1pip fi (tlnn Coral gnaapapyr 3For All gfr jgamUg L. 17. NO. 47, KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 24, 1919 $1.50 A YEAR IN ADVANCE IMPORiVIT NEWS THE WLTU.D OVER IMPORTANT HAPPEN;q8 Qr THg AND OTHER NATItj pQR SEVEN DAYS GIN THE NEWs ITtHE . iuth What U Taking Place In The land Will Be t Found In Brlaf Paragraphs ii , American m.l?1 marehU. - . The Germans proved , " hrnuehtT'er runners than marksmen, as they tary prlscrs in . - escanA. Here Is the Invitation which Is sum moning Republican senators to the while house to discuss the treat of peace and the league of nations: "My Tear Senator: "Matter of so great a consequence are now under con sideration that I would very much ap preciate an opportunity to have a talk with you about the treaty and all that It Involves. Sincerely yours, Wood row Wilson. The new Pacific fleet has left Old Point Comfort, and Is on its way to Pacific waters, under the command of Admiral Rodman. A dispatch from Coblenz says that two attempts were made recently to assassinate Major George Cockrlel, provost marshal general of the Amer ican forces In Germany. Two shots were fired from the rear at the pro- la uv mwl.len cheek when Mrs r WoodroW Wilson first heard of It, says " John W. Kehoe, b hospital superinten dent of the Knights of Columbus, who baa Just returned Horn France, and is in New York. .. ,, First Lieutenant Dayton B. Martin, United States army reserve corps, who was found mortully wounded in his bede.1 217 South l'ryor street, Atlanu, Ga.. was killed on the day ha had planned to wed pretty black-eyed Mil j.i .l- ,,f K2 East Cain street, wording to the story told between ...i.. i. o rrlef -stricken girl. 1 itatement, which is borne out by a aote written by Martin to the girl just fclore he retired on the night of Ju.lv 17, coupled with the added discoveries that the latal shot was probably Urea through a slipper to muffle the souid of the explosion and the disappearance at $310 which Martin is supposed to have bad on his person, have added mysteries to the case which have led . i...u, tn nimndon their me ponce itwijo.j - first theory of suicide and to search tor a possible slayer. . A will of sin words, scribbled hastily on the marglu of a daily market re port four minutes before the testa or died, was filed m new xm. rogate's court. The writer was Alex ander William Waters, general agent of the American Fruit Exchange With the words, "All I have belongs to Zu ? " he left his $200,000 estate to Zul ma Powell, his housekeeper. , , Racing over mountain 'T ern Montana and northern Idaho, for est fires which have been burning tor more than a week, continue to spread Suction and threaten to several . -hi,.. hve been severed l.. , flames from communication with the United States forest service headquarters at Missoula, MonU n increase In pay sev- uemauuiiiB - eral hundred umbrella makers em . ...... v-ankford Manufactur- company of Ph.Ude.phja are out on strike. A nour i In ran ft A. . ea ana n wubo t...i ..oi in Aueusta. Ga., resulting from an alleged quarrel over illicit iltati ery, ,uwi . . j niied George Tay aiiol ana lunmuw . , , ?or a bystander, and was himself shot dead by William reeim. due? was between Cheeks and Peeler, both white, and about 35 years of age. Peeler is In Jail. ' .. . . Missoula, Mont.-St. Regis, MonU, which was partially destroyed in the forest flreB of 1910, has been Bumromi ed by the Nigger hill Are. which has leaped the divide. The town ls com Dletely cut off from help and is de do be in danger of destruction. Forest fires, fanned by heavy winds, re threatening timber I live .stock In western Montana auu -"" ho, according to reports received by feral forces officials here. Several email towns are also reported In dang er of destruction. The flames have r.CaBed the flfeflghtlng crews to re- to'a report issued, officials of the II ii.oie department of agriculture de clare that enormous Quantities oi meats, butter and eggs are now In mow In Chicago warehouses chiefly undTcontrol of the Ave big packers h. report states that since the last regular compilation of figures June J, Srltock. of these commodities have grown in abnormal proportions and .JbTthetr release would go far to- ward' relieving the presents shortage and tend to reduce prices. jPe murder by Mexican bandits of Catr an American citizen, Me near '"'e ,town oJ Vales, in the been1 8tate ot 5an L,uls rto81' na mrted to the ntatn denartment. 1 ne bered n,rT divisions will be nura- "6 to 4? BB' lncluive, insieaa oi tiers up during ,ne ar. The num served for""1 Including 60 are re of which v.Mlar arny divisions most event of wL be crea,ed onlv ln ,he organizHllon Fn 'or he ref""ar recralted fronf01' a cavalry division abo stationed re couu.r;, om The nattpnal rxa8- plans as annoum"1 reorgan.zauon at? provision for i""KB auxlliarv services. Vcfal arms and and air service, th." 'nnlt eorDS aside temiwrarily. V De "a Organization of the vision provided for In cavalry dl ment plans for the nathVar de.art- . l,0,l vimrnimlv. iKUafd Will UO .u"n . -r."- , . There is no anticipation statea. teen divisions of infante"" " ponding to the war organizn''"'1'8 state forces, will be compP' tne year, but efforts will be mau m the cavalry unit, six regime 1 which will be raised In Texas, ditlon to be mobilized against emergency. T A' farm colony, ln which to cart 1,200 Russian children left to run v Ian children left to run v- enartment when first reports and starve during the disorder in thr .,,, of the TobMnK ot sail- country, has been established by ttl,g mannln a amal, ,)0at from the ooA e,n at Lake Toroeyak. in wes , : - - erican monuor uueyenno uu n.c Siberia. Houses wbose owners . . relieved AMNESTY IS FOR FIGHTING MEN ALL OFFEN8E8 COMMITTED BV SOLDIERS EXCEPT FELONY MAY BE CONDONED. MANY OUTRAGES ARE CHARGED "Spanish Inquisition Not a Mark to Some of the Cruelties Practiced Against Our Men In France." Washington. Complete amnesty for all soldiers, sailors and murines con victed by court martial except those whose offenses would he a felony un der federal statutes, was proposed In a bill Introduced by Senator Chamber lain, Oregon, and referred to the mili tary committee. ' . "The stories coming to me." said Senator Chamberlain In a statement to the senate, "many of them being verified, of the outrages being commit ted against young men through the Instrumentality of the courts martia CASWELL IL TO BE ENLARGED BLUEPRINTS FOR EXTENSIVE BUILDING PROGRAM TO BE MADE IN A FEW DAYS. FUNDS AVAILABLE $325,000 At Laast Three Bio Dormitories Are To Be Erected Shortly, and Plant Will be Greatly Enlarged. Kinston. Blueprints for an exten live building program at the Caswell Training School are to be made dur ing the next few days. Funds avail able from the State and insurance on burned buildings give the institution approximately $325,000 for construc tion and reconstruction, it is said at the school. Two dormitories were burned in fires of incendiary origin last winter, when pyromania seized a number of feeble minded boys and girls there. At least three big dormi tories are to be erected shortly. The Instrumentality ot tue courts marnai ; - .... are so horrible that some legislation , plant will be considerably larger than . . . . . i hafnre Annmyimaln v 90(1 children ouglit to lie acteu upon 10 ooiam re-' , , . have been cared for at the school in "I want the neonle to understand t tn Pa3t' the terror inflicted upon our young men by these sentences and abo the cruelties practiced against them. "The Sp.inlli inquisition was not a mark to s' of the cruelties prac ticed against these soldiers in France." : TENSION SOMEWHAT RELIEVED OVER SITUATION IN MEXICO. Washington. Tho Mexican situation occupied the attention of both the leg islative and executive branches of the government. . Tension which was evident at tne tern !, Hlea nr fled have been taken ov er by the Red Cross workers, and the children, gathered up through the Ural mountains,- are being fed and clothed. The lake mentioned is near Ufa. rtus- slan authorities are co-operating m the work. Pershinz will return to the United Slates ln August and appropri ate exercises In welcome to the Ameri can commander at a joint congression al session is being planned. 1 nis was made known when Representative Caldwell, of New York, appeared be . the hniian rules committee and urged early action on bis resolution iwhat by a more detailed ac C of the Incident received from pender Finney, of the cruiser To forgshlp of the American naval j Tampico. werePrt said the sailors, who threelicial duty, were held up by whom 1 civilian clothes, two of informe'd rifles, and that when governnvhe incident, the Mexican had exprfuthorities at Tampico deep regret. Washington Amended to provide 1.000.000 in . .. nnn nan fnr the renabiuta- " - -'-aIa .nidlers. sailors and VL ...nitrv civil approprla- whlrTh was toed by the president, wa. passed by th. bouse .and aest to tne een. . tva Msalon ot welcome. Shantung and the league of nation. . " j.u... in the senate while President Wileon was beginning his conferences with JtapubUoan enators senator. Colt. Republican, of hode Island, one of those who were to see the president, announced to the een . . I... i.in that the United ate out bwut.vw- . . the league to fnl- - Htaiea ujuBv - - - fill He present obligations to the world. ; and Senator Bnenunu, "-f--"- -: unols" made an attack on the league and the Shantung 'provision. -- Foreign in veto In the chamber of deputies in Paris, following interpellations on the high cost of living, the governmeni in the mlnorltv bv fourteen votes The Issue arose over the order of th. day. The order of the day aooptea oy the chamber was on the high cost ol living. It blamed the economic policy of the government for the situation, The Ger tan assembly at a closed f.,soA tn unlit the church uitreuua and state, which the Socialist party demanded. . Count Hoheniollern, former emper i. -..M to rarelv leave his apart ments and seldom sees his closest and most Intimate friends. Me is reponeu l k .wtninr mnat of his time in w uc l" o prayer. He talks only on religious Ti inter.allled council has decided that Gen. B. H. H. Allenby of the Brit ish army should take entire cnarge oi v. cc,matlnn ot Aaia Minor, with eupervision over British, French, Ital ian and ureea: itoopb. m nnwrnll on both sides of the a vtAam tnnimtalns have Tesulted In further landslides of large proportions, adding to the difficulties or repairing nnicittnn oyer the landslides. The bllizard in the mountains is con tinuing, forcing repair gangs to aoaa don tbelr effort. James B. McCrary, an American Young Men's Christian association sec retary, 26 years old. nas oeen amen at Prague under ,unusuai circum stances. McCrary. according hi bu rices received here, was standing in a boat on the.rlw Moioau tviiavaj i Prague, when he was struck by a swerving Italian hydro-airplane which had Jut passed under a bridge oyer thA riTer. Bia v,m head of the Hungarian communist government, has been oust j ..iin to disnatches from reli able sources ln-Vienna received by the peace conference, xroops rwurmu, from the Ciech front are reported en tering Budapest in large numbers. Budapest was in dUorder. Herr Boehm and Merr Lander have taken over control of the communist government CONGRESS HOME 'OLDS RIGHT OF AGE OF LIQUORS. Washington. "orcement bill,'. Prohibition en HI, was adopted-'' provisions and t house, but a'on " li1or in his hon? t0 8tore allattacks. On tl?oa UD againsi thr, votes were re?1 count" only an iuendment to m!d in favor ' sion f intoxicants u"me posses- Aft all perfectinj"1 had bu adopted and rjnendments to mi', the bill less VdeSlgned bowledygr in a chorus A? We attemptfas made to aloe9' an night. Us prevailed. over" GOVERInt PREPARING T0 KE VIGOROUS 'ION Raleigh. The Bakersville Milling, Light and Power company, of Bakers ville, is chartered with $25,000 capital authorized and $10,000 subscribed by R. T. Teague, C. G. Ellis and others. Durham. Albert Lampson, the con struction worker arrested in this city on a white slavery charge, was releas ed on $1,000 bond furnished by hii employers. The girl in the case, Bet tie Harris, has also been released. Monroe. Indications of the pres ence of a high grade of copper ore was found at a depth of 100 feet in the course of drilling a well on the farm of W. L. Hemby recently, ac cording to word received here. Washington, (Special.) The North Carolinians divided upon the daylight saving veto message. Representatives Webb, Weaver and Robinson support ed the President and Representative! Kitchin, Brinson, Pou, Stedman, God win, and Doughton opposed him. Winston-Salem. Miss Louise Hol land, a young lady who ran over An drew Loggins, a nine year old boy, here, causing almost instant death, was given a hearing in the municipal court and after hearing the evidence, Judge Vogler declared the accident unavoidable and dismissed the indictment. Asheville. The annual conference of the Southern Epworth league opened Tuesday night at Lake Juna liska with a large attendance and will continue for one week, during which time many of the most prominent leaders of the league work will speak to the delegates attending the conven tion. . Shelby.- On account of strong op position to a bond issue for a county memorial hospital, those favoring the erection of an institution as a memor ial to Cleveland county's soldiers of the recent war and for the care of pa tients, asked the county commission ers in special session to call off the election, which was done. r,alvestoT.. f"' me UHirauz ernment Wparing t0 asgerpT- coimui 'Toil regions and re" uio "" y unattached baf mnnn bV Sei . .rt. im " j-attr mraniry. o whUe man, employed as engineer at ft Kis alrnll9 ot machlne 8Un.the Guilford hotel, was electrocuted , artille; a " oa"erle-Thile working of field artme. . Tamn. . .. Held according -nouncemeiit by Meaae wru consul SHORTAGE OF JT ADMITTTJ, Banking John S. r ''.Tlhier of the Nona roDu.,..-..- delphla, had admlttec .v.. ol the oann. w - flreonnnrn. T. R. Pools. A vounflr white man, employed as engineer at on the motor which the Tampico nete the nnnsenc-er elevator. The whinery had gone wrong m some V and he was Investigating the ce, when it is thought he accident- touched a live connection. F,yWllec Fayetteville municipal autnities are planning the early is sue 0250,000 of bonds for street, wer ;ht and sewerage improve ment. eiKn nnn tn t9.nn.nnn c.f this amot wjH be expended on street paving an improven,ents; $40,000 on mbr 1 i rrY. l , --a --nu MWrag ByBiVina ux the city, an,io,oo0 on bridges, said Mayor John tnderwood. MerchntMutua1 Company. StVafAtivlll. m. r i a- r..i 1 P.flTUtlin nM.ai.. I 1 J. I- VT 4.1. olina Merchnti Association for tho bonefit of iU monhors, has begun btu of tho now cdnpary, returned from the $25,000 guaranty fund of the com- BY CASHIER Ytage of $900,000. . -y- GREAT DIRIGIBLE EXft . OPLE Chicago. After crusHnfc forth across Chicago', to and for hours, a dirigible1 bllotrict Ave persons explodea, iu wreckage crashing through wi light of the Illinois Trust er Bank in the financial district tired the list of dead? result of the accident at 10. y p.,,, to the State Insurance Depart- Three of the dead were paa ment, anr secured the State license oA board the dirigible, t The Vor the eompany. The company will weVe employee of the banltv . Wnfine Mi activitiea to North Caw ELEVENTH GRADE ADDED SCHOOL. TO The Kings Mountain graded school has added the eleventh grade to its curriculum to take effect this year. This will give a number of young peo ple the advantage of another year of school without going away aa has heretofore been necessary. All those who have graduated from the tenth grade and have not pursued their studies elsewhere beyond the eleventh can re-enter the school and take the eleventh grade. This beats going away for the year ln two respects. It gives them the benefit of home envir onment for another year and saves the money they would have to spend to put them still another year further ln college. The faculty for the ensuing year is yet incomplete but Is taking shape. Prof. J. T. Allen has been elected su perintendent and has accepted. Some of the teachers have also been secur ed but until the faculty Is complelo we will not publish the list in part. It is hoped that parents and children will keep the school in mind and be ready for a full and regular attend ance from the start. RUTHERFORD BOY MAKES FORTUNE. Mr. J Frank Quinn. now of Haskell. Okla., bought a lease on 40 acres ot land some weeks auo in Oklahoma. He recently found an oil well on it which is now producing 350 barrels ol crude oil per day. It Is owned by a Joint stock company. The company recently refused $353,000 for the lease on the well. Mr. Quinn refused a $50,000 offer for his part of the lease. His Income from the well is said to be JlOfi.50 ner rtnv. Mr. Quinn paid $1.(100 for a lease on 80 acres anil sold half of that for enouRh to pay all expenses of drill ing the well Rutherford bun. The summer term of Cleveland County superior court convened Mon- dav with Judge W. F. Harding of Charlotte presiding. Civil cases were taken up Wednesday and both dock ets will be finished in one week. The Jurors are: No. 1 N. H. Lovelace. No. 2. K. Harrlll, Ora Bowen, W, N. Blanton. No. 3 J. B. Lowery, J. B. Ellis, S. B. Bowen. No. 4 R. L. Laughlln. J. W. Carroll, S. A. Crouse, Alonzo Bell, G. R. Dixon. W. J. Crawford. No. 6 Guy Harrelson, A. W. Black. No. 6 Coleman Blanton, B. F. Spangler, D. C. Putnam, J. Q. Anthony. W. L. Jus tice. W. H. Ledhetter; L. P. Yarboro. C. M. Bridges. No. 7 R. L. Magnesi. W. W. Washburn, T. B. Harris, C. Jelf Hamrick. No. 8 Roland Hoyle, Thos. Heavne, C. C. Warlick. No. 9 C. P. Wellman, W. E. Cornwell, A. P. Smith, John E. Hoyle. No. 10 G. W. Bum gardner. No. 11 Schenck Parker. Second Week. No. 1 George C. Jolly. No. 2 J. A. Smith. No; 3 N. B. Gladden, I. B. Goforth No. 4 F. G. Watterson, E. W. Hord. No. 5 W. C. Murray. Stough Miller. No. 6 Alonzo Mull, D. L. Wallace, J. A. Gladden. No. 7 Z. W. Green. Paul Phllbeck. No. 8 Zemrl Kistler, Bennie Towery.- No. 9Orover Cllne. No. 10 A. T, Mull. No. 11 G. E. Pendleton, DAYLIGHT SAVING LAW IS TO CONTINUE FOR THE PRESENT, Washington. The daylight saving nian under which the clocks of the 1 ' - country are turned forward an hour in March and moved back in October, will be continued Indefinitely. This was assured when, following President Wilson's veto of the $33, 000,000 agricultural appropriation bill because of its rider repealing the day light saving act, the house refused by a vote of 247 to 135 to pass the meas ure over the President's veto. Strength mustered by the repeal advocates was eight votes lees than the necessary two thirds of the members present. Party lines were disregarded ln the voting, members from agricultural dis tricts the source of most of the op positionfavoring passage of the bill an originally enacted. GET YOUR YEAR BOOK. PATHWAY OF DUTY IS PLAIN Paramount Obligation, to Prevent the World From Return to Rule of Bar Barism and Brute Force. Washington. Praising the league of nations covenant as "one ot the world's greatest documents." Senator Swanson, of Virginia, a democratic member of the foreign relations com mittee, told the senate that If the United States rejected the league it "would mean that she skulk in the greatest world crisis that ever occurred." The speaker defended the league against the objections that It would sacrifice sovereignty and American traditions and asserted that on the contrary it would result in Immense material gain in protecting American Integrity and preventing war. He de clared it would not create a super- government, involve objectionable ob ligations nor "invalidate the Monroe doctrine. "The pathway of our duty is plain," said Senator Swanson. "Let us not be frightened by our own prodigious shadow as it projects itself Into world affairs. Let us not be deterred from our manifest duty and destiny by a craven fear of becoming great In giv ing service and direction to a world In a direst hour of its needs and distress. Pointing out that the war has sha ken the social order to its foundation, the Virginia senator said It was the paramount obligation of responsible statesmen to prevent another such conflagration, which would return the world "to the rule of bruto force and barbarism of the dark ages." LOCALS. We understand that Mr. C. E. Nels ler is building three new tenement houses at the Pauline mill. These houses will be like all the rest of Mr. Nelsler's houses, up-to-date and equip ped with water, lights and sewerage, The new houses are slated tor East King street, one is to be built by Mr. J. R. Davis and the other by Mr. P. N. Glenn. Both will be located ln the wheat plot recently sold by Mr. W. P. Fulton. Mr. Claud Ware is making repairs and additions to his residence on King street. ' - . No clue has been found as to who entered and robbed the store of G. H. McDaniel & Co. last week except that some boxes were found under a bridge near the Bonnie mill. Mr. J. J. Logan will celebrate hli fiftieth birthday Saturday at his home near Bethlehem. He invites all his friends to be there with their baskets. He also invited the editor of the Her ald, without a basket, but he finds It impossible to be present. Thank you just the same. Mr. Logan plans to oiohr!itn overv nftv vears and we have promised to try to be at the next one. 3,000 GALICIAN JEWS ARE ARESTED IN BUDAPto 1 . Mr. G. O. Page, Editor, The Kings Mountain Herald, Kings Mountain, N. C. Dear Mr. Page: ' I bave just had placed to my cr"t 811 Agricultural Year Books for 18 and wish you would Insert a ite in your paper to the effect $h'I be glad to aend a copy to an' Per,on desiring one as long as my Pota With best wishes, I am, Tout friend, jt. Y. WEBB. vnAfllfcIA Vil TUT rVHcen , , , licensee cov wa8ningion. wiw.' ., , . .-J rt trading with enng import and ex Germany were is.u; 11? rta. Secretary provided -J-uT sTates' Z f Germ BVcmenced at once. j- division'! action was m lln, with the order of the counclL iirfASSADOR PAGE HAS 'T ARRIVED AT NEW. YORK m Vnrk Thomas Nelson Page. t'nited States ambassador to Italy, ar riving here from Liverpool on the steamer Carmanla, announced tnat he had returned for the purpose of resigning his poet. Mr. Page cleared up reports con cerning his resignation by stating he had not yet resigned but had writ ten to Washington several montns ago asking permission to come home and tender his resignation tn person. UNION MEITING. A. P. Spake, aecretary. calls a meet . .i. . rtA Pnnntv Farmers onion Thursday. July 24th ln the court ..---. ,. I m All locals are uounewi. Ju.ow , . Especially If He's Married. If you want everybody in town to know a story lnalde of two daya Just whisper It ai a secret, and make the men you tell it to swear that he will not repeat It Cincinnati Er."'rw thousand Galician Jews have been arrested In the streets; of Budapest, according to a ivicea . s Bela Kun, neaa ot me nuugaiu soviet government, replying to a Pol- lsh protest against tne arrests, avr clared: . Porroms are bound td come hT but we do not want Hungarian J - - to Biiner tor me icu "i i" ""jg Jewisn speculators wuo iuir. country.'

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