" "T ill I 1 MA 4" ' y, i .i1 A (Elf art tofat NrtflDpaprt- jtor All Tbe .f amihj .U.13 NO.G KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. CV THURSDAY, MARCH 23. 1916. SI A YEAR IN AJJVANCE C.'.'Iif L'i GC.'iTP,CT:STAR ROUTE TO SHELBKi HERALD COfJIESI THE TALK OF THIS SECI10N L HOAD PROM KINGS MOUNT A1N TO EBENEZZEU fjStlLKi8TKSaiIOTUBfia Contract uyi Bis tele ftntikd fcr loir, TheContie" frr the building Of the old County Line toad from the: ituatfporate liraitu of King Mountain to Ebernezzar church distance of two and one third tolletf was let to Mr. J. R. Gam ble tu week and he-Ik' at work, There were number of bids but Mr. Gamble's was the lowest and tie was awarded the Contract. fie la W have the work finished fiat later than July lt. While the worlt 1 done u ndr tlw High way Cntnmiiion . Kine King Mountain precinct It is to be pate for by the county In consideration of the County lice election held last' Apadl be tag favorable to Cle eland Coun ty The profiles show that there re two And one third miles of the toad aad tint 10,000 cubic yard of strth to be moved. It 1 estimated that about 2,000 yards of the earth to .b moved and 4.000 fe dirt,' :Mr.,i Gamble to get 90 cents, per';BbUj.'ya,.Nfor moving the rock ftott 2l7c lor th dirt. There arc to be no over JmuIsJ' By overhaul i . meant that bone of the earth a to be liauled over 800 feet. Tbe uew oad will Mlowjihe old .be, ejfc Bridge Hofd. It will leave .the bid bed to the Poutb not moie : than .600 fe t. -:';vv' A:v: ;!.'0' The Herald announced in re cent issue that Mr. GaLibl bad accepted work on the roads of f Jastort county. Thli it V tact. Bot when the. contract for the above road was let his bid show ed nu favorable to him and he has chaiKed his plana. Mr. Gan ble knows how it bolld a road And thoe interested in this road ilt rejoice to know that he is to do to the work, tor they know it wiH be done right He ha baUt the roads of this precinct and he, has done it well. SRELME, u::e -'' Beginning with next Monday . Mr. E.' W. Neal will luangaratc regular autowbile service be twea tfibirs Mountain and 8hel ; by making r two round trips a da;, he schedule" is as fallows'; ;' . Uave Moontam view notei Kings Mowtlaln $t 90 a. Bi. aid 1.80 p. m., "V '-. ; , Arrive Central ilo'el, Shelby t 10sWa n. and 3.10. tu. ; s ' Leave Central Hotel, " Snelbjp 10:45 e. maudl pirn! ; -Arrive Mountain View Hotel Kings Mountain t 1125 a. jib. - and 4:10 p. si. 5 : y'V The rates will be one wayflOO - ox round trip Jl.60 layover ! lowed., : p-i:'': tl traveling pntlle bus .long felt the need of 'Jitney .Route, 1 V yo choose Uncall it that f front ' Ktntra Mountein to 8hlby;' and; the Hrrald ti (plad. ta inoupce 1U advent, ' . . 't Jt1; 14 miUa Iron ftere to bPhftftor the floeC satd clay k'V ...f ... ... . V !-laaUgJarted will' cover a i . . . iAinfHn.M ance in luvH wuiiuuina. is, to kq by rail .has uize cars .t Blacksbnrjf, aid often the Qonpectfen is 'Jnoatibfactory.". See ; Mr. lidi ad la this-issue of the PETITIOK BEPOKB POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT FIRST LIST OF NOMINEES ENTERED IN BIO AUTO CONTEST. SIEIIT fllPlE III! MAIL EJUBJEBl UN THE $4ll.!t FORD TOIfiBK CML BB THE t3St STUCI PUDS THEfRE FREE Earlkr DOti'oc Star Route from lcr weaM frutlv help nutteH MM, . We see from Sunday's Chap lotte Oliserver that nn effort is being made to establish a Star mall rou te from Kings Mountain to Shelby, The Observer sayit; A strong movement is under i"y to have the Poatoflice De part.nent establish a afer route frou) KinKs Mountain to Shelby whie"i Tduld be sn immense con ventence not onlv to tb citisens and business interests of Shelby but to that entire section. A petition has b.en drawn up and is how beintc largely signed for submission to Senator Simmons and Overman and Congfhsmai E. Y. Webb, wiio will be askeu to urje this matter before. 'the PostofAce Department. . If the star xouto is mado ef foctive, mail from Greensboro and Atboti train 2d Would be put off at Kings Moiintain &. 5:45 a. m. reaching Shelby not later than 6:43 a. n.i ii.stcadof 10 a. lii. as at present. In this way. we would tel Iho Chai lotte, Greensboro and Niwthern daily papers while the uew was still fresh, and io, time to be delivsred by the carieas oa ihe first morn lug round lasteaa ol S.dO p. air. Thl.j would als put a mwnlntfij, $10. in gold goes Saturday April 1st. Not top late to enter contest. Send in your name If yoa want an saw or plana. eptfor. a sfid.t dwtance oiv.-h- WWf &0V$n irldges plaJie : ownd 'by Dr. 'ronf Shajby, Arbiclt, with tho thuh morfcing "daily papers 24 'lonrs late?' . 'V ' V;'- :-' RESOLUTIONS APPRECIATION In View of the fact tnal Rsv. R. Miller has rini(tned the pastorate of the local Baptist church and s departing for an other field of labor, we, the mem bers of the KinRS Moohlain Mia- Istevial . Association, . desi-e to five expression to our auprecla- on.of him and of bin labors. .. Daring a four years pastorate Bro. Miller has endeated himself not only t J the people whom he aras called to serve but also to the people at large: and is, there fore, held in public esteem as a man of God and ae a faithful ambassador of the cross. In our association with him both in public and In private we have found him to be a brother beloived, a man of God, faithful and true to his convictions, and tear lei s In his proclamatioa .of the gospel. He boa. been always ready"tocoopfrat with the best kiteiests In the moral and relig ious ppbnfldhitf of tlxt couiinun Ity. - 1 We smcerviy "egrtl to sevor the relstionshiw that has so pleasantly existed, bnt since, in the providence of God. he feelK that it is his duty to remove to nQtber,'pari of His vineyard w bid tiim Godspeeds commetid him to the people of God. 'nnd . pray for Kim In bis work cvoty bless , ing both la providence and a grare. , i ,,lv. " rhc Lord bless the a4 keep tte; the Lort mew am 'lace sbina npou ttwe, sod be (tracioas twsta thee; Ibe Low ;RfV np his reottiateuancapoii. thee, and biv thee peace. ' - '. ' , G; L iCERp. Pres. v "J, B. BEMtYRIlit &tt.. OThe Prize List A Ford 5 passenger Automobile A $350 Starck Piano. A $50 Business Col. Scholarship. $25 In Cash Special Prizes. A Cash Commission to Non Prize Winners, f vxnAnAftAiAWrf ii'f '' i a A HitiJTr.FRI nt Hi in tMtiad AKK. ..HID . ' r - - y - , , .. ' All CJar" Rep-ssenled. ' A $410 Fi 1 Ai"-s'for 7 -irek work w : . o.i-Mition BIO liNOUGH TO COMMAND THE SERIOUS ATTENTION Of ANY PERSON OF T H. 8B0EION n-j histtei ol -viiat conse quence that person ma, be, for there nre very t:w .people in this section earning the cash to pay tot a car in tutt t'rae. Ami Tne Herald GINES IT AWAY. Consequsntly the i ..mine ejibr ics all clasoes of people ' '-' .y Get Busy At The Siart. ... F.i 1 iiiformstirvi. inl-l I'n sfcebUr iter, snbssrlptl in re ceipt book, nd a tt le copy of TJs j. Ijraid has i)n m iil'l every csrdidato whine namj appe-ir-. in 'thf c riwut. If YOU have NOT rje:VH'l yoor latter aid so.) le b.- the tim' tin pper reactien you, p io:ie to Tie Omtes t. Manager, No, 1 17, and a duplicate et will be ma'led you. We" vnt YOU l b v AN EVEN STKT.V'..!i m r-ssi, nd;i'i sp,yM W t ) vm 4ho Ford TourinitOar, thi $330 .Star.sk PHrv t? ''WJ i " ! w'uo and ti e cash prizes, AN EAP.LY.,Srir IS SALF" faS. BATTLE Phono at the Herald's expunse BUT DO IT NOW, A Square Deal Evpry candidate, rogirdless ot where he C she lives, will e nriven A SQUARE DEAL I is short campaign. The Herald J" . . . . . . . j V.... A. offers these priza vittj no stnnirs wea wj iy niem. iu uj some workln the way of grtting new subscriptions and renewal and The Herald gives you the prizes or a cat h commission That's all there Is ta it. 8imole enough fair enough. No Losers in This Race. The Herald Isn't looking for 'something fot nothing". ' We, are not only giving this Ford Auto, Stark Piano, Scholarship,' acd Cai-h prizes, but evory candidate that comiwtrs to the finish, does not Win one of the above mentioned prizes, , aud turns in evon as tittle as $25 In cash subset ipti on business, will be given a cash commission of 10 por cent oo each and evary dollar the candidate turns in, THUS THERE ARE NO I0SERS IN this race: ; " WIN SI O. IN GOLD, SATUR DAY aPRILslSTs . THIS HERALD WILL MAKE A , ."RESENT OF $10 IN GOLD TO THE )GANDnATB TURNING IN THE MOST, CASH SUBSCRIPTION BUSINESS UP TO 2 P. M. SAT URDAY, APRIL 1st WIN THIS FIRST SPECIAL CASH ' PRIZE AND SHOW YOUR FRIENDS THAT YOU ARE 'IN THS RAO'S IN EARNEST, AND POSSESS WIN NING ABILITY, ' Write Phone Or Cell ; , ,'' i '.'"'' '' ,...-"'''''' ' ' ' ": M theie is ANYTHING that any candidate or. any pcrso Interested in this offer of A FORD AUTO) FREE, does not fully .'understand about this contest, we urge hat person to phono to The Contest Manager, orritetoh'm (Lock Boa 153, Kicga 'Mountain) cr. Meir yefj COME IN TO. THE HERALD 'OFF ICE AND PEE USl; We will havo our contest manager fully '. exwaln anynlilnif nc audbrStcod. help 'yoa to lay a plan Jo. v,F (CONT'D ONBAC BTPAGE) .',. ::'' " v . REV. G. L BRAGAW PASTSES FORMER KINGS MOUN, TAIN MINISTER, r.JJ'.LU- The above prizes wl1 1 be won by someone. Will YOU win this $40 Ford Auto? You CAN If you TRY. We"nave been speaking of this as a "$tW" Ejrd. but inas much as The Herald pats all freight charges, and places the cr oi the ground rdy to run, The Fli-sl Grand Prize really stands The Herald $.90. I : The First tlst. When The Herald asked for lis of nominees, and invited folks to sfind in their nams (or the names of frien.ls) to io;nixt - for The Ford ant other valuable prizes, we expo!ed that a few names would reach this oQloe oat the big list announced i i this iue shows that tlia p'aople of tins sect(i rocog-i.z a proposition of real uivrit as it passes by. Now we ill sis WHO hep w cuff imr memo He and bis family never jaw each other after leaving here. In a letter to Mrs. G. V. torson of ibis city Mrs, C, L. flragaw writes from WaBlifngton D. C. that her husband, Re'. C. L. Bragaw, died Marc'i 8th. in the Tuberculosis Sanatorium at Cliff New Mexico where be went nearly a ago for treatmpnt, The letter states that she expected the body to be taken to Wash ington for burial. Mr, Bragaw never saw his wia and children after they parted here nearly a year ago. he going to the sana torium and she and the children, after visiting relatives iu South Carolina, to bis people in Wash ington. . Mr," Bragaw came here In April 1914 as pastor of Kings Mountain, Besnmer City and Long Croek Presbyterian churches. He and bis family were highly esteemod here. He was a native of Alsbima and began his ministry In WaMhine' ton city in tho year 190". " 1 1- .. FAMOUS METHODfST EVAN GELIST COMnfO. RET. MTMPlt iWfllllf TI IE HEBE . BiK tent will k erected la suitable fedftlMt. I hare just t cei"?d a message fi'Oin Rev. Raymond Browning ' sayi'in that ho could be with us on April 9th. I have been .fy . ing for nearly a yoar to bring Brother Browniug to Kinjrpi Mountain and am greatly re Jaicnd to know that it is now possible. He is one of the Gen eral Evangelists of the Sjntbero Methcdist Church, and bis work has been gtettly blesst.-d. He brings with him a large tent which will be placed at pome suitable location. Many of our people have heard of the gi-ea. myelin;,' t'nat Re. Mr. Browr.ing conducted in Liiicolaton Inst summer. He will be received all tho mor cordially as he now live so near. Laving purchased a' horns in Lincolnton. I wlh to extend a mos'r cordial invitation to all the iafoi, ibt members of all churches, and all the people everywhere to Join Jo V ! i'WJiff l- :i- f .IS Rev.C. REV. W. ft. BEACH WILL L. Bragaw, fonndf Kbujs Mountain Minister who died at Cliff. New Mexico March 8th. these meetings. I ask'esprc-,': ially the prayers of all who (Ve -sire to see the coraug of the ' Kingdom of God. -: Further announcenent,' wtl) Ka 1mN 1. fPL. Ti i, ... . v r;,.. XT fi is nM.nl. o , , V. I .... . .i rr: , . O. t 0 6. Mptisi unurcn in ajngs . oiouov ptft, M, te u u i. ' Hill VU IUU VII OUHUPJf IIJVI u mg at It o'clock and ' at Grover the t night. This appointment has been brought about through the loint rffnrt of the pulpit commit tees of the two chsrehes. The two churches form a field which "was rendered pastovless by the recent resignalion-of Rev. J. R. KJillnr who ts now on a Robeson county flelo with headquarters at Fairmont Mr. Beach is known by few peop'e' here but is a stranger to practical.lv all mem bers of both congregations... juciseufis Hora iurns The Hrrald learn that the big framed hotel, bviltling at Blocks mrjr, 8. CJ. was destroyed by fire wit'a practically ..aJt.epntents list. WodneaJa,.; i--iV. :'H'. HARDWARESOLD OUT The Planters Hardware fc" Vehicle Co., incorporated; of this citv has changed hand.. ' The former owners, Mr, E. L. : Ware, president; Mr. Ben D. Phifer; vice president; and Mr.. ' J, T. Welch, Secretary-treasur-, er; have sold their interests to" ' Mr.'Tohn Ellin of, Grayer, Mr, Lee Herndo'n of "near Klags'" Mountain,' and Mr. W. v . Ma- ' ton, . U aycling r:salesmaa.,of Charlotte, : '--' ,- The work 'of taking stock be- fan .Monday morning. ; Mcsars- . Ware and Welch who; formerly bad charge have aot nnooneiV; their plans lor the future '

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