The Kin ountain Herald Vol 12 v ' : " King5 Mountain, N. g Thursday 'January 7. 1910 J K 50' v-a.lW , ' PRINCIPLE FIRST $1. A VKAR I ADVANCE T J .- Wl.UJ I...L . - -.1.. .1 '- : I . County ment April Third Parade-Spelling Match-High School Declamation and Recitation Contests - Com mencement Exercises-Athletics-Rules Governing All Contest?. Clevehnd county Will hold its annual Commencrment April 3rd 1010 at She. by N. Q. The committee has adopted Vie fol lowing rules for the different contest ltt fill take ldacei PARADE The '.In ot the uarade -will foriB betweeu the Baptist church and S. A. I Ry. and march to Collect Inn, them-e back North Washington street to North Bide of Coil rt Square. Ttiree mar halls will be appolrted for each township. Each school will be requested to march la mi'itary order (four abreast). A st o( map will be give. to t.h school making tlw best bowing In the parade. 8PKLUNU MATCH Each school shall bo allowed three contestant ou a team. 2. No pupil above the seventh Kt ada aha be allowed to take part In the contest. u. Ouiy one team from oach township shall bo allowed. If moiC than one team from a tow"slip' nt. ers, they hold a preliminary con test co Friday March 17th. 4. All JHShools expecting to enter the spelling contest must notify thn county Suot. not later than Marc'i 1st. A setet map? will be glveu the ninning eehool. . niGU SCHOOL DECLI . M ATTOV AND RECI- '- TATION CONTESTS it . liAnU in the count doing high school work may enter this contest, Shelby. ' Piedmoit and Boiling Springs excepted. Medal for the best declamation will be given by Dr. 8. S. Roys ter. Medal for the bet recitation will bo gl-en by Hon. B. Y. Webb. : Y. " 7TH- GRADE DECLA MATION AND RECITA . TION CONTESTS 1 his eentest ila open -any '.boy and to nv girl in the county ibelow tho eight cride. . Only one toy. and one girl will be ullO'ved from W onot town Book Club Meets .With Mrs. J. S. Mauney. - Mrs J S. Mauney entertain a theThursdav Arteinoon Book pub ob Ttieaday Jan.. th , ,n . t .Unirhter Mrs. F.. 'HW v r 7 Coopur'.of Philadelphia and : r X ;.. .t..... i h.ilau.4 i isi oaruu nuuui v. X.Q. : .:' Tre fUf.ts were met at tne dtor by Mrs. W. A. Riilenhpur. Tne house wiss liislufuMy. dec f orated with . narcifsue'aud piuk ' carnations 1 " .... Tbsartlcfe .V'leo "PJ" e.naie from bv M-?sdawe f. M. Ormard au'J l.' B - Gilbrtb ndJ n curront arfc'ti 'Tp.oso 'i-nbap - r' " ' ' ' TVlfTfurtV Commence ship. 8. Any school eitpn-t Ing to enter this contest must notify the county SupU not later than March 1st. 3. If iroro than any otto school from a township enters than a preliminary con text must be held on Friday March 17th. to determine the boy and tho girl to reproMnt the township. The medal for tho boat declama tion will be given by Mr. George. Blanton, and for the bpst recita tion will bo glveu by Hon. Rush f troup. COMMENCfiMRNT EXERCISES Diplomas for all who haze fin ished the setejtb grade will bo given 1y Prof. I. C. Gitn. i. A (told medal will be Riven by Row Peterson for the girl doing the best work in Essentials ol English, also a wild sliver medal iriten b.r the saute . eoranany to the boy doing the best work in Rsso.itials. Studies in English. ATHLETICS Athletics will follow the egf limit instead of tho grade limit. This Is done to give the lfttie tellow a show.' . FOR BOYS UNDER 14 YEARS OF AGE: 1 uile race. mile race. 100 Yd r b Relay race . FOR BOYS OVER 1 1 YEARS OF AG 1 mile race. mile race. 100 Yd race hd relay race, ; Any school can have as many contestants as wanted. . Any school can have as many relay team as wished. RULES COVERING ' . ALL CONTESTS All schools expecting to enter any cor test must notify the county Supt. by March 1st. 2. All preilmlnery contest must be held on Friday March 17th. 8. No pupil shall enter any' contest h6 has tint - attended" school thirty per cert of .the school year. ' ": Committee. bv Mrs. O. C. O'Farreli compos ed the literary proirrhm, ' , W we"e further entertained bj a reading . -"Polls surprise prfty" b y iisi Winnie vera Matmey u ifrand-dauL'btec of the h tess..MiB8j Sarah Hodman rendered several, piano -toto. Mioses Winnie V'Ara and Jan oila Maun?y served refrehhroent uQdHigtidff of a sala coursfj loi hnved bricw. . ' . i': - Mrs. Knos Taylor bt Wmiiiir: ton was an outoi town Kuest. Jiipansisif Maywo'th, ; N. ;C. the oter dav w not ced.thit bijt addition is beiutf made o the feotton mill there- tnd that eeyer.- at ne, refid ricef.aire if ! jjtu-ks of jospenty aro eVideut .-") p-T!y hand. " THE ... Kings Mountain Baptist Sunday School Association WILL MEET January 29 and 30th. WITH Poplar Springs Church 10 MILES WEST OF Saturday 10:80 A.M. Devotioni) Service burn. This lollowed by roll call and report of Comm'.ttees. 11:00 A. M. To What Extent Should Our Churches Enforce Discipline Speakers, Rev, A, C. Irwin aud J. W- Suttle. II 80 A M. How Should th Church Member lie rcquippea to jjo the Lord's Work. Speaker, Rev. T. C. Holland. Interm'ssion. 1:00 P. M. Missions in tlw Sunday School. Speakers Jasper Burnett and Rev. D. G. Washburn, 1:80 P. M. What Should be Qualifications of k Suday School . Suporintendant? Speakers, J. L. Blanton and Bate Hamrick. 2-.00 P. M. Open Conference. Sunday the 34th 10:Q0 A Devotional Exercises conducted by Rev. I. D. Harrill. 10:15 A. XI. Sunday Sclwol Mass R. Miller. 10:) A. M. Are Church Mcmbera to attend the Sunday Preaching Servl-es, If Not, Why? SpeHkere, Rev. J, R. Miller and Rev. W B. Lowe. 11:00 A. M. Sermon by Kev. J. for State Misiou. Intermission, ; 1:80 P M. 'What Snou Id be the Qualifications of the Sunday School Teacher. Sweater, G. P. Webb and J. Y . Irwin." 2 00 P. M -Open Conference. COURT PROCEEDINGS We n!e bolow the uroceedinfts o! Court heldiiit Shelby lait ureek as recorded in tho Cleve land Star Friday. The Superior Cotfrt will finish both criminal and civil dockets as scheduled tnis week. Judjre L. Webb is presidln. The criminal docket was finished Wednesday afternoon and now the court is eugaifed in the trial 0f ihi CiVil docket. Isabel! Sn,itk the negress who cut her hus band, John Smith's throat, will serve 5 years in the state prison Jfm McDowell who killed his foe ter son near waeo will serve three years in tha state prison. An.l Erwln Smith who shot Mr. John R, Poston near Waco last week was given two years ou roads of No. 6 township. ! Mr. Baxter Bettis of Eail was cHrsen and swo'n in as foreman of the Kiand jury, J., J. v Pruett as aspec'ai officer to atten'l the grand jury. C ' . o . Audie Smith; retailing. Defen dant through attorney , C. R. Hoey, blead Ruilty. ludgement of Conrt $25 fine and costs. Lte Wojdall embezzle naonts continued for defendant. Stan hope Anthony and Paul Anth ony" aid in escape found not jny. .' - ' - N. A Smith and Rob, ifootr,. aff'ay alliw j capias for. Csok. 3mil uload puilty. and' Jtudge. mentas fcu$reiidid upon pay-4 mentVpf eoriV -J. M - Putnam, eV.uij. to wQodV Defewdaut pload. guilty., Sentte ice not passad. v Horace Huyues and Dollie Oaoitf, F. & A. Plead hot. gunt.v found guilty . bv ju vy. Pjrayef for J udgeineatooutiiAdv:-.'" V Lam'rencd WalUer, aasaulfvrilb dead IV .weapou. Defendant plead RUltty.i Ujioq .precototqeiKjati-js(. o( solicitor JiSdrieii frxas KINGS MOUNTAIN the 29lh conducted by Rev. D. G. Wash Meetinij-conUuctea by Kev. J, Under As Much Obligation School As They Are the w. su'tie, louowoauy collecUon Guy Tllman, larceny oot (tuilty by Jury. ; .. State vs Isablle Smith- rer tailiuR, Nol pros with leave. - Rush Patterson retailius de' fendant in starxfiog amy. Costs paid and off. D. V. Williaiss,- diacrosing of crop, Defendant through attorn ey N. F, McMillan, waived b 11 aod plead (tuil ty. Judgement sus pended upon payment of cost. State vs Tom Hay nes, Hub Boone, Henry Haynts, Claude Haynes and Sam Borrouifbs, breaking and en tori tit? store md larceny Alias .capias. John McKin. larceny, defend ant p.eads guilty, Juagement not yet passed, -- " G. T. Sarratt. assault with in tent to rape. Plead not - iruilty Found Kuilty by jury. Judge ment of court five years in pen itentiary. - B. Erwin Smiih. - .secret ass ault and carrying concealed weapoi. Jjlveu two years on roads on No. 6 township. PlaV) Barnett. C. C. W. A. Bx W. three eases combined. Found guuty by Jurv. Judgement sue- pendei upon payment of costs . Ed Hord rutaiiing found.. Ruilr ty judgement $20 and cost, a nd $5 stenographer fee. , ' Jim Smith, abaadoiHnent, found guity. JjidgemeotnotyetJ uaesed. ' . The Work Of The Rural School. i ' The first preat eduottionsl Problem is the work of tlis rura icbools to tfia tends of ruralj lite to the everv day urtedi". o( the' country ptoplu that, ionstitnte more thau li;ht' tweutlsfha of onr population." -Stat Sapt, J. Y. Joyner la Sept. iwue of If. CFM-ir-otirm, - "V Sunday School A Fine School-Some Of The , Methods Epmloyed In Teaching-Union Sunday School Old and Young: Of All De- , nominations Attend-Com-munity Pulling Together-, The Right Sort Of Development. Slnca the Herald has very kin 31y ezpreisad an Interest ia our school and community, we are going to endeavor to ri something of our methods la teachinR and also how we man' age to keep the people coming to Sunday school during the winter months. To talk about the Sunday school is to include practically tho entire communi ty. There is no church nearer than Bothlehem. It was almost impossible to attend Sunday school three miles away during the winter. When the present principal ol our school came to make her home among ds she at once asw the need ot a Sunday school. Finally one was orgid ized. Soon every Baptist, Method ist and Presbyteriao was feel ingasif he had an interest in the school. Literature for ail grades was ordered. The International Sun- day school lesson was taught all through the1 winter the school flourished. : Now, we have mare than one hundred members en rolled, a great part of these being the older me and wonen of the nefgbborhowlY They are per- hftpsaote eager than1 our young neopfe and meita excellent teachers. On' in s while some minister from the neighborhood churches will preach for us. Rev.' Bate- men ot Shelby and Rev. Cole of Kings Mtn, have been with nsat intervals. The services of such men as these ar greatly appre ciated . Nearly every Sunday we have a splendid talk on the lesson by the Superintendent and some times and object lesson on the black board. The people are very much in terested in good music and are trying to make ours as good as we can. We have a good organ, a good leador and everybody singa, so mucin is certainly forth coming. To-show you how onr day school and onr Sunday schoot ae united, the ljsson for the foUowiag Sunday is studied-every morning as a part of the Devotion! aercisev : by the largi' students ot the sobool. We ry tcykeepi-the' two-olosely misted. St keeps- the Barents interested in tlieir children 'a Dro trrcss at school six days m.a Cn-Prlday. night we have a debttnrt foeiety,-- Not only, ihe pur-ilf cf bur school come to tins but 'their parents and : any otb'ors who care to take part or listen. The Inst qu:iry was Resolved that Immigration shoaltf.'-vW.. abolisbed.." Such qvieittous as this require tbougbt atad, p reparation but our rpeople prove cgucl V the otfotsion.i ' - . Tbit. bnngfe . 'o our dav school. We have .an exceUnct te est l'i the welfare of the' school. There sre sixty pupils enrolled and two teachers in charge. Since we have been asked about onr methods ot teaching and how we manege to ' keep up Interest we shall try to say a little along these lines. Perlu.pi to sonro, this is in old question a our methods may be .' the ones you see practised every dat. Still no method is practls- ,' ed by different peop'e in exactly the same way. . . , The prircipal has tho fouith.V fifth, sIMb and seventh grades. t, Since both teachers snd pupils are' kept btsy interest is necess- ' ary to Success. Seferal of the ' boys sni girls expect to secure : seventh grsde dtloma this ' sprlug and begin : high school ' work next fall. Just now all' are vsry much enthused over the ' Con n t y Commencement and are thinking of entering some of the contests. Friday afternoon from 8:45 cntil 4:00 are devoted principally to spelling patches, songs etc. '' vaiied according to the interest bhown. : The primary grades sre al ways easy to interest. The main, ob jtct U to keep them so. Wo begin tbe days work with n bible story told as simply as possible. In the afternoon another story of a differnt nature is told. ,' per haps a Fairy story, a myth or some legend that is dear to child ish minds. , A song is njvei al lowed to become old.': New-ones are taught before- they become tired of the other. Then when, ' we have an oppoituoity we sing '' both new snd old with enjoy ment .' ' : '.;.V'.' Wordt of praise are always given for Impovexents. Tht . key note ot onr school manage, ment is work for fear of pw$Jfcj' mfcot. Oi coarse a matertaf re"' ward for everything is Impost- ible, but mental' and spiritual re-' wards are-darned the more.; de- -sir able, cti pupil helps to1 keep older nd 'ia vhrious ' ways is made titeel that he is an im portant facto o4vPn school 4 arouuii whips the Inter rt of ' children, pareo.tei, nfeighbbrs and -friends of thi commnmt'y' art -centevdt "- . The editor of - the" Herald for such a,auycrb art;cle 6 her., community developnitiut, Who wtlf. Ee next? Editor), Lyceunr Attract--ion Thursday , night Feb. 3rd. -. Don't forget about tbe ' Reg. uiei-s." They will b .at a t seheoft sodltorlna Thursday '' . flight of next week. Tjsas the ,,- fourth attraction on the ; -Jj?f . A 'A i m4

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