A 'i'flillil I i ;5 i- . . . rrra A CClran Eoral Nnuajiajier Jor All Site Jamilg Vol. 13, No. 25. Kings Mountain, North Carolina Thursday, August 17. 1916. $1.50 A Year in' Advance YORK COUNTY GRANTS ROAD TO BATTLEPD Mr. Hart of York phones news to 1 Mr.J.M. Patter son that the road connecting the N. C. High way with the Battlefield will be built. ft ' That the proposed road con necting Kings Mountain Battlf ground road with the battlefield ,wi(l be built by the authorities of York county is the news con veyed by Mr. John Hart of York to Mr. J. M. Patterson of Kings Mouutain' by telephone iast week. Just when 'he woik will begin or whsi it is ex'iectd to 'be finished wits not learned. .. This will be glad news to the people residing in,' both . North and South Carolina airing the route in avorced arid will be the greatest boon ' to touruits and other winliint to visit the bat tlofiefd Inaugurated-: since ' the Vhatlla." At present it .is.Vxceed'. innly difficult to iPt to the bat- Vtlefield even bv bugay- from tne North Carolina side. North Car ,oliq authorities have biri't a ; good road to the South Carolina ittle,"' which extends to within 1 a.'oou'. two miles of 1 1 10 battlefield, but that part of the route" in w Soutfi Carolina has never 'been improved.' The extension of the ' road into Soutn Carolina will not only facilitate the reaching of the battlefield but will open up a (highway that will greatly . serve ' i& large number of people In git ling to market. . The people If v ting between the tttate . line and Hhe battlefield have to good out Jet 'in. any direction and the pew oad will serve them well.. ,. The wew'road will be a more direct joute to the battlefield than " the old , road. Beginning on the north hill Of Kings Creek at Mra. Robert Hawbright's it will .go almost direct to the battle field.' A bridge will be built over the creek several feet above the highest water marks. , A large-aracunt Of credit for, ' pet ting tliia road is due Mr. John Hart of York Citizens of Not th Carolina, of course, have- done ' what they could. ',- ;'" . ' "" '. s2Ct -a. iv V4 , -flS. YOU SHOULD WORRY. WOODROWI (Portland Eastern Arft Doings of the Cleveland ; county Commissioners tiw. wuiw imiiDS m v ' .. . J. - FUKOUIOFMH 1 1 SM8$ ( .Capt F. DilliDg received a tele cratn Friday morning' stating that his old friend, :' Mr. A. " C. ganders of, Ritjer, S. C. was , 'dead. This was sad and, unex pected tews to, Hit. Dllllng as be ' y fead a, jotter frooi r, ,". Binders :'-:'tb day before regarding a con ;1 teBplated Visit here Mt.'; JMU ! iv ltyir w4s much affected by , the " - the, tidings and ; made haste tq Oast jaia where he boarded train enroute to the funeral1. ;.-.V r'MrJ ,5itlan '',1 weeof near the same age - and l(a8,pg beed very close friend ; Mr Itntf forseveatears liaid , tid. :g the fall Tor ar lorfg deer y, hu(it and Mr. Sandara frequently : visited Mr, Cleveland SUr' AJ1 members of the county board of commissioners were present ' Monday;' and Tuesday for the transaction of. the county's business. J. A. Yarboro asked for ap pointment as county homo sup erintendent. J. C. Gold, lumber, $13, 18. D. C. Beam, nails, lumber, rock and hadling $6.90. J. J.-' Pruett, calling, court $4.0". W. R. .Upton, piping for No. 9 $5.60. L. A. Blanton, bridge work $100. ' . v M. Z. Hastings, bridge wo.-k $23. ,;. - T. P. Camp, bridge wot k $33.- 73. E: U. Williams, bridge work $18 53. , , , , ' Jack Jenkins asked for sup port, allowed $2.50 per month. 0. P. Welhnoo, lumber, $30;58. F. H. Lee, culvert work $11.30 ' Gilbert Grigg, culvert work $12 08. " " - ' i ' L. B. .Champion, culvert work $4.8i Decatur Elmore; bridfjo work, hauling, and l'pmber $25,28 . - ( A, D. WarlicK, . bridge work, $75.57. j:-r.. - ."'; ,,,A B. bePriest,. pay ;ridl culvert work $124.40. ., , i : . R. L. Watters, brWge work,-$j5?V..v:'-;.;:'?;:;:.v--- ?I.A. Beam, bridge work $1.50 4 11.. .h, Carpenter, capturing ttuit'$2o;: t ' ,' . , '! Tho,mpo'u8 Co-i boat' $13." ". 'te' County Borne I M Amjgg, supplies p,40;:;. vMrA, MOTwain groceries $1- : Paul Webblrugsi'$3.35. - jT. i W. G". Postea, alary$19 - ( ' Thompsons Uo.,' luftber $2.95 . J. D. Lineberor' Sons, hard ware $3 89. ' -; ; . 'J.'L. (Suttle" O.V dry good groceries $C6.10. j '; ? v Farmers Hardware C04 bard J. W. Wilson, Rhop work $1.2." Southern Cotton Oil Co., fer tilizer $10 26. .1. C. Mull, 8?lary aai help $74.25. Miscellaneoas J. J. Wilkins, hauling lumber $1. . t P. O. Lavender, team and hands $23. 4 Hamrick, hamrick, haul ing and culvert work $3. C. C. Hamrick, work on bridge $2.50. , JoeSweezy, culvert work $3.50 ' Austin Eros , part on bridge contract, $1,000. J. L. Locke v, D. S. service $2. 50. R II. Lackey, jail expenses, $6210. ' " , M. D. Hooper, bridge work $2 sa Jno. A. Wilson, hauling 50c. S.' P. Favel. shop work $7.55. L. U. Arrowood, cement $74. Wi E Blanton, shop - work $0.90.. H. C. Champion, culvert work $4.18. Will King, livery $3. P. L. Peeler, calling court $Q C L. Lewis, haulimr $2. Selic Chemical Co., 'disinfect ant $6.75. - Carolina Metal Products Co., pipe $79.20. , . . .. ' Southern Cotton Oil Co., meal nnd bulls $13.91. v' E. O. Gantt, hauling $1.23. Shelby Ice ard F.uel Co., ice J. Lineberger's Sons, hard ware $9.94. , ' '" -: "vStar Pub.' Ci., printing and Chas. L'. Eskrldge, gas and oil $.11. 70.. W. D. Lackey, sheriff expenses Washburn it Q)., 'cobler $2. T; W, Hamrick, ink $!. A petition wai presented ask ing, that the bridge across Main Broad River be -placed at old W. M. S. AT NEW BETHEL The Associatlotal Mentindr of thfl Woman's Missionary Society of the Kings .Mountain Baptist Association will be held nt' New Bethel church, Lawnda'e.o n August 31st and September 1st. UBS. HOFFSTETLEB QUO Mrs. Jeff Huffstetler died at her. home at the Klotlio Mil! here Saturday morning after an illness of typhoii fever. The funeral was conducted at th home Sunday at 2 p. m. by Rev. E, O. Col" and the body taken to Mountain Rest Cemetery for burial She leaves a husband and eight children. C. B. MOSS BUYS OUT C. T. CORNWELL Mr. C. B." Moss has bought out the furniture business of Mr. C. T. Cornwell on Cherokee street. The deal was closed last week and Mr. M039 took charge Mr. Moss is well-known in Kings Mountain and very popular as a business man.; .He was identified with business interests of . East. Kings . Mountain for several years until recently; when lie sold his - holdings there. We predict for him a successful busi ness aLd take pleasure in com mending him to the trading pub lie. V'?;-";' OLD TRyON PICNIC AND TO BE THIS SATURDAY Descendants of Christian Mauncy re counttd Several good speeches Spread dinner and good time, The picnic at old Tryon Court House site befrpn Bessemer City and Cherr.vville Saturday is expected to bo of much inter est. Hon. W. A. Mauney of Kings Mountain is the promoter of the occasion and he hopes to feature it with a reunion of the descendants af Christian Maun ey, of whom he is one. Hon. Oscar Mason, of Goatonia, will be present to deli vet the welcome address and introduce Messrs. A. Nixon of Lii.colnton and Hon. C. R. Hoey of Siielby, both of whom ili make SDeeohes. WA large attendance lrom both Cleveland and Oaston counties is expected. K BEGAN MONDAY TEARING DOWN AND RE- New building will bare brick basement and lower walls with frame super structureTo cost about $4,000. P I T T E B S 0 H 6 H 0 If E ITEMS (Special to the Herald) The peoole o! this section are still "warring", with "Mr. Green." Some are being vic torious, while some ate bsing defeated; but regardless of all the rain and grass the crops are looking fine. Our pastor, Rev I. D. Harrilt, has just closed a wonderful re vival meeting at this place, which ws feel has greatly bene fited the communitv. Misses Addis and Ava Ham rick are visiting relatives in Gastonfa this week. Miss Stella Patterson of Rock Hill, S. C, is visiting liergrand parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, H. Pat terson. CLEAN OFF , SHILOH CEMETERY SATURDAY We are asked t announce that that those interested in Pbiloh cemetery near Groverwill meet there SaHr'.ayi August 19tb, to clean it off. " ! ": . ' : went to look over the matter Wednesday and found the old bridge a considerable distance down stream arid damaged to such an extent that it cannot be used. A ferry is being agitated across Main Broad nt or1 near the old bridge, site and if soma individual does not establish one, it may be that a compac f will be formed to opei-ate one, as it will be some time before 4be steel bridge is put back. The bridge that was washed away waa the most e- . Miss Ancile Falls visited Mirs Cora Ormand last Sunday. Mr. .1. W Writeht md family and sisters, Misses Ada nnd Grace, went over lo Fallston Sunday to see their ister, who ia right sick. . Some of the people of this section took in the "Big Day", at Cherry ville Saturday and re port a very nice time, especially Mr. Joe! Wright, who won in the fat man's race. Mr. Ben Ware and Miss Sallie Carroll were happily married Thursday, July twenty-seventh. Mr. Ware is the son of Mr. Tom Ware of the Oak Grovo section, and Miss Carroll the daughter of Mr. ard Mrs. John Carroll. We wish for them a long and happy life.- We hope many more of this community will get the same notion. If they don't we are going to be blessed, or cursed, (which is it?) with old maids and bachelors. If this doesn't go to the waste basket will come again. ' . '" Jake. - The work of tearing down the building of Grace church be gan Monday and a modern new building will go up with alt dis patch. This change has been in contemplation for several months. The plans were first to begin work on Jun first but the plan didn't materialize until now. The ne'Y building will bo a com bination of wood and brick. The basement and lower walls will be of brick while the upper part of the building will be wood. The basement will be arranged for the Sunday School. Rev. B. A. Culp is pastor of this congregation and is ono of the mot 8'iccesnful preachers iu these parts. This church is sit uated in East Kings Mouutain. The Grace congregation has built a big brush arbor just above the church ajd will wor ship under it while the new building is going up. SMITH-PRCVATT ' Mr. Ed Smith, assistant super intendent of a tin mine at Keys- ville, Va.; was here last week to gee his mother, Mrs." J. North Smith .While at Keyaville, Mr. Umlth ran omimlf with old Dan Cupid and met MiM Clara Pre vatt, of Lumberton, N. C, whom he married. Good luck to 'em. Mr Smith's father, Mr. J. North Smith, in superintendent of the same mine at which Ed is en- 1AM WHITE DIED SUN, NIGHT At the age of 77 years and 11 months Mr. William White died Sunday night at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Lowry McGill, noar Bethany and th remains wore brought here for burial Mondiy. The funeral was con-. ducted in the A.R.P. church, in which he was an elder, Mon day at eleven o'clock by the pas tor, Rev. G.. L. Kerr, assisted by a former pastor Dr. J. M. Garrison of Anderson, S. C. and Dr. Galloway of Gastonia and Rev, W. P, Grior, pastor of ".: Bethany c b u r c h j " Al though the funeral was held on Monday morning and with short announcement it was well attend ed by many frtends and ac quaintances of the deceased. Mr. White was a native of York county, S. C. He moved to Kings Mountain about twenty -five years ago where he remain ed until a few years ago when he went to live with his daugu ter wheie he died. He was a veteran of thn civil war and a first-class citizen. While li e lived here ho was looked vport as one of the sturdy, substam tial citizens tnat could be depend ed upon and as a pillar in the A. R. P. church. He was a constant attendant uoon church services - and his life stands as a towerintr monument to Christian charac ter. . ' ' ; Deceased is survived by the following children; John F. White of Garland, Texas; Mrs. Elmer Spencer, of Gastonia; Mrs. J, G. Hord of Kings Moun tain; and Mrs, Lowrey McGill of' the Bethany section of, York' county, S. C. : ' . 1 " Mr, John F. White,, living so far away,: didn't get here for the , funeral. He left, here only few weeks ago after spending some time with bis father- who- was very sfck at that time but got better. Mr.' White has been in fail'.iig health for several,- years and the infirmities of oldi age rapidly advanced ooon Mm. Sadness hovers 0rr,the com- ; munrty fbi X-roighty good maa isitone lrom 6b.

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