The Eing .MouMain lerald j l 1 ' ' n - ' . '- -'-w J- ' Vol 12, ;, ';,: Kiiigs Mouatain. N C.y Thursday, Ffebruary 3, 1916. ; No:, 51 ' GV G PAGE Editor and Owner . . . PRINCIPLE FIRST j . $1. A YEAR In ADVANCE LAYMEN MEET ATCREftNSBCRO A Call To The Laymen" Of The Churches Of The 5ttc To Meet Febrrvary ' fth.:- AGAIN the Christian inen of the nation we beinir called to meet in Convention by tiie Lay men's Missionary Movetaeiit. Fix years fcgo 73,000 men met in 73 leading cities ot the country. Since then, and as ft result, iu part, of these inspiring gather ings the men ot the church of AS. CHARITIES ORGANIZED HERE Oi&aniZatfon To Cafe for Cases Of Chanty Mayor Cline. President. I. T.. Welch Secy, At a miss meeting held at the Methodist ChuiCh somo weeks ago, it was decided by vote, to organize an Associated Chari ties for Kings Mountain, This association ha- ' been ef fected and a constitution and by laws adopted. The principal object or the God have had a more intelligent association is take care of temp' conception of God's pi in for them and uDprecedentad advanc es hava been maile In the Miss i lonary enterprise. However( it is estimated that only abobtone half of the inamberB - of our churches are vitally interested Ir. t he cause of Missions, Home and Foreign. The problem of arous ing tho slumbering hilf concorns those awake. F-ecently great changes have taken place in the world, creating new renditions and Imposing" upon us additional, responsibilities, . "The earnest expectation of the creation waltetr for the re vealing of the sons of God." ; A needy, hungry, weary we rid is calling us, Ha, not America rmnn to the Kingdom for such a time is this? President Wilson asks; "Have we lost tho visirn of America? Have We. forgotten that America ' wan intended for the service of mankind? The hours ae pregnant with' poss Ihiiities. "We must not meet these golden hours with laden feet." v -U And so we meet. To considdr new world condit ions and America's enlarged res ponsibility. : ... To study tho missionary flrog tess of recent years. To project plal,s -ldolting to wsrd the accomplishment of our : Whole missionary dttty. To emphasize the adequacy of the Gospel to meet modern so cial conditions. To increase the spiritual piw er aud, efficiency of the ljoal church. . . To secure the general use of the best methods of missionary education and finance . To inspire hymen, to take their Dart in the extension of the Kingdom df Christ. The -North Carolina Conven tion is toon held in GREENSBORO Wednesday Night Feb. 9, 1016 Thursday JVb. 10. 1918. Friday Feb. U." 1918. Sunday Feb, 13, 1916. And Afe want 2.500 registered tlolegates to attend, , , - Wecall thB 'rrjfin of the Old Korth State to meet with ns Men' . trom , the ocean 8 shore to the mountain top. , r -- Men from farm and factory) office, store,' shop; front the rail roads, mills and mines, from the . pities, towns and oen - country-, ' Pastors and laymen from all the wait uootrthe tordV ana, renew nur strengths .-EXECOTTVl?: OQMMlfT - -A. M SCALES. Chairman, orary e wes of need or distress in our town; caused by sickness or otherwise and to better the general living conditions of ou pjople. Thd management of the association is vested in a board of directois, consisting of the Mayor of town, the pastors of of the churchr.B of the town and two lay-members lroin each clurch who are dho.Cu by the churches. ' MEMBERSHIP " All persons are eligible U. membership In this Association upon the payment of 50 cts. the annual membership fej, and are entitled1 to vote in all meetings of the association upon all ques tion conceiving the manage ment of the association, i Also thoro re to bo . contibu Utf members of the rissoclatdon; who pay && much 3.00 or more to the werk of ' the inssoc'" atiou; Who enjoy the same priv ileges as tiie regular members. Some of fhii host men of. our town, are connected with the management of t'lis Aifociatiou and ore deeply interested in the success of this work, In the course of a few weeks there will be made a thorough canvass of the town to secure maoibef'S of this Association, It "s earnestly desiicd that all .our people will join this association and that as many as possibly cun will join . a contributing members. . . . . ; ' " Bet, tts give more attention to the needs of wortny poor i-i our town. This Association, a.ffo,t.d3 us the 'best and most efficient meahS 01 doing this Work The ofltcera and Uirecto-s of the Association are as follows; President, Mayor A B; Cline, Secy. J. T. Welch, Troas. M. E Herndon. Pastors ot the various churches that have so far enlisted, G. h, Kerr, E. O. Cole. J. E. Berryliiil, J. R. Miller. , Wr Laymen, W. A Warn, W, P Fulton, J. T. Weloh, B.- W. 0-.roB3. H. V. Pulton, A- H E'atterson, O. -E. Neislerand G W..Kendric!r. , . Tais movem etit is designed to aid and cooperate Willi vail khuvc'ies and other agencies at work in' this line, . ane by no means hj mniver ur whujIiibii plac. ; The Associated C'Tftritiest ;s the name implies, is a central or craoizatioii to nnify all forces and jlrB'yoi't-dhpyoation jd coafBR.-' Ian, Titucn an: organigatioit: is ver'yi'Oeedfpl in oaae ol Ciaasi erits ttc Qmefitoe apft-ja.1' .'..t r.i.:-: i.-'- 1 t . t fihu'rciiaa and i individuals j. at Dr. C5. W. 'MOQKtV.-Vi--e4Urj?e',They slioulcfbe referrel Orgautaatioasoi this kind have ptuved their- ''atuo- in ; many T. F: ' MOPF?TT,V Secretary;," F. H. WH0tOX,i Treas" 1 er-T :w:'. J. MUlMAW,W-lUlilO, ' ....... -v C. A. HlN'Ri. - 3. A. KELU5NBERGER, -'C. H. ItiEUAND, : 1 A. C. BfilfiGMAN, Executive gtafy'."'''.V-W'- towns and cities and are being organised throughoa the. coact ry. It. doer . a 4, maoli 'needed woyk arid enlists people :',of , the town regardless of . creed'. ltls hoped tnat a large numocr 01 our cftiien will gl thair . hearty Second Quarterly Meeting: Of The Cleveland County Baraca-Phila-thea Union Meets With Grover Baptist Church Grover, N. C. February, 13 th. 1916. The Union Is Open To All Organ ized Classes In The County Of Whatever Name Or Denomination. Programme 10:00 A. M. Soto By TukCiioiu. Union Called To bitniiit Uv The Pues- I DENT. ,1'iiayku, BY D. J. KEETER. SoncJ By The Oiioik. Wklcomk In rtEHAj.K Op Chi kch S. R. ANTHONY .WfiLCOMU lN Bkhalf Of Classes' MRS. H. C. DOVER, QUARTET. Response To Welcome (t. G. PAGE AUDliESS The Courbct Way To Teach Ths Bible DR. R. E. WARE DINNER. 1.00 P. M. Sono BY The Choik. Admission of New Classes Into The Union. Roll Of Classes With Three Minute Reports. QUARTET. ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION, HOW TO GET NEW MEMBERS, LEAD BY " ' ; " '-T:k: BARNETT NEW BUSINESS, Song By The Choir. . Unfinished Bcsinkss. Place Of Meeting, COLLECTION. QUARTET, . Closing Pkayer. . BARACA NATIONAL HYMN Tone: "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Words by Rev. M. Penffcld Fikes, Detroit, 'Mich. Biraca's name we take ,AU forms of sin forsake We pledge our wo.d. , Wehave a common tie, 'Tis Love and sjmpathy; And by or lives vo try , To siirve our Lord. . - k; We have no other sword -Tinin God's own lloly woid, In whlcli -ve trust, ' It makes as brave and true, . ':' . 'Gives us the Spirit, too, Hi' which we dare to do Foi' fesus Christ, Then et Baracas cheer From churches far and near. . All join to singt .. . , ... How God hath used our class. ' To bring groat things to pass, Until in Heaven en masse " i - '11 crown Christ King. -. TO STOP SAND GOING INTO BUFFALO Mr, Quin Calls Attention To Dralnsg: kPairons To Statute To Protect Channels. Will tho dredging of the creeks in Buffalo Drainage Dis trict prove a success? This is the paramount issue with all Wndowrers of the district. Hie ..nsivcr is brief. Yes, if the great volume of sandcuming from the eastern side ol the water shed can be kept out of the stream. No, if the voiume is notdeci jus ed. So long as tho present quanity of sand is allowed to enter the improved ohunnels without obstruction, tho inevit able reiults will be that the new channels will be rapidly tilled. There is a way to check a l irge part of this sand before it icacli es the cbanucls, if we will act in time. The small quanity of sand that will continue to enter the strrains will be carried on bv the current. At the suggestion of Mr. P. G. Eason, the Chief Civil Engineer in charge of the engin eering o: the district, a statue was enacted by .he Legislature of 1913 of Nortb Carolina which provides a remedy for the above named trouble but this act seems to have escaped tho attention both of the Diahiage Hoard and of the land owners of the dis trict. . Section 6 of Chapter 823. of the Public' Local Lars of M)13 (page 1060) reads as follows: "Tout all land-ov;dors in a draiuage lntrct, or districts, nd in said county (Cleveland,) after the larger streams therefn shall have been ditched or dredged, shall plane obstructions across the channels or all un dred.ied or un.iitched tributaries thereof and across all hollows and gullies that empty sand iuto the improved channel, or chan nels, of sucli district, or dis tricts, according to plans and specifications to be furnished by the drainage commission or sncn district, or district; and in case any iand owner, or owners, in such district, or districts, shall fail or refuse to comply with the reauirements of this section, then the drainage commission of any such district, after giving ten days notice to such land owner, or owners is, hereby authorized and empowered to have such obstruction placed in the unimproved streams', hollows and cullies, and charge the ex a mses of the same to the said land-owner, or owners, and the same shall be a lien on the lands of such ownei', or owners as are classified in said drainage district.'1 OAK GROVE ITEMS OF INTEREST Miss Lois Williamson added to the teaching force School and Sun day school prospering Tho Sunday School at this p'ace seems to bo taking on new lifo. Pupils are coming on tim's bette" and teaclws are insisting that all study the lesson careful- ' ' The public school has some thing over one hundred pupils enrol'ed. Miss Lois Williamso" at Gaffnoy has been added to the teaching forco. It is hoped that the community will build anoth er room and employ three teach ers regularly at, there are enough pupils o justify this move. Tho toacliers havu requested that the parents visit ti e school, Some have already clone so and it is urged that others do the same It has been observed that oar ents who visit their school are willing to do something for the benefit of the school when it is necessary. Tho upper grades had a spell ing match on Fiidiy evening last which proved veiy interest ing to the contesfauts. There is some talk of a debat ing society later on but they have not organized yet. Miss Annie WHght gave a par ty last Thursday uight in honor . of. the teachers the Misses Will- " amson and Miss Beaty, who spent the night in her home Those present report a spleneid time. ' Mr. Solon Jolly and family have moved from this section to Gastonia. We are sorry to lose ' this family but wish them - suo. ' cess in their new home. Mr. Ruf us Ware moved a load for for Mr. Jolly and was taken sick- while in Gastonia and has been unable to return so far. . Mrs. D. A. Bell also Mr. Kemp Ledfords baby have been sick : for some time but are reported": mproving at this time. Mr. Davis address es the school children. Mr.'.T. R- Davis, junior mem ber of the law firm of Gardner 4 Davis, addressed the ohildreo of the traded soboolPi lday mom ino. . "Preparedness; ' lie said. ;"U a kubject that is unpeYmost in 'the ttijnds of ' the; American people today,; PrepardnessIor war-1 Prepardness to destroy na,- iona Hud de astate homes.;. But I cOmcj to aibu thu , morning C crg- ma yon to a , dtfferea wuo pi. TKtardnena. A orenaration ; to wiu'yoiic.way in b. wprW.-ifltci that 'yott'Jhae goni oat f-onx'trjib schoolr-som krtd from -the ,-bdtrrfes made a strong appeal to the best in the children.-, He emphasized the fact that success comes only through- perseverence and' that education comes to the rich and poor through the same channel, personal endeavor. , y . The speech was fine thrghout and the effect evidently good and we triisUt my-' be: lasting Ginners report on Clevelartd's cot : ton crop. r ;. ' '-; . Shelby Ni C. ''- . v ; .T Jan uary 26 1910. . Tbe'were 26975 bales of cot toa ginped la Cleveland vounty nrioi'to-. Jahuarf -16-.i9i6w AS' compared; jfitrj :ii;es,'Jgin- Rev. J. A. Hoyle As was announced in last week's Herald, Rev J. A. Hoy le of Maiden preached at the Baptist church here Sunday morning and night. Mr. Hoyle'. wa once pastor of the church having left here 18 years apo. He pet many old friends and ae- q uai nteuces and many old f rie nd - ships woie renewed. n,d frhej-horrrfes -ft Janc R11 ? The foregoing statue applies not on'y to Buffalo District No 1 but to any ot'ier districts that mav hertafter be formed in Cleveland Coutty and is self ex ulanatory. Its rigid ' enforce" ment should not be postponed day longer. It is of vital 1m portance to evu-ry land owner, of the district. Shall we obey .the law and thus protect the large investment made in hnprovitg the district, or shall ,we ignore the law and thus . throw away the money and sew our channels continue to fill up and our low. landi be.ome flooded as they were before the dredging was done? A .little work osce or" twice a yoar bv each land-o.ner and tinner ;n the district won id place sufficient obstructions in all small streams, hollows, and goll'es to obstruct' the flow of sand.-, .The obstructions ' need not ie lilgb oK expeasivV Any bind of oTistrucHon- if TPDeated tiem tlmi to time will have' the Belli . results would be obtained py placing two -or three obstructions 3omc ds- . tance't each time and these can be. raised in height from time '.to time. , While these ob structiuns aro saving the tew land they will also be protecting , bur up-lands- and building , up fertile spxits where golhes would otherwise be fbuud. In case' of branches which will givp most trouble in;: this; line, they '' ir ay get so full of sand occasionally that it. may bo neccessary to r move it with shovels or better, with" scrapes. , This . will not oc cur often.. . , - . v : It Is to be hoped that Drainage i3ord will coon provide the re quired , speciBcations for the work to be doje and that a copy of such specification., together With law above - stated, wi)l b' maiUd to every land owner and . resident the district so tho good work . may - start ithoa b fm ther delay , . , . " '.J. fi.:Q0UD.--v V''V '. Shelny,"N. C. , V. ' , C,- . J.aarj, ?7tb. ,A91&: i--w- :ww SUpPOrt, ; .'A'.'ih or yodrv'pareait- ,1

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