m J 1 . 3P ''' '''. :j . ' ' .. i'. .... f.; -.- ' "..'V'-.'' ' - - Al s 'i'.-: -. A CHratt Hiatal Nrtnapnprr Jfor All 2Tl?e Jaurilg . -- . . ..... , ; ,- ..-... -v . ' Vol. 13, No. 26. Kings Mountain. North Carolina, Thursday; August'- !24. H)1G. 81.50 A Year in Advance IVIRE BURNS CHARLEY ' E01T0 DEATH SFEAX AT SHELBY Wire fell wu E. Kiap 'lootafai tchool fofMinf Wc&csdar alx&t - -One iatt antther burnt. ' Char. Hantion, age 12; wis " burned to dwitn, Charley Mc Falls had hi hands BliRhtly burned and consternation reign ed in the vicinity ot the East Klnus Mountain graded 'school bnilding la,t Wednesday night as the result of a static wire be Ing do we. Nobody knows just ' how the wire came to be down except that the, pin pullod oat of , the cross-arm and the wire foil t j the ground across Mr. Wesley J Barnes yard. Young Uannon . bad worke.l during the night and was on his way to his uncle Jesse McDanlel's about 5: Thursday morning when he ran in contact with the wire. The ' wire was lodged on a poultry 1 ' Wire and was Just high enough to strike the boy abont the throat. Mr. Barnes heard the boy scream and saw the flame leap pp. The lad Is said to have ,'bnrned like kerosine lor half ar ' hour before, the wire could bp "... discharged. His left hand was burned off at the wrist, hi right hand badly burned andTlfis whole body burned more or lea. r- lit was the son of Mr. W. P. Han son ,of near Bithlchom church , about six miles from town.- The boy bad come here on Sunday . before to team to woik in the Dilllrg Milt and was boarding at v Mr. McDaniefs. . The father si rived early Thnisday morning . i and too'j the body home and It was taken Friday to Antioch where it was buried. ' The wire was supposed to be . tead7 Ibat is' the switch ws pull- ei ont It received its charge itber by a leak in the "switch or by overflow from other wires . on the same poles, or more prob -Ably irom boVU sources, it was n tbe street are line and the lights were off. This sort of current is -called "static" and there hi no way o knowing how vStroogit was.' . . Borne say the wire eatne down early , as nine o'clock in the sight bat Mr. Barnes says that be discovered it about srfdnlght It was lying flat on the gioond across Mr. Barns' yard In front ofia door. It bsraew several doles in the g r o b d and as It passed through a corn patch burned aa ear of corn; in two. Mr. Barnes says that he worked - feard to keep peopto from com- tag tn contact with tbe wire after he discovered il Many were 'passing to and froas the mill, es v pectally. as the day and night ' shifts were being made. tt is claimed that mumnrous efforts were made by telephone to ha vo the wire attended to be fore any damag, was done but 'it was only afunr jthe boy been killed , that relief came. -The bey could net, be released from ,the wire and burned there until . someone could go to the power house several hundred yards 'away and faav the current cut off. Dir.' ' Parsons tod k n o chances and cut off everything .. i town, j :-t',. : -i 'i -: !?';'-. ., Mr.. Prsons-whii) -was n charge of tbe power station says that s ' "h; bs4 an .indistinct telephone ? messat nabut twelve, birty , tbst thre ' waV tr'onbie with' a 'wire somewhere in toyrn but h '' i o'aliibt'get the; ficts except, , fy im Abie," the manf.w.ho jlobks 'y fter'tti town wire, was want ed to a.ttond "to the:! tt( ? As Q T. W. BICKETT 10 SEP. 4 DmocoHc undlaate for Governor wni.addrcs voteri in the-awmy court-house. We are asked to announce that Hon. T. W. Bickett. candi date for Governor Of Nrth Car olina'on the Democratic ticket, will syeak In the court lioustt at Shelby at 11 o'clock MomHy, September 4th. KEff. CULP IS 5TIHNE1I H LIGHTNING 3 During the electrical storin of Tuesday afternoon of lust u r Rev. B. A. Uulp, pastor of Ur.ieo Methodist church, was sevoivl.v shocked by lightning, so niui-h that he was unable to walk u ut.il next morning. He bad bciii nut at '.he church where soir-e hands were tearing away the old build ing preDaratory to building, n a new one and was run in by 1.1k cloud. Be and one of the men were standing near tlw stova in the kitchen at the patronage when a severe clap came. Itat fected Mr CulpV left leg and he startel to 'all, when the other man Caught him. He was able to get about the next day. BOOKCLUB On the 17th of Adjust (he Book Club together with their invited guests met with Mrs.' J. E. McLaughed, whose hospitali ty is far reaching anl generous nature includes a large circlo of friends. ' .'. Tb guests were met by the attractive daughter, Miss. Mar garet McLaoghen, and she na to rear of reception hall where a bank of magnolias surrounded the bowl of ice cold punch made and served by the delicate bands of Miss Kate McLaughen and Mrs. E. H. Wood. Too parlor was decorated in pink and white roses and polish ed center table with a beautiful Maiden flair fern. Following the. business meet ing this program was rendeed: Our National Guard, by Mi's D. C. Mauney. Minuet lu G, 3uet by Misses Katie, Garrotttand Margaret Mc Laughen. ' - '!. : - :. Beading, Fairness to Militia, by Mrs. C. E. Neisler. The LAst Smiiu. uiana solo' liv Miss darrett. . ' Special reading, Burglar Caught by, a Woman, by Miss Margaret McLsughen. 'O Lovely Night, solo, by MisS Garrett. ... . A two course menu was served and a mrst delightful afternoon s (tent, long to be remembered by those present. ; ': - - Able had. no phone' Mr. Parsons could, do nothing. The arc 8 witch is worked from the town Station and Mr. Parsons had no thing' to do with that. While the boy was burning and groundfng a greatar part of the onrrent iMrv" Cbarfty MePUlls came 4 n contact with the wire at another point about forty yards away but inatiaged to get away before he was badly hurt: - : , Some blame attaches fa- - tlitit wire lytatf tliere all nightxim- oeriling tb.ee lives of so ' manjy peoole but we ire not In position, to place it. '. . :;'- . Descendants Christian Maunney Had Great Reunion Saturday History of old Tryon county was re viewedTo be annual event Monument to be erected. Undo"- idoul wonthercoivJitioivs a t'ruwd fthtimated a( two thou sand, mainly of the descendants of Christian Mauwy, met Satur day on the old historic gi'ounds of Tryon CJourt House for the pntposc'of reviowing the faini'y and tho histar.v of tin; conrvu nily. Tiio f.vift spat is mi tuc lands of Alex Karris situated or. the Macadam ' road hhout half w.v botn'i'iVii lisscMiar City ami Ch'Arr.vville, mv tin only narks, ot the old county sat are an old scrubby mulberry r, ro e in the midst o? 3 sumll stubblo field 'v!ieh is sa d to be on the soot where Christian Maanev's oak Iok house stood which was silso used as court ho'ise and jail. Hard by are tho old rac p.it'i and wagon '-Ctd of history. The picuic was held in tho pine for est about a hundred yards away whole a etnrid nijd sea's had been provide-by he ladi.-s of Concord chu-cli. Tne c'uireh is erecting a nice build'n m-ar hy and the ladies provided the plat fonn and seats for 'he privilege of selling refreshment ou the grounds. The program was carried out to the letter i:i the finest style. Hon. W. A. Manne.v of Kings Mountain presided in -his usna pleasant manner. In h!,s iniro ductory remarks lie stated that the object of the meeting was mainly to combine two Mauney reunions, the one ho. has Usually bad at his park near here am' the other, the Moses Mauney re union. The spot was f elected because it was the old homestead of Christian Mauney the pioneer Mauney . who migrated from Pennsylvania before the Revo lution and, thciefore, the fore father of all the Mauneys in thif connection. Christian Majney had two biothevs, Valentine aid Abe Mauney, who came from the Dutch settlements of Penn sylvania aft the same time and it is expected that their descend ants will participate in the next reunion to be held at the same place next year. Hon. Osca Mason of Gastonia was " present and extended the welcome and in very appropriate words introduced the speakers. The first speech was a recital of the history of Tryon ctiunty and the Mauney family by Judge A. Nixon of Lincolnton. ' This will bu reported in full elsewhere is the Herald. Hon. Clyde ,R. Hie.v was the nxt speaker. Mr, Iloey spoke about twenty minutes and made one of the finest patriotic speeches we have heard on.such an occasion. The noon hour arrived and a goneral srood time, was had. A long four square tahte'was load ed to. the groaning 'point with rood thiURM and was well sur round d with fnl Ks -with sharp appetitPs. 4 A general get-ac- qua n;ed hour was mingled wth the eating. 1 At tr.o table Rev. C, IC. .Hull offered orayer ron- cludmg vith the '"Blessing." After dinner the c,,wd re-as- Sembled and -Hon.- A. ' Nixon read tho will'ot Christian Maun ey.. Hon. W. A.. Mainoy( then Tead- a partial list of the lineal descendants of Chv'stiail Maun ey. Dr. Kiser of lieepsvill j of- ;ferod a resolution that lion. W. A. Mauney ard his friends erect an appropriate monument on the ! grounds coni!rimoi'Ui.ing 'the I mou'Ory of C.'ii r i stin n Mauney j and Tryon county. The resolu tion was udopV:i and Mr. Maun joy and A. Nixon wme appointe.l to neuotiate the. matter. It was di?cid,,id that the reunion bo made a permanent annual evei.t and W. A Mauney was appointed Chairman nf arrangomonts. .1..I. (Jeorga of Cliel rvville suggested i that that the. editor of tin; K nips Mountain Herald he asked tu publish the entire list of the de scendants and make his bi.l for same. No action was t-ikeii in that matter. The music for the occasion was furnished by Mr. i.nd Mrs. V. A, Kidenbour ar.d Messrs. R L and W.K. Mauney, of Kings Mount tin. Tao vio lins, an organ and a horn weie useu. Among the nsmns of those mentioned in the first, secoud and thi-d guneritions of Christ ian Mauney yv. Mauney, Ram- soy, Jenkins, Wells, Rhyne, S.-vnders, McCarter, Neal, Befttn, Baker, Huffstetler, Rlackwjod, Falls, Jones, Black, Carpenfir, Plonk, Reynolds, Brown, Hud- dleson, Kiser, Eaker, Sellers, Stroup, Smith,- Williams, Van Dyke, Heavner, Clark, Willis, Bea'.ti, Long, Birber, Crawford. Parris, Gaston, Proneberger, Kendnck, Kennedy. t Miss Boh- r.ie Mauney is making list of all the name?, and the indica tions now are thit there will be about 2,000 of the descendants of Christian Mauney -when the num beriig is finished. V , Little 13-year-old Fannie Far ris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Farris, was present with the record that she 'had seen fi ve of her grandmothers and they were all Mauney's. GRADED SCHOOL OPENS - ELEVENTH Full list of teachers Stvrral changes in faculty Extra teacher in sixth grade. . ; DEATH OF MBS. HEWITT Yorkville Enquirer. ' : After an illness of afout four months, Mrs. Nancy Hewitt died at the home of her niece, Mrs. R. B. Riddle, on Clover No. 2, Tuesday evening and was buried at Union .cemetery in Gaston county, N.VC, on Wednesday. Mrs. Hewitt was in the 90th year of her age'. She was, be fore her marriage, Miss Nancy Wood, and was ' born in York county, near Wright's Ferrvi on Christinas day, 1820. She was twice married, first to the lata Martin Waid aud'several years after his death, to Rev. T. - A. Hewitt, i now deceased. Site leaves no rhildren. Up to a year ago Mrs. Hewitt lived in War rior, Ala., aifd- since then has been with the family of Mr. Riddle. Her only surviving rel atives in this section are. Mes- dames David Brandon and il. B Riddlo of Clover No. 2, and Mr William M. Glenn of Gaston county. ' ' . - illi INFANT The infant child of Mr. John Allen of Gastonia was buried in Mountain Rest csmetery hie Monday of last week, - ' " '. The Board ot School Commis sioners or the Kires Mountain Graded School has completed the list of teachers for the ensu ing year and fixed Monday, Sep tember 11th, as the opening day. Th? teaahers are as follows: SUPERINTENDENT Professor Fran It Wr. Orr, Charlotte, N. C. LOWER FIRST GRADE Miss Daisy Lovelace, Mooresboro, N. C. ADVANCED FIRST GRADE Miss Sue Merriit, Roxboro, N. C. SECOND GRADE Miss Jennie Lee Kerr, , Rock Hill, S. C. THIRD GRADE Miss Besi2 Slmonton, City. FOURTH GRADE Misr. Edna Dixoii. Fallston, N a FIFTH GRADE Miss Alda Titman, Lowerysyille, f . C. SIXTH GRADE Miss Annie Bell Hill Red Springs, N. C. SEVENTH GRADE Miss Bonnie Mauney, - City. , HIGH SCHOOL Frof. Orr and Miss Melissa E. Philli.w, Dulton, N. C, The fcllowinu are of Inst year's faculty: Misses Krrr" Slmon ton, Dixou and Mauney. Ope teacher 'his be added in the sixth grade. V flEORES M SLEHK The comptroller of the cui-ren-. cy has received-leports from the national hanks of the county for the last iiscai .year. Their con solidated testimony set fcrth the deposits of more than 14.- 00,000 persons, in evry slate, county and town in the Union having a national '.bank. This testimony convicts of gross in sincerity and, misrepresentation those who have claimed and are insisting that the country's pros perityis a Fool's Paradise or that it is temporary, sectional or begotten of and dependent npon war. - To summarize briefly the re port by groups of states, from April 8, 19i2, to May 1. 1016i in the states of New England the increase in deposits was from $619,000,000 to $811,79ot000, a net gain in deposits of $191,858,- 000. la the Eastern states the net gain was $1,713,794,000. . In the Southern states. the net gain was $218,084,000; in the middle elates, : $212,-219,C0O; in the. Pac'fic states, $124,4B2,000; in Hawaii, $901,000 r v , The total net gain for all the states reached the enormous fig ure o of $3,119,811,000 quite a silencer to the reckless state -meit tt'at enemies of ' the gov e.rnment have been making.--The Bulletin. . - LOCAL HI PERSONAL Mr. Farris Hamrirk of near Groverand Miss Fairy Hicksy daughter of M. W. A. Hicks of Route 2, were married Sunday night, Angus Bth. Mr. D. D. Kemball of East King Mountain returned Thurs day from Misenheimer, N. C, where he attended the funeral of his father who- died August 10th. Mi. and Mm. L. C. Hord vis ited in Lincolnton last week. Mr. and Mrs H. M. Heavner attended the meeting of tele phone managers at Lakewooi) Park, Charlotte, Friday niglrt. Miss Eilen Long, who fead been In a Charlotte hospital for several weeks, was brought home Thursday night and is getting along very well. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Crotrse an Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Adderholt spent part. o last week at Henry River, visiting Mr. Adderholt'o brothers, M. L. and D. W. Ad- derholt, and his sisters, Mrs. M. h. Rudisill and Mrs. M. R. Rudv. sill. Thev returned Fridnv. Rev. Rayippnd Browning and lamily, of Lincolnton, weie iw town last Thursday. Mr. T. (7. Trfi6rnn iml f.;i.i who moved to Gastonia three months ago, have meved back: hero. MRS. RUM DIES r Mrs. Eddie Plum died at her! home in Greenville county, S. C, August- 8tb. She was the wite ot Mr. J. L, Flum, recently of this county, and Bister of Tom and E. 1, Maybtrr;. .-'.. ', Mr. and' Mrs, G. G. Pace went- over to Gastonia Thursday to be1 pusent that evening and night at i receptipn givea by Mr. and Mis. D. H. McMillkn in honorof thei'son; JT. Fred McMillan, and his bride. Mr. N. Fred Mc Millan wit, married on Aucust 8 to KTtss A nna Sue CamD, of Gil- key, N. C , and durinir the inlr- hn had speut their honeymoon at Asheviile, Henderson ville and other points of interest among" the mountsins of Western North Carolina. The receptiott largely attended by the young' people of Gastonia and the hap py couple eL joyed the occasion to tbe fullest. They have set up-liouse-kcepinsr oi West Airline. rllUHSIIEtt -I . Mr. Ed Smithy who recently married at Lunrberton while' he was assistant superintendent of a tin mine at KeysviUe, Va., has come' back to taike charge of the- ' farm,, which is situated near Ware's school hoose, and Wr mother, Mrs. J. North Smith, has gone to Keysvij le to be with his father. ' Edl says that Wh re cent courtship ImkI1 somewhat of romance in it and be think that . all Herald1 readers ought tofcnow about it. He met the goed lady at Ke j'uville eoly once,, lilted her, loved her, and when she went back home lie sent her letters;' soon he popped the question, an if so, and so onrnd thrt he went after her and she . folded her tents and joined his. Mr. J Rnk Pkge died a' fcls ' home at (he Sevfer Mill Tuesday of last week alter long suffering - with cancer of the face. TJw , remains were taken to Bfethle heuQaneterf for buriil Wednej- . dy. Mr, Page was s member oi the Methodist chureh and sig-' ' nttied his willingness to die. THE HERALBi LU far rsr V r-

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