tOlfGS MOUNTAIN HERALD, ilOUITEAlN. ii. d .J. . TBE KINGS MOUNTAIN HERALD ' - Sings Mountain, N. C C. G. PAGE. Editor and Owner. SUJSCPIPTION PRICE: One Year, 41 bU Kcnths 50c Three Months 25c. Kbltivil ,V)vuitmr 17, liiul.- HI t.n.,; fi'-.iiiuuiiv N.' C, us secoml curs im.ttcr, miller Ait "I t'oiiKiw tt Murrh A. IS7U. (Ian yon not spare ut that flolinron HuliM-ription i'r Vc liffirl it uwfully biul. It' ii "in"1' item for you but it's a big Uiin Willi i. One tiling wliioli Hie pi'oulo of tlio Htutu are expei tinu of Uii Li';ii.-I;itnrii is to Ktop whislwj fi:n bciiijj siiipp''l i"t'' H'e Ki.atc. Many a HMircxiuitntivt mill seimtor litis promisi-il to do ill! thi-y cun iu lliis iluvction. Hut people "buck hoine'" imist lund their Kiippurt ami iMieouniKemiMit. We hen! nnil iiow appeal to the people in the immediate ten-Lory or the Her ald to rise up in their uiu lit unit help tbuir.-. representative law waiters to drive the initjht.v (iemou from our borders, Kvery public spirited rnan should attend the ineetiiiK to night ana let the balance know what he wants the present Letf is lature to do. Dou't Itay away and then to morrow ridicule and make fun of whut wiifi done and tiy to lea l people to think that you are Uo wise a guy to mix up in any t hint? of the kind. These are vital mutters and deserve tie lit- tmtionof our abl-t lieu and bvAt thinkers' The Legislature id public property. Let us use it. The time has come und it is hitfh noon in the day when the town of Kings Mountain should get off tne fence and be-wholly ii Gaston or wholly in Cleve land. This Lsgislatnre can act on the matter just as well as any subsequent one can hope to do and it is now time for every citizen to bestir himself to create a sentiment sufficient to bring this about. Make up your mind what is best to do and corns out io the meeting tonight and ex press your opinion. Kings Mountain needs a re c n'dnr's court. It needs it for at leixt three reasons. F.rst , it would save the county an immense court expense. One who knows informs us that it costs forty to fifty dollars to convict a man of.'solling whiskey in Superior court 'and tthat, it C mid bo do'ie for less than five lijllars in recorders court. Second. It's convenience. In stead of having to ko Shelby and stxmd a week and pay your keep as a witness a recorder's court would require not more than an hour or-so for sr witnesF'to" be taken from his business. Third. Kings: Mountain is practically a joke in court circies because it furnishes more than Ifty per cent of the cases on the Superior court docket. This is because the county recorder settles such ir a'ters from -the v. vmq v"uui tin COU stitutes the majority of the cases that go up from Kings mountain. We need k recorder 's court, then, that we may be put upon an equal footing with .the balance of the county and not be shown , up in Superior court as a black s.iot or a dirtv corner when our folks are as good as the balance of the foUcs of th county. Siler City Merchants recently Mgned a pledge to sell no cigar etts after January 1st. 1915. How doss that sound for twentieth centurv civilization? We long to sae Kings Mountaiu merchants outer 'a similar compact. Then let it-spread to tb.9 ends of the earth.; "' ' If you will subscribe to the Herald for one year we will send you three monthly magazines for oujy 5 eents. - 32 ChSidrcn Cry for Fletcher's die Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been la dm for over CO years, has bornotlie signature of ' - has been modo nnder hit por-sjrA,-f-fu sonol supcnUlon since Its Ir.fancT'. MLSfV'-WJfcC Allow o one to deceive you t: tht j. All Counterfeits, 1'iaHatloas and " JiiHt-tis-gooU " are but Experiments that .'-:; lo with and endanger tlio health of Infants and ulLliVjn Experience against JixperimeuU What Is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harnVsi snbstttnto for Castor Oil, Para troric, Irops and Soothing Hysups. It 13 pleawiat. It contains neither Oilnm, Morphine nor otiier fiurcotlo substance. I to age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms end allays revcri.hncs. For more than tliirty years 16 lias been in constant use for tlio relief of Constipation, I'latulrncy, V.'lnd Colic, all Teething Troubles and llurrhm.. It regulates the Ktomucb. and IioweLs, iiHsiml lutes tlio Food, giving bealtiiy and natural Bleep. Xbo Children's 1'amicco Tho mother's l'ricud. CEKUIKE CASTORIA ALWAYS ;Escr3 the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years 0 THC CCMTAUH COMPANY, TT MURHAV TflT. MCW TOUK CfTT, When any inntitution originat ed among -men without divine origin comes up against public j sentiuent it has to down. It isi I he si me with movements and; si was tna niovenienc oi tne telephone company when they decided to raise the rates in Kinsrs Mountain. A largo per cent of bad busi nest for the year 101 1 was due to excitement and bail business methods! Merchants too frignt and decided lo .curtail expenses and in many cases curtailed the verj thing which in turn was a big factor in curtailing their own business. That one tiling ,.as the running oC ot their very best salesman out at the back door. That salestiiau . was the newspaper advertisement, lln solve he-e and now to redtein your business by letting tlie peo ple know that you are till in business and at the same old stand. Many of them think you have quit. ; oftieo, but his term is about up and a selection is to be made. ADS SELL GOODS If YcNed Them Let U Furnish You Chattel Moilgatitt, Ucitlv Alortgaxo Deeds, Nnlicea nf Attachment. 5un iron, Judgments, Crap Lie its, Town Court Dockets, Carbon Paper, Back Sheets, Blank Paper, Cards lite FOR HAl.U Letter Head. BUI Heads, Note Heads, Statements, Envalapes, Programs, Poster. Receipt Books Shipping Tags, Lega Dlanki 01 All Kinds, Folders, Pamphlets Etc., fclAIliS TOOBSKR. HKmi.B PJ OLIHUINO IlOl MlS - o. a. p.tiiK, iu.MiKTim , ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J, L. McKay, deceas ed late of Cleveland County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the entati of aid deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at KinRS Mountain, N- C on or before the 12th day of December, 1916, or this notice, will be pleaikd in bar of their rocoveoy- All penionn in debted to said tstart) will ploase m:.k immediate payment- HATTIE W- McKAy, administratrix of the estate of J- L McKAY, beceaesd . This Dec-10 1914 ' -'t .-' Report of the i ondition of . ,, The peoples Lean and Trust to. atJCinm Mountain, in the StaU of . NoTth Carolina, at the close of business Dee, Slth, 1914. Homers Military School ... i Charlotte, N. C. Spring Term begins Jan. 16 New students may enter Jan. 5 without extra cost. Apply for illustrated catalogue. adv. The new year has opened up with better prospects fori a good business than the old one went out. It's a pity to die unwept, nnhonored and unsung,: but the year 1914 with its blood stained hands, with its business depress ion went out without any crepe being hung o : doorj or ffags left at half mast. It is history pages cannot be altered but let us hope tluit ' thev' will not be repeated. Peace to her ashes. The atmosphere has already begun to savor of municipal politics. One may get a whif on almost any corner or in almost einy group. The election for mayorality comes up in May. Names are coming into conver sation and special polic es will soon become topics of conversa tion. The Herald man is no poli tician but he does profess to be a gentleman and a citizen and therefore calls for the floor for just a minute. Somebody will name a candidate for mayor and somebody will name another in all probabiity. This is the his tory of municipal "elections, and is necessarily so. . We are not naming anybody but let us enter an appeal for an upright busi-' ne s man with good common sense, good moral character and some tact and no "Favorites." It is a. man, a full size man. that we want and need an1 let as egin now to work toward securing such an one. We are not criticizing the present mayor understand, be is an -.honor to the town and dot) honor to. his When you begin to curtail ex. Vtnses don't make the fatal m'r ' ike of curring the tail ro close tithe ears us to leavj the heart of your business on the tail end. There is. where tiian... merchants fail. They hire cheap help and out oat, advertising. Taen you may begin to look for cobwebs and later a re.-eiver.s sale. Business man every w1ira have about finished taking Wck of last year's work Many of them are writing "Loss" in red ink insU-ad of "1'rotit." Have you taken stock of your usefulness as aeitiaeu? Well, run over the Account and see it your contri iintions to the wellfare of the world registers a profit or loss. Now -since it's all over, how do ,'ou- fed about tlie manner in AThich yon celebrated the Lord's birthday? Be honest about it, it s no use to lie to Bod. r Judge Webb Sworn In Shelby, Jan, 2. When Judge James L Webb completes this new term as Judge of the six teentli judicial district he will have served over "22 years as koI icitor and judge withi ut any op position whatever from his ow party and very little from tin Republican jjartyJIu :vas Sivotn in as judge yesterday by T. K. Barnett a local magistrate and is entering upon a new term. Judge Webb was appointed so licitor by Governor Holt to fill out the unexpired term of Frank I. Osborne. He was then elected three times for four -year each and after serving 12 years was appointed judge by Governor Aycock to fill out the unexpired term of the late Judire Hoke. Since that time he has been nom inated and elected by the Demo cratic party for two terms of four years each and it is a splen did tribute to his fitness that he has never confronted opposition from within his own party.- Back To Weekly. . The Shelby Highlandei an nounces that it will go back" to a v-euly. 'th Highlander has stuiggled hard to come --.out twicoa week but it hasn't been accorded advertising pationage sufficient to warrant its tontiua tion. So it goes back to a weekly at a dollar a year. .' Wanted at once 500 People To have their Photographs made Wn flit hio-Vi , , . .... "r" i r;lass work in all I I thA latest; Kodak finishm; i for Amateurs. Send i us a Roll and give j iisHtriiu. w iii k re turned promptly. All l.-i-lo -,-! itrt- ill I iviliuo kix yt.u- i ure frames made ! to order. School and Col- j leare work a spe- J j dairy. ) j ZTheJbJ lis Studio, I Shelby. Jl.e. It Rally Does Relieve Rheumatism Everybody who is afflicted with Rheumatism in any form should by all means keep a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment on hand. The minute you feel pain or soreness in a joint or muscle. bathe it with Sloans Lim'meut. Do not rub it. Sloan's penetrates almost im mediately right to the seat of pain relieving the hot, tender, swollen fad ing and making the part easy and com fortable. Get a bottle of Sloan's Lini ment for 25 cents' of any druggist und have it in the house against Colds, Sore and Swollen joints, "Lumbajo, Schuia. and lik ailments. Your mon ey back if not satisfied, but it does give almost instant relief. Dny a bot tle to-dav. ' Resources Loan and discounts - -Overdrafts Becured and unsecur Banking Housek Vurni' Dua from Bans and Bankers - Silvwr roin. includilvK sll : .Arv iimiur turn kuiiciii' Natin;il bank notes Tnd other II. S. notesv Total Liailities Capita! otock pai in - Undivided pniflfts, less current exifcnses and taxes pnid - " B'lls payable Time Certilu-Ates of De posits J Deposits subj ot to check Cashier's Chf cks outstand ing '- - - - 175,06111 6,91 10-63f -J ' 8.500.00 $7uU07,l)7 , I10.000.C0 4,382.37 0,000.0) f33,r95.02 48,211.! 31(.tw $101, 907.97 County of Stat of North Carolina, Cleveland, ss: I. Ml E. Herndon, Cashier of above-named bank, do solemnly swei that the obove statement is best of mv .knowledge and M. E, Herndori; Ca; Subscribed and sworn to bef this 8th day of Jan, 1916. W. S. Diiling, Correct Attest: G. WA .'. C. Bi. J. O. Plonk, Dire; thef true ujr' I jelled v i Nourr d" Vl. Stop That Cough Now When you catch Cold or begin to Cough, the first thing to do i9 to take Dr. Bell'a Pine-Tar-Honey. It pene tratrs tbe linings of the Throat and Lungs and fights the Germs of the Disease, giving quick relief and natur al healing. "Our whole family depend On Pine-Tar-Honey for Coughs and Colds," writes Mr. E. William. Ham ilton, Ohio. It always helps. 25 cents at your Druggist. 1 .JIMJ T . ' IlKihg's Now Lifo ' DrugRisL The Liver Regulates The Boby A Sluggish Lver Needs Care Someone haa said that people with Chronic Liver Complaint should be shut up away from humanity, for they are pessimists and tea through a "E'ass darkly.-" Wh.l Because mental state8 depend upon physical states. Bilious ness, Headaches, Dizziness and Con stipation disappear after using Dr. Pills. 236. at your R.por1 o Ih. Conditio Mine's Mountain at Kings Mountain, in the State of North Carolina, ot uie ciose oi uusm Dec. 81, 1914, RESOURCES Loans and discounts - 43,952. 7 Overdrafts secured, unsecured 4,752.79 Banking House, l ur and fixtures Demand loans Due from Banks t.- ! :inkers Silver coin, includi ; 'ill minor coin curren' National bank nous und other U. S. Notes 3C0.0O 3,871.66 205.61 101.35 193.00- Total $52,877.17 If you do, hold your laundry for the Shelby Steam Lrumdry. Begin ning January 4, IS 15, we will call after it and deliver what we have every Monday and Thursday. Will also have an office ut the Planters Hardware Store, Phone 125" where you can leave your bundles or phone when you want them to call for a bnndle. They will guarantee their work to be as good as the best. Hoping to have and to hold your 'work by fair and honest dealings, Shelby Steam Laundry, LIABILITIES Capital, stock paid in 10. CCC.( Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid ?,4Jl.7S-. Notes and bills rccistountcd 21,E00.tu1 Time Certificates f Deposit 2.C00.CO Deposits subject to check 16,022.81 Due to Bank & Bankers 930.2-t Cashier's Checks outstanding 2.89 Total 52,S77.1T State of North Carolina, County of Cleveland, ss: 'T I, W. S. Diliintr, Cashier, of. The- Kings Mountain bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl .dge and belief. W. S. Diiling, Cashier, . , Rwom io nnA Kithsfri'hpfl KofnrA nw. this 11th day of Jan . 1915. li. W.iv enunck, N. f. correct Attest: F. DilKng. 0. G.Falls, . -; H. N. Moss,- Directors. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca tarrh Is a blood or constitutional disease, and In order to cure It you must take In ternal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts directly upon the blood and mucous surface. Hall'C uaiarrn cure is not a qua medlc"6 It ' was prescribed by one of the beat phy sicians in this country for years and Is a regular preacrlDtlon. It Is rnmnoiutil nf the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combina tion ot the two Ingredients Is what pro duces such wonderful results In curlnr oatarrh. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Dnigirliti. price 76c. Tans Hall s Family Puis tor constipation. - Colds Are Often Most Serious Slop Possidle Compilations v 1 The disregard of a Cold hu. ofterf brought many regret. The fact of Sneez ' ine. Coughing, or a Fever should be warning enough that your system' needs immediate attention. Certainly loss of Sleep is most serloiMi It Is a warning given by Nature. It is a man's duty to himself to assist bv dninir hia part. Dr. King's New Discovery, is " scienuiic analysis of Colds. 60c. at your Druggist Buy a bottla-to-day. . jteep our Valuables Safe , Foe 25 cents extra you - can get three magazines and The ITerMd for one year. We have fire and burglar proof Safe deposit sua swsaa. ua. vi j i uuiiuuiv I u lw - I PEOPLESLOAN & TRUST CO, O. Plonk, Pres. M. E: Herndon, Cashier, . Kings Mountain J

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