TAR HEELS WARNED PURCHASERS OF MORE FOOD THAN IMMEDIATELY NEEDED HAVE AWAKENING. DISPATCHES PROM RALEIGH Doing and Happening! That Mam the Progress of North Carolina Peo pie, Gathered Around the State Capital. i: III, up III,',' .1 i.r mil 1 Villi I' I'll- . ,, - S.- i ' .c,utii, Hllfllll'T -tulT pal" nf ."Vol l h Ci'i.Ii p in h.'lslDK dm (jilarititiis 'h.,: quiri'incni.- :i. i oniu.K to t 1 1 ui Hcaliini,' itnii tats ,i,i li disarrange ,111 i nli ulatl'ii able food .iipphe- .mil i luii ish Hinl tin hi ' ri ' ! i in Mm' ' I'ood Admin. -tiatjin is ki, Dl'Tf f' 1 1 w mill gloves nil I'linra'iou nl Hi'- I nit.d Slut Service Is ticillK Used III IliM this mallei mill Mr I',,, II nf llii' Tumi Administration'' also devoting ;i ' mi- i'teriibii In- t,me hi iiii'-MKa'ion Staff I'noil Ailiiiinistiiiim Henry I'ngc ha.-, nili'il Dial flnnr shall lie re ia:led in i it ur town i 'i hi it in " r In quantities mil ex, ceding hull a liari"! anil 1o rural i-nnsuuiers in ipim, titles lint cscei-'liliK one barrel T!iese maximums are lari-ei Hum ..ie hem:.' allowed in must Sliili-s SiiL-a- mil - r In retailed I" tnantil;es mil e x, ''i ilii, , lin pounds In the rural Irmli' aiiil fiv pounds tn town i.r city Mail- The '(mil Ail in: ii ihi rat inn franklv slates rhal lis desire Is ant in prose cute huf in "cure an enfi.n emiMit of the law. ( 'on sti ruers who, he ause n' iKlioiaiicp ur Ini other rea-m s lia .' pur based riiml i 1 1 in mi ill 1 1 , e.- in In rt;: ntiatlttt ip.s than aiP allowed ii'-imI t'e.'i. nn priisi"-uti(in it they pniniplly ih, Inhale lluir surplus atiiivp iIip quai lilies allowed ami report tli- matte: to Ihi'ir County Knod Aitii:inislra'i r i- , li Ihn Krtnit AdniilliKi ralinii al Itiileig'i Those wl'ii a Ii'aipl lo hoard in spjp nf all warnings will hp dpall with ac cording In (lie law. which provides a ppnalty nf $f,.lniu or two yrars iinpr1 iinmi-nt or both in ilililitinn to Dip con fiscation of Hip Roods hnanlrij County School Fund Apportioned. The Kate board of education auth orized an apportionment of the f 260. MM per capita school fund among tho counties of the state on the basis oC the school population III each county, the apportionment bPlnK on the basis of 2MU4 or 28 and a fruition rente tT child About ( Februaiy there will lie di. tribute.-) thp enualitliig fund for hrlnr;- ;lnit the school te.-ms up to thp four 'months minimum thu fund aggregat ing ahnut Mfiii.nnu and being derive I frnln tlir slate tax nf II ,'e cent mi tho $!' tax valiiallon of piop'Tty. Tin aiiHuinis fhar ilu( various cmiriCes will rei'pivp In thi' present dish Ibution of Ihi' iL'.'.n (Kin per capita fund follow: Alnnian. ( .1M;.III Id; Ali'X:i!iir-r. ?1 -M I.''. A ih'KliH'iy . $s:la.rii;; Ansi'Il. ?2r.T.f.; Alii- $Iii9.71; Avrv. l "it'll. Id'aiiK.rt. $:;.UT. 7R: li.-rt 1 -"J i"J mi: Hriiinwi.li. $1421 74: Hl.i den. f: ".". I i;; lliKii oiiilic. $r, 4v.M li'i'k" II.1C4 7I: iiliar! us. ? :! 1 1 7 . ; : iiiiiwcii :m;i :,.; rutiiiien. $.in; ;) ; 1 a. u r-'. i .:: :,; cinwii. $:.;,n:t. ( .it.iv.i,,,. ::,:'::n:i4: cliailiatn, li-'JI: r;.. rnki'i'. $1.7.",'. 41; I'lliiwah. Jlil7i,7. ( lav n",; Cnhiinhi.", $2. M7".. l- .-li.n.f :!.",; Craven. -''!''':; 1'unilKTlanil. $::..r.4"i 7S. I n r'it m il , $m;.-,i;;,: Harp. $4:i:t2: I):. i il en $: .'222. Ilavlp. $1,213.42; I'upli'.. !.'.; w. Durham. $l..il5(: K.lnc, i niiic. $.: 2:,i; 2.i ; Forsyth. '":2V4. Krai'klln .2.f.S."i 4!) : Cast'in. 4 171 in. (;a'c. $l.n:!2.92; (iraham. " ?'!; (Danville $2.f.l J2; Oreen. tti;:.7: Cuilfonl, M,o:i.". n:i; Halifax. K W-i::; lla-ni.it. $2 47.ii2: Hay wood. $2. ::::! In; ilPiidPrtioii. $1."0S. 2.1; ll. rtriiiil. $1.52 12: Hoke. $1.2:11 "vdp. $sr,2l.".; Ircil.-ii. $:i.:i:; ir,. Ja. Iisiiii Xl.1'12 S7: Johnston. $4,521.64; Jiini'. J!.i;7 4:l; t.ee. $1,241 25 - Lenoir. l2.l'4S7i': Lincoln. 2.0f!fi.!M); Macon. $1.:'.7 47: M.-iilison. $2 4:12 74: Martin. SI07O.V2; McDowell. $1 :.: Meek-r-n r,tr-K. $7.2u:: 75: Mitchell, tl.096.18; Miu'tiroinery. tl.47i!."i: Mimre. tt. W7 2.'.; .Nash, f :;.7a." 52; New Hanover. $2 412 74: Niirthhamiilon. $2.49"'!. Onslow $l.i;2l2; OranRP. $l.C12.ftC; Cenilici.. $.(i7:l in- 1'pnnuntaiik. S: . 014 71; Person. SI.SS4 2S ; put. $.1 -M'9 47; Polk. $!C,liiO: rtanilolpb. $2. 977. :;2; HI, humiid. $2.4119 70; Rohpson. ) 75 IS: It kliich.im. $ :. 727.7U n. wan. $;t.Sk2fS; Itutherfnril. $:U9155; s iiMiDii. :ii::i;7- Siotlaml. $1.71'. 82; Stanly. $2.5SS5ii; S'okps. $2 17';. ':: Surrv. $:i.241 87: Swain. $1,100.40; Transylvania. $S95.I7: 'I'vrlell. $44:;. 115; I'nioii $::.490 4O; Vance. $2,103 SO; Wikp. 1 T.iio ; Warren. $i.mi;.2i',: V.'ashin:'tiiii. $1 27n.lR: V"tani;a.. $1. 21"i 18; Wayne. $:ii;7fi r,2: Wimps. $:!. 221122; Wilson. ;i7S31; Yadkin. $1 am: 34; Yancey, $1 529.70. EVEN THE CHILDREN WEAR GAS MASKS IN REIMS I J n, ,., , ,i i - mnovEO umroiN ikternationai sdmsqiool Lfsson (By K. O. Bi;i.l.KU8, Acting Dlreelrul the Sunday School CourM of the MoouY Bible IniUtuU, L'hlcaio.) ICiipyrlKht. 1st?. Wrrtcrn Vcwippr fnl.-n LESSON FOR JANUARY 27 yeiWM I'UMi . iije,ii, 1 whU-HffH'V!f"i mmm ""iin 1 9" i.i i .li -- " ' - - .-m....:- -.T..AJ,... -. m I "' ' I I- , csi.liyxlaliiia ulth uliii li Hi,. T, u mi even llic Iltlli. ilill.lri'ii III Hie illsli'l. ls Pbisp to lb,. Il-hi nun li'itlitliilocs.v Hi,- t"t 111 this group on their ny lo Hi.i., In Lrhns nr.. - ,li Illi, s it. In i -I ui In- :11c tin 1','- ic'l i'i's of per,, li-. must, til pl'oticl tll.'llisrlies fnitll .ri. iilcil with masks. AIR FEATS OF THE LAFAYETTE IN Walcott. Since Shot Down Over German Lines, Tells of Comrades Daring. MAKES DIVE OF 10,000 FEET Aviator Reaches Ground Safely Al though All the Wires on His Ma chine Are Loosened Spend Holiday in Air. in.-n-i' pressure mi the under side of their wine. In some iicrohiitlc man euvers wu Irvine the other day I iniiile mistake and caused the inneliinp In stall anil then full in such a way Hint the full weight was supported try Hie upper Hiirrnce hy the wires which in Itiiisl luacliines ;ire supposed merely to support the wilnht of the wings II hen the tniictilne is on the ground. "Yes. the Spall IS II well-liulll Inll chlllc. the nearest llilng I,, perfeclinll III point of strength, speed, and i linili illi! power I've seen yet. Of course. It'e, heavy, anil Hint's why they nut ino.'l() waste -n stinnv day. which Is quite unitsiinl this iiuitith W'ilhlu a half hour every machine that was In work lug order was in the nlr. forming Ini" groups and then off for Hie lines, Just looking for trouble--voluntary patrol, they call It. Which opened my eyes a bit as to the spirit In the French nvln llnn service after three years of unr." In another letter, written P tnlu r 1. young Wnleott sny: "I tried lo give yoll sonic idea of the urciiglh of a Spad III a I, 'Her a while llgo. Al home people speak of a factor of saf"ty. meaning the number f times stronger the machine Is than Is i s- sary for plain flying. The Spad Is iniiile so thai a man can't 'bust' It. no mutter what he does In the air--ilive as fnr and as fast as be can and stop us I tic I' Inllv us lii. eini II sliiiiils tin. racket. Word i.iclnr.'H nf ihe Immm.-pnv.r In Iticni. Tin-ofher m-hool, f 'wirs(. t,s Ho stop, nml if II Iiiiimmik viT ii tniinntiiln run tie - well. Graduating Girlt to Help. Washington. Thn graduiitiiiK i-lasi-pr of all women's rollPK'! In th WjifOllUpXliMl work of tl iiiimiiIhts uf thi I-iifiiywt S)(t;,iirni) und itituT AtntTlcun nvitirir in rrniHc m'v kIvi a In li'tt'rs wlih-h I'r. rhitrli'M I. Walrntt. sicr'tur.v nf llii- Sniithviiniiin liistltutiun. has r- ivt'il from his son, K, S. Wiilcott. lictsi- nirplniif fell "snint-wlu'ro ! himl tin- (it-rnmn lines" nlnnc the wi'st rn fnuii. Tin- allusions t the vtrk "f tin- Anicrirnn tivhilni rutitaim-iV In iJii'M IfttiTH nrt nil the more lnitTi-t-i i iiT lit tins tiitu tn vit-w of tln fact (!iiit I In- lutn a hunt whom Walrtttt w Tt' have just bvvu rounnlsslont'd In Ana ricnii air -scrvln on the r.s-- tniiii'ii'ltitinn nf (Mn,-rul 1'ershlnK. Idictor Wiilrntt has received a tll: patch from I'aris infoniiinir hita that his son fell within the enemy lines bet-ember IL while tlyhtlnn three nin- Oppoied Free Serice. ' The fonfereiue of mptuhprs of the ,nepctive service exemption boards o ! North Carolina assembled here devel oped Midi prononnt ed opposition to a roiintrv and the Rraduntes of the de- : ,u,mu ,ree or exemp- partments of home e. onon.i. h of all ! J'on boar,i membfrB ai to u Major colleses and unlversftles are hein.-i IjanBSton aidp to Ihe Pvernor. to .iiittf uie resoiuuon wiiiuiiawn KO t licit the hoard could devote it time to ef tion with the Food Administration. l"u,riv Ul ma perreci an-l Mr iirh0ei un,.0e u,.u ,i ,1 a , .i I ponom ica 1 general policies poKsible letter to the .na.lMaMn nm. " mu ' for the administration of the work of Prtl .V"Ur,K Wnleott wrote as injr a stroiiK appeal, and has also wlr ,hi,boarK ed the presidents of all colleKes In T1ip "f"l" " the conference which women are being, trained point- WftH "P'-i'K'-v the great ma join in me ooarus in an ne meal counties IipIub; represpntpd. Their pa triotism and zeal for their work was t it cased by the fact that every mem- that of n light machine ulth a light iiiiitor. ilepemlliig for Its success on lack of weight rather than excess of power, iiuiy nippl-nt the heavier ma chine In time: I can't tell. "Yesierilay there whs a review here In honor of liuvnetiier, anil decntntlons fni' the pilots of the group who had won llletn. Three Aincrl, -nils received ihe Croix de (Jiiorrc members of ihe Lafayette Kscadrllle. Lufliery. the American nee. ciirrled ihe American Hag presenleil to the esCnilrllle by Mrs. MeAdtio ami ihe employees of the treasury ileinrtment. besides the two aviation emblems of France. He was Culled to receive his decoration Tor having u the course of one day held , seven eiimbuts. descended (six) one iei'iniin (dune in dames, tiud forced live ! others in In mi behind Ihelr lines. called upon to prepare themselves quickly for active servlep in co-opera- L'le-seittt.rs nfter bn v-lie. ili.iiinl Isbed an enemy two-seater, und that his fate Ir ' ("h'''h ll"'"n''' """ h' "mcinlly cred uncerinlii. Inuulries are being made ",H1 'H' n his thirteenth-und Hint lo nscertaln if laisslhle. from (iernianv i "lp "",r ttye' ""Kn pruhuhly brought unii, mi iiui ilium km in, ii im-Iv'h unt il te re were not the necessary witnesses regnlred hy the French regulation.) whether young Walcott us seriously injured or not. Inn letter dated November lit. In re sponse to an inquiry nbout Campbell, an aviator from Cliicntfn, who was re- ing ou; the vital necessity of ednca iug women students for thi- work. Mr Hoover's letter to the women is a? fnllnu-s "The Cnited States Food Admf nil- f f a boar(I I,rP!,ent took care of tratlon calls von to its service. 0..r.hiR own ,r,,VP"'",1K ''xpense and t(,e-e need Is so great that we anneal to vou ! was P"r 'linm Dr rvr,ls Thomn- to prepare yourselves a? best you ch i and to enlist for the great work that must be done. 'There will be a diversity of (asks Su(?ar Price Fixed at 10 Cents- and therefore diversity ,f ialent and! .n,P order, regarding tho saie or sugar, nas benn received bv 'SOn. Ill dim nw f.itti' u-nu m-iln J c.hairiiian of the conference. . training can be used. All our on"--tlons now center 'n food its produc tion, its distribution. Its use. its con servation. The more you know about these things, the more valuable you will be and the greater will be your service lo humanity. "If you have not already done so. we urge you to pursue studies dealt:.': especially with food, but these phou! I he re-enforced hy courses in cheuvs- the local food administrator: "State Food Administrator Hen v A. Page announces the following reg ulations with regard to the retailing nf sugar: ' The maximum retail price allowel on sugar from thin date is 10 cents a pound. - Retail merchants who hav purchased sugar on such a basift tha they have not a reasonable profit wl;h try. phvsiologv and economics. It will I1" ""7 pn? m&y appea' t0 he ro0'1 he well. too. von have acquired the 'ministration, stating cost price i,i arts of public presentation of vonr 'a'- "t none of these shall sell for knowledge to the people who so much iabove 10 t ents a Pund unless ,hey need It. Fortunately most of our edu- h?v! Ihe aPw ifi( w'"en permission iui ine ioou anminisiration. cuursesj sit i niu turiner nonce sugar muBt not ililo wnrb h..i m it.,. nil.nrc o.. un..i ur BU,U lu town eousumers in is be. up: sent to provide such Instruc- catlonal institutions row offer which srive the neceasasy training for lions wherever It is posslhle. "More dptailed suKgpstions and di rections will be publlshPil soon. To day your country asks you to resolve to do what you can tn this, the hon nf extreme peril to Ihe democrat!, neoples of (he world." Food means energy. Knergy means more efficient fighting. Efficient flghi ing will end' the war. Save food! Meatless days In the I'nited States mean a more efficient fighting force on the front and more speedy conclu sion of the war. Oveeatlng Is lend ing to the enemy. quantities in execss of five pounds nor to consumers In the rural districts In quantities In excess of 10 pounds. "Any merchants refusing to eon form lo thpse rulings will Invite prompt action hy the food administration." Save bacon until Berlin Is taken. With a beautiful supply of "Ionic sweetening" available In Ihe form of sorghum syrup, we cannot see but that the people of North Carolina- are In Just a bit better shape to get alon without the usual amount of sugar than those of almost any other state, ring the war as ammunition. The food situation In Europe, not ' nnlv In the countries of our Allies bu: In the neutral countries, has reached such Genera' Apathy and Private Inter est are two enemies of our nation al welfare. Each Is as dangerous as . a Kaiser's aeent and should he pvclmt. a desperate state that tens of ' . . . , . " , , . , . 1.njMH . 1 " ."W.l. c.n; .-IIU.TI l ail IIUU1? UI1U lO- I IIUlinailUB UI .uui.ii, innuiri, nu.i iu;i- must etarve during the next font I ' month. The only supplies they can ' Whesiless and meatless days here nope lor re irum Amenta, -sru in'o country la releaeing food for export , 01y tbTot"- only aa rapidly aa It la available abova j The more fats we can send to the our actual neode. 9are! Sate! Al". " slipperier will be the skids Tha paraoa who hoard, foodtuff Is . plcd under German autocracy. In Identically the same class n, the; f.'M nghtlng me., will be saved naa who blowa up an ammunltlo tor Brln lln " "onomlxe In plant-food la jnat aa Maantial In win-1 " luP ' follows : "I'niiilibell was in the Lnfayette Ka eiKlrille. nnd they tire n meiiiber of the same group as Siiuadriiu 84. so I have asked iheni about him. lie was on a putrid with iitinlber chap; they attack ed siitnc lini'hes, and when It was over the other chap was alone. Campbell was brought down in Cerinan territory niui so reporleil missing. I believp the chap he was with has seen and talked lo ('iniiplifH's father or some close rel ative since. "Another chap mimed Hulkely was brought down in similar circumstances ilbout the 1st nf Sepleinber. Ten (lays ago word was received fnun the Alller icntl einbassy that he had eiiiniutinl caleil with tbeiii. a prisoner in (ier inuiiy. "There are many similar cases where men brought down with cripplpd tiuicliines, or wounded, escaped de struction by n miracle. The only sure Ihlug Is when a iimchiiic goes down in flames or Is seen to lose a wing or two. "For instance, there are two nflicers 111 the group who ore In Ihe best of health and daily working. Several months ago they were on patrol to gether and collided in Ihe air. One machine cut the tail rigging complete ly (iff Ihe nlher plane, nnd then they separated, one ptnne without n tail and the other machine with various parts of n tall mixed among the cnbies and struts of one side nf his machine They bolh landed In France, one on his wheels, followed by a caputage, or somersault turnover, (lie other oulte completely upside don. Then a term In the hospital, and buck they are again. "Kenneth Mut-r, an American and a friend of Pete's, had the commands of both his controls cut in a combat, the rudder nnd elevator, leaving lilin noth ing hut the aileron, the Inleral balance control, mid Ihe motor. He landed with only a skinned nose for disunities, and got it decoration for It. Dive, Vertically 10,060 Feet. "Another clmp, In an nltnck on cup Ive hnllimns, dived for something like 10.000 feet' vertically und with full mo tot wv thereby gnliilng considerable speed, as you enn Imagine. He came right on lop of the balloon, shot and, to keep from hilling It, yanked on roughly as he could, flattening out his dive In Ihe merest fraction of a sec ond. Imagine Ihe strain on the ma chine ! When he got home all the wires had several Inches sag In them ; Ihe metal connections of the cables in to the struts and wood of the wings had hit Into (he wood enough to give the sag. "Machines, are built tn stand Im- "Avlntnrs lire not very military. The chief of one of ihe escadriiies was com missioned to commund the mechanics, who are plain soldiers with rides and steel helmets, for the occasion. He Is u hit of a clown and amused the entire gathering, kidding with the oltlcers. The pilots of each of the live esca driiies were in more or less formation, most of them with bands in their peek ets. for It was chilly, and presenting a mixture of uniforms unparalleled in its heterogeneity. Every lirnuch of the service represented endless 'personal Ideas In dress. ; Spent Their Holiday in the Air. . ; "Because of the occasion, repose had been gi-nnted to the entire group for the iit'lernoon, another group taking over .nir patrols. So Hint after the review every nne had the afternoon lo AN AIRPLANE CAMERA W c2 . .... . .eV.f that's ju-t hard luck. "Have had a few pal mis since last I wmle. One at a bi height to 4."hmi mclcrs. sMernhly above the doiids. which almost shut out Ihe ground below; a wonderfully beautiful sIl'Ih. but beastly cnld--and a couple when the Htntd were low and solid. Tlx' patrol stays at just ihe height of the clouds, hiding In them, slipping nut nirain tn look i round. If It stays be low the enemy antiaircraft funs pep per It whenever near the lines, mid at a low attitude Unit Is rather awkward, so tin- ) mi ml shows Itself as itte a possible. 'It's lots of spnrt to try to keep with the patrol; lie behind the chief of pa trol, see 111 tii disappear, and then bump Into a fog bank, a low bunging cloud, and not see a darn tiling. Then dive down out of th- cloud, wondering whether the oilier guy is right under neath or not : dart out of the cloud and see hlin. umybe TiOO yards away, going at right imtrles. Then back up and turn nround fast and give her the genr full speed to catch 'up and so on. See a Roche regulating artillery lire, start to maneuver Into range, and. ?lp; he's out of sight In the clouds, and the next you see be Is bentlng It far back of bis tines. Not very dan gerous this weather, but lots of fun." In a letter from Ihe froni, dated -November MO. the following passages occur: Yesterday was Thanksgiving day, and. praises ht ! the Lafayette bunch invited me and my partner (o dinner, or rather to the feast. They have the most remarkable chef. Soup nnd fish prepared the way for a most remark ably big bin! calKd the turkey, barri caded by chestnuts. Anil then a plum pudding a regular American one and as good as 1 ever tasted.' I sat at the table with Captain Thcnaiilt, Lieuten ants '.haw ami l.uioery. ami snme Frenchmen. "An early patrol this morning, de spite low chuuls. Lots of fun It was. ducking In anil out of ihe clouds, keep ing from billing other machines In the clouds and from losing lie patrol, Saw n few P.oches, but all they had to do was to slip up nut of night when the patrol approached. Kvery now and then their antiaircraft guns would blaze away a bit. but there was lots of room for them to miss and for us to leave the place they were shooting at." '1 his type ol camera which no doubt will be ued by American aviation corps men for reconnaissance work Is attached to the iifrplane and is operated by the pulling of strings or the pressing of buttons. The cam era is almost automatic, as everything can be set In advance and the entire operation of taking the picture is the pressing nf the button or the pulling of the strings. The camera makes an almost perfect view of the terrain and will be Invaluable In the reconnaissance work of the army. The camera Is loaded with plates and a number of pictures can be taken successively with out additional work. A British royal flying corps man la In the machine. USES OVERCOAT AS BANK Negro Proves Ownership to Garment by Disclosing Location of - Savings. I New Yolk. Monroe Smith, a negro. Insisted In the courl of special sps , slons 'Hint he had not stolen the over ! coat of Leslie Thivls while be enter- Inlned Davis in bis home. Smith snld the coat was his own property and he had n right lo pawn It. "I cn'i prove I own the coat." said Davis. "There Is nine dollars sewed in the lining." Promptly the Justice ordered the llnins ripped open and the money was found. KILL DEER TO REDUCE COST Chippewa Fall, Park Board Forced to Slay Because of Cost of Keep. Chippewa Falls, Wis. n Increase In the herd of deer at Ihe public park In this elty and an Increase In the cost of food for the animals, has caused the park board to have five of the deer slain, and the venison placed on sale in one of the markets. Permission to kill the deer had to be obtained from the state conservation commission. JESUS FORQIVINQ SIN. LESSON TKXT-Murk 1:1-11 (JOI.HKN TKXT Th. Son of Man Imi, niitliurlly on earth to (urg-lve sin.- Mm v 2.111. AUDITIOKAt. MATERIAL Hi, TKAi'MKItS-l'SR. 32: l.uko lf,:ll-:( ; .;, On: Malt. 1:21; H.-h. TM. I'UI.MXItY MKMOIiV VKRRK-FuriM. us " ir sins. -Luke II :4. intkilmkhiatk topic-j.sus i, ,i Inc fimiI mi,! li-i.ly. I KCMDlt AND API'l.T TOPIC-J.-... tn, 1 1 nar man do p.it n.'. d ! This Is one of Hie most diTmnti,'. 1 s menhir i'lciiienls recorded in llihle. Il W a g. mil llluslruij ',, i Sun, lay selmul ictchers oiHiJ t- t. ! j a t.ir,v by imagining whatTH " naturally (In. We ought to lu ,nn scholar see with their linagll ,',, u the story of this lesson a ihotigl were eyc-witii"cs of the wholei- Thc lime was nbout May or June A -S, the second year of Jesus' tul.ii i r few weeks follow lug Ihe last 1.-.. duritiK which time he had been pr, , ' ing und In tiling in Hie surnani, . country. I. Introduction. Jesus couid lentil. In a home as well ns before the mulf Hides. In, Iced It was after having to tilled in the home (v. 1.) that th. crowds gathered nlmut the disirway. for it was not known that he was there, until some days after he hud been In Hie house. Luke tells us that the crowds which came, came not only from (ialllee hut .Tudea und even .Je rusalem. Jesus did his work so well In tlie home that wherever he was, the world wore u path to his doorway. No tice verse two; when the crowd gath ered nbout, he spoke unto them "the wnril " In Hits w i. m tu n iinr.ilile Many !i suci-cssfuj man. w him he be comes popular, forgets to preach the pure dispel, the Word of Life, II. An Impelling Need (vv. 8:4). This nian who huil paralysis, 1. p., dis abled on one side, .was not only de prived of his scusntion hut his power of million. As to the cause of his dilll culty, his previous charucter of life, there Is no word of suggestion. We sec abundant evidence today, however, to know that many such discs are the ri'sultB of our own debaucheries, und one would gather from the course which Jesus pursued with this man (hat perhaps his case wns likewise the result of his tarly sin. The teacher might well rend in this connection Luke 10:11-19. Of course, this man may not have been a prodlgul son. Nevertheless, he hud ns much suffer ing us though he hud been nnd a fur as he himself wns concerned, he was helpless, a picture of all sinners. He, however, had friends, very enterpris ing ones. And so putting him upon the double quilt or coverlet, which could be rolled together In a bundle of moderate size, they carrier him Into the pres ence of Ihe mns'er. . III. Jesus Forgives and Defenda Hia Right, (vv. n:ll'). The crowd wus so great about the house that "they could not come nigh unto him for the press." They were not, however, discouraged ; but leaving the crowd, they went up the usuul outside slulrs, bearing: ihe sick man with them unti (h rrtof which "lliey uncovered" literally they dug through the flat roof made of branches und twigs nnd covered with earth, and which could be as easily re paired. Travelers In eastern Countries Uave often seen a similar act perform ed even in this tiny. They men let down Hie bed or mat tress by the four c,ii nets. The roof was so low that no cords were needed nnd those below received the man from the hands of Ihe four upon the roof nnd placed him. In front of Jesus. Jesus commends "their deed" as lndlt'iitcd In all three of the (iospel records. Not nlone phys ienl obstacles had to be overcome, hut the attitude of the scribes (v. 7), Wns It right, wns It honest to break through the roof of a man's house? Wou' I they make It good? Was the owner glad to hnve had It done? Jesus did not hesltute or speculate over such questions, but goes nt once to the Issue und said to the man sick of the palsy, "Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be (are) forgiven thee." See Matthew's and Mark's account. "Son," Is u word of endearment ; the word "be" Is not ns strong In the old form ns the word "tire" forgiven. Jesus went at once in the unlit-tiled wound In the snnl, the sense nf unforglven sin. Forgiveness. Is not of the judge who sentences "not guilty," hut a father who welcomes and restores one to sonship. It Is res toration to life. The lilble story of the prodigal son nnd that scene pic tured In the seventh chnpter of Luke, ihe feast where Jesus dealt' with a woman of the city, who ministers nnto him, are good Illustrations of the mas ter's attitude of mind on this occasion.. The scribes charged blasphemy which Is to slander God and speak treason against hlin. Blasphemy Is practical ly uttered treason. He perceived the'i Inmost thoughts and answered thera (v. 9). To forgive sin, or to com mand the man to rise were both di vine acts; he could do either; he prot ed one by the use of the other. HI command to the young man to take up his bed was a test to be proved by the man's faith. That the cure was, complete we know, for he Immediate ly arose. To "arise" was a physical Impossibility j to "take np hit bed- permitted no relanae.

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