- jma. Penny Saved is Pehnjarned" -T6e fferaW6es From $1 (o $1.50 May Utb'.- Subscribe NOW!- - ' A ttlfan twal Jfrmnpaprr For All (Hip JFamtlg VOL. 13 NO. 9 . KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. 0. THURSDAY, APRIL 27. 1916. $1 A YEXR IN ADVANCE BAPTISTS IN ASHBflLLE GREAT SOUTHERN BAPTIST V ( CONVENTION ; ' MEETS II 1SRY1LSE MiT 17TB AUD FIUJWINS REV.W.R.BEACHACCEPTS r" " PASTORATE KINGS MTN AND GROVER CHURCHES WILL PREACH HERE 4TI SUNDAY IN MXT Great mountain city is soaking fine . preparation for Baptists Asheville, K. 0... April 22. . Drbgate Bud viMlors to fie sixty.first annual session of the ' Southern Baptist Convention are : exhibiting kefa ' i'uterest iu the ' mooting, which begins May 17, ' to be held ad Aijfgvllj, the "Heart of the Blue RidgeMoun- " tains" of ..Western, Nojtlf Car olina, , : J : '.- The local committee;,of which Dr. CaiVia B, Waller, pastor of the First Baptist Church, ' is cha'rman, is receiving .request large numbers, for. informa- on about Ashcllle, reserv'a ticn8, headquarters of' various' " committees, ct6. '- ' -..-'; A visit, to Ashe vilie, and tiC8e wonderful Carolina mountains is ;' an event to be looked forward to With a great deal, of' pleasure, rinasmuchas Asbovflle ' han ' bc xro famous throughout the en tire oouutrj.aslie center of the ..ui o t marvolously beautiful , inounUioVreg iqlj'on theAmorlcan : continenfif , not . perhaps, the entire wdrltf '.'' It wa-. onlv.ift litrte(e so . that Ahville really discovered itsoir. aiiiV th"e wafnitW' ol wealth offered in the taioantatn round about. Within a little 100. mile circla thrown iround'Ashr- . villa are '. located sixty, fou: - mountain 'peaks with an altitude '.'ol 0,009 feu. and over twenty : foor of which ae higher" than ; Mount Washingtoi (0,200 feta) of the New England Status which ' until about a half r.entury ago was heralded as te highest peak east of the Rockies. This, list of twenty four peaks includes the "King: of Mountain Peaks of fthe East, Mount Mitchell. 0,711 ; tht above sea level. I "During the Summer of IMS '; Asheville was connected - with .tho top of Mount Mitchell by one of tle nio&t unique and . wonderful mountain 'railways id the country, so that tourists und itVisitors to' AsKeville'Snay ' go, to 'the "Top of Eastern America,'' leaving Ashevlile.v the mornV j; lag, spending thre or four hours on the top of the moun ' tain, returuing to Asheville by . '.eight o'clock in the evening, 'in tiine for sinpuer. , .. A groat;matiy of the Baptists of the South will remember 'with pleaanre. the convention 1 which "metin, Ashaville in 1902. Since :y 'that time Asheville has had ma velous giivth, and now has tht finest and.'most famous' tourii hotels on thi American . ronti-! . neat. This' hotel ahd' boaiding i house factfti'Vi of, Asheville, it i said,; arwnsuaise:d.iby any city -ol p$rhapi'twoi'or three U times its. Qnih'jlte&iatitti;1' " . The Bakery. ar4. Hotel ihas been designated (us headquart ers for tlwCon vention, with tbe . Jyangrenjlotel 4 headquarters fit the Woman s. Missionary Un- . Other Jarsn and. .Dromlnurt' hotels offtihe i dlty :,Are:v Grove Park Jnn4 MftW, ' Margo 4nacq, stna tjanoauoa. Baptist minister comes from Bryson y . aty,H.C Rev. W.: R. Beajh of- Bryson City, who" was recently called to the pastorate, of . the . Kiuus MounUin and 'Gttver Ha.ftist churches,- bait Dignified Am ac ceptuice ol the work. He is ex PCCtod' to '.move, here JsifJLbe ready to take hold' of ., tho : work iiilime for theTi'ij'od'te fourth Sunday in MaywrT-hst will enable, him to'j'uiertt'"tlie Grover (ipiKjinticoot- the tiibt Sunday in June. . There is some talk tow of having the . Oroyr counerRatlon meet with tne Rings .Mou ntalh chuVch'on "tU'e fourrit'Suna.v And. then thw eo'n- Kegailohere feturn, the ;-Vtsit to Grovet the . first Sauday iu June, .yhia arng.6ment,how Qver, has-, not been worked out, Lonjy.ugsested." . The following ticket was'iiibui lnated.for Democratic Ticket' fr Ga?toc Ounty it the p'rlmary held " Saturday April ,15 from I to 7 o'clock; P. M.: , Jj'or Honae of Representatives J. 'Qr. 'Pi nets,' of bullas; A. J. Tlinkin. of Belmont. : For Sheriff W. Neil Davis. For Register of Dee,d O. W Carpenter, of Ptanrey. For Treasurer X'arl Finger. For Co-oner V e r n 6 n G. Grior. . if,':. SurveyorClitniter Black. For County Cijmraissionors R. L. Sto.we, Sou'th Poipt; A. T. Lindsay,'- CrOwds Mountain; Will Kendiick.XIherryVille. . Tlie vote wajtiSwer than for many years, there b?ing only a bont 2,000 vofics cast in tbe en tire county. : ForiRegiater of deeds there were three candidates,' -ilpssra. 0. B; CarDeoter, of Stanley; ,W.. O. Gardner, of Mt. Holl'yt :nh' C. Whitney, of Bessemer City. vrMr. Carpenter won - oyer his opponents by 017-votes. ;i For the House of Ret)resenta lives Mr. A. J.Rankin ted . the ticketith approximaleiy 1400 votes, while, Mr. J. C.iPrjett ctme nexfe-whilelf.; H S. Sel lers received the' lowcsi number Of Votes.-' ''?:"';' "r-' ')'". ; There was some little work .done by ttkndidatesthathad op lMiiion but interest was not (IIU'll. SSL ' i . . i .M. tlrahami pastor t the i Wesley an , Mtfthodist .church is. vC?DdiicWtig" revival : jueeting st ponr3ibjs.'w IT OLDANO BUND. DIE M'r." 'Rdbert (Uocle" Bobby) Morrahdied 'last week aged about 75 years. He was blind and had been practically help less forjseveral yens. A few days poor to his death his sis ter,' Mrs. Gea Sellers, who was a)so him and helpless died ttt a ripe old age. V They were buried at pU Shiloh cemetery near Grover. Tbey both spent their l&r.t davs an died in the borne f Mr. and Mrs.- Gus Ixye near old Apple -Gap) on Kings Greek., Mrs. Love irf i' da'ogteter of Mrs. Sellers who died about . a year njrj afr lpflB infknttj - r Biggest Vote Offer of Entire Race Ends This - SaturdayApr. 29; 2 p.m. SUBSCRIBE WHEN HELP AIDS MOST Race Between 9 Workers Prom yjsfs A Red Hot Finish--P6rd Au to, Piano, and Scholarship ' Soon Will Have New Owners. ; WJth feveiything connectfd with the printing trade going up. The Herald; (in common with many other journals) is compelled to announce ah advance of subscription rate. -' We have heard very few adverse comments. After May 13 The Herald - rill he $1 50 the year.''., large number of mr rtaders have reuewed from 1 'to 5 years in advanuu. Miiiy more will do so be fore tbe content ends. Any rrader facing to do so will be losing 50c on each dollar that tbey might as well Have. At the same time one can aid a friend in the rice. Lock over the following vote Schedule. You aid your favorite most by. subscribing durim "Double Vote Period" when each payment rucaus MORE VOTES Jthan any time during the race. "Double Vo'.o Period" Doaitively ends this coming Saturday, Apr. 2v, at 2 P. M. IT WILL NOT BK REPEATED. Excites Much Admiration. . Mr. W. K. Mauney has had many fo'tfs in looking at his new, bii lathe, aud other fine equipment lie installed last week. It sure improves his garage facalities for expeditiously turning, out repair work. Mr. Mauney's Ga'rage'is nowthe finest equipped on The National Highway between Cha-lotte and Spartanburg. ' But more cotnmit has been mads over this brand new Ford Car sUndinu in the garagn display window. Many friends of various workers soy "my favorite must have it.1' Weil thtro. is ouly ONE way this friend will wiu that is or yon to subscribe DO IT NOW, while double tote offer" is ON. Your subscription if paid by 2 P. M. next Saturday helps more than ANY time during the balance of the race. GROVER SCHOOL CLOSE COMMENCEMENT WAS BIG SUCCESS :" NEW BUILD1N6 READY FOR THE FALL TERM Many medal and prize s won Excell ent records of attendance Candidates Nominated. Following . are tbe candidates nominated in The Hera'ds tomobile Contest. All were giver. 1,000 votes to start with. v V AS KINGS MOUNTAIN. Miss Ada Ware 428,175 - ' KINGS MOUNTAIN, R, F D. 2. S. P. Goforth . 427.300. , ' HICKORY. Miss Mabol Long 803 14th St. 435,100. -.': KINGS MOUNTAIN. H. B. Jones 270,375. ABERDEEN. Miss Birdie Faires 161,775. : KIN'-S MOUNTAIN, R. F. D. 3. W.C. Black well " . ' . . .- . 153.050. Look Vote Schedule Over Carefully. . . ...-- IF PAIti APR. 17 TO APR. 29-2 PIM. MAY 1 TO 6 REG. SCHEDULE. iu payment of f 1.00 ; ' ;. 7.200 6,4Cj 3,(.4 :a payment of $ 1.50 ' 11,200 M0 ,6op m payment or $ 2.0 ', 16.060 1200 8.000 n payment of ) 3.00 24,000 .r' 18,00 12.000 ' un payment of $ 4.00 . 32.000.' 24.00P 16.000 On payment of $ 5.00 40.000 . 30.00C 20,000 On payment of ) 6.00 . 50.000 37,500 2b,000 On payment f f 7.00 n.OWJ wkMp' 30,000. On paynwnt of $ 8.00 70.000 ' 52.50 36.000 Jn payment of $ 8.00 80.000 WW.-;, 40.000 sayment of $10.00 lutf.000 "''A 60.00 . .voutf Vpte vi Vote. ''Votes "Vot .. Vote. ':''"HH '' : Wdh Extra Votes . v. Forturnino- in l.hetrreatest numbefof new subt-cribers last week Miss Ada Ware won 100,000 jxtra votes: S. P. Goforth was-second gettint;75, 000; Miss Mabel Long, third winning 50,000; and W. XX. Blackivell, fourth getting 25,000 Mr, Goforth turucd in the great est atrount of cash on old subscription business, winning 100,000 voles, thereby, hile MiMfface as second on this coatit'getting 75,000 extra votu.s, Miss Lehg'wa third winning 50,000 and 'Miss Faires' fourth, securing the 25.000 extra offered. ' '- - "v - Neck and Neck Race ' . . . V By adding tbn extra votes up it will be seen that Miss Wageanxl Mr. Gaforth eaeh won 175,000 ex'ra last week; Miss Longjriia total of 100,000 extra while Miss Faires ana Mr. B'abltwjl.i!f& their 25,000 each. It surely is a neck and neck race betweenothe three leaders in these standings, ALL EXTRA VOTES .HAVE BEEN' ADDED IN THE STANDINGS. . . Last Extra Votes 50100 aai.-AOOO attra votes will bo given the candidates turn ing in tbe greatest and second greatest NUMBER of NEW sub' scrlptiouB this week, while 50 000 and 25t000 extra votes' to the candidate turning n the greatest and second greatest adj. onnts of cash on old Subscription -business. THESE- ARE THE LA8T EXTRA VOTES TFAT'WIh'LL BE OFFERED IN THE CONTEST. WIN THEM! All ' ne wspaper jcoujpon Votes are void The G-rover commonceincnt was carried out last week grand -style. The weather was elegant and tho people wore "in the spirit of the meeting." Id fact, when it comes to school and tho education of theii youth the Grover people seem to ue unan ituous. Miss N. M. Livingstone has been principal of ths school for the past six years and likely- to continue for tho next six. . She has done a . wondrful wark and the people have sup ported her nobly aud to far at we can learn they are now unit ed upon her,' The editor of The Hovald was present Thursday and he has never seen more enthusiasm anong teachers, pupils, patrons and all concerned. Thursday's program consisted of three contests and the award ing of medals and prizes. The graduating exercises were held Thursday nifeht and the Literary address by Rev. T. D, Bateman of Shelby. V '. The first contest Thursday was the 7th grade declaimers contest. This was hotl,y .con tested among six , fine, .boys. .It was a pleasing sigjjt to see those b)ys vieing with each o'.her. This medal ;was won by Mr. Jack Westmoreland. This medal was given by Mr. C F. Ham- bright. The other forenoon con teat was for girls High School medal which. was won by , Miss Evi Lee S'leppard. This,tn.dai was furnished by S. R, Ahthony, Then came dinner which was well in keeping with the other items on the program. After dinner came the boys High SuhooT declaimers contest in which Mr, WooOford Mass won tbe medal. ' Editor Page-. c'elivored, the three contest, medals and anoth er to Mi8S..Vra Turner. vMiss T.uVner is member of the grad uating class and hasn't missed rnlcalled.iisi.x years.,. This medal was'giyen by' tho princi- . Supt. J.' Y Irvin was present and.- duliverSd the following .medals hd prizes; Miss Addle Moss, medal , for,, impcovemect punctuality and neatness in tho primary ,' department. : Medal given by the tcaoher, Miss Grigg. Hoyt Keeter medal lor iuiproVeK moit, neatness and punctual-. ity in ' the H i g.-h Schqpl lopartment. GlV.eh b- y Miss Alston, the y-absis tod- -teacher. Miss Gladys Milooe. medal for imnrovenient. ; uunctal'itv and neatness in intermediate de partment. ''.''. ' There were 41 books civen ouk mostlv Bibles. 32 to pupils who hadn't missed roll call for the fc-atrre eignt monins. Out of an enrollment ol 144 the-averagBtep1iince habecii KXMor tqemttuw year. ' -;': were Supi,i.,Yl'J,.vln and Mrs. f. B. Nix,.f ttetb.y and G. 'G. Paeof Kings-fMorfntaijj.. . ; The wont 6a tbe .new. school Great sermon to men Sunday meeting n held In Methodist churck The bp tent meetiDg will con tinue this week. Interest and at tendance has steadily .increased from tho start. There have beent quite a number of professions '. and scores of others have asked for prayer. People are attending n unprecedented nntubers.Thoy come Ir"in u rover and other neighboring auctions. The cong. ' relations uumber as high as fif teen hundred at times. On account of the heavy wind Sunday afternoon the men's meeting was held in tbe Metho dint chord). That spacious audi torium was croweded to its cap acity and scores were turned aw-, ay. Mr. Browning preached for ' an hour and a half ono of the' .' inost convincing and forceful ser mon to men we have ever heard- The wind badly rent the tent so that U had to be lowered Monday and repaired. The meeting will' go on through tbe week but there - Are no further announcements at- this writing. wjjl "ifotUiait- is 'gotgJ figtf -aiongl ('i'n Hn y thetime taft&W arwninffi. tbe'Grover school wilt be" snug-i lly housed In 4a stiiotly1' up-itor date and oommodius. b-ick build ing that will be In keeping 4 with W prygress oi n scnooi. ; THE REVIVAL GOES ON MEETING WILL CONTINUE THROUGH THEWEEK MINK PROFESSIONS CONSIDERABLE INTEREST S. S. MEETS AT SINAJ Th Baptist S. S. Convaatlon will meet With Mt, Sinai Baptist ohurch. The program is . as fol lows: Saturday 9.30 devotional exercisps conducted by liv. John McCu.-ry, followed by, roll ' . call ot Suuday Schools, At 11 o' clock election of officers. 10:30, discussion of query, Why is tho ' Sunday School Eurollmcnt-'Less than the church Enrollment? Speakers, Rev. ' Bate Hfphck and E. S. Glasco-v At 11 o'clock, discussion. Should the S S; of the Kings Mountain. Association, mept' togethar 'one time (hla. year?.. Speakers, D. S. Love- ' laco ard A. P. Stake ' 11:30 ' ' Who is responsible'"" for the S, S, Work of tbe Kings Moun tain Association, conducted by Rev. A, C. Irvin andT. C. Holl and. Intermission. 1 p. m. What are tho benefits derived from a S, by J. L. Blantou and. J. H. Quinn, followed by open discuss ien. .,..'.' '"'.-. '. Sunday. 9:80 devotional exer ; cises conducted by,. Rev. A. C," ' ' Irvin. Music furnished-by-Mt. '' Sinai class. 10 o'clook- Sindfy ,? S.c.hool lesson taught" by 'Pr'ofj- ' frames B. Smith.' 10:30 'What is the' Mission of a''S. S.' ' Aspocia tion by Prof.'John Iryln 'and D. G," Washburn. 41 oclock sermoav ' by Rev W. E, Lowe. Collection for home and fore!gn missions, Intermission. 1;30 p. m. ' The " g'f-eat mission of-the S. S. of our. Southland, by Geo; P. Webb. O' pqn conference. -We urge every school to send dolegates - to ihis meeting. , JOE E. BLAyTQy; Secy : DR. HOOD IR CORONER ; Jf.-& sr'.'Hooa'r ol King Mountain is making th raw for County . Coroner... Dr. . Hood in ' veYy.popular and is well, fitted; Wk ttfe offlci'.;and e.ljJ'iV.tlvV'r 1 J' .

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