.-v- The Kings Mountain Herald : . i t .V0l.ll; Kings Mountain, N. C Thursday, April 23, 1914. No. 13 fei And Around Town Picked Up Live Local Matter about members of about people you know and some ; . readers. ; . Mr. It. F, Ellis brought his Whole family to town Friday on good business. All-the-family tra.de. The farmers say that they are the worst behind with their work that they ever were for the time of year. v Mr. J.B. Elaji made a busi eess trip to Gastonia Faiday. Mr. F. L. Ellis, proprietor of tie Eilis Studio at Shelby is considering the matter of coming to Kings Mountain two days each week to take pictures "ecent heavy rains hayo tnrown the larmers into an awkard position. They say that cottonseed ought to be going into the ground, but they are not. : Miss Cora Ellis of Elbethel section has token a position with her brother, in the' Ellis Studio at Shelby. ' , - Read the adds in the Herald and trade accordingly. These balmy 'days savor so much of spring when all nature is undergoing its annual revival that we are wont to sit iu sunny places with chin in hand and wonder what makes us feel o bad.' " " Mr. B. F. CaJd well was a busi ; ness visitor in Gastonia Frida. Kings Mountain expects every ... citizen to do his duty. . . , X? " 'Miss Jettie Plonk was a Gas- i i . ' -. tonia -visitor Friday. 'i' - i Prof. Gardner Is progressing ,! - nicely with his choir training ' in the local churches. He sings , . with "the Presbyterians each ,'' Wednesday night, with the f ' Methodist each Thursday night. The' work . consists of choir training voice culture, breathiug f erclses and some ' rudemental fork, bnt most of all . pure outrijj singing. That police signal is some peach. Chief Lindsay has al- ' ready threatened to knock it off several times. If you . havn't seen it look a little above the top of that telegraph ' pole standing on the' East side of the', railroad at the Mountain Street crossing. It's about the rtee of a bird but it is not and it ought to be red bu t It is not . It is a sixteen candle power electric light. It was paint ed red when it was put there but they have kept it so hot and the cops have grinned at it so much that it has about faded out. If you get into it and want a police- ' man Just ring central and tell her so and she will kindly turn the button and the little fellow on the pole-signals the first blue jacket that passe, to go' hastily to, the nearest -elephone for orders. They say the little gent- Vpan with tne faded shirt keeps billy boys on- the hump ally on big days like Sab- night. Boy Humphrey of 'Char- rrived last week to take 'charge' of the. Kings Mountain Garage as master machanic. Mr. Humphrey has a4 rauch ex perience in the automobile shops of Wilmington and Charlotte and is well qualified to hold ,the UOSlUOUr - - -i i 3 By The Reporter The Herald Family Interesting notes yon don't know. Condensed for our ....-w' f Mr. and Mrs. J. Beat Ham I bright and little son, Fred Kuykendall, spent Thursday night and Friday in the home of his brother, Postmaster G . Fred Hambright, of this city, Mrs.- M. B. , Clegg was Gastonia visitor Friday. Mr. J. H. Moore has moved to Kings Mountain Trout . Concord and has taken ' charge of the spinning room at the Cora mill. Mrs. Leslie McGinnis went to Gastonia Friday. .- Thomas Parker & Sons have opened a grocery store ao the old mill. ;.''' Mrs. T. C. Baumgordener was a Charlotte visitor Friday. Mr. John Sill of Spencer Mountain has remodeled hi house near the Pauline mill. It Is occupied by Mr J. G- Hicks. ' .. Mrs. uettie tiockman was among the Mountaineers in Char lotte Friday. , Mr. W. K. White city concil man who has been sick February 5th, is again at his post as weave room boss at the Pauline mill. Mrs. T. G. Sherer of Erwin Tenn.. who is on a visit to her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baumgardner here, went over to Charlotte Friday. Mr. James Ferris who has' just completed a, three-year in the United States Army is at home again in Kings Mountain. Airs. K. v. tsaker was among those from here who spent .Fri day in Charlotee ., Mrs. H. N. Moss and daughter, Miss Marie, were Gastonia . visit ors Friday.'. 1 Mrs. Poliette spent Friday in Charlotte. ' : . Miss Lina Allison -went to Gastonia Fridav. . Much cleaning up was done here last week while the cam paign was on. - -" ,x . .. Mrs. LB. Goforth spent : Sat urday in Gastonia. ., .. . . In the United States there are three times as many native born women as all the foreign born men and women put together. Miss Lelia Hallman of Worth N. C. left Saturday for her home after a visit Mr. M. A and E. M. Costner's of Kings Mountain. Mrs. Mrs. H. L. Davis and little son, Herbert Lay ton, of FayettevflleN. C. arrived Sun day night to spend awhile wkh her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. McMillan. . The' choir- practice at Baptist church' "didnt start the ' this week as stated elsewhere in Herald. " - "V ,v A french eientist says brain' is not necessary for the the the maintenance of human lite.-. Mr.'. L. H.: Patterson'of Patter son Grove section was: in town Saturday. . , Card Of Thanks- ; We desire to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during- the .sickness and death' of our husband' and fcther. , . .-..' Mrs.vW. 6, Black and Child ren. '- - - . " SCHOOLS CLOSE Boiling Springs and Linwood Commen cement Programs. lioiug bpnogs lias nau a pronpeious year which will culminate with a rich commence ment program. This school is constantly growing in usefull ness and popularity and we be speak for it the best commence ment ever. . Following is the program for fhe coming commencement: Monday evening 27, 8:00a play. entitled Tho Private Tutor" This play was given recently and the proceeds will go to the be netit of the school. Given by Kalagathian and Kalliergeonian Literary Societies. Tuesday April 21, 11:00 annual sermon by Rev.' L. It. Pruitt. Tuesday April 21, 8:00 p. n, Reciters and Declamers Contest. Wednesday April 22, 10:00 a. ni. Class day exercises. Wednesday, April 2: 2:00 p. m. Orators uontest. Wednesday April 22, 8:00 p. m. Music. Kecitai. Thursday, April 23, 11:30 a. m. Literary addres by Dr. D. W. Sikes. Thursdaay, April 23, 2:80 p.m. Graduating exercises, etc. Linwood College commence- will begin May 17th. and con tinue through the 19th. The com. mencement this year promises to be one of the best in the history of the institution. On Sabbath morning at eleven May the 17th. Rev. J. L. Oats of Yorkville, S. C. will preach the baccalaureatn sermon. At eight P. M. Rev. G. L, Kerr' pastor of the A. Rl P. church of Kings Mountain, will preach the Sermon to the Y. M. . C. A. Monday afternoon at three - o'clock the Art' Exiblt will be given; at : fi ve o'clock Class Day exercises; and at eight'o'clock a concert. Tues day morning lit ten o'clock the Commencement Day exercises will begin which will consist of a number of essays by the school girls and the regular Annual add res, by Rev Dr. Guerny of Monroe, N.,C.' Card Of Thanks To those who have been with us in our bereavement and by kind words and kindly acts have tried to lessen the sorrow sucV tained in the recnt loss of our father we extend our thanks. J. A. Wright and brothers and sister. - -V-i ; '"At You Like It". "As You Like It" is the very acme of pastoral comedy. It is infused with the playful spirit of out-door. Under the green wood tree is its keynote, and the joyous freedom 6f the forest animates the entire action. The Forest of Arden is nowhere but in the land of fancy. Life at the court of the banished Duke is an idyllic existence, and even the melancholy Jacques is allowed no deeper suffering than the en joyment of thinking in - a minor key. In such a world of enchant ment anyihing',-: can ; hap pen exceotvtliB comonplace- and the expected. The usurping Duke and the selfish Oliver are.- con verted into"1 Joyful and sympa thetic human beings. 'Orlando vanquishes the lioness as easily and quite as jauntily, as he does (Continued' on Editorial page) OCTOBER SEVENTH Mass Meeting next Monday nigbt of Kings Mountain Battle Memorial As socUtidnExety resident a member. 7th. October According to the call of Pres, L. A. Kiser the Battle of Kings Mountain Memorial Association met Monday night in the rooms of the Progressive Association, There being only a few persons present it was decided to defer the business of the meeting until Monday night of next week at which time it is oped to have a large representative assembly. Geo. E. Lovell and G. G' Page were ad pointed as an advertising committee to put the meeting clearly before the people. TWe meeting will be held in the opera houe and it is hoped that every j citizen' male and female, will turn out. Let everybody begin work to day to muster public spirit for the occasion and lets turn out Monday night in record-breaking numbers. Monday night is the time for the regular semi- monthly tnee't ing of the Progressive Associa tion and it was suggested that the Progressive Association hold its session immediately after the Memorial Association, Bear in mind please, that every resident- of Kings Mountain and vicinity is a member of the Memorial. Asociatiun and if urgently requested to be present. Monday night S Oclock Opera house. University News. The Gaston-Lincoln Club of the .University had as their guests on April 2nd and 3rd the Dallas and Belmont delegations who came lor the final contest of the High School Debating Union, held at Chanel ..Hill. In the preliminary debates through out the state on March 20th, the Dallas high school teams had defeated the Bessemer City and Cherry ville teams, and the Bel mont teams and defeated the Huntersville teams on both sides Of the query, which wtas that of the "Initiative and Referendum for North Carolina". ; The representatives from Dal -as' ftere, on the affirmative, La than Friday and Miss Annie Newton; and on. the negative, Ernest Llneberger and Purvey Summey, accompaenid by Prof, J. B! Henson and Miss Muriel Bulwinkle. The representatives from Belmont' were, on the affir mative, Ray Armstrong and F. P. Hall, Jr., and on the negative Davidson Hall, and M:ss Jessie McKie, accompained by prof.. H. A; Query and Mrs. F. P. Hall. Each of these debating teams showed up well in the prelimin aries. The affirmative team for Dallas made the second prelim inary. A school might well count this an honor, Since out of the eighty-two1 ; teams' contesting, only sixteen were' chosen1 for the second preliminary; and Dallas was orifi of the sixteen-. Thft county club of . the University was greatlv pleased to have all of these representa'tl vetf' f rom Gaston as their guests for a few days, and would be glad -to have them and others af toner in the future. ' ' -This week finds the University ir the midst of many Activities. ('Continued on; Editorial page) it Booster Period" Closes Miss Edilda Barber wins the Gold Watch Being the first one turning in $.5.. 00 in subscriptions out of Kings Mountain. This is the Time to do Your Best The Large Number of Extra Votes Ends' Next Saturday How many of These Votes Will You Secure? THE GUEAT BOOSTER PERIOD. Below is given the regular and extra number of votes that will prevail during Booster Period and ending Saturday, April 25th. This is positively the largest number of votes thai will be given for a single subscription during this contest. A smaller of votes will prevail after this offer closes. REGULAR SCALE. EXTHA VOTES. One year subscription f),000. Ja.OOO votes. Two years subscription.. ..12,000'. 81,000 votes. Three years subscription. ..18,000. .17,000 votes. Four years .subscription 25,000. 63,000 votes. Five years subscription. .30,000. 80,000 votes. DO NOT HOLD BACK SUBSCRIPTIONS. The Booster Periord ends next Saturday, April 25th. 0' portunity Time begins on the following Monday. But Opportun ity is nothing like as good as Booster Period. FRIENDS SHOULD HELP NOW. Many of your friends say, I will help you the last week of the contest. You need their help now will be absolutely no offer of any tlian this one. Now is the time that you should try the hardest to. get long subscriptions. You should go to all your relatives and frienas and show them just what a, five year's subscription will do for you during this offer. Do not stop with one subscription but keep-on, there is no' limit to the number that you can secure, and the more that you can get, the better advantage it will give you. HEARTILY ENDORSED. The contest is heartily endorsed on all sides. The prizes aro so valuable and desirable that they meet the warm approval of the public. . " ':r . NO APOLOGY NECESSARY. No apology ig neccessary when you ask for a subscription to' The Herald.', Yoi know full value will be received. You will not have to explain this to the old subscribers; they know well what the ppe is worth, but you are also interested in getting new subscribers for their votes. Point out to them the excellent news service of this, its methods of handling matters of import ance all over the country; its thoroughness in presenting the lociil situation.'-. If they once get into the habit of reading The Herald they will not give it up. ' . ; .-. ,. THIS OFPER CLOSES NEXT SATURDAY. , This offer closes next Saturday, so start out today and see how many extra votes you can secure on this special offer. The content is rapidly drawing to a close, and yon want to win the' handsome piano. Now! This week, is the time to get busy. j DON'T WAIT UNTIL LAST MOMENT. . Don't wait until the closing hour of this offer to turn in your' subscriptions. Get them'in as early as possible and avoid the rush of the last few hours. Someone is sure to get in the sub scriptions too late to apply on this special vote if all wait until the last minute. Don't let it be you. By all means, do not let anyone discourage you, but keep everlastingly at it, and you will win out in the end. The present standing of contestants does not stand for anything. The leaders are not necessarily the final vic tors. Mail subscriptions received bearing postmark before Saturday, April 25th, midnight will be credited the Booster Period. So be sure and see that all subscriptions are in the mails before twelve o'clock. : '.:. OPPORTUNITY TIMES. , Next Monday is the beginning of "Opportunity Time" and every candidate anxious to win a prize should do his or her best before Saturday, May lflth to secure a number of these Vote Ballots.- ' --; Those who are a little behind first place -during this tima if a little extra effort , is put forth. Read the conditions of this offer and try to get every available subscription. You will be surprised to see how rapidly your total will roll up into the thousands. . i The scale of votes that will prevail during Opportunity Time' beginning April 27th and ending My 10th, is as' follows: 1 year subscription.;... ... 4.000 votes,- 10,000 extra. 2 year subscription...... ...10,000 votes, .21, 000 extra. , 3 year subscription... ....16,000 Votes,' 32,000 extra. 4 year subscription. 22,500 votes,- 43,000 extia. 5 year subscription .... ...27,000 votes, 55,000 extra. If there is anything in this offer you do' not understand, call' ud the contest department and the manager will be glad to ex plain same. Call on all of your friends, tell them that you want to win the handsome piano or one of the other valuable prizes of fered. They will help yo. Not only, with their subscriptions' but will interest their friends in your welfare and when this con test has como to an end, and you have' been fortunate in' winning , on of the prizes you heartily thank your friends for their assist ance. Now is the time for you to' decide whether you are going to win or not. ' Remember this offer includes subscriptions old and new or arrearages. This generous offer is made ald's voting contest and will include all- subscriptions coming in during 18 days. .This is absolutely the largest vote oner that will' be given at any time during the contest. . a you have not yet entered once on a postcard or telephone representative will call and explain fully any details that are not dearly understood. - Miss Edilda Barber leads again in the third count April 20tb. LIST? OF CONTESTANTS. ' Kings Mountain, N. CT ' ; Miss Eula Long.... .'... 36.000 Miss Vernua Lindsay.. ..144.500 Mies' Pinkey Short... .,..10,000 MrsJ. U Cbaney,.:.;. M.000 Kings mo. a. J' . ia, vo. , Next Saturday' when it counts most. There kind better during the contest in the race can1 easily acauire' to put enthusiasm into The Her your name you snouia sena it at' the Contest Department, and a Miss" Ethel Blaloclr....... 10.000' Miss Mattie Ware; ..135,000 Miss EdildaBrbfer,,..:,150,000' Gastonia,-N.C, . Miss Maggie Dalton...... 10,000' Mr Edith Maesagec. .. .100,000' (Continued on-Editorial page) ' ; m.

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