one.froin. their section enters before hand ing in subscription." Here is an I opportunity for candidates all over the territory of the contest This shows that there are votes to be had, not only for the ask ing, but simply by sending their names. These votes will come not from friends only, but from strangers as well, who are inter ested and want to help some one win a prize. Persons living at a distance from Kings Mountain need not hesitate to serd in the subscrip tions secured by them as the votes will be mailed to the con testant for whom they are in tended or else to the subscriber which ever is desired. Those living at a distance will receive the same attention and their in terest will be carefully looked after, as those of the contestants living within a stone throw of the contest office. : - .J don't stay behind. Don't ait back and allow others to get all the good, things in life. Gasp the opportunities that come your way.' This is one of the op- portunties of a life time and you will be sorry if you do not take advantage of it. BE CHEERFUL. Keep a cheerful and confident spirit If it Is apparent that you expect to win, you will get many interested who would not like to see yon disappointed. They wish to be of use to someone who will make the most of whatever aid is given tnemi Persuade them that you are hat person, and then make up your wind not to dis in First count Tuesday, April 7th.- appoint theui or yourself. Votes" are given on old and new sub scriptions paid in advance, also' for those paying arrearages, work and win. If you have any complaint to' make kindly send same to the contest manager Kings Mountain Herald. We want exerybody sat isllefl, Above all, pay no attention to' rumors. They are usually cir culated by your competitors, or their friends, for the purpose of discouraging you. Once entered, do not drop out. What if some one should be a few votes ahead today.- You put some sand on the track and pass ' them tomorrow. INTEREST. Intense interest is being taken in The Herald s great voting ' eoritest. Nothing has ever been attempted in this part of the State that has attracted such universal attention. The contest department was busy all the week answering telephone calls and. explaining the contest to' the many interested residents of Cleveland and Gaston counties, Some of the more progressive believe in the old adage. "The early bird is the one that catches the worm," and have taken a subscription book and are al ready calling on their friends and getting their' subscriptions. The contestants that get sthrted in the next few days are the ones ' that will have the easiest work. Now the field is new and sub scriptions are easy to get, but ' later on when the friend has been canvassed it will- be much harder to procure subscriptions ' than at the present time. don't forgkt booster period - Don't forget that "Booster Period" is now in full swing, and you will receive more votes for subscriptions during the first period than you will receive any other time during the contest. Booster Period ends Saturday, April 25ti., and you will want to ' secure every subscription poss i r .1. . a: T 1- .4. . iDie ueiuie luttb biuie. -. uvuti pi. the scale of votes printed else where, and you will see that it ' is to you r interest to get all your friends working for you during Booster Period. After Booster ' Period a smaller number of vot es will be given with each sub scription. - , REGULAR SCALE OF VOTES AND ' EXTRA VOTES. X year subscription 5,000 votes 15,000 extra. . 2 year subscription 12,000 votes 81,000 extra: 3 year subscription 18,000 votes ' 47,000 extra. '' 4 year subscription 25,000 votes 1 ' 68,000 extra.- 5 year subscription 30,000 votes ' 80,000 extra. On every Monday votes are' counted for next issue. Those ' wishing to publish their vote ' must vote their coupons by then. - 'list of contestants. Kiriss Mta. i Gertie Ford.-,... ... 1,000 ' Continued on Editoral Page);, 1 1 I .3 , .

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