GREAT EVENTS OF EF Progress of the War of Civiliza tion Against Germany. AMERICA ENTERS CONFLICT Cur of Ruaal Deposed ind Radical. Seek Peaca Hlndenburg Lin Smithed by Alllea and Tu tana Invada Italy Other Important Happen. inga of 1917. Compiled by E W. PICKARD. THE WORLD WAR Jan. I. German! defeated Russians Vtutlachla British transport Ivernlu sunk In Medl lerraneitn: i.t lost. Jan. 9. -Premier Trepoff of Russia r signed and was sueueeded by Prime Uollt sine. Hrlttsh warship Cornwailis sunk by torpedo. Jan. 14 Japanese bnttlcshlp Tsukuba urmruy-d ny explosion, l.'tf killed, Jun 22.-President Wilson, uililremn senate. Kve world outline of terms which he believed lasting peace could be Jan. 23 - Oesfroyers fought two neace menlrj m North sen, the Hermans losing several vessels and the KukUhIi ". Jun 26 -iernians took rnlle of French ireiicnes on Mill 3i. Vennm reirton. HrltlHh iitixllliiry rrulaer l.aurentlo sunk oy mine, w lives lout French transport Admiral Magon tor perioed. HI lorn. Jun 3l.;ermany nn noun red submarine nioenaie or all enemy countries, outline forbidden zones itnd revoked pledges n submarine warfare. Feb 8 - I'nlted States broke off dlnlo- mnlle relation, with Germany; President Wilson dismissed Ambassador von Bern- inrn ana recalled Ambassfidor Gerard Feb. 4 -Germany sereed to release Americana taken by commerce raider. Oerninn mm boat Interned at Honolulu burned by crew; many Oerman vessels In American porta rinmaiced. Feb 5 Herman submarine shelled and flunk British provisional naval cottier ravesione and killed four men, Including nirnnrn auace, American. Belgian relief steamer I Mm Kruse sunk by German submarine; all but one of crew lost. Feb. 7.-Anchnr liner California and oth er vessel sunk by uerman submarine; 41 Inst on California. Feb. I're.ildent Wilson refused parley oiiKiii ity i Till I n Jf . AnrerlMin schooner Lyman M. Law de stroyed by Austrian submarine. Feb. 17. -British smashed German llnea on both sides of An-re river. U. 8. sent peremptory demand to Oer- nmny ror reiense or rarrowdnl prisoners. (einiiin noomanne wnx Italian trans port; m lives lost. Feb. 22. Germany freed the Tarrowdale prisoners. Feb. 2B. German submarine sunk Ounar der Laeonia off Irish const; 12 Includ ing Mrs A. H. Hoy and dnushter of Chl cnito. and one Amerlcnn member of crew. British and German destroyers fought In Feb. M. President WHson asked con- 5reas to grunt hfm powers to protect merlcan shipping;. British took Kut-et-Amara from Turks. Feb. 28. U. 8. government revealed Oerman plot to Join with Mexico and Japan In making war on ITnlted States. British occupied Gnmmecourt and other vlllnges In Ancre renlon. French destroyer Casslnl torpedoed; 106 lost. March ?. Germany announced all ves sels would be sunk hereafter without warning. March 4. Austrian attack east of Gorlti repulsed with grant losses. March t. President Wilson ordered the arming of V. S. merchant vessels. March 11 Bagdad raptured by British. March 12. Revolution begun In Petro grad. March IS. China severed diplomatic re lations with Germany. Russian Imperial cabinet deposed by duma. March 14 Germans In great retreat along 8omm front. March IS Czar Nicholas abdicated Rus sian throne for himself and his son. Russians captured Hamadan, Asiatic Turkey. March 17. British took Bapaume and French took Rove. Zeppelins raided London; one shot down nt-r i umpienne, r ranee. Brland cabinet In France resljrned. March IS. American freighters Vlgllan- v 117 " mrmpniB ano Illinois, sunk by German submarine; 22 perished. British and French advanced 10 miles Oh 70-mile front and took Peronne. Chaulnca and Nnye. March 19. Germans made new fierce anve at vermin, out were repulsed with . vnuniiuun niMra. Rlbot formed new French nnhtnat ' March 21. BrltlBh took forty more towns In France. March 26. French occupied Folembray V,",.. . vu...,tir, ruuui hi imicy 10 res L British captured I.aenlcourt. March 28. New Russian government In stalled. April 1 British captured Savy, Ven- delles. Knehv and" Pol to to French reached outskirts of Vauxalllon and Laffaux. Armed American shin Aitan anir hv German submarine off French coast: 19 of crew saved. April X. President Wilson, addressing ""-'" KHiuii ui TOiiureBu, asaea lurniai resolution that state of war was In exis tence between the United Slate and Uei many, and called for co-operation with entente allies to defeat German autocracy. April 4, Senate passed resolution declar ing state of war between U. 8. and Uer- many, by a vote of 82 to 6. April 6, House passed war resolution by vote of 173 to GO: President Wilson signed It and Issued a proclamation to world and ordered navy mobilized at once. All German vessels In American ports were seized and many supposed Ger man plotters were arrested. April 7. German cruiser Cormoran, Interned at Guam, blown up by crew. Cuba and Panama declared slate of war with Germany. April 8. Austria broke off diplomatic relations with V. 8. April 9. British advanced two to three miles on twelve mile front near Arras, smashing German line and taking Vlmy ridge and many towns. April 10. Brazil severed relations with uermany; Argentina declared 11 supported the position of the United States; Chill decided to remain neutral. April U. Costa Rica declared It sup- uunea me position 01 me unnea males Ururuav proclaimed Its neutrality. April IS. British naval men met In first allied council with U. & officials In wasnington. . Bulgaria severed relations with IT. R. April 13. Bolivia severed relations with uermany. British and French made further big ad vancea on west front. April 14. House passed 17,000,000,000 war revenue autnorizaiion out witnout dissent In vote. April 16. Brtlsh patrols entered suburbs 01 L.ens. Germans routed at Laghlcourt with ter- riDie losses. British transport Arcadian, torpedoed, 279 lost. British transport Canieronla sunk; 140 eVfJi. April 11 President Wilson Issued proc lamation warning agalnts the commission of treasonable acts. Congress appropriated $100,000,000 for emergency war fund. " French opened great offensive on B mlle front net ween Solssons and Reims, taking 10.000 prisoners. April 17. Senate unanimously passed 17, 900,000,000 bond Issue bill. Germans sank two British hospital ships loaded with wounded British and Gar- to April 19. American liner Mongolia aank 1 w insn aea. Nicaragua indorsed course of United States. April -Russian council of workmen's and soldiers' delegates declared against separate peace. Two German destroyers sunk off Dover. April tl. -British war commission arrived In united Htates. Turkey severed relations with United States. April H. -French war commission ar rived In United Statea British made further advances In Arras sector In face of desperate opposition by uermans, April 25 German destroyers bombarded Dunkirk but were driven off. American tanker Vacuum sunk by sub marine; naval lieutenant and 9 gunners lost. April ft. -British occupied Arleaus and half of Oppy. April M. -Congress passed army bills with selective conscription features. Guatemala severed relations with Ger many. April 19. General Petaln made chief of French staff. May 1 -Chilean minister to Germany demanded his passports. May rrencn captured craonna House punted esplonaice bill with modi fied press censorship clause. Rrlilsh transport Transylvania torne- doed; 413 lives lost. May 6 French made big advance on four mile front southwest of laon. May 6.-Bulvla ssvered relations with Germany. May 7 Coalition government of provi sional government and soldiers' and work- j men's rlelegHtes formed In Russia. Mav II. -Italy reported destruction of 11 Oerman submarines In one week. Chicago board of trade stopped trading In May wheat. May 12. -British again hit the Hlnden burg line, establishing themselves near Uiillecourt. May 14. -Senate passed espionage bills without prohibition and Dress censor ah id clauses. Italians attacked along the whole Isonzo troni gaining ground norm or Unritz. May 15. Chancelor llollweg before thi tu- cristas- reruseu 10 a acuss uermanv peace aims. Trading in wheat futures stopped In si middle west exchanges. Italians made bis- rains on Julian front. lining niome t ueco and Monte vndice. 't.-iy 1 Senate passed army draft bill, hrltlsh completed capture of Bullecoui Mnv lft. Pr1(1fnt Wilson nrrlord nna Division, commanded by General Pennine sent to France at once He also signet me armv a ran dim and set June e reiflstrutlon dav Honduras severed relations with Ger many. May w.-president Wilson selected H. . Hoover as head of a food control board, Nicaragua severed relations with Ger many. Senate passed the 13.342.000.000 war bud- Tt. May 23. -House passed war tax bill car rylnir necretary ranting refused passports for nrner can oe legates to Hiocktinlm aociaJ. iai peace conference. American ah In ra.rrvlna iinnua Switzerland sunk by torpedo. Premier Tlsza and entire Hungarian loumri reaiirnea. May 24 -Italians broke through Austrian inmi 11 om viisTagnaviiza 10 uuii Trieste, taking 9,000 prisoners. May 26 First American field service corps went to front In France. uermans made air raid on southeastern EnRiand, kilting 7 and Injuring 1741. May 27 Italians aaaln brok throurh Austrian lines. May 29. -War department Issued call for iw.iMW volunteers for regular army. Iondon reported sinking of hospital ship nd armed cruiser by submarines. Brazil chamber of deputies authorized revocation or neutrality decree. .Tu no 2. Senate passed first of admin istration's food bills. Foirrteen German and Hindoo plotters inmcteu ny reuerai grand jury at unicago. ii. o rauroaa commission to iiussia ar rived at Vlndlvostnk. June 3. American commission to Rus sia, headed by Root, reached Russian port. French repulsed five great attacks south of I.aon. June 4. Brusslloff made commander In chief of Russian armies. June 5. More than ten million young me r icana registered ior tne national army. uerman aviators raided naval base in he Medwav near London, but wera driven orr, losing eigni macnines. British made bla advance on north bank of the Scarpa. American liner sank uerman submarine fter long flcht. June 7. British began great offensive hi Belgium, blowing up Messlnea ridge and advancing 0 mnes on y-miie rront, ra urntftn in out D t sa ent. June 8. General Pershlna and staff ar rived in Kngiana. Germany broke orr relations with Haiti. June 10. General Persuing s staff ar rived in prance. June 12. Kin Const an tine of Greece. forced by the allies, abdicated In favor of Prince Alexander, his second son. American steamship Petrollte reported sunk by suomanne. June 13. Germans made air raid on Lon don, kllllnar 97 and wounding 437. Army and navy deficiency appropriation bin carrying ia,uw,uw,uw pasaeo oy con-& June M. iirmsn maae Dig advance east and south or Messines. June 15. Liberty loan heavily over-sub-acrlhd when books closed. June 20. President Wilson issued call for 70.000 volunteers mr regular army. June 22. French repulsed violent attacks of Germans on the Chemln des Dames. June 23. House passed food control hill with "bone dry" amendment. June 25. President Wilson appointed an exports council composed of the secre taries of state, agriculture and commerce and the rood administrator. June 28 American coal barons agreed to fixing of prices. First contingent of Pershing's army landed In France, June 27. Second contingent of Pershing's army landed In France. New Greek cabinet headed by Venlzelos took oath of office. June 28. -Brazil revoked Its decree of neutrality in war oeiween entente anies and Germany. June 29. Greece broke off diplomatic re lations with Germany, Austria, Bulgaria and Turkev. July 1. Russians captured Konluchy. Gallcla, and Turkish strongholds In the Caucasus. . July 8. French repulsed great German attack near Cerny. July 7. Russians successfully attacked In Pinsk sector. Germans made air raid on London, kill ing 37 and losing a number of planes. July 8. President Wilson proclaimed an embargo on shipments of food, fuel, steel and munitions, to cut off supplies from neutral countries to Germany except dairy f roducts for non-combatants in exchange or coal. July f. new Ausinan camnec resigned. Prealdunt Wilson called entire National Guard and Its reserve Into the federal service by August 6. British battleship Vanguard destroyed by Interior explosion; 800 lost. Julv 10. Russians broke Teuton line east of Lemberg and took Hallcs. Julv 11. President Wilson called on American business Interests to aid nation by foregoing unusual profits In selling to ine nation ana me puuuc. July 12. Russian advance checked west of Bohorodozany. July 14. Chancellor Bethmann-Hollweg resigned and Dr. G. E. Mlchaelis succeed ed mm. House rasaed 8640.000.000 aviation hill. July 17. French took German trenches near Malancourt. Three members of Russian cabinet re signed; nois in reirograa suppressed. Shake-uo In British cabinet. July 19. Great German attack between Craonne and Hurteblse partly successful. Chancellor Mlchaelis declared himself ior me suumanne wariare. In Vllarna reel on Germans drove hack Russians because some Russian regiments neia meeiiDKs 10 ueciae wnemer 10 omy ordera July 20. Draft for American National army held. Premier LyonT of Russia resigned and was succeeneo oy Jrverensay. Julv 21. Senate Passed food root rot mnA aviation bills. Russian troops In disorderly retreat, burning villages. July 23. German aviators raided Eng land, klllfnr 11 In coast towna but bain driven away from London. Slam declared state of war with Ger many and Austria-Hungary. Julv 23. Government of national aafat created In Russia and Keren sky given ab solute powers. Juiy &.-Mutinous division or KornifofTs Russian armv report ad blown to niacaa with Its own artillery nussians ana Roumanians in sou in car- National Guard of 19 states and Dwtrlot Of Columbia moblllaavd. July 3S.-Gern.any yielded to Argentine w'nui cunrarning euomanne warfare). Landing of moro Amortcaa troops In r ranee announced. War Industries board, F. N. Scott chair man. rra.rt July so. Germans penetrated Russian territory east of Kbrocs. but Russian re sistance stiffened. Henry Chapman Gilbert, Washington, SL mn 'cepied for National army. Ariadne torpedoed: 11 British crulaor killed. July 91. Anglo-French forces opened great offensive In Flanders on to mile ironi tatting 11 villages and 1,000 prisoners. AUK. I. British and hVanoh arlnd fur. ther ground In Tpree sector, but Germans rcx-apiureo L Jullen and part of Weal hoek. Aug. 1 German counter-attacks In Flaa- uera rpuiaea Kornlloff succeeded Brusslloff as com mander In ehiaf nt ftiiMtan arm lata Aug. 8-Austiians captured C fter no wits and Klmpolung. ontisn re-took St. Jullen. Flandera. Serious 5 fa ft riot a In central Ok la. . -ma. Aug. 4. Shipping board commandeered about 175 shins under construction. Aug (L-Presldent Wilson drafted entire national uuard into federal service. Germanj made violent attack 00 British In Hollebeke. Aug. . Chancellor Mlchaelis made many changes In Imperial and Prussian mlnle terles Premier Karanakv romnlatrMl a mallttnn cabinet Aur. I. Roumanian forma onenad new unrnnivti norm or roKsnani. Food control bill sent to President WU- SMrthlana broke Teuton Una. Canadian conscription bill passed. Aug. 9. Teutons forced crossing of Bu chitza river In Fokshant region. Aug. lO.-Brltlsh drove Germans back two miles In Flanders and French ad vanced east and north of Rlxschoote. Aug. u Annur Henderson resigned as labor member of British war cabinet, be ing accused of double dealing concerning Stockholm conference. Herbert Hoover mads American food ad ministrator. Aug. 12. German airplanes raided Eng land, killing 23. Aug. 14. China declared war on Oar many and Austria-Hungary. Peace proposals by the pope made pub lic. Aug. 15. -Canadian troops captured Hill 70. dominating Lens an" the Loos salient, and entered Iens. U. S. government's plan to control flour and wheat put In operation. I Aug. 16. -British and French made btg ami in m r mnaen, laicing iangemarcK and other villages. Von Mack en sen drove Russians across the Sereth river. Aug. 18. French made great airplane raids on German noaltlona in Hala-tum an.l Germany. Italians began new offensive In the Ison- so regton. Aug. i. ntisn line tdvanced BOO yards 1st of I-angemarck, mainly with "tanks." UanV T W W. 1aa1ra arraaifaA Kar Tl 8. federal a rents. Aug. 20. French drove back Germans in Verdun sector on 11 mile front, taking Cor beaux wood and Champneuvtlle. Aug. 21. British forced their way fur ther Into the defenses of Lens. French made further advance In Var. dun sector. Aug. Tl. Germans opened offensive) In RiKa region. British took Imnortant noaltlona elon Tpres-Menln mad. uermans made air raids on English coast, killing 11. Aur 23. Dr. H. A. Garfield made fuel administrator of U. 8. Aug. 94. British pushed back on Tpres Menln road. French took Hill 804. Verdun, by storm. All 24. Italians captured Monte Hnnto. northeast of Gorilla. Aug. 28. President Wilson relented the pope's peace proposals as Impossible while German autocracy exists. Aug. 30. U. 8. wheat committee fixed oasic price ror i7 crop at XZ.ZQ. Germans made air raid on port of 1IK. ' Sept. 1. British destroyers destroyed ionr ierman armeo trawlers orr Jutland. oepi. Russians abandoned K n. German airnlunM raMoH C hatha m Vnm. 'IU, KIIIIIIK 1UO. Sent. 4. Ita.lin.nM rantnrawl Ifnntaa Ren Gabrlele. German submarine shelled Scarborough and airplanes bombed Loi.Jun. Sept. 6. American National army began muveineni 10 can ion men is. Federal acente raided I. W W. mup. ters throughout country. American merchantmen under convoy attacked by U-boats; two steamships and wire suuiiianin buiik. Sept. 6. House passed war. credits bill authorizing U,638.46,4tiO In bonds and cer tificates. SeDt. 7. Atlantic trananort llnea Minna. hah a torpedoed; 60 dead. German aviators bombed American hos pital camp, killing five. Sept. 8. Secretary Lansing exposed vio lations of neutrality by Swedish o tile I a Is In ra-antfna n nil Btiu.lihnlm In a vnnanl, tl.... German cablegrams advising sinking of AiBciiune ven seta. r rench cabinet resigned. Sept. 9. Korniloff. commander In chief of Russian armies, headed military coun ter revolution and was dismissed by Ker ensky. Kept. 10. Senate passed war revenue bill totaling $2, aui raimcve became frencn premier. SeDt. 12.-Count Lux burs'. German min ister to Argentina, given his puubpuits; anti-German riots in liuenos Aires. Kerensky made commander In chief of 1 Russian armies. Sept. 13. Korniiotr s revolt collapsed. Sucre tury Lansing exposed unneutral action of former Swedish charge In Mexico tiiy. Sept. 14. Italians drove Austrlans from Monte San Gubriele summit. l?-Dt. 15. Senate Daaaed bill for 311.&2S.- JKKt.-IWJ LrUIlU IHBUeS, British naval aircraft destroyed one Ger tun destroyer and some trawlers near Oa- tend. Sept. 16. Premier Kerensky proclaimed Russia a republic. Kept j 1. cosia mca oroae orx relations Ith Germany. SeDt. 18. Russia began reorganisation of army, suppressing soldiers committees. House passed 7 ,144,000.000 deficiency war supply bill. Kept. 20. British began great offensive east 01 xpres. Sept. 21. -Secretary Lansing published message or von wernsiorn to Benin ask ing leave to spend 860,009 "to influence con- if r ess." Costa Rica severed diplomatic relations witn uermany. uermany ano Austria replied iavoraoiy 1 Dooe's neace DroDoaal. Germans broke through Russian Una at jacoostuat. Sept. 22. Secretary Lansing revealed de tails of Bernstorff's Dlottlna before U. 8. entered the war. Sept 23. Secretary Lansing disclosed German abuse of U. 8. protection by con cealing In Bucharest legation explosives and disease germs aiier u. b. bad taken over. Sent. 24. -German airplanes raided Eng land, killing 20. War industries board and nroduRera rut steel prices In half. Germans lost heavily In attacks near Verdun. Sept- 2ft. Germans mad two mora air raids on England. U. 8. senate passed 98,000.000,009 war de ficiency bill. Sept. 26. British took strong positions from Germans east and norf east of Ypres. Germany offered to evacuate. Belgium under certain conditions. Gen. Soukhomllnoff, former war minis ter of Russia, sentenced for life for high treason. Sept. 28. -Many X. W. W. leaders indicted for seditious consDlracy. Sept 29. British captured Ramadle, Me- sopuiainiav, hu ue iiho eerriaun, German airplanes raided London. British alrDianes bombed Zeebruara-. Sept 90. Two mora air raids made on London. Fuel Administrator Garfield eel llmlta ror reiau prices 01 coai. Oct. 1. Heavy attacks of Germans re pulsed by French and British, and of Aus trlans by Italians. Four srrouDs of German alrnlenee mM. ed London and coast towna eeconj 1..1 berry loan campaign started. French airmen marie renrleal ralria nn Frankfort, Stuttgart, Treves end Cob lens, and British bombed Zeebrugge lock a Oct. 2. British repulsed els deanerete Gorman attacks In Flanders. British cruiser Drake torpedoed; 19 Oct. X. Pre aidant Wllami elenad tKa att tax bill. Oct. 4.-Br1tlsh won great battla east of Tpres, Oct l.-Psru broke off relation with Germany. tLong."' mpW l war program and adjourned. Oct 7. -Uruguay severed reiations with Germany Oct. 11 -British gained half tnila on alt mile front In FianSera. "B Germans raptured part, of Island of Oesel in Oulf of Riga. Oct. ll-Prosldent Wilson created war board tc stop trading with the enemy and took other steps to curb enemy activities In America. One Russian and two German torpedo boats sunk In battle near Oeael. W1WMW w5 L'-structlon of French steamer Medie by submarine announced; 260 lives w2fitiaITrTwo "rmn raiders sank twe British destroyers and U Sc andinavian MlTi?n n y wr noyln la the - ?t- 7-rParfnns In full possession of Is- Amertcen inttMwirt Antiiiu uct is. -oermans captured Moon Island aiuiii nuHinni. Oct. 19 Germena marfa ala a.M W ab. don. killtna 34. "ri w -rour Zeppelins destroyed by the Oct 28. French hroka ihmua-n nm lines north of the Alsne. Inflicting heavy losses and taking 8.000 prisoner. American troops went Into first line l"? ",,u nren "rst snot at oermans. Oct. M. Allatrlana ail n-.. offensive along Isonzo front. Oct 25 -French made another big gain In Alsne sector. Austro-Oerman attartt drove Italians j... 10 rnmiifr on tne Julian line fore- mr iMnrlnnmant nt D.lnal... nia.... 30.000 Italians captured. Oct. 26 -British and French made big at tack east of Ypres. Braz" .declared state of war with Ger many existed Oct S7 Italians In ewnaral ralraat IM (MA vniMurea; teutons advanced beyond Clvl dale. Oct. 90. Alintro-Oermana twiW rMfti tin '"rougn uarnlc Alps Into Vene- vutorio Orlando formed new Italian Count Georaa von Hertllna maila nM man imperial chancellor. Mlchaelis having Oct. 81. Berlin rnnrtA imam and more than l.OOu guns captured. 5 irnnapori r inland struck py torpedo; eight men killed. pSesVlneTIinOUDCd cptur of Beersheba, NOV. 1. Crown nrlnAa aIOi4.. ik. 1 7 , " uraM ms Aiiette river. una Oerman cruiser and ten armed tiewiers iuhk Dy uritisn in tne Cattegat United States and Japan made compact on open door In China and co-operation in the war. Nov 3. -Germans raided salient held by Americans, killing three, woundlr.g ft and taking IS prisoners. Nov. 8. American patrol boat Alcedo "" uj lurpeuo; 11 lOSl. Nov. 6 -Italian retreated from Taglla men to line. British captured Passchendaela and ad vanced 800 Varria havnn.l Nov. 7.-ftallans fell back to Livenza nvrr, uermans Following. American commission to Paris confer- . neaaea oy uoi. nousa, reached Eng land. British In Palestine captured Gaza. Kov. 8 Russian maximalists under adenine seisea government and planned for Immediate peace; Kerensky fled from Pe- Npv. f.-BHtaln. France and Italy cre ated Interallied war committee; Gen. Dlas made first commander of Italian armies. Nov. 10. Russian rebel government made Lenine premier. Germans reached Ptave river In Italy. Nov. 11. Italians repulsed Teutons near Asia go. Loyal troop attacked maximalists In Petrograd. Italians held Teutons on Plava liver. Nov. 13 -Kerensky and th Cossacks uauiy aeieaiea. . . French cabinet resigned. Nov. 16. Georges Clemenceau became premier of France. Italians Inundated big section about the lower Plave to save Venice. Socialist seised the government of Fin land. Nov. 17-Bolshevlkl won In Moscow. British light sea forces routed German aquaaron on neigoiana, British occunled Jaffa. Palestine Teutons who crossed Plave at Zenson annihilated. Nov. 18. Bolshevik! generally victorious In Russia; Civil war halted by lack of Nov. 19. Teutons concentrating; big gun lire on north of Italian lino. President Wilson Issued proclamation putting severe restriction on enemy aliens In United States. Daniel Wlllard made head of 0. 8. war industries ooara. American deatrover Chauncav sunk In collision; 21 lost. Nov. 20. Two American soldier killed and Ave wounded In artillery combat Nov. 21. British smashed through the Hlndenburg line toward Cambral, taking muny iowni a-iia iooubbiiub 01 prisoners. French successfully attacked German salient soutn or juvincouri. Nov. 22. Furious fighting near Cambral. Italians meetlna great manned attack between Plave and Brenta rivers. Bolshevik) government In Russia pro posed general armistice. ' Nov. 28. The Ukraine declared separa tion rrom itussin. Nov. 24. The British took Bourlon wood. near Cambral. The Caucasus declared Its independence. Nov. 25 British and French ermlea reached Italian iront. Nov. 27. Sunerior war council of 11 formed for United Statea Br1Hah took part of Fontaine near Cam- orai. Italians repulsed fierce Teuton attacks. Nov. 2. Coalition ministry formed In Ruaala. Germany assented to bolshevlkl plan for armistice. U. S. government assumed control over all Imports. Three Scandinavian king agreed In maintain neutrality. Nov. 29. Interallied war conference opened in fane. Austria agreed to Russia armistice plan. Nov. 80. Government announced safe arrival In France of large numbers of Na tional Guard troops. Gertns pierced British line south of (.amoral. Dec. 1. British regained most of ground lost near Cambral. and nine German at tacks were repulsed with great losses. Dee. 1 British withdrew from Mas nleres on Cambral front. Dee. 3 -British repulsed furloua Attack near Cambral. United Statea conaTes met for aeenmi war session, England reported East Africa complete ly cleared of Germans. Russian deputation began armistice neg otiations with Germans. Armistice an nounced on many sections of Russian front Dec. 1 President Wilson, In his annual mads with present ruler of Germany, that America would fight to last gun, and 1 asked declaration of war against Austria-Hungary. Kstan enment or Tarter mmiK U i- Crlmea announced. British steamer A pa pa torpedoed- 93 passengers and the crew lost. Dec. 6. Germans relected Ruaala na e demands In armistice negotiations, Italians lost some positions on Aslago plateau. " British aviator raided Swelbrucken and si merchantmen sunk In North sea by Uermans. . Deo. 16. Armistice agreement signed by Russian bolshevlkl government and Teutonlo allies. War council In U. 8. war department creates! . . n Do. 17. Charles Plea succeeded Rear Admiral Harris as genei..l manager of the emergency fleet corporation. Deo. 18. Gen. Goethala made acting quartermaster general and uen. wneei er acting chief of ordnance. German air raid on Kn gland. DOMESTIC Jan. IT.-Danish West Indies passed un der sovereignty of United Statt-a Jen M-ftlna akv laere of Ohio. Michi gan and South Dakota held constitutional by U. 9. Supreme court. Jan z3.-Women of North Dakota grant ed limited eniTraaa. Jan. 29. President Wilson vetoed the Immigration bill because of literacy test. Feb. 1. House pawed Immigration bill over president's veto. Feb. l.-Indiana and Alaska prohibition bills passed and governors of Oregon and Tennessee signed "dry" bills. Feb. (.-Senate passed Immigration bill over president's veo Feb. .-Utah's prohibition bill signed by governor. Feb. 14. -Ohio ssnate passed woman suf frage bill. Feb 19. -Washington' "bone dry" bill signed by Gov. Lister. Feb. 20. -Senate passed drastic espion age bills. South Dakota prohibition bill passed. Feb. 21 House oassed senate measure Rrnhlbttlng Importation of liquor Into pro Ihttion states. Prohibition bill for Kansas passed Feb. 22 -House passed army bill without larger general staff and universal train ing features. Feb. a. House passed senate bill mak ing city of Washington dry. Senate passed administration revenue bill to raise IWiOOO.000. March t -Senate paased S617.0O0.O0O navy bill. March 4. Sixty-fourth congress expired. Twelve senators bv filibuster prevented pa sua ire of shin armlns bill and much other Important legislation. Wood row Wilson took oath of office in 1 private. 1 March I -Wilson and Marshall Inaugu rated March 8 Federal s-rand lurv at New Tork Indicted 163 eastern fuel dealers for criminal conspiracy to raise coal prices March 9. President wusnn caneo extra works of Union iwitch company near Pittsburgh. Feb. ft -Great conflagration la the Piraeus, Greece; heavy loss of life. Feb. 21. British transport Msndl sunk In collision; Oft South African laborers lost. March 11. -Tornado In east oeutral In. dtana killed more than 30. March 3S.-Thlrty-elght person killed and 900 Injured when tornado wrecked suburbs and part of city of Nsw Albany, Ind. April 10-ICxploelons In ammunition dant of Russia near Chester, Pa., killed April H-Exploslon 1n Hasting mine near Ludlow. Colo., killed 119 men. MayjU.-Great fir la Atlanta, Ua.( loss May W -Thirty live lost end great damage done by storm In K ansae. May 36 -Tornadoes In central Illinois killed about 160 and did million of dol lars' worth of damage. May 89. Tornadoes In southern Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Ar kansas killed many persona Jun 7, -San Salvador, capital of Salt vador, and a number of surrounding towna destroyed by volcanic eruption, earth quake and flra June 9 -More than 160 men perished In blazing mine at Butte, Mont. June 30. -Water tank fell on whalaheek Christopher Columbus at Milwaukee, kill ing m ana nuriing many. Julv l.-Nlaeare Inrn trollev ar plunged Into rapids; 28 killed. July 26. -Mine explosion at New Water ford, Cape Hreton. kilted 62. Aug 4. -Mine explosion at Clay. Ky.. kllleJ 81. T Aug. 10 -British steanerr City of Athens. carrying missionaries m Africa, sunk by floating mine; 11 lost. aui 11 -Kit-meen kiiiefl in troner car Collision near North H ran ford. Conn. Aug. is -i,rre Dart or saioniki. Greece. destroyed by fire. y uct 7 i y p noon ana nnoo at tor 10: many killed Oct. t -M lion dollar nre in ouavaouii. Ecuador Oct. 28. -Great floods In Natal. South Af- rlca; thousand drowned. Oct. 80 -Million do ar fire on B. ft O. docks st Baltimore; seven persona killed. Pec s Kxnloalon of French amrnunltlon ship In Halifax hnrbor killed 4.000 and wrecked much of the city and suburbs iec. 17. American submarine F-1 unk In collision; 19 lost session nf rnnrrMi for Anrll 16. W a nul nMl.n. antvattarl of congress isslon date for extra session April z. Anrll 9 Conerees met in special amln great patriotic entnusiasm April 9. Supreme court upheld woman's minimum wage law of Oregon, and de clared Illegal price fixing restrictions by means of 'license' for public us of patented articles. April 17 -Rhode Island lesialatitre ex- tendd presidential suffrage to women. June 6. Serious revolt In Jollet, III., pen ften'larv quelled bv military. June 27. Hnne passed rivers and har bors bill appropriating 827.000.000. tfcnete passed nnyugnr saving out. Julv 2 Race Hot In East Bt I .out In which more than 20 nerroes and two white men were killed and heavy property loss caused. Julv 26. Senate nassed rivers and har bors bill. Aur. 1. Senate nassed FheDDard resolu tion for national prohibition amendment to the constitution. Aug. 23. Soldiers of Twenty-fourth U. . Infantrv (colored! alerted race riot at Houston, Tex., killing 16 wMcs. Scot. 22. Gov. J. K. Fereubuu of Texas found guilty of acceDtina Ulecal nrohts and Impeached. nov. . nyian elected mayor or new Tork: Socialists there and in Chlcaa-o overwhelmingly defeated; woman suffrage wi'ii in iiaw 1 urn siaiB. Nov. 23. Ten nollcemen and a woman killed by bomb In Milwaukee, Dec. 17. House of representatives adopted Webb resolution for prohibi tion constitutional amendment. NECROLOGY FOREIGN Jan. 27. President Gonzales of Costa ttica deposed oy military and citizen March 4. Chinese premier real am ed he. cause President Ll Yuan-Hung refused to oreaa relations witn uermany. March 8. American marines were land ed at Santiago de Cuba and restored or der. Keoeia abandoned the city. March 16. -Czar Nicholas of Russia ab dicated. March 26. Republican government for xiussia insiaiiea. June 17. Irish Sinn Fein 'rebel prison ers all released. June 80. Hsuan Tuna. Mancbu mn. ror, announced hi succession to the throne or inina. July 6. Civil war broke out In Chine. Julv 10. Manchu real oral Ion In rhlna couapeea. July 13. Chang Hsun's army surren dered after battle at Peklns- Julv 25. Convention to draft home rule constitution ror in-in no met in lmdon. Oct. 10. Prince Ahmed Fund made sul tan of Egypt Deo. 9 Revolution In Portugal; Sldonlo race mane provisional president. Dc. 17. I'nlon government under uorocn victorious in Canada election, MEXICO Jan. X. IT. 8. -Mexico nnrleva Carranza reflislmr In ais-n nrolit. nl Tnrrann ramnhirail hu Cur.un.. Jan. 4. Villa defeated in hlir halt la i Jlmlnez. Jan. 16. Mexican-American lolnt mm. mission formally dissolved. Jan. 21. War department ordered more man u.w miuiia irom ooraer. Jan. 27. President Wllaon nrHararf am.. drawal of American Irnnni mm Mavin Feb. 6. Gen. Pershing marched out of Mexico. March 11. Carranae elaoteil nra.M.nt ADril 23. Villa a main armv rfafaataui h Carranza forces at Bablcora. Nov. 18.-Villa troops captured OJinaga SPORTING Brltlih withdrew from Bourlon wood aallent Cambral. Dm. I. Italian. drfvMi tii nn platMU. Armlstlca for tan Amvm AtwmrmA n n... alan front. Oflrmaji air m M.r. klll mmh i . . ... un. U. 8. daatrorar Jacob Joma torpedoad M fnon tnst. Dm. T.-Unlted State, eongreaa dMlarad war on Auatrla-Hunnry. u Roumanla accepted armlatlca with the ,t-fl'r' Italian air fleet made auc ceeaful attack on Auetro-Oermane. ',",",,M,,0 "tau' "ft li-Kal'dlnea and Korntlolt leadlnr Se-nTornW W,n, "'"overnf Dm. w.-BHtleh raptured Jerusalem. trnope landrd In Vl.rtlvo.tofc Dee. 11 Ruuian mnit..... blr met , 1,-.,l;-r?,M"min" a-reat atUek aaat of Bullecourt. galnln; .llghtlr. U. a. war A.DrU it Baaaball eeason opened. HIV aL-Kpnnv 1 ....... r.t , June .-unlverilty of Chlcaao won weal ern ntercolleglate conference meet. Unlvareftv or Mlrhiir.n western Interiollef late conference June ie.-Kar Cooper In a BtuL won the Chicago auto derby. tfuiy rrancia uuimet won Weetern ".'"Lfi' amplonehlp at Midlothian. Au- H. Lareon. Waupaca Wle Jago nl AB1arlcan Handicap nt Chll Sept. l.-Mn. P C. Lette, Chicago, won women a weetern golf champlonehlp. Hept. . Jim Barnea won weetern open golf champlonehlp at Chicago. l-fnP-l;hlc,.wh" x won Amer. can league pennant. ..?p.t ".-New York Qlanta won Na. tlonal league pennant. . -J"'.h,t'.M0 Bo " world-a champlonehlp from New York Qlanta. Cona-reaalonal Inaulry Into anuen ue.xroy.r, roar trawlerg and DISASTERS Jan. I-Earthquake In Formoaa killed -Jan. . It Tremendoue exploalon wracked uJ,lD' ?iC;DSl ?on Powder Co. plant at M.nchurikCdry77o"P,0,,0n Pu'hu"-J"n- i!,nTw million Hv. hundred thou ",hVpf "' DU,",eM "riet2r Feb. L-.ESDln.liM. .nn m . . tenement killed sT " meao Fsb. 10,-Four million dollar flra tn Jan lO.-Wllllam F. Cody (Buffalo Bill) Jan. 11. -Sebastian Schlesinger. com poser, at Nice. Wayne MacVeagh, former U. 8. attor ney general, at Washington. Jan. 16 -Admiral George Dwey at Washington. Philip Botleau, painter, In New Tork. Jan. 80. William de Morgan, novelist Feb 7. Cardinal Diomede Falconlo at Par a Feb. 10. Al Hayman, theatrical pro ducer. Feb. 11. -Duke of Norfolk In London. Feb. 18. Carol ue Duran, painter, at Paris. Feb. 18-MnJ. Oen. Frederick Funston at Ban Anton a, Tex. March 4.-A. B Wenzel. painter, at En glewood, N. J. March 6. Manuel de Arriaga. former president of Portugal. March 8 -Count Ferdinand Zeppelin, at Charlottenbiirg O. W. Guthrie, American ambassador to Japan, at Toklo. March 11. Congressman Cyrus flullowav of New Hampshire einrcn u. waiter ciarK, American landscape pnlnter. In New York. Anrll 2. Gen. Llovd fi'lce. diplomat end! editor. Anrll 8. Richard Olney. former secre tary of state, at Rosion. April 10 'one res man Henrv T. Hetee- sen of North Dakota, at Washlncton. April 18. Gen. von Rlsslng, German gov ernor general of Belgium. April 20. Dave Montgomery, actor. In Chicago April 21. W. H. Parry, member federal trade commission. In Washington. April 26. Baron Hengelmueller von Hen gevar. former Austrian ambassador to U. 8. May 10. Joseph Benson Foraker, form er U. 8. senator, at Cincinnati. May 14. Joseph H. Choate, lawyer and diplomat, at New Tork. May 18. Bel a L. Pratt, sculptor, at Bos ton. May 19. Belva Lock wood, pioneer suff ragist, In Washington. T. W. Corns tock, congressman from In diana. May 22, Harry Lane, U. 8. senator from Oregon. May 26.-W. H. Miller, former U. 8. at torney genral, at Indianapolis. June 1. John C. Black, veteran banker of Chicago. June 8. Mrs. Matilda B. Carae. philan thropist and temperance worker, at Park Hill. N. Y. Tou1s Oathmann. Inventor, at Washing ton. June E IV W. Potter evanewHat at Chicago. June 12. Mme. Teresa Cereno. nlanlat In New York. June 16. Rt. Rev. J. A. McFaul rath. ollc bishop of Trenton, N. J. June lT.-Judson C. Clements. Interstate commerce commissioner, at Washington. June 20.-Dlgby Bell. American comedian. Jline ZT: C.n Oliver Haiarrl Pavna flnnncler. In New Toek June V) Wnilnm Win tax- .. 4... matlc critic, at New Rrlghtnn, N. T July l.-WIIam H. Moody, former as sociate justice of Supreme court. July t.-SIr Herbert Beerbohm Tree. British actor, In London. JUty lu.-col. H. B. Herbert, editor Na tional Printer-Journalist, of Chicago. i-icrnen rercev. acior. Jlllv 15 Federal .Tndtre V XT WH-1,1 a Urhana. III. Julv 16. Bo Sweenev. eaalatan unmtnrir of the Interior. Julv 1R. ArchlhaM MVT.atlan rh-lltn Science editor, at Bronkllne, Mass. July 20-Prof. J. R. Carter, director of the American Academy of Rome. Jlllv 24. Mnntnn Marble American nuK. Heist. In England. juiv 30. Oen. Harrison nnt otla nnr Los Angeles Times. Aug. l.-.Tere J. Cohan, veteran actor, at Monroe. N. T. In. Simoon ntlhert. vet ere n rbiirh tnnr. nal editor. In Chicago. Aug. 2. -Raphael Klrchner. portrait painter. In New York. A Uft. 1. Rt. Rev. Nlehnlaa Mate rath. ollc bishop of Denver. Aug 17.-Former U. 8. Senator Jo"hn W. Kem of Indiana at Ashevllle, N. C. Aug. 29-Earl Grey, former governor general of Canada. Mgr. Thomas F. Kennedy, rector of the American College In Rome. o-pi. iz.-viueen uieanore or Bulgaria. Sent. IS Henrv Tfll T .arl.t ,.kh it brarlan of Chicago. Sept. ie.-Henry B. Brown, president of Valparaiso university. William F. fltone MtlaMtwa. k. b.t of Baltimore. " .t Oct. 9.-Huase1n Kemal, sultan of Bajypt. Oct. 16. Don M. Dtclcinaon forma. U.t. master general, at Detroit. T Oct. 2f).-Rev. Thomas Spurgeon. aoted London preacher. 7 Oct. 21. IT ft Ranatea t,,l f nJ.,,.. of WI.ron.Tn. " "f UCt Z2. RotMrt fntnlmmnn. "?f 'T!."1'. ihamplon. at Chicago. I Oct. -J. Carroll Beckwlth, palnfbr, In New York. OCT. 28.-Prlne. PI.H.II.. a.Li i Holeteln In London. ..-.. Oct. 29. Conereaaman aTriaolu of Chicago. inYSWri rm- duc'tor- -frivete" Johp Allen Innu. Mn.. man from Mlssleslppl. ' Oen. Charlea H Omwni- n.. from Ohio. ' retired ttUu At)mlrl Bodgera. V. 8. N. No. l-W. H. Kendall. Engll.h actor. HKrSa"1 former queen of tor.""- " Auu"t- Rooln. French aculp--N5J- M rSn-. Blr Stanley Maude, com i d6r0' B,rl,l,h In MeVJpotamla. Dee X r- a rv .. .... . S. bureau " U" o.Peop.thrDr- T-8,ni- tm"Mu 0t uws. le. Henrv Oiaw Ta.H-t. rn comlo opera star.

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