I. rvlfl; ). Kings Moiintaiiu N. C, Thfsday,'Octobcr 29. 1914. iVad TKe Second ;Intllmt Of "TREY O'HEARTS" This Week; ' N ' .... FLORAL FAIR EROSION (CLYDE R. HOEY MAY MEET iyASSl AMAZING : t3Y PEV. V. HAVhlER NOVEMBER 1 f 4TH& 5TH HOW TO PREVENT IT ADDRESSES VOTERS STATE PETITIONED Oil WEEK V The 13 T oa pacher at the Pif:.st putrch Sundiy.. night. , i ' Tlio I'a&slon WeeK" . waa, the. 6ii)jece frpm whicii'Kev, Yoce Havher of- near Hickory, K C. tbej..iirteeayt.arold boyjreacb . or, held almost bteatUle ,for " forty five , minuets ,lhe largest Audience that ever filled the new Sunday School auditorium of the BdptlnA church, here . Sunday " nigjit. The'flt pound lad dressed '..An blue o'ltfuiuria. ehlrt, a" blue serge knlokcrliockersiiit and tan V button whbes,''titood pft a platform '; which had been specially pVep ft ared behlud trie pulpit and :deJ Mitred Ills message :jwlth 'great : tariiestnfeRS arid .fervor of, spirit.' ..The; youiitr V 31 vtyo V wm ; vary much '.'fatigoixt .laving traveled' ; .long distances during, the day v'and bVving preached; at M(s ' t'.-Abenvliie! iP'tho '(drenoon.Juut . he bore up yrett." Be had Bo notes j.i a 'no manuscript,- bnt apoke as one 7receli injr hi meswge Trom on high. He talked in' conventional '',-' ; "tone and made! bat lew gestures, -'WtHtte f rttif .jpv Jwdf jwm- Jed wiien he begun'to''. grb w eld quut rum natarai, -gesiiw-es yn-;s 'ented,theipRelve(t-.'t.-;''?;,1 '-T K- - J'1'-' with Ahiun)p.;l 1 'er.try juto i , ': y-'"'; .Teriisaleui on Sunday, He ,tbe.rt ' :f5 "foll.lweftyery 'closely 'the Hctfvt- r-i.'-r i . ... . - . A : -i ( 'iifiy in tn? raied xoma. ' , ;i'i.-X'f-ih Masterj'oiUfi soenes iand it. :r7---h(irtib1e1'' during' these 4ast day ."'V'')V;--,,'v.ind in his tro'ljg' inUWUons hf . 7.;' delved iBtotheotogi and revtaled wk'i rtAi;T. trulhvpr' by . or tS'e j ! 'frn?npd anrf m&taVe'minister; 5, ' . ' '- N ffftny.tjes;;)iiMng tlie dtj. i: ; ' eouL-sft.'tli?,fed Diade Strong ap v pcft( fof ,Ui siihvviionjof liu man- ; . konls. . v ,; , ' -: "''Vvfte' 'y?ypr.1iicked fWvwords,: :. -:'x , , v h6y7';a ui! a' most faster than lie' , ,' fton)d ut.ter.heu-'.-':His: face wasa ' ' " ' '.ViLktu're of innnppnce.ahd sincer- v'iiy-Wt '.as lie advaticewitlf thf srmon inrl. as liv grew eloquent . ; his1 ja'ce , ' brS mod hrihtet' ' apd J:' until it. wemetjl to sav(f)f hoav ' I e ily spU-- lov." , ;''-.. . The- b'"- ' prennhcr. us hes bob ilarly kn'nvti.'is ft son of'Mr.'R. iIay.hpr.of T'U-kory,. Ronteoit; .yojt Tiit'.i- 1 bus shown 'PI '"v . Be- Will be held in the new Manner build ibs oa Railroad Avenue. Tha Civic' League of King MouHtalh,,' JNortU Carolina, will hold- ita annual "Flocal Pair" on Wednesday and 'Thursday (Morning and ICigMtT, November the, 4th and 5th, in the beautiful dew store room just completed Hjjf "Mess. W." .A,' "Mauney and Uro. on the .East side of Rail Road Avenue, adjoining the fur niture Htore'of Mr. H. T, Pulton. They, will as usual display a most bqantiful collection of .flowers, plants and handiwork of the mothers, daughters and sisters of the townaod will also serve lunches and other refreshments with' thei o'wn 'hands.', Now, in my'hjimble opinion we should all glw. this," (I can ,al most say .Divine Instutibn) our heartiest. support for it is juone almost exclusively by "the moth er's, ' oor mothers, those same .whpj when wo were, yetl babes rocked us' by -willingliifeet ami and vooed ' lis '.toi the ' shadowy s'mras-of sletip with siren" voiiieS shigftg soft Mii kw' a'nd-so,' on througirtbis years bf a'te'matlng day and night, joy at$ sofrow' they .'sti ll wafch jyer jos.' .and ' a last whou we Joiii the'Jlirongof. tb nn'ereplying.deAdi.;hdi!j ll Miat. j.-rm.t an keent . gifeen l...w..!U. :!.....' Ill "" lyi-n v ,o,wuro.,.n' wrinkled ahd' o,td'bnt 'tKoi" go sitently to our ias't msting1 placJ and ieie.i'iiahi'F'otperaJ. JcMi the; h n mlila grave, ft unity ' be W' some f ar,,of f oortier. ii the cl ty of the deafl, fbrgottnn ttndtfttstct ed ly alji'jet it W'still sacred to W the molbers' lierta,- and atiV woiitliip' Uiere'aS devoutly 'ak:f iji-.iwre a'tonib o( gilVfnU gold. rT.he;iadie "of ' our town .we ;issisting (acli 1 other , 'cnder" tiie iiame ofjtlia Civic?' League ' to make.; ihqeded. mproVemnts that jab- 'x hly ,'bei. . acedrn p ti si i ed by-; them, ;forvy ft; tliej'steroer Iseliave. not ttie: 'tiifleV "lanfll it ,-)D';!6,ttbe in e.'irin (lot)) ido'thost; things .which Add, so jiiuch to the hetiiity -anq happiness of our 'lives,. 'and" tn- 'Lqagne'. ' has iiiad; special ''effort -JkJV'Wake vtonVehient fthdV; beaafeif Dur 5ytie.tet'J' ai)d have just sacceO ed in thtf PuVcltase-s ot- a, drive wv twQty five feeK.wid . froui 4 ret to ;he ': cemetery, ' ! liit '.nothing 1 -e ; Vdpn cso t the - -.-; .'I hSy ; lisi)j,,y of nvers, . ii.nd a gr".i. iety i 'y. tliitv i - 0!! ' Bulletin if aoed with especial relation !' to Buffalo Drainage District. Sometlmrf ago we published an article on tliej Buffalo Drain-, age work and .promised 'then that as soon as we had some thingoGBcial from be govern ment on the subject , that we would publish ' the same. ' We have, received, a bnlletW i arid are publishing tbe first part of t this week.1 The ialatjc which will follow nexi 'week . deals di rectly with the Buffalo situation. One ot the '' ost ImjMjrtant movoments for the industrial Jevelopment of . Norlh Cai-olina was inaugurated" by the 1 enact- meut of the drauiagelaw of 1909. Since 4hat date drainage district have beeh organized onv a co operative"biisi8 all over Piedmont aiid eastern North Carolina, ' and alreadv wonderful, results have bben seeureS. Millions of dollars are being spcnt'in both"jectii' of the state and these expenditnr- are constantly being organize '"In eastern Carolina the lauu tli us bel ngreclaiuied are A warn ps from which usually the timbfer has beeo cut' but. -which 'have never be;hciearedi Thedredg1 : tygpeM;-vt'''enUrfly;.it6'r4n'j often ejttrsmelyprod.uctij areis Tor f armiuur. On- the nt.liop - hniiil raueiuons ,regioii 'vale ,pf tne; fciurpofw f reclaming overflowed lands-tHjitj ci-eek iMrttonis-whicll wjre ;.(ftleafe'd ' and, cultivated many- years rgo;. Jut whlch Uhfougli.'the liHing.'np- 'of the Mreama'haye- gradaally become iijarsby and almost.;.. worthie ss. ;4'tiese Tanas were the richest 6f the region cend wer used for r6lmf- corn; hnd lia - to- feed tlW IJ.v&.stpclc.usejl . ift. : CDlUvat- i ig the cotton crop on the upland pfTrtS oil the'favnt." The gradual clearing of the forest from, even :,the steeperslopes of t.li uplands and the Continuous) -'ultivfltipn p'tlese,.'Je1aai:,tbptft;'vthe alditioii of An v vegetable matter;. to tliejtpil jfiaS CiVused exiiisiye any everinofieaaingj', r prosioa. Tlie f ine iSaV'ticles" tho sji r-' taca soL wbiijh, t&tfy, llie.'-tnoat vniriabie part ot .tne lanpv.are washed ou t and, bel i$a suspended in ttye" w,tter, fto straight 'ia ; the' jnrgbf streams.. 'Thi'. deposited over ttte wdjeant lever lands by oyery smill flood,' tend to enrfcTi them atthoxpenseoi Jbe slopes. J Tlie sandy hd!(ieaVy'j)OHions of fhesoitvis goon:, deposited in the smalltreams and fro in there is carried into lite creeksi, where rapidly fill ; up the. bed causifig1 oven a sin.nl excess ot water to -r(low tiie banks, ; . ftwkin'ir Is .mora, fnnjnni." 'il'.' -pre HonC ILHoey and Hon; R.B. Miller - spoke Saturday night. ' Hon. Clyde R. Hoey and ex Representative R. B. Miller, of Shelby addressed the voters of numbet four la the opera house here Saturday night.' Mr.; M Her Consumed the first hour on givng general approbation to the pres ent Democrat o administrator and in discussing in detail the propoe ed amendments to the constitu tion;. .. '. .' Mr, Hoey spoke for a fuil hour n support of the ' Derilocratic party, an elaboration on the ben eficence of the Wilson adminis trator and a discussion' of the war and cotton situation. Besides showing'that he was well pleased with the poraonnell and policy of tbe administration he enjoyed President Wilson and Secretary Bryan on their policy of )' Watch ful Waiting" and .congratulated the people of it's republic thai we have kept out of war ; when it 'looked like, war was almost inevitable.' ?r , . He shewed plainly and conclu sively that the low price' Of ' cot ton Is not .lue tp tho Democratic party bn'. 's, dqel partly V? tne JSurapeaa Wai- and partly to the tu i Repo blicaij v ; administration which didraway , with the Mar- iuoi' ila'ritiei He said that jcgoft ,oa..toHld te.fiaaueQjoJjcen Germany and ngiana it we cili U-.deli ver ;"JC'B ut( said he, g liavuiiot tliH ships to trans, tiortit and' due to the warring coriditlou wecinnbt'Jiire alii pa as bi mei,, -aud :thereby : bangs the tale. '.' ;' ;' ; -' -i'-V tiie fiU-in - houses ' along these watprnourses liave become fmost nu! uhabi table dn account of the ' 'prvvale'nce of malarii, spread, by the inosqaltoes which breed bymillions in the stagnant watprpri the bTer'flpwed'lands. Many;.funlies)ive left (he farjn and' gone to tne; to wn j-for. this 6&eeaRoni:alone..'i .; J.'- ;The beneficial results of drain- age, Jiava besftt' - very " marked,; The; suil ooraposei of. the. richest oart of the, u pi andHelds mixed' T i..,.' m.'f.'i.:-,',' " " ra Willi vegeiaoisi umn-er, jiviuM tremendous crops -of corn' and hay as soon as it can be brought' into propef'conditloit. '-, -ri. Mosqnitoea and 'clul Is" rapid ly disappear',, and vcre.ek Jarmj become som of tbe,juiost' desir" Not only is the varw of tiie. 3nd in thedValriairedistkjtenbrmbbfcioupyR:8 ly jenhanced;. but'StirfoCnding farms are ' wOc& ijnore iha'n.iy'er K. uihinJ . - vit.'hri,Rnflintrlv before? The cost ot ,;Jrainagfi-.;i8; trge,a'b:'laji((.ta peiutrtfta.w, m-.--fd at from;$V;;W40;'pe' r, in order 'to' .'rHiite.'abfnolient e.y to cover tiie total cost of ,; work. -Tlii8'"ias8e88meat"lei jllocte'l'. . gtaduajly -:during a ' -I' .f ten .-year.'-,'' "the'' 4dea - !' . lucre-, .od returaes ! ' I viii -nuc'i more t ' ' drain- ainac:: ' '--.i. : 1 i'i a by - farmers of Number Four. The frrmers will petition Gov. ernor Craig for a special w-snlou of the. Legislature which will be elected next rweck to meet iin mediatly for the purpose of con sidering the cotton situation.. They will ask for a law provid ing -for the curtailment of the cotton crop of 1015 and any oilier legislation that may appear fea sible toward relieving the pres ent situation. , ,'. It seems that the last spark of hope of securing money through tbe local bonds on cotton 'has vanished and the market Is prac ticaily (lead. . , . . ' In the meeting Satqrday much interest was shown, however, the attendance was not so great as ut first. Mr? J. K. Goforth told onp of, Governor Vance's', aneo dotes,which pretty well explains the predicament of the farmer in regard to his cotton. ' His story was of a man who had a gentle man cow by the tail and travel ing at high speed. His -neighbor' asked him bow; he- was. getting along. His reply "meant th,at it tva bad toliold on and worse to turn loose. .'. ;;'; .. , ,.',' The petition to the Governor is being circulated this week and will likely be forward to him next wek.,ltoUnation iaBay.j.tud and wjmet.liing needs to be donp. ,, Precipitation ' seems v tp ; be plentif pl this mp,n.th 'whiph no I dqubt will nelp clover aed pate. Mr.'and Mrs Grady Patterson are the champion, cotton pick ers of this vicinity. We ere in formed that they gathejr 00 lbs.' of the fleecy staple -,every day that they pick, cotton. What a royal pftint it Is.?.)-'' :'i'?'i;-. Henry Grady once, explained; hThe.yyorid 'wajta a attendance n it8;growtp;, tne,: snower , snat 1H.U8 wiuHperints u ieavea.us beard around tho earth; the eon that shines oppn it', is tempered, by the.orayera of ail the peppW. Its Hbre i is - currant in eyery bank,' and wbeji Ibosinlta Ae6c-: ee'to-the srif Mt-fleat a. u'nn,Ji banner that gloriflea i tbef fields of 4he humble , f armer4'.CottorJ is'the one cjp for which,, there is no: -substitute. ;- ;t tton ootn clothes ; :and;feeds Jhe;; jeoJle, Mr. Albert Hamriok has. hi new residence completed ,,and is now - : Mr. CleoDa8 HamrlcK -has, ra- cenUy Aad .Mr.'.tnopnhardt, , o of Basse nier City , to pu t some : of tn finishing touenfia on jbis tie w .eight irooia housavAfe'';! .-;; We' fee-l' -' that :Mrs.V Hi D. Canipe's sorrow for the loss of -her great toe cannot be Assuaged by the comonpiace condolence, yeti we- . must write a few. lines to, assure j.hef of V our ' heart felt - sympathy , m I ' grief. There-is one thi ', "1 ever, .aat. pi sharc.i'" of 1 such a t i'!ivn t is t:..- -'.rt floo!' pure ; jOI"! t try v ever 1, For special session of Legislature SAXO- MAX GARDNER . What the RcpabUona do tell aboat - cotton. . t O. Max Gardener in Cleveland - . . Star. It.is utterly Amazing to hear ., Republican politicians, who really Jtnaw .better, attcuiptiug. to atlrimito the present price of cotton to the Democratio ad- . ministration of Woodixjw Wilson. , Every Intelligent person knows .,, that At least twp thirds of 'all the cotton grown in tbe -South - - Is exported to Germany, Bol- - gimp. Japan, fiance and Eng. , land. There is nowrno market for our'cotton?io 'any of these - countries ) except Japan. They are nowengaged In an ionpar-.- allolod and unprecedented war-, a war. that staggers "-Misery, . poverty, suffering and dearth, so , sad and dark and 'awful, that - good and pious men wonder why I U God - in his infinlto ' love and v; mercy "permits it "0 continue, .v.- Ware bf Alexander . tbe Great, ; ;' Caesar, HanntbalKapoleon and our reat Civil War, ( were, but- skirmishes as compared' to the , coiossai arama, oi acaui uoiuj . enacted tn Europe today. -Think , of it, every -continent, on -earth v ip involved iiv this campaign ol - - Cruel destruction," save and "'e!.; ;t cept America-Is t anj woner, '.Q.- theai in view of tne!8itnauon b r broad, and.tbto almost, jootqpleto ?" paralysis of Our jcotton. trade,.. that Soutbi ia a keen; anlbwfU'i by rea'son'of this war1? Laat year. '. the Sontk recieved from.Engt Vx; land, Germanyf Prance; Belglntn ;t y; an4 Japan all of wbom are now ' , at war .approximately . six bun- : . - drd mniioa ddllarsin BOiu,,! ;; :.; itSCOttpn orpp. -.iirao cu-uuira ; , were' 'tben , -at peace,;- ai)d tbe.-; ;; ocead ; as; irev irom wnoie . ,; armeo. noeia, i, gvypt.iuj, ;,.;. nbwtprey npon -cominercei. ihls . stream ; o gold;, that has beou , yeirly pouring MWthe,. p?eiteMrv ot the fSouthern larmey, jnas, abnoat dwindled to ft ;; Vanishing point, and ewry.iufeUIge'nli; man i '; Hb stops to think; knpws wny; ; Interrupted.;; ;V$C :$t; V,-,!'f ' . .FOKEICJN1, MUJ-SDt-B -;;;'V Are v larirely . idle tbe' ' rhafe ' em-, ; - oyes-reat.wayiah . ana. punas , oi line fiuuu cu: staged ln;Chi6.contest for nation- at i:iisw--i,- ...... posed frorni the. ctrntemplatin of, bosiness fj thp norrors -i . way.-; The predominant, idu ia Europe at this time, is not ,.o pride or- valno of cotton; t.,r-y are"benlinji -veiH-irg.v.-siiimd- lig over $r0. ... i. day, and devptilig the i .1 'i-en' ation of' mind and body l tho cul- tivatiot Of the art of lulling men. toiiriog'Septeniberof I us year, the'' amount of ( "ii i ..poi-u-'i was alittle to ex ; of -"O.OCO bales, . "while da -e i ionth of September, 1 . "led li.s..-Thes?'t.flgui i-. -tu r e Sippni-tanoeof c .1 i i t (or.,iiic , alW''", ' ,v ' " t lis Kaf' :'. ' " ' -: a : 1 partiv-wjnv' . .. ' i Uie disastroua , as-l coinUtion tbia, wur hm about. ; ,;; 'Y;- -.:. MOSEY-'tSKOT I.A.CKIXG '-There'," seems to b a;i vulent tlvit ft ,VI'- '' '; rt; bri'i;i;i. a'V; '" i , .- : ;!jntabto' ,.to'' 1 ... . ( -it'd on ' :"V;