erald he .Una's iVl ! Vpl 12 Kings Mountain, N. C, Thursday, February 11. 1915. ..No. 1 R. A. HICKS BROUGHT IN DEAD (eetlnq 7(e CASAR R. R. LOCAL ITEMS reamer u tLeeunq ere 3oniqit G-.js GOV. JOB CONTRACT IS LET CAUGHT 0,! THE FLY i 't . a ; . ' His mat.-v friends will interested 10 know that our townsman, Mr vie McGiunis, has lanaeu ",,jrnB,enti posi tion wnicn nded with much honor MaKOOIi saiary, Tuesday s vH0tte Observer carries thef;)wing account of nis appofftment; "Observer Bureau ' . "Washington. Feb "Leslie McGinnis of Kings Mountain, who has many kinnian In Mecklenburg County, was madi! a special investigator tor the Census Bureau today.' Ser ator Overman secured the posi tion for him. The place pays about $1,200, and he will call on manufacturers." Elbethel Items Correspondence of The Herald. "We have been having bad eathr for a whiL. Prof. M. L. WhiU the prin cipal of Elbethel school attended the teachers meeting at Shelby ' Saturday, Mr. Garnet Poston and sister of near Elizabetfi visited Mr. T. . Black, Sunday. Miss Edilda Berber, visited Miss Mattie Ellis Snniay. Mr. Tom Phifer of Gaffney, S. C. visited Mc. Bc-n Phifer Sunday. Mrs. R P. Ellis is spending a i. few days In Shelby with her son Mr. Forest Fills. . - Miss Freelovw Black spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Black. . She also attended the teachers meeting at Shelby' Saturday. :-' . Mr. Grady Beam of Grover N. 0. spent a pleasant afternoon at W. T. Byars Sunday. His mule became frightened at some one passing and broke the hitch rein and ran for the . barn and broke the shafts and double tree. He. had to borrow a saddle to go home.' ' Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Byars of near Elbethel visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dixon of Oak $ Grove last Saturday night. Mr. George Ware of Elbethel section visited Goth Blalock Sunday ' "ning. Oak Grove Items i Correspondence of The Herald. ( The farmers of this section J are anxious for Ijhe ground to dry 5 off so they can dIow. ' Clarence BlanCon, while chop- .: ping wood the other day. cut his foot. It" required seven stitches . to close up the -wound. He is getting along very nicely. Elam McSwain spent Sunday . ." night at the hospitable homeof -. Monroe Lovelace. ...Mr. and Mrs. Kimp Ledford visited Mr. and Mrs. I.'W. Bell Sunday night. : , : Mr. J. A. Boll and ; family speijt fWday with Mr. and Mrs. MonroJliovelace.- Mr.' J. Wf Bell and lanilly spent Saturday night with ; Mr. ': and Mrs: H. D. Canipe. Mr.- and Mrs. G.W. Ware visited' Mr and. Mrs Clarence i Blanton Sunday., lf , ; MJSS4 ADNA GARLTNTON thijtfjfc Stenographer y . PHpKJ' Ft or Leave you. r orders ERALD OFFICE. Mr. S. A. .Hicks, fomeriy oW Kings MounUin, Was shot and killed in Monroe Louisiana, last Friday and was brought here foi burial yesterday. The cir- cumJojjfe8 of the manner, in winch he came to his death are unknown here at this writing ex cept that he was shot. He is snrviyed by two sisters, Mrs. C W. Richardson and Miss Pearl nicks, of Kings Mountain. The funeral was conducted by Rev. G. L. Kerr a 1 ;30 jester day at the hoina of C. W. Rioh ardsn where the body lay after ts arrival at nine o'clock until burial rt thiee. .Mr. Hicks was a painter by trade. We hope to give the particular in the case next week. Bessemer Fire Bsssemer City,. Feb. 8. Fire destroyed lhc residence of Mr. C. W. Fuller here, this morning about 1 o'clock. The family barely escaped with, their lives The origin of the fire is not known but the supposition is that it was caused by rats and matches. The loss this morning was estima.ed at $0,000 and only partially covered' by insurance. The volunteer firemen fought manfully and with the' town's magn i'icent water pressure throwing a heavy volume of water the '. flames ., were Kept from spreading the adjacent building. This the most destructive fjre that has been here In many years. " Last Call For Taxes: I want to thank the good people of Cleveland County who have paid their taxes for bejng pro mpt in doing so during this, the hardest of all years. Our ex cellent County ' Commissioners kindiy extended the time o! my settlement to March 1st. which is greatly appreciated uy me as i am sore it will be by those who have not paid tuoir taxes. They instruct me however, that set tlement must be made at that time, and that I must advertise thereafter all properties upon which taxes have not been paid, I trust that all delinquents will find it convenient to pay their taxes before March 1st and save me the unpleasantness and themselves the cost of ad vertising their property. . Respectfully, W. D. Lackey, - Sheriff Cleveland Comity. : Or. Hambright Dead. Dr. A. F. Hambright of Grover died Tuesday of last week at the age of 80 years; For many years he was the leading physician of Grover' but retired sometime ago on accouut of bad health. He is survived by the widow and five children; Misses Edith and Mayme Hambright and O. F., Bell, and Jake Hambright. He was an uncle of G. F. Hambright cf Kings Mountain.' ' , . B ...j;,;i- W. K. Mauney gave a very enjoyable Valentine party to the Kings Mountain teachers Tuet day night at the home of his parents.Mr.and Mrs.J.S.Mauney WE'HUY HIDES We cay the highest uarket price for all kinds of good hides. Costner BrosKings Mountain, N. C. If you are interested in a creamery for Kings Mountain be sure to attend the meeting of the Progressive Association to night. It Will be held at the opera house at 7:30. Mr. Stan'y Combs of the Division of Dairy Farming will be present. The Department has also asked Col. T. G. Wood. Industrial arid Immigration Agent of the Southern Railway, to attend and give, us the benefit of what he knows about the business. This bids fair to ba one of the most important and educating meetings the Progressive Asso ciation has had Let everybody interested in ritory turn out. Executive (Committee to A Meeting of the Executive School Singing Convention is ifi nt.' no m in. in the Herald notice and be present. G. G. Page, Pres. & Ex officio Chum. COUNTY TEACHERS MEET , Kings Mountain. N. C, 11. 2 Feb, C, 1U15. Editor Herald: On this day and date the teach ers met at Sheioy in ancient, due and solemn conclave with Miss Meidoua Livingston, presi dent, ex officio, and1 M. L. White, secretary, protein, v:,, The Lord's Prayer was recited in concert, and it was ascertain ed that 114 moulders of charact er were present, the large major ity of whom are country damsels of tender age, while the modern editions of Ichabod Crane were alike cumbering the earth, draw ing their breath and their salar ies; with features so atrocious they would stop a clock or turn milk sour. School Interest and Spirit" was discussed by Lawton Blan-i ton, and he inveighed against the spirit of vandalism so preva lent. This is evinced by defacing school furniture, on principle that school pi-operty belongs to everybody in general and no one in particular.. Base ball and basket ball were recommended as profitable to develop athletics, as athletics in some form are necessary. The motion was adopted that no prominent speaker be invited to' county commencement; but full attention be given to pro. gram. , The date appointed is Satur day, April 3, 1915, and the p- ride is to "orm line of march at 10:30 a. m., starting point for procession to be between Shelby Baptist Church and S. A. L. R. At 11 a,, m. Declaimers contest for both 7th Grade and High School; and 11:30 Spelling con test, wards to be pronounced by- Miss Livingston. At 12:30 is lunch hour, - and later, School athletics. Prizes will be awarded for 1 mile race, 1-4 mile race and relay race for both 7th grade and 1 1 ;h school. School exhibits will consist of awarding prize to boy for 10 beBt . earn of corn; prize to girl for best canned goods or Work apron, and to boy for. best ax handle. Best- exhibit to 1 teacher school dictionary, to 2 teachers school set of books, to 3 teachers school set of maps. Also, Roe, and Peterson offer a fine medf 1 to' boy aid girl, aob, for nest paper turned in. Kings Mountain and adjacent ter (Bailed me el Committee of the Union Sunday hereby called for Tuesday, Feb. office. Let each member take Ur. KUttin Usoorn now gave an intaresting lecture on teeth, and declared they were great factors in mental and physical excellence. Next, Dr. Mitchell spoke of tuberculosis the scourge o; Jiu man race. Dr. R. C. Ellis offer ed some excellent ideas along tue same line. Next the "Mooi lighi Schools organized uy Miss Stewart in Kentucky were discussed bv M. L, White, Miss Livingston. Prof. HuBkey, Prof. Ivey V. illis, Prof. Bumgardner, Squire D. S, Lovelace. W. E. White was then called out on f.he spelling races, and offered timely remarks in well chosen language. On motion the meeting then adjourned to meet again on March 6. 1915. Corn Cracker MissLianra flonk annouce, very attractive play At The End Of The Rainbow", graded school Friday night. Mr.' and Mrs. J Beverly Pat terson left yesterday for Atlanta where they are vitsiting her cousin, Dr. Sage Haveln. ' Mr. Johnson Long who has been in bad health lately has gone to Gastonia to live with his son, Bynuui Long. : Mrs." Lizzie Falls of Gastonia is visiting her mother Mrs, Kate rails. Rev. B. A. Culp is at Gold Hill on business, - A protractf d meeting will be gin at Grace Methodist Church Sunday. ' Esq, W. A. MaUney made a business trip to Long Shoals Tuesday.' . Pastor Cole will preach at the Cora Mill School House next Sunday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Gold, gold, gold, is the talk of the town and when .the South ' em Venture Company gets fully under way its going to put our fUr city on such a boom as she hasn't known before. The pro motors are selling the : stock right along. Frank Weu has ' gone and shown his sense again. He has contracted with the Kiser Lum ber Company to build his house on his farm neai Bethlehem. Of '.ate other folks have exhiuited the same mental, ' demeanor. They know that the Kiser Lum ber Company manufcatures its own doors, sashes, blinds, screen andfotber building material and can, therefore, do a better job cheaper. Read their ad and give them trial. Many Horald readers will greet with !ad ucchiiiii the tid ings that the wrangle over the rcCntract for the C:isar railroiul has been settled ncd that work will begin in an early date. The contract was awarded tuesday of last week to Messrs XV. T. Clement Greensboro and J. L. Hawloy of Rockingham to huild and oquio. the J'ilroad fi'oin Slielby to Casar, through Lt"uin's Mill, Fallston and Bel wooil as proscribed by law Work will 'egin right away, in fact Air. Clement stated before leaving Shelby t'jat the engin eers would in rive in ten days or two weeks and begin surveying andtheV'ork would be rushed witli a view of running trains be fore.the summer is over. Get no money until the road is finished. These are only material changes in the contract which was signed and the one proposed in January and circulated with petitions in the two railroad dis tricts. The principal objection to the former contract was that it permitted the issue of bonds and the expenditure of the bond money in the construction of the road. This met stro-ig. objection especially in lower Belwood-Fal ston district, but Messrs Clem ent and Iiawley eraced this ob jection by offering to build and equip the road and not ask for a cent of the bnod money until it is complete and in operation. It was the understanding of many of the people in the rail- oad districts that the bonds would not be turned over until tho road was,. -completed, hence their objection to the former proposition, but this big object ion was entirely overcome in the new proposition which ,as sign ed. The matter as to when the bonds should be delivered caus ed much discussion and the cir culation of counter petitions. Nearly 500 signed the petitions which the commissioners sent out in January authorizing them to accept the Hawley-Cleir.ent Droposition as then made to turn over the bonds as tlm work pro grossde on the road, provided no better proposition was made them by Feb. 2nd from any source. Several petitions, con; trary to this circulated and 3igned by between 200 and 300. The petitions were worded differ ently out hau the same purpose in view. One was from the citi zens of the Casar district asking the commissioners to hold the bond money in trust until : th. railroad is completed. Another was not to allow bonds to be sold until the road is built and rolling stock put on. Another was that no action be taken now or for at least 30 or 60 days for three reasons(l)the citizens oppose turning over bonds until . the railroad is . completed; 2) investigation is on looking to the construction of an -electric road which would give at least three trains daily each way which petitioners favors; (3 be cause' ol impraetibility of road building in February, on accaont of the weather. . ' ' Hawley and Clement arrived on Monday. They had been ' in formed that there objection to using the bond money in the oonA struction of the road and asked to make arrangements to -overcome this if possible. They met with the several :com!nitt:em'n Adam Hovis of Oak Crove, section was in to,vn Tiiesii:i,,' to have his knee sewed up where ho had stMck hi axe Th - wound was. about an inch ion;;. Dr. T. V. MaiT, pastor of T. in ii y Methodist Church .1 Char lotte has been cngawd li.y I'.isuv Cole of tho local Melh'idisl cluircn to conduct an evi'.i.e listic campaign le're i: L;..ii-r ti ; -; March 1 1th. Mr. und Miw. P. I. Be!.;. went to Gastonia Tt'osda.. . Sain, the 18 months old iii ' Mr. and Mrs. L P. Allen Kannapolis, was brought Iieiv. for burial Tuesday. Mr. Allen was for several years iu the em ploy of the Kings MutinM,.. liolier Mill but lett here :tl '' six years ago. Kev. Air. uii ai. of Kannapolis came with il. 1 funeral party and conduc-v, the funeral services. Mr. and Mrs B. R. Willc-ford of Greenville, S. C. visited -his Mother, Mrs. Dora Bell Willu- ford here Sunday. ('listener Brothers are mov ing their harness anl repuir shop from the Mauiiey ware house to the building on Mount ain street formorlv occupied bv the Chinese T aundry. Mr. and Mrs John Medcaf and Miss Etta Farmer of Besse mer City visited Mr. J. T. David son Saturday night und Sun day. R. T. Cansler is Ftonni? his stock of 5 & 10 cent goods up stairs for fie spring and sum mer. He is now lipping to go to the Panama Exposition. E. W. Hord has resigned tis shop foreman for the Kiser Lumber Co, and will i;o into business lor himself Ho lignrcs . on opening up a shop in the brick building near Ricili.rdson'ti stable. Mr. Hord was with the Kiser Lumber Co, when the whistle blew the first time irid the first wheei' turned some seven years ago. We call attention to the half Page add of Kuester Low C of Charlotte in" this issue of the Herald. from the two districts, and tho county at large Monday mgnt and reshaped their proportion, agreeing to build and eqmp tile road before receiving the oocd money, and lay new rails weigh ing not less than 00 pounds pr foot. The first contract left It optional With the builders wheth er they would use new or relay rails. ; The committee having heard these changes which re-, moved all objection from.- thet peoqle in upper Cleveland who really want a railroad, recom mended to the comuiisslouei'i hat they accept the proposition. This recommendation was sign ed by P. L. Peelerfor the Fals ton Belwood district, G. W. D., Peeler for the Oasar dfstrict and attested by Zeo Mull, secretary. Messrs. Bwyster and Elam have bee working on at' proposition to submit to , build " either a ysteam or electi ic rod, but they were not ready Tuesday to su'TUitt anything. , TWe contract is long and dritwn ont and not of special ipfterest to many readers; we will Wherefore, not reproduce ' it. Suffice it to say that JH Covers the proposition "' thoroughly as outlined above and is signed by, - H, T. Fulton, chairman, for the 1xard of Coiuinissiouci.

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