J MSB SS'MM raiftM ' .v 4 -, , . r A Clfatt Curnl NMtfBiajr If at All 1? Jpa VOL.13 NO. 7 KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. (J., THURSDAY. HI AltnP 30, 1816- HIGH SCHOOL DEBATEiSCHOOL HONOR ROLLS liKGS MODKTJUN SCHOOL IN TIJE CONTEST Kings Mountain, ChenTTille and let emer Qty Form Triangle Tonight ' Thursday. The North Carolina . High School Debating Union will hold one of its preliminary debates iu the Graded School Auditorium on Thursday evening, March 30. Kings Mountain If triangled with Bessemer City ajd Oherryville. The del ate heo is with Cheri Tlie "ubject of tho ?eb te j.s 'Risolve.d, That the United States thou'.d adopt the policy of greatly enlarging its navy'' The Kings Mountain representatlves will uphold tho affirmative he's- they are Ruby Hamilton and Kathleen Hord Ourogative team, which defends t'le uegat.ve at Bessemer City Is composed of Vesler Davidson and xvlattie Ware. Should we be successful in winning both debute, our representative will be entitled to go to Chapel Hill to take part in the finals... Don't forget the date, Thursday March 30. 8:00 P. M. Graded Sohool AikUvl riun. ' LISTS OF THOSE ttOG IIP TO STANDARD 13 A uost enjoyable . meeting of the Book Club was held Thura day afternoon March 0th with Mrs. E. W. Barnes. Great bowls and baskets of fragrant blue byachinthls ad del a charm of freshness as well as beauty to tho :,.- attractive rooms. The program was on Germany and consisted of interesting read ings by M.-s. C. Q. Rhyno, Mr. - D. C. Mauuey and Mrs. Hunter vatterson. ' - V . . . .. ' ti. N'iigniriii features or me oc- c' wer- special ridings, MisaAwinnie Vera Mauoey and , ear! nltor., Pianj ' soli f, sHuter und War Baret Mclw. , . d Mrs. C. Huntur and Goody Numtxr Of School Children Show Ctiposillcn To fake Good Record. . , Kings Mountain Giadcd School ' FIKST GRADK Hubert Mc Ginnis, Craiif Falls, Myrtle Houser, Conly Allmiin. Lucile Cautiler, Nell Hord, Isabell Styers. SECOND GRADE Marjrarpt uornwoiiv ituin Hor, Lorene Cornwcll, Katherine McAllister, Robert Styers, Ma Walker, Ethel Styers, Margaret MiGin nis. THIRD GRDE-Maiwiet Os ment. . ; ., FOURTH GRADE Eliza Da vis. Margaret Laske.v.!- v.- SIXTH GRADE Winnie Vera Mauncy. Certrnde Kinw, Nellie Cansler, Ruth Plonk, Mirara Goforth, Gussie HulTsUitler. SEVENTH GRADE-Juanita Mauney, Ruth Hunter, EVye Wilson, Charles Kini?. EIGHTH GRADE Aubrev Mi Radiaill. TENTH GRADE Mary Kiojt, Mary Pulton, Nina Hunter, Katlihen Hord. R. A.Vod(M Sr.pt. ' E. Kings Mnontiin Graded School Mrss Willefokd's Room, Rena Culp, Addie Gantt, Ola Jenkins, Eva Payscur, Eueoe Riser, Forest Roberts, Grady Vickers, Hu'itt r Bennett, Mis3 Stowe's TiOOM. " Marp&ret Stowe, Sar i Hoocrts Ge, tie Short, Helen Gantt, Mat ti enkins, Baxter Iiidd'e. An nie Roberts, Edna Barrett Edna Norman, Ira Roberts. Miss Estellk Wir.L'iKoun'a Room. " .vJyrtle Burton, Addie Mae Cnlp, Blanche Ford, Jennie. Pavhe, Earlie ' Atkin Everett Ford, Earl.) Hore, Dewitt Hull, John Sanders. Raymond Short, Floy P Turner. Wllmr Rayne. Miss Wake's Room. Bri(htie Hop, James McGin- nig, Wade Short. HERALD PRIZE-FORD NOW ON DISPLAY 81 A YEAH IN ADVAiV AR ropo- "Most hair and Above-Board P sition Ever Submitted'Jie Cd" testants bay. NO LOSERS IN HERALD CONTENT $10 In Gold Goes This Coming Sat urday, Apr. l.-Iurn in Every Sub scription Secured Up To Apr. 1, and WIN $10. Not too Late To Enter--Send Us Your Name--DO IT NOW, Auto On Display We invite everybody to call at The King's Mountain Gar atfe, ard se the $460.90 Ford Touring Car on'displa.y in their show window. It will be iven to.somo worker in The Berald contest May 13. Thera is every fairness and courtesy prom ir,ed any worker in The Herald contest and "the Roods" to go May 13th are here where yoo can see them. THERE ARE NO LOSERS IN THIS RACE, for a prize, or a cash commis sion awaits every competitor. 'and Miss N,ina Hunter Patteron;.L ' . . A.tempting ct course, carryinB e colors, jwaK" n ttl; ; WftB served by tho hostess.-fiiV rhtor. MISS MaJS" and Mittes WlnniV Vert m , Mr. 8. T. Lovelace Letter uev and Feral Fulton -known as Tommy Lovelace" Tho invited Knesw wno, wiu-s" wnum muew TOMMY LOVELACE DEAD the tweiy club members preeoV enjoved Mrs. Barnes nospiotu were Mesdames M. L. Houser, Cole, Kerr Chae. Hnnter. Grady w.frn'E. L. Ware, WeUb, vmnhlt. Canaler. I F. Neal, w w Kl.KdUKinof Concord, uLm Kate and Margaret Mc t kn Pearl Fnlton and - Jllin. ' Winnie Vera Mauney. ' Aflfirninrtment forHovse of Reoa- 1 cnUH v. , V HavinK been Bolicited by many friends throehout me wwusy, i havedwiidedtoUecomeacapdi or tbi Honse 6f Kepreson; ..iVM from Cleveland -County, ' ...kw. to the action ot the Dem 'ocratlc Priniirty,' If polnted . "it shall be my purpose re. pent all the people f the county and todni-wwireijr fmadc In a recent issue of l'(Herald died Sunday March Oatfhe remains were buried at followie cemetery on Monda conducuRev. J. C. Blanton presenoe'yie iuneral ia the triends anarvo compauy or Mr.r-LoyeiUf es man of Induitriras a .vdung a faithful member ts and whk Baptist church. A, a POVe ad4,' .human ; attenUo5ai jjj was reaoereu vim .vuy'iMible hia afflicyou' but th'ef 6. jn come. from him1 who. tAe Just Betffnntng. Toe Herald contest may be said to bo JUST BEGINNING but the bei,'lnnin already exceeds that of anv similar enteroripe ever undertaken iu tnis section and there Rtill i . nlpnrv nt orportunitv for a ml, live wiro to enter the race and WIN THE $406.90 FORD AUTO to be given away by The Herald on May iuin, ' Get Active Now Anv person wishinc: a $400.90 Ford Auto.a$350Starck Piano a ?.01iine Scholarship-, or some person motely wishing to win some of the cash special prizes, such as the 10 to be (riven away NEXT Saturday April 1. will do wnll to ENTER NOW Tlien there Is the added fact that EVERYBODY IN THIS RACE GETS SOMETHING, It is tho fairest, squarest contest prop ositian over placed before the citizens of this section by ANY newspaper. Every candidate in th's race that competes to the end, does NOT win tho Ford, the Piano, the Scholarship, or a special cash prize, and turns in even as little as $25 in cssh subscription business GETS A CASH COMMISSION ON EVEKY DOLLAR HE OR SHE TURNS IN. This "NO LOSER" PUAS hit the folks of this section right where ihey live, and surely demonstrates that The Herald believes in LIB ERALLY PAYING H ANY WORKER THAT BRINGS IN ouuoijKirnuiM, liKii- MANY Oil BE IT A FEW SUBSRIP TIONS. You are takimr part in no "camblin(j ssheme", playing ro "haphazard ch'ince" ltboritnr under no ' trness work '.. for each worker KNOWS JUST WHAT ENTERING THIS RACE. TO trness work . for EXPECT WHEN esV W. A. MAUNEY. . Tfltf PHOTOGRAPH of yonr deceaced friend burn in iTorce t.A 6d set In ovaVmliet i tombstone bought .irom n for five dollars etr. . Did Yoor Friend Get A "Boost." : In the standing of the candidates this week? He or she frol a boost just in proportion as to how much of a HUSTLER' your friend IS, or how much somebody was -interested enough to: hustle-in his or her behalf. , . i : Work' Personally. We earnestly request every candidate to look 'over his or h.er sUndin in this weed's Herald The highest vote Is bnt while the lowest is 1,000, With 3,6(X to 50,000 votes given-on eaih Subscription payment turned in to this office, ac cording to the length of the subscription payment, IT IS READ ILY SEEN THAT NO CANDIDATE DAS A LEAD THAT CAN'T BE EASILY OVERCOME This race is JUST 8TART-ING-but time flio aud if YOU are to be an active contender for these handsome prizesj-YOU MUST ACT NOW. Less than 7 weeks and SOMEBODY will have won the Ford Auto and other prizes.' ; . ,;. If there is ANYHTING you don't fully understand about "th is offar. call up The Herald, Kings Mountain exchange No. 117. The Herald will pay a'l phone charges. It vou DO undejstand all about It, DON'T DELAY A SECOND start TODAY, and see how easy It is to gejubscriptiops for the leadinar paper o'f this Kection- There is olwiys room at the op, but YOU CAN'T GOTO THE TOP-OF THE LIST AND WIN THE $40fl.90 FORD AUTO onlfss you- ACTIVELY and PERSONALLY WORK IN YOUR OWN BEHAWV Get several1; receipt books, and get your.friends'to sol'cit eubfcriptions and votes FOR you. Get as pi my of the printed letters to mail to friends residing at t o great a distance for yon to call on personally, and mail them. THESE LETTERS FURNISHED FREE OF CHARGE. " Get you have frienda year or more in ad seek and ye shall find" is . applicable to contest jvorlt ycSon DON'T ask jou.won't receive, and if yon don't seek nna Annscnptons; WIN THK AUTO. A little active dar it" ! EARLY EVERY CANDIDATE SHOULD BE BY THEIR VOTE, and if this is dona w KASTI.Y SlriREAL ACTIVITY ON YOUR PART BRING YOU. . . , v- wdkth LOOKING AFTER. Yon can solicit ' Ny WHERE. dtdaSs" They Want The Ten. . ' denial auuu.u v . Qf f NOW TAKiM THE HERALD Dacea&ed is eurvKea oji. thllt ,llifc ,ni Opir- d two dulawih-b. Tbey .will DO IT if yon ASK.' .'.'Ask and ye ahall pirentB, mx staters -.ana feyen- brpthdra, Uff wnotn -novo our deepest sympatliy.' ;., ii ii III 1 SOLDIER BURKSTODEATH News Han - reached Mrs.J.U Kee of Cberryville that her son Bryan Willi's of Co. B." Fort Gtif fon. Alaska, v. o. Army. burned to aea&n the 7th. of March - whent r raclts VrJ' y. at NING OF THipdAto send V MONEY IN TO 'j CLEVEtme couimr umnmu bhui Rev. Mr. Aberacihy and Boo. C K, Will Deliver Address. Splendid Pro gram Being Raised; The third quartet l.v meetina of the Cleveland County Baracd Philathea Union will meet with Sulphur ..Springs Methodist church on the second Sunday in HI. A fine program has been 1. Among the other I I.Ka nrnrrram aA Ima jw ww 1'ivKiuMi eai3 ki wtr special achJaT86?;,0 eJ?VM o'clock by IWSs1?tle4?- H of Shelby and olSsJ" the "f noon by Rev. Mr. Arntb? Shelby. The SulpiuRC?rinK8 1 I ' ' - f -J V ..... preparations for the meetln Old time Union Meeting at . Crowders Mountain the first Sunday in April at 2.30 P.M. Everybody invited to be present- Communion service. B. B. Philips J. W. Mayne. co, go:::.:ekk: X&ool aitfrcB-Teacn and'Friends Of Edoatfotl Next ITondiy.- Apf ii idl Conty CommenComeot dv" at Shelby. Teaebert, papi oatrOns and f rten'rot edocatil will irather ihSt. ?JC the'connl eat forto'celebj' j.ti$"'-t ' work and to ibdnlKt) la ' Cuv both physical and mental will be a gretdav for old land when tho Vet tfreauV uM' -..! Qt selves togother with . tti 'yl of .the in one great demotii tion of the real progrt(4 of i cation In our county. , It wii be remembered that weather wan bad last year eappotnte.1 day lor thht event and the people 4 ...... I IaMtva H .1 t.l-"' us hopi Mouday and let y turn net full and THE HERALD WILL MAKE A PRESENT 0 nnr.n to tup. rANnrnATR titkn'ING INTHe CASH SUBSCRIPTION BUSINESS UP TO 2 P. V URDAY, APRIL 1st WIN THIS FlRSTSPfiCTAl' PRIZE AND SHOW YOUR FRIENDS TH VT Yd IN THIS RACB IN EARNEST, AND POSSEM NINO ABILITY. . 1 . 1 WWWWWVWMAWwMMeWS' The Prize Lisa A Ford 5 passenger Autonio A $350 Starck Piano. A $50 Business Cot Scholarshi $25 I n Cash Special Prizes. A Cash Commission to No Prizewinners. 1 mi a' USI Of CANDIDATES 'Following are the - candidates nominated in The Heralds Auto mobile Contest. All were given 1,000 votes to start with. ; NORTH CAROLINA. ' ' ABERDEEN. 1 , Miss LilHe Faires 22,600 BESSEMER CITY. Miss Nettie Carpenter 13,000. Miss Lena Bullard 27,300. BESSEMER CITY, R. F. P. 2. Miss Ethel Davis 27,400. BELMONT. J. Andrew Gullick 1,000. Arch Lineberger 1,000. -Royal Hand 1,000. BELMONT, R. F. D.-l. Miss Georgia Rankin 19,250. 1 c: Misa Ethol Roper V 13,200.! Miss Floride Faries ' 1.000. ' ; CtERRYVILLE. Miss Pearl Houser 20,850. CHERRYVILLE, R. F. D. 1. MUs Jane Dillinger . , EARL, Mis. O. L. Moore E.B. Olive v- FALLSTON. Miss Elsie Beam ..' ' grovek! Mfsss Vera Tn 1,000. 17.125. 1,000. ; 28,750. Miss Nina Hunter. , ; fJXd Mrs, e. a, (jrouae a -juu. ' Misa Pearl Jone ' ; "t.fvi. Misa Elizabeth Stawe t,; KINGS MOUNTAIN, R.F. Miss Peart FalW 10.1 . Mrs. Leo. Beatlo. : ? J. P. Lackey Boyee MoGill Mrs: Chas. P. Weir"- ; 18,10: . H. Si Sellers ; . pZ 1,0' ' ' KING'S MOUNTAIN, B, F D. I, h ,Miss Eugenia FalUj .' 35,750.' . s. p.;Gof6rt!i. yQfih.t'iiK Mrs. Robert Barber ' tJQt.' Tom A. Harmon ' . ; Hl8,000. f .Arthur FhUr V -l.CCC' Lee Herndon' . . ;' 4 1,000. Elijah Lovelace. K. tSjEfj?' KINGS MOUNTAIN, R. F.(d7? r W. C. Blackwood ..17.630. -Andrew McCarter 1,000. ; Mrs. North Smith 1.000.' KINGS MOUNTAIN. F.D.4. Miss Ethel Thornbnry-22,600. K. AChatmatt : ; . :'I,COO T. H. Atkins 'K,C: KINGS MOUNTAfSf, R. F. D. 6 Misa Ethel Howell - ; 28;4" G BMHr 21, f a. fe Warr, Ed. P-J Or"

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