W16 lii f if lit L 1 II I KB'y I Kl I Ait" I JlAVX AfcSWW 111 J i' : &' ' l ' A (Elf an Uoral Nnufipajirr War All tHie Jamllg Vol. 13, No. 29. K iiitgs Mountain. Morth Carolina, Thursday, Septfrahor 14. 1916. 81. 50 A Your in At in? nr LATEST PHOTOGRAPH OF PRESIDENT WILSON CuVlr.d Str , ' ' ! Atwo days session ma'ked the; neotiAjj of tlm. county cinmts-j Wiicik WiU vtfi'U when tkev had ! v VyoluiuXtiJ idjsirii'H lo transact. . H tTullffi!. u fJ Paltner and E C. BoYd,rty -.e present, .j Cleveland county farmer- were provided -with grading f -"j .;. rilitios ty the eouLty commit-: v loners t tlioir meo'ing Monday ' ; when Or. R. M. Gidney mid the official cotton grader of Cliarlotle l.ppoared bo.'ore the boaid ard secured an appropriation of 8300 ifot the' work. Tho s.ys'r.m is . 1 highly roccomonded aid means . thai glnners c-n send samples of j t cottou to theofficii'l goveinment f - -i prttdef at Charlotte who ill Rlvc it a grado according1 I.,) gov-' i eminent standards and returi. it. .M.lothe farmer.;' This (fives Jjim! !T h is grade on the halo wli'ch .js ' sccopte'd Ht any market. Theri will be no pontage to pay us the , farmers will be furnished with "franked" lahtis which v. ill cairy the samples th!oui,'U the ; mail free of charn".. Bond Gfvzh foi Bridge ." 'Citiiiuns.oi; No. 1 town-liip, -.! Mewso, yjininy Hiidn.-N, li ,h i '.'Allison. J unio'" Humphries ' ' Clayton Huiiipl)ri's, . (Jii.ii;e k Ct.ino and HuUip. 8:iir i'ti ft bone in vhe s'mn of L'.tKH) binV. . - inii themselves, tlirir -heirs and nod a.)iuhs ti unulo a roid from Hie 'ite oftlie old br.dw at. 0 ,r--.'t- hafli Shoal. 'jetween Nns. I and . 2,.tOWnlip4i. from Mi odjti l j; he ; bluff, ay 5 0 ft'.et soiilh . from south end of bridge vii ". ' Silifliiy nndnes' Ftfi-e and on to . -ihe Sonth Carolina I'.ne, raid ' ' road not to be less than 21 feet ' wide, it he icunty comiuission - erj. will build a Rood and suffici- eut bridge above prsent hi(?h wt?r m.irli at the old bridge site and complete, same at the.' f V'V' - 'k 'vfwkw-': 1 .' . K1-' . ft ' r , - - "-' - - Vj. : Wa-4 " -w"'f,oTav 't-Jiv J. B. Murray, pr'ntniR, $5. C. L. FJskride, gas and oil, $2 30; Piul Webb, druars, $2.75 J. D. fjireberjter's Sons, bard- ..i;t MtMiil Ain. TIip wate. $a.iu: J. v. muiv saia y J4.uo. . -.i..;. nt' wt'ancr help. $103 27; A. B. B'antoi.-.l .'J. 1. Lineberper's Sons, hard r ire, $18.90. drv coods. S5.75: W. B. Palmer's W ''U..., r,uv. netitinnp,! Sols, irroce.ie?, 15.45; J. L. Siar Pub. Co., printing $2 l.2c thav the brldfio which wbs wash- 8uWe Uomim-iy, Biocenes am ed away bo tlacwd l-ack at the dry kqous, jj v. oud sita. ' . Bills ordered paia are as iol ',3ws: - .. Bridge Work Jf M. Ledford 31.; P. S. Aden 19.42; J C. Pjrker 28.96; J. C. Coitt 10.28; P. A. Hamrick 50.; 0. B Hicks 32.86; L P. Jolly ! 7D; H: L: Haatoa 112; .1. C ttiscei:aneoo$. : . J. I!. Jolly, part burial expensa Anna Horton, $5. W. VV. Mauney, coti'bnt. $78. T. IJ Harris, D. S. services $2, A. P. C. DePrifSt, pay roll culvert worK, $04.14 T H. LoTsry & Co , pay roll culvert vpcrk..$11.52; Catherine Martin asked for al loy ie 41.25; C. 8. Laa 4.50; 11. J. Hipk,5.; W. li. Upton Mi 52 supmyt. ', $1-50 per -aonth .7. D. doyld 16.8P; C. P. Peeler lowed. s 9.; P. C. liivendar 52 J6; J. K. Kiser-Manney Compuny, lorn rrlce W OJcJ. B- HaturioU 81.65; be.-, $5.05. . -J. BanV.Patlorsou -38,10; S. t. D. C. Mauney, hardwfre and 'antt 'SO Vi' Y. Elliot 10.88; F cement, $20.95.' . . - , Patterson 1 50: M. L. Rrown 75,; John Hunt 2,1.; John S. iwt 5Q.. Austin. Brothers bal i&j 6'n .bridge conlract 3,586 ; ?ailhur lauton 10.;'JvAvDo M50. ' , ' CoIVert Work F.: Y. Jqaas 12 79; W. Wt Uum- ne8,7.19; R. R. Prica 12.81; bert Crololer 8. 56; Tit Jx Yo"'fc ) 51; - B. Grigg 4 69; Ben wen 7.80; 'Burnett Hautfk , 2; Victor Bowen 8. Kj Clarence .rd i n ft. 26:t;C- J. Patteron. 1.55 a Gill i.'87eJ..B. -Hanfii ick 5.25; ao.or, 9i50; J McMuiry-Hul! Co., dry goods and Krocerie. J8.77. Farmers Hardware Co., hard wue. $59 99. J h Lackey, D. S services 3, H. T. Pulton,- expense state meeting coiamissioners, 9.10. H. T. Fulton, part on service as corainissioner-', 25. .. REV. J. M. KESTER GOBJJILSON We iinUrftand that Rov. J. Marcus Keter who is supply inir the Ubernaclp church at Ral eigh ha accepted the pastorate of the lirit baptist C'.iurch at Wilson and will betrin his work Octob-T first. Mr. ICester is n son of Mi J. H Kfslcr cf ri"ar Kind's Mountwin. fir rad uatiiij; at Wake h'oitst. he took' a course- in Mswton Suinir.arv, Boston, iMass , i f tor which he went to EiiKland and Scotland to study. He returned to America last sprint; and has been supply- i ri Hie lajeinac e church since. So far H8 u.eoloical tra;Dintf (ioes Mr, Ivestev is wrll tit for any pulpit. TO BE ENLARGED The XatioiiRl Garage will be cnlaitted. Mr. L. O. Hoffman has wo ki d uo such business siuce lal.ini?.; cliarne that ho is obliged to have more room. He k jnsl rauiined and junmed with hutoiiioliile. all the time ui.iil he can iiarciiy turn . aroui.a. rrs liuild nu btlonics to Pr. J. (J. floi d and he will make extensions l0 the building riKht away. OCTOBER 7TH. IkMf V'l W!2 Si' " 1 i4J7v ; 1 v. GOV. H, C. STUART OF VIRGIN:- He will deliver the principal address ) October 7th, "The governor is loolu'tr forw'ard with ureat his trip V Kiys Mountain Ootobir seventh." writes tary lo the editor of The Herald. pU- Tho li'.i'ifliild'u O'lHrtcl.ti' is the first nuinoeron the lyceutm A r . u ; . ..nnH t. i.. . in. i UUUIB" 1UI lilllO JC.i. IV IB E J'. dies' quartette and comes highly recommended. The first attrfcc-' t;on will be on the nieht of Octob er 7th following the bin celebra tion. It is expected that a large number of those attending the celebration will remain over for the lyceum attraction. E MuGinnU Brothnr, Missrs. Henkel and Heriry McGinnis . a.e Dlacltig inateriil on the grounds nnd will begin the erection of their, lriek building in a few days It will be situated between Vie National Garage and R. P Tiib ble's b irber shop. Mr. and Mrs T.C Bauihgard ner of Kiugport, Tenn., arrived last vvee'.c to spend several days in the vicinity with relatives ai.d friends. r VJ WW; ' shop - WtttJ Hamilton, unio. or who la at pn bewu fsr tiM ro' D. M. Baker, judgeelec"ionJ2 National Garage, gas and work 1 Cat, 13. G'and Jury Roport filsd and Bond No. 1 road filed. - ' Pavel and Oxford, shO work, $1.25. L. U. Atroroo-i. ciment, $142.- 43. ' .", ' .'.-.:'. Martin and Martin,' shovels and pay roll, $22.84. ' v N R. l. Lackey; jal" eecpense. $79 7.0. v.. v-. , ::.. West Disinfectant Co., dut down, $5.73.- .' ' W. D. Lackey, sheriff .expnia $3.25. V. B Pal war 4t Sens, brooms, $1.90, - . ' ; ,J. L. LAckByv- U. Sv sejv,eeflr Yorkville Enquirer : Following an illness o( several weeks, Mrs. M. B. Allmon died at the home of Mr. Slmril Mat thews in Ebenezar Wednesday afternoon. . -8. Allmon was about 53 years of age, was a na tive of York county and had lived In the Ebenezar section nearly alt her life. The funeral was held from the Ebenezar Pi'esbytwian church yesterday afternoon. Rev. P. H. Moore officiating and tho interment followed in Esenetar cem tery. The assessed value of the tax able property in the recently organic d.Turkev coak drainage distric; is $.63400, arid this" is the Mtifeunb ot bonds to he issued to defray the-expense of the con tetoplated drcdf ijir work To iay the inten-st on the bonds at 8. per cent will require a tax levy of fiO mills or 6, oer cent,, and of coMrsev IT the bonds can be plac ed at less than six per- cent the levy will :)ff smaller u pcopur tiotv ' The Baptist Sunday School had their picnic at Logan's Park about five miles west of town Thursday. This is a fine place Cor an outing. It is situated in a bottom just beyond Mr. Bon G. Logan's houso and belongs to him. The poplar grove furnish ed good shade and the brook makes good wading for th3 child ren and in the midst of the gard en is one of the finest spiiuga in the country. It was a fine day and thoroughly enjoyed by about a hundred people- There was no formal program, just a good time of eating and drinking and making merry and wading for those who lilec1 it. . Th ! Patterson Grove Sunday Schcol passed through tows. Fri day enroute to Lin wood for a picnic Quite a number of the young people were along and they had a good time. The members of tt.e Sabbath School ot tne A. R. . P. church went on a picnic last Thursday aud reoort a giod time. They went to Lin wood College and en joyed tho fresh breezes of toe campus and the many and varied waters of the famous All Healing springs. ' Part of ' the people vent blithe mountain afton ih net. ' " II V The Uivic League lias gone over the walls of the class rooms and the halls of the graded school building with the brush It has brightened up the appear ance ot things mightily. PINSON-M'SWJIN (Cleveland Star) On last Sunday at the home ot 'Squire Gillian Green, Miss Clara Pinson and Mr. Brady McSw.iin a popular poung couple of this county, were quieUy mar ried in the presence of a few friends. (Special to the Herald) There was another double marriage in East Kings Moun tain last Sunday. At the heme of P.. L. Ciianey Miss Rosa Ben field was niirr'ed to Mr. James Snort, i nd Miss Fannie Hullen- de.r t'j Mr. Claud Long. They were married under the same ceremony by Rev. L. Bangle, pastri of the East Kings Moun tain Baptist . church. A large number of relatives -and f rieuds were present and congratulations were iu abundance. These are among the most pooular young people of our community. . ' A Readeh The grade! school ope I day with fine prospect the children lr ovciII-i a :: unusuiil -numbers a nu . the patrons and f.u-in present to lend their cni mont. The opening e-. . . were impressive ano to tl Rev. C K. Bell rt&d at. from the second chapter I verbs after which Rev. ! i Cole invoked bod's bless ; on the school and teocbei:.. 1,1 followed impromptu sp' from Rev. E.O.Cole, Rev ' . Kerr, Rev. W. R. Beach 0. K. IVll and Mr.G. li. Dr. j. G. Hord was cailid and arose vnd announced t . . : would give again this yei medal for the best orator . W. L. Plonk, chiiramn r scnool board, made a slioi -i-.t pleasing address. After the ; ing of America Suot F. V ' ' : made announcements reiat: '( boooks and the tiinA of mei .mr rec"S,i;es etc. The total number of pupil- rolled Mondaty was 419. Anl grades as follows: Low firs'.. 7' High lltt 39-' Second 45, Thivt 5, : Fourth 36, Fifth 32, 'V . th 42, Seventh , 28, Eighth 2V Ninth, 13, Tenth 12.- Miss Willie Cornwell left Sit urdiy for Lincoluton where sh: will spend about two weeks v t Miss Jessie Haynts. THS.HKRALD. I1.S0 per year Mr. T. A. McGill and daugii' "v Viols' Faiinlc, and son, Thorn- , iBlt'.uonday for their home; a-. Columbia )fter : a visit her i. They were accompanied by Mis -i Sarah Long-..-

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