Z,6erty, TnM, Justice, Equality i Vol. 15, No. 31. Kings Mountain, North Carolina, Thursday, December 6, 1917. 81.50 A Year in Advance Hi 1:1 i!! h A . til. P K1 Pi 1 1 4 WESLEYAN CONFERENCE HAS II GREAT SESSION The thlitys-elghth annual sea ton of the North Carol in Con ference of the Wesleyan Metho dist Connection adjournedSunday niirht. The session wag held with the Wesleysn Methodist church here, and the pastoi Informs us that this was the lar gest and most successful session jn the history of the conference. Many noted visitors were in atletdarce, and the meetings were characterized by the great est harmony and unity among those present. The night services were largely evangelical, and many profess ions of faith resulted. All the irvlces were well attended. A special feature of the preaching services was the music led by Rev. T. C. Harvey, of. Gastonia, who also arianged for male quar tettes, mixed quartettes, duet and solos. , Dr. E. Teter, of Sheridan, lnd., president of the General Confer ence, wa here and presided over the del thermions of the confer once. Sunday morning, Dr. Te'oi preached the ordination sermon, after which k class of three were ordained the office and wjrk to of eideis. Tne appointments of ministera to the various charges were road Saturday night Those of local interest being: Kinns Mountain Rev. M. C. Connor. Charlotte -Rev. Edw. M. Graham. GistouU. Fir.t Caur.-.h -R?v. C.A.Curtis. Gastonia, Loray Rev. T. C. Harvey. Bessemer City Rev. J L. Bolin. Sholby Rev. John Walker. The election of conference of ficers resulted in the reten'ion of Rev. J. A. Clement as Presi dent, and Edw. M, Graham as Secretary. A resolution of thanks to the good people of Kings Mountain, thanking them for their generous hospitality and enteitainment, was unanimously adopted. The conference voted that the next session be held at Colfax. KENDO! -BUNDLE i. SWARRIFBEN HERE Rev. R, A. Swarlngao, the new pastor of King Mountain nd Elbethel Methodist churches arrived Friday night to take charge of his new work. He preached a most foiceful sermon at Kl jetliol Sunday morning making a' profound impression on his congregation A t tho Kins Mountain church SuuJay atyUt be was greeted by a splendid congregation to whom h 6 preached another strong sermon. Rev. Mr. Swar ingen comes to Kiugs Mountain from Brinkleyville, Halifax county. North Carolina, where be has served cnurches for the past three years. ever since he has been in the ministry. While Mr. Swariugen is only three years old in the ministry and a comparatively yorng man, he his a family of a wife and six boys. He was transferred to the Southern Methodist church from the Protestant Muthcdist at the last conference of the Southern cbutch at Asbeville an 1 this is his first ministry in the South ern church. Mr. Swariugen was rained iu Mecklenburg county this state as n Southern Meth odist but affiliated wifh the Protestant church when no church wh.n no c'luroh of his his faith was accessible. He says that all the time ho idtend ed to "come back". Mr. Swaring en took his A. U degree at Lenoir College, Hickory. N. C. and his B. D.. degree . at West minster Theological Seminary, Maryland. His fara'ly are coming through the cojntry b automo bile and are visiting relatives enioute. They are expected to arrive here in a fw days. HEARS SONDY Rev. B. A. Culp accompanied by Dr. A. S. Beaman and wife of Newton, and Rev. S. W. John son of Gastonia, cpent part of last week in Atlanta attending Billy Sunday's meeting, they re turned running-over with enthu siasm for the famous evangelist. Mr. Culp says nobody says too much in praise of the work being done by Rev. Mr. Sunday in At lanta. Atone service which Mr. Calp attended there were two thousand professions of faith. this. Mr. Sunday announced was tli a recoriservico of his evange listic career. Mr. Culp says Mr. Sunday uses language in the pulpit that he wouldn't use and say lots of things that he wouldn't say. 1but but taking him all and in all, Mr. Culp says that the Lord U cer tainly with Mr. Sunday and that he is bv all odds the most po'wer ul preacher tint u knows any thing about. CRUSEi HIRE FURNITURE SURE Miss Lizz'e Lee Hemdon, dau ghter of Watt Herndon of Beth leham section, was married last Wednesday to Mr. Clyde Randle of Grover. MABXET LICENSE IEK1LEI 'The city ouncil hs repelled the special license tax on ooe: . atlng a meat market in Kirg Mountain and farmers are bring ing in their fatted calves and dealing them out to the const nysrsat a much lower figure than they have been required to pay. The cost of living was soaring so high that the city father ftit that they were due the people the consideration. 'Mr G. J. Allen and eons, WUl . and Ed spent Friday nigbt with r' ilryln Allen, here- Mr. J L. Parker, ou tdoor sales nan tor Liwing -Robbins Fur niture Compiny for the past sev eral tnoutlr, hts resignel bis position and goue back to Char lotte to take a similar position with a film there. Mr. Parker is succeeded Mr. E. W. Ill an ton of Charlotte who arrived Friday 11 take up his duties of wailing upon the Kings Mountain trade. In this connection we might say that the nanagetn snt of the Lawing Robbins Company is much grati. ed at the splendid patronage bung given them by the K'ngs Mouutain people. Miss Eihol Lawin of Char lotte spent a few days last week as the house guest of Miss Helen Smith on King Street She is a daughter of Mr. J. T. A. Lawing the principal owner of La win? Robbins Co. and while here assis ted in keeping the books of the company during the transfer of Mr. Parker aLd Mr.Blanton, out door salesman for the company. FHRlS-CUfl Miss Lizzie Farrla, daughter of A. W. Farrla of Kings Mountain was married Wednesdav of last weelrto Mr. Logan Craft of Cher rvvllle. Mias Farris bad made ker residence In Uterryvwe lor the put several years and they were married there ONLY FIFTEEN SHOPPING DAYS Before Christmas ONLY TWO ISSUES OF THE HERALD In which to advertise your Christmas Goods FUEL SUPPLY The government finds it no small job to furnish the camps with fuel. Mr. Gee. S. Gruvi s f Alexandria, Va. came here sev eral weeks ago an office and is buying and furnising wood for three of these camps. Mr. Gravis is paying farmers and anybody else fancy pi ices for any kind of wood. He recently bougnt an immense amount of saw mill slabs around Kingj Mountain which were three, fohr five miles from the railroad. Helo to put the wo ad to the road was uot available among civilians, so he to Cirap Wadnworth at Spart.nburg fjr a detail of soldleis and trucks tj haul and load the wood. In re- spouse to this request the gov ernment sent about fifty soldiers and some trucks to do the work. They are in Camp at Grover and will be for a few weeks yet. It was these soldiers who were en tertained in Kings Mountain Tbnksgiving. AI I NOTE IF IrTRECUTIM To the good people of Kinps Mountain Here's thanks to you for your generous hospitality towards the Wesleyan Methodist Conference in general, and to me in particular. May the Lord bless you dear good people with an abundance of the pood this life and in the life to come. I extend these thanks in the name of Jesus, Amen! W. W. Kimball Lay member. West Durham N. C. PHINTINE OFFICER INDICTFI Dr. B. H. Palmer, of Shelby. county quarantine officer of Cleva; land, was indicted Thursday for failure to discharge his duties in his own county with regard to the rules and regulation Gover ning the Control of infections Diseases in North Carolina. In dictment was brought against Dr Palmer by Dr. A. McR. Crouch, State Epidemiologist, who was in the County to Investigate the ef ficency with which the State Quarantine Law was working in the county. Dr. Palmqr submitted to the charges and paid the fine and cost of the action. Eleventh Public Debato Of The Athenian Literary Soeiet.v Assisted By Tho Rhamsaeur Literary Society will be held In the Auditorium Boiling Springs High School December 8, 11117 7:80 P. M. OFFICERS C. M. Ewing, President, Lincoln County, Lera Harrill, Secretary, Cl t land County PROGRAM Addiess bv President C. M. Ewiug. Piano So'o "March of The Flo er Girls" MifsLucilo Wall. Declaration "The Great Repu blic A Christian State" Robt. A Gardner. Oration "Carolina. The Cradle of Freed nn" E. C. Lee. Trio "Believe Me All Those Endearing Young Charms" Misses Greene, Wall, and Parker DEBATE Query: Resolve, That this is an opportuno time to establish world wide democracy Affirmative. B. H, Bridges, Xi Green. Negative, C. E. Dedmon, Virgil Gardner. MARSHALS James Lovelace, Chief Victor Gillisuio, O. P.. Davis. FOR THE SOLDIERS eUHU SUCCEEDED BY CONNOR WBSEt-WUE Miss Lillle Ware, daughter of George Waro, and Mr. Dixie Ware, ell of Elbethel section, were married Wednesday ot last week. V ' ' THREE SOWERS IILLEI Private Marshall Goll of the fifth company, 102nd. supplv train, 27th. division, United States Army, was killed at Gro ver, four miles south of here Saturday afternoon when train NO 87 struck the truck he was driving. Goll was a member of a detail sent from Camp Wadsworth, to Grover to haul and load wood for camp use. it was wntie in me discharge of this duty that the iccident occuried. He and a corn rade wete in the act of passing over the track of the Southern on their truck when the train struck the truck. Tne view of the track is said to have been ob structed by box cars so that the soUiers conld not see the approa ching train in time to clear the track. Goll was driving the tiuck an? would have been badly ham pered in trying to jump sbuld he jiave undertaken it. His comrade Jumped and escaped uninjured. Goll's home was in Nashville. Tenn. The body was Uken to Spartanburg and, we presume sent on to bis people, - Two soldiers also were killed and four injured, three seriously, when a northbouad train on the Charleston and Western Carolina railway struck' a' heavy army ttuck near Woodruff, about 25 miles from Spartanburg, shortly after 10 o'clock Sat. morning. Kev, Edw. M. Graham, for the past three years pastor of the Wesleyan Methodist church here and family are this week mov ing to Charlotte where they will make their home in the future. The annual conference which closed here Sunday with the appointments for the ensuing year assigned Rev Mr. Graham to a church in Sevursville, Charlotte. Mr. Graham is a man whom the town regrets to give up. Besides being a most ac ceptable pastor and religious worker he is a man of broad ex perience and abundant common sense. He Is a good mixer and contributes to the ' welfare of any community where he lives. The Herald feels his departure with unusal keenness. Mr. Gra ham is a practical printer and newspaper man who has given us ma ay a good suggestion and at times when he chanced to drop in and find us "in a hole" he didn't hesitate to lay off his coat and fetch the ox out of the ditch. He is an all round good fellow and the best wishes of town follow him and family to their new field ot labor. Mr. Graham is to be succeed ed here as pastor of the Wesley an Methodist church by Rev. About fifty soldiers from Camp Wadsworth, Spsrtanburg, who no on detail at Grover hauling and loading A-ood for the camp, were invited to dinner at Kinf: Mountain Thanksgiving day. Tli''! boys arrived by truck at eleven thirty and assigned to to the vanouj homes to which Invitations had been secured by Mr. J. E. McLauglien who was in charge of ihe a-rangements. Policeman I!. F. Lindsay had the list ol invitations ard in front of tho Pastime Theatre gave the boys then- us-sigmncnts. Some took their guests to their homes and others to the King Cafe where a special dinner had jbeen prepared fo them. It wis j a good day for the soldier bo.vs and for the town. It was quite a diversion from camp life much appreciated by the boys in uniform. While on the other band it was refreshing to have the boys in the various home and hear them talk of camp life and their determination to "do their bit"' towards winning the war. These boys were from New York state, many of them the city. If anybody doubts for a moment that a Yankee will show full appreciation for South ern hospitality let him do one of these khaki clad boys a good turn. Some of the soldiers returned to Grover at five o'clock bnt many of them remained over tn Kings Mountain lor supper leaving just in time to answer taps at ten o'clock. The soldier were loud in their praise of the day '8 entertainment and those who paitcipated in the good work all seem to be happy that they took them in. Many of them made such pleasant guests that they were invited to come often. : Mrs. J. G. Hord nd children apent Thaoksgivlrg lo Osstonla M meat of ber sister, Mr) Elmer Spencer. . .- "vv. LIEUT. CIWLEY APPRECIATIVE May I express to you, and thru you to the ladies and gentlemen of King's Mountain, the thank and appreciation of the men of my detail and of myself, for the splendid courtesy, kindness and consideration shown them in your city yesterday. Southern Hospitality has long been a by-word to wa northerners, and I doubt if any of us have ever experienced its delights before. Happiness, contentment, and comfort make toward efficiency in a soldier, and the enjoyments of Thanksgiving Day will long be remembered by them end M. C. Connor who for the past myself. two years haa been the pastor of a church at Guide, N. C. Word comes that he is a successful pastor and already durinR his stay ' here at conference has gained much favorwith his con gregation. We welcome Mr. Connor and trust that he may be as successful a hi predecessor. BRICE CAWLEY 2nd Lieut. Cav. N. A. Commanding Detail. Grover N. C, Nov. 30, 1917. To W. H. McGinnnls, Mayor of town ot Kings Monntnin. N. C. Mr. H. N. Mom and daughters Misses Kathryn and Elolse, re turned Friday' -from r Atlanta wbare they Vieited relative. Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Fulton ar rived last week from Akron, Ohio end will make home here. Mr. Fulton ha a position with Mr, M. L. Harmon in hi store near Billing mill .

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