-V - ;.-v::Vw"i-;; ABOARD FOR -KlNQS MOU LIN OCTO BER TTH. " :-VhK Hit r I 1 yl ill II Jl u Ml - , A (Htfatt Coral SVmBpapw Jor All gl)3tattrilg A A tv- -II II f4 I 1 Vol. 13 No. 19 ' Kings Mountain, N CV Thursday; JulyX 1910. $1.50 Year in Adv unco CLEMOC0JSCiflLSpliiliOIIY I WHMMWB TV THE GRIM REAPER'S TOLL fftOMINilNT KINGS MOUNTAIN v- fcAPX DIED IN 6A8T0NIA Mm. W. 'Had Hmte-Artimr LaT- i I. LSnjiA-HKWm.&alg-H, V.. llnetcrjr AHaredeid. ..!' v ; ' . ': ' ' ,Miw. Mary P. Murphy, widow lot the late Dr, J. E.' Murphy r,f ;.thl place, died Tbursaayat the borne ot her daughter, JMrs. Moses Mauney, of' Gas ton! a. Tftongh practically , an Invalid for uie past two years she - was apparently ljut little if any worgf - : Ctrn Meat a fe"iinte before she dipd. 'Mrs.. Maunoy had been . out.of the room only a.fe w min utes wleii she heard her motlirr fall and, gni::g at onee to Iter bedside, foun'l ht she had. at "ftempted to get up audi had fallen ' - dead on the floor. She was sub ject to heart (attare and bier phy- ' siciau staled that her death was duetotat can He. , ' ' . Deceased was 80 years old the , , last March. She was a native ol . Gaston county, having been born ; I a the Beaverdam section. -She - ' was a daughter of th kte Jacob .- nudisill. Her husband. Dr." J. j-' 15. Murphy, wbQ was for many .jrtu a . prominent , practkinK ' jjhybleiaa of the Deaverdadi sec V lion ami later of 'Kings '.Mouit . Bin. died la 1831.-'; ' ': 'C fcUe Is survived V by t"6 daughters, MrsV Con 'Oates of Kings Mountain, and Mrs. Moses ', Mauney of Gastonta, aad one . b-oiher, Jacob Rsdisill, in- the Z Ucaverdam section. 'Since" the . ljath of hir husband Mrs. Mur. . phy has da voted her time, be-1 ' twepn her two daughters here and at Gastonia. Sne was member nf the " Kiu(s Mountain - L u thr an church. Her ostor, ev. bas. lv. Hell, coaductefl the lunerwl t etvices,at Loig Creek ctiuetery r Friday aftorsoon where the 'rc- jnaios vere laid to rest. - KINGS MTN. FIXES GOAL SETS A PACE OTHERS WOULD DO ' WELL TO FOLLOW CtTY OF BEV0LUT10NA8T I1STISCT10M" Charlotte 0Brvcr gives Kings Mount ain a big stnd off pn account of . contributioa Gastoiiia's datb list tt8 recoi-d-d in Friday's Gosette; ' .: Gastonia was greatly saddened - srhen the news was passed from on'i W another early , yesterday morning that Mrs. Rosalio Mor ris, wife of Mr. W. Mack MArris :, had died at 3 o'clock. . yesterdav . . imornlog in 'the. City ' Hospital. . 'While the news of her death was 1 o altogethec anexijeiited. It tiaving, been .knownall - day - Wednesday hat ho li fe h ung in the balance,' lt-wii' nevertheless ' hocking,to the" great nurabr' 6t i peowlo who kow an loved her: M ra. ilay Relnhardt .Boyd , aged abouC SO years; died ,' 'ii 5 o'clock .this morning at her hoU'C at Maiden, Catawba county .'r ' rtliur, the-16-yoar;old 'son of 1 'Mr and Mrs, R.-P.:: Lay, died ' Sunday after an Illness of only few days with meningitis.. .' - - Mr. IV L. Smith died rather .suddeni)-at. the home, of b'! .daiigliier, Mrs. Lee Mauney, 'on - .Clav slfeeti yestei-day afternoon . ,nt 6 o'(1oc. -4tiihJii-" -Eollnjwlng lingering- illness" sP'ras&i -months sd sftor hen Kf had bng for days by a . very slender' thread, MrB.r Hernice Williams Craig, the yonrig-wife -of W C'hrles M Craig, passed ""vis,,llo; 0 dock Taes- - ' At ft o'clock' Wednesday after r a at his home-on West Airline '. v nne Hr. Henry 'Miles Line Lerfr, one of' Gaston county's ' ' t, ; ! best-known : eit!irns, ' tin i' r"M of . sev- Kings Mountain Axis the goal. That's what the Charlotte Ob server has to say about us. Thit city of Revolutionary ilia- Sti'iction, etc." If Charlotte would keep In closer touch with us she would find that we are fix-. iog lots of thing. Here is what the Observe! had to sp.y nbout our contribution to the Wilson campaign fund; . Fifti -three Joyal ani enthu siastic Democratic ' voters of Kings Mount lip, th ;t fam'J.uw town of Keyolgtionar.'; distinct ion, where the tide of battle was turned against Lprd Cjinwallis, mating ppssible the piwent United States of America, have rallied to auother cause tli re election of Wood row Wilson as President. . The Observer has received from P. DJiling, Srst vice-presi dent of the Khr-in Mouut.iln Pro gressive Association, a check for 53, representiiig contributions of $1 each from 53 of the leading buslcess men of .that tow u all Democrats to the Woodrow Wil son Campaign Fund being rais ed in North and gonth Carolina by Jhe Observe'". .After giving a list of the" contributors, Mr. Dilliug Adis;. - . - Witlj this contribution we con tribu.ted JO -young men .la" thu State ,-Guara" and will furnish more if recessary.' n "That's real loyaltyi ? -' ''Woney , Snl meH a tow n V best assets ennJwcomplish what notblhjr cJse-can do, j "Kings Mountain has shown its nettle and has set a pace that should stir the patriotism of eve ry town and cfty in the Caro'inas. ''tarneHus,-;t3harlotteV little neighbor ir. the upper end of Meeklenhurg County, set a pace last week with' the first commu nity contribution.. Kings Mtn. eaught the luirit a jd has lixed a goal that many ' other blaoes of m o r e - ambitious proportions would do well to reach. If they pass it Bo mnch the better." ; OCT. 7TH. MASS MEETING x THURSDAY NIGHT There will be a mass meeting: at the opera house Thursday night July 6th. fcr the purpose of adopt ing a Constitution and By-Faws of The Battle of Kings Mountain Memorial Association and the fur ther consideration of plans for Uie Seventh of October Celebration. Everybody invited arid urged to be present W. A . Ridenhour, Pres. . SOPT. AND TREASURER'S REPORT GIVES FIGURES v . 10,352 SCHOOL CHILDREN III COUNU . Be sure to read the back page. MR. AND MBS. UAED1.H MOVE TOSJiELSf Mr. and Mra. Harris Hardin are expected to arrive here toduj or torilorh) from' Hickory to make this their . fut'ire . home. M ri Hardin Iim purchased a half intei'MsVlQ l.-B'Murry's print hop which will be opoued Mon day, He and Miss Dilling of Kings Mountain were married about two weeks ago. Clove- land'3tar.''-I-Sj' Si- Hit WILUJOI IULLENDEB BIES Another old veteran bis fallen. Mr. William Hulieuder was found dead In bed Saturday morning at the home of bis son-ic-aw, Mr. Foster," At Johnstown. He was a toldier of the: Sixties being about 75 years old' His wi!e pre-, ceded him to the grave a lew uoonths. ago, ,; c t. , : ,-. Look over that- Ions list qf fine city property on th back page offered for sale by the"" .Kings EAST KINGS MTN. ITEMS Mm. Lau.-a Hetcina Ford died at her home in East Kings Moun tain Wednesday morning, June 26, 1Q1Q. She was a daughter of John Jacob and Elizabeth Jane Harmon, born November 29, 1876, 'n C'evjland county, near Kir.gs Mountain. Etrly in life she rave her heart to God and joined the M. E. Church South, of which she was a loyal member until March 1912, when she con nected herself with the M. E, Church, and- there remained a consiWit "hnmbor till death. In October, 15)02, she was mar ried to Mr. Earnest Ford. this union there were born eight children, seven of .whom a:-o still living, the youngest only six weexs old aV its mother's death, r . The luneral was held -Thursday afternoon at Grace M. - E, church, of which she was, a member, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends who came to pay. their last tribute of respect to her remaiis, Rev B, A. Cnlu. her pastor, offi'iidting. Mrs, Ford took groat pride in reading her Bible, and Sunday morning ic was her. de-nuht to arrange the children fov Sunday School. . She was a reat believ er, in prayer, and invited her pastor into her home to pre with her and tho family.: Her body was laid to rest iu the Mountain Rest cemetery . to await the voice of the general resurrection. ; . Our enamy i put to shame, Hie nhort-livea triumph o'er; Oar God is with us, we exclaim, - We fear our foe no more. , Fearless we lay Us lA the tomb, And sleep the night away, If thou art there to break the gloom And ca1! us back to day. Mr. A, B, Smith and family of Misonheimel', N, C.; who have bben visiting Mr. Smitn's sick mother for the past week, .left for their home Saturday morn Mis. Smith appears to be slight ly improved at this .writing. ' ' CARD OF THANKS. I take this method to express to mv friends 'and neighbors my heartfelt thanks for the sympa thy and he'pfuln jss shnwa roe and my little, children - in - the sickness and Heath of m v wife. B. E. Foid. - Mr, Ralph Howserho enlist ed in the hospital corps for serv ice in Mexico was rejected on account of under weight and bad eyes. SomeoC the "ether, boys from -here were rejected for 'one cauffl or 4n'o(ber..: . ANNUAL REPORT OF CITY In this Issue of the Herald ap pears the annual report of the treasurer of the town of Kinits Mountain, By reference to this report each taxpayer can readily see where tho town pets its rev enue and foi what purpose it is used. ..This is right. Eyory per son who pays taxes for the sup port of tn j city government has a right to know just what goes with. his money. The city gov ernment is a public business and the mayor, and commissioners are public servants and tho peo ple are entitled to s detailed ac count of the procedure of the business. By reference to Page 2971, Section 2973, Pell's Revis al 1908, we read, "The comm'S' siouers sha'l annually publish an accurate statement of the tax es le vied and cpUectjd in . the town, together with a statement of the amount expended by them and for what ourpose. And any board of commissions failing to comply with this section shall forfeit and pay one linndred dol lars to any persou who will sue foi same." Upon investigation1 you will tin 1 that the town's finances are in good condition. And we be lieve that the tax money has been wisely used. We call especial attention to the water aad light departments which show a net profit of over $900 after giving the town the ctrcet lights. Cottou blooms are coming in. The first reported opened on the farm of Mr. John McMuirav on Route 8. The same day Mr, Ad am Hovis of Oak Groye had some opcr . Miss Ethel Davis sent us one that looked os if it opened Thursday. She lives with her mother and sisters ou the J, L. Mauney farm just north of town. Mr. Jim Smith of Route. 1 also had blooms Thursday, ' Soue folks have blooms and some have gras. : The folks who , were lncky enough to get their cotton up ami aheid of the wet watber and grass have it in pretty good shape, but those whose cotton and grafts came up together or the prass ahead, of the -cotton have seen no easy time and most of them have but very little brag cotton. The favorablo wetther last week, however,, pulled some some of oar best farmers .out of the hole- - ' Sl " ' ATTENDED FUNERAL IN GASTOKIA , ' Mrs. E. P, Rankin attended the funewilv of .Mrs jW.Mack Mo;ris in Castonja Friday" ' Value of school prorty Number of schools- Buildings d equipment TeachersX Tho reports of the county'Rup- erintendent and the couut. treasurer to tlie county Board of Kducation showed our school to bo in a hculthv and growing coj dition. The enrollment was 200 more than last year, and the av erage attendance was 738 more lhaa last year. Below is a summary of the two reports: Value of school property including Shelby and Kings Mtn. $106,600 00: Fald for new houses J3-I26 71; paid-for iepwrs$607.21; paid for teaching and sutler is ion $$41211.87; paid, for wood, interest, on Waco bonds, rent, in surance, loan fund, desks, stoves, and libraries $3104,98; paid, for institutes, bond election at Gro ver, printing, and club work $623 91 ; .paid for ttkiug census, treasurer's commission.- mileage and Per Diem of counly . board, and taxes refunded $1671.30. Total spent for all purposes $53108.89: Total receipts from all sources $57394.70, Balance $4 285.90. The balance includes the remainder of the bond monpy of Grover, and $300.00 sinking fund for Waco. Some statistical reports: Aver age term of white schools 111 days; average term in tax dis tricts 132 days; average term out sido of tax districts 100 days; 55 schools are equipped with r,ah-nl deskf ; 5 2 have libraries; 50 schools have painted houses, li braries, and patent desks. No. 7 is the ouly township in the county in which evory school has a painted house, patent dusks and a library.. Report of the teachers; There are 170 white teachers, 41 mon and 126 women; 39 held first grade certificates and 31 second grade; 68 teachers work in tax districts, 81 have normal train ing and 39 have some col lege training; 76 : have taught the same school for the past two years; 68 have taught the same school for the past three years: 33 have taught in tho same school for the past four years. Census, Enrollment and At tendance: White census 8749, boys 4502, girl8.4247; colored census 2213: boys 1162, girls 1051; . total cen sus 10902: white enrollment 6"22, boys"3540 girls 3382: colored en rollment 1588, boys 791, girls 797,: total enrollment 8550; average attendance for whites 5356, boys 5598. girls 2658: for colored 1156. boys 561, girls f95., ' :. ' 1 MEETS WITH" 'BONG ' SPRING? BAPTIST CHcJ W EXCELLENT PROGfUM ISlRMNGll ... .V .'''.JV Special addresses by Hon, Qyde R. Hoey J. T. Bowman and B. E. Roach Report of State Convention.- The fourth quarterly meetiiiu of the Baraqa Philalhea Union ot tnis county will be . held on Sunday. Jnltr 0. n t. Rnillm ' i - - Sprmgs. PROGRAM 10 a. mw-Song by the choir. Union called to. order, by tii President. -V Solo OUie Sktoner. Welcome Address J- Y, Ham. ' rick.. Song by Mt1'v&ic"a'i,cboiV,";" lesix"fce to Welcome Jtlrs. ' Geo. A. V'ovie. Duet Ollie Skinner and Aauil. la Lovelace. v Echoes from ,the Convention-- Mrs. R. E. Ware,' '- Song By Mt. Sinai choir. Report -from the Convention. Miss Meldonna Livingston. Limitations of the Sunday, School Teacher J. T. Eiowmau. Dinner. 1:00 p.. m.. Song by differentt', choirs, Admission of new classes;, liollxaUaiid report of classes. Selection , by Cliffside quartet. Address by Hon. ClyJo R. Hoey. Selection . by Boiling -Springs quartet. Baraca Classes and our. Younrr Men B, E.;Itoaoh.. Song by. M t.- Sinai- choir. -Untiuialmd. business. Place of next meeting. Reading of minutes. Collection. Song. Benediction.. BIG SAL Eat Anton's aU week, MR. f. K BAKER 60ES TO ATLANTA Mr. F.. A. Baker, recent giad- uate of the A. &.- M College, left Saturday for Atlanta where - he has a position with the. Southern Bell .Telephone Co. The posi tion not only carries a goot1 sal ary but affords a special training in the engineering department of the telephone business. "We call attention . toj Anton Brothers sale- which- goes on all this week.'. Their big ad appears Willis issue oj the Hl Mds ;,Read it ift's on the back page. - COUNTY SOU SURVEY Washington, D. C The North Carolina Department .ot Agri culture and tho North Carolina Expiriment Station will co-op- crate this seasun with the U. S. Department of Agriculture iu soil suryeys, of -Stanley, Cleve land and Orange counties. Thu work will be begun in, the near future, it. is expected. Under the' co-operative arrangement adopted for these soil surveys, each institution pays the salaries, aqd expenses of , lti own men, while the. Federal , Government bears the. expense pf inspecting the. work an& puhUshipg the report for, each county. This report will be accompan ied by a largo map showing in colors the location of the various, kinds of sois with reference to roads, schools, churches, water- -courses and -other, .features cf the county. The nature of the soils, their ade.ptabiliiy for var ious, crops a n d suggestions f o r , the . most advantageous use of fertilizers will also be dis cussed a detail, tottether ' with -foil information on existing ag-' riculturial conditjns. Se.vert.1 DKt'Up wijj bo required to, pre-' pare the report a.ndjmap,, after the survey has been completed. A'MrJ. Amithjand daufcLiter, Misa Paullpi and Miss UaHo'use, of3arey', N. C., are visiting at Re.; WR. Beash's.- Mr SuhU is Mrs. Beach s sister.

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