.",!V- v'".; 1 ' ::V V VT''y- ' - . 1 : A Clwn total gHMuuajin jfat All gtoJmrtlB -: :-: ' '''v.) OL. XVIII. NO. 8 1 KINGS MOUNTAIN, W. oTtHURSDAY. OCTOBERToTl919 Vi m .v,-i?-ri UlMtUIAIt HARM IN WEEVIL kt ENTOMOLOGIST ALLAYS LARM PELT BV ADVANCE OF RUINOUS INSECT. OUCH WITH THE erlment Station 'la Making Plain a Aid Cotton Firmer In Every Way to Combat tha Peat Rale ah lough the cotton boll weevil has appeared In Norm i.armina, mare j need for alarm on the tart, of otton farmers, says R. W, Leihy. tant entomoloclst of the -.North Una experiment action. still has time to spread from Co- us county over a considerable on of the southeastern part of Iftate, but it ' aountiui it me II can do .roach damage, before after next, what damage it can Jfieit year will depend on how It Is filed out durinK the present winter y Injury from cold. The entomoloRisls of the .North Car- lina experiment station have been lonslantly In touch with the progress f the weevil since 1892. It arrived in South Carolina in 1918, nnd its nres- nce In this Btnto was no surprise. The xperiment station is planning to keep n constaut touch with Its progress. nd to aid cotton farmers in every way possible to combat Its ravages. In those places where It has appear- fed heretofore, the boll weevil has re Iduced tl cotton crop anywhere from 20 to 8 per cent. Health Officer Needed. rWi a ltlira t n4lf of the popu 1 :" ' the staU now has the Mr " of tun time health officers, ac cnrdmg to Dr. B. E. Waihbura, who has d of North Carolina'! coun ty ; work. This li true despite ' i fi i ; .'. the full time officer! are iu but 'wt-nty-three of the hundred counting. The larger and mora popu lous centers hare the officer!. . At the present time there art other coun ties whirh wish to get (ull tlmt men, hut the department haa about scraped the bottom of tha funds allotted for this worlf Of the ienty-three eountiei having full time health worker fifteen are co-operating with the state board of I - -. 1 1 1 J i in thli field. The remaining eight pay all expense! of the health department! and are In no war under the supervision of the state board, ex cept fur voluntary cooperation and help ami insofar aa the general laws enforced lijr the state board apply to i.ll f 1 1 k . The countiea which em ploy the full time health officer, pay ing fur the department out of city and county funds are New Hanover which n nds more money tor health work than any other county in the state, Durham, Qaston, Mecklenburg, Wake, Buncombe, and Forsyth.. Oeveiwr issues Paroles. Oonrnor T. w. Bickett announced the arole of eight state prisoners un- jer lecommendation of the Advisory Bus) of Parole, the Superintendent of Iks State Prison with the approval of Ae Chairman of the Board of Di- nrfirs of the State Prison. In addi- he announced two conditional jrdons. For World-Wide Drouth. In a campaign conducted Jointly by Hie Ami Saloon League of America and the North Carolina Anti-Saloon I.e igue, ,'iOO meetings in the interest ot prohibition law enforcement and world ulile drouth will be held in .North Cirolina, beginning November 2 no 'I dosing December 21. Speaker!-... In the North Carolina campaign will be M. R. Patterson, for mer governor of Tennessee; Rev. J. I) Jli Allster, superintendent of the Anti Saloon League of Tennessee; George W. Morrow, forme:1 superin tendent of the Michigan League; Jo seph 0. Camp, Atlanta orator; Rev. David Hepburn, superintendent ot the Virginia League; Congressman W. D. t'pshaw. ot Georgia; Robert Lee Davis, superintendent of the North Carolina League; Rev. Dr. Charles 0. Jones, superintendent of the Georgia League, and Wavne B. Wheeler, Wash- ngton. I. C , attornoy and counsel for the national organization. The North Carolina Woman s Chrls- Wll OV IIOIU 111 UUBIIUHll Bl me ''" Street Methodist church, beginning Wednesday evening, October 29, and continuing through Friday, at which nrobably 75 delegates from the 20 or more unions in the state will be present School Superintendents Meet. Supt. Harry P. Harding: of the Charlotte nltv schools. Dresident of the North Carolina Association of - City School Superintendents, has completed the program for the meet ing to be held of this organization in Raleigh on Thursday and Friday, No vember 27 and 28, in connection with the meeting of the North Carolina Teachers' assembly. ; Take 33rd Degree. Washington. Eight North Carolin ians will have conferred on them the thirty-third honorary degree of Ma sonry by the Southern Jurisdiction Supreme council, now in' session here. They are: v C. K. Cotten, Asheville; J. N. Grimes, Asheville; G. D. Hessman, Charlotte; Charles M. Setzer, Char lotte; Dr. B. W. Wltherspoon,' Char lotte; H. Q. Hugglns, Wilmington; R. C. Dunn, Enfield, and T. A. Henry, New Bern. , Fire's Tremendous Toll. During the past nine months of the present yoar the total flro lbsses for the l ulled States amounted to $204, K25.07S as compared with $215,470, 5S5 for the corresponding period of 1918 and $194,330,385 for the lame period ot 1917. These figures are Just compiled by State Insurance Commis sioner James R. Touug from Yeports published by The Journal of Com merce. New York. These reports ehow that for the past September the country wide Ioss- ej were $29,083,500 compared with $13,434,300 for September 1918 and $13,814,490 for September 1917. The total lbsses for 1918 were $316,952,385 and for 1917 $267,273,140. Corporation Charter. The authorised capital ot new con- earns chartered recently amounted to $600,000 and $163,000 of this amount was subscribed. In addition to these amounts the Vance Cotton Mllla of Salisbury flies an amendment to Its Charter, : Increasing the authorised stock issue from $165,000 to $400,000. Canning. Prix Winner. With thirty-eight counties showing canned products In fancy glass packs, 'n the Woman'! building at the State Fair, the Judge, Miss Aubrey Chin, of Washington, D. C, announced that Lincoln county, under the direction of Mrs. Florence R. Winn, had won first oris for the advanced classes In can- !ntng. Miss Eunice Penny, of David son, waa awarded the second prise. In the Intermediate classes, ' Nash county won second by an exhibit pre pared under Miai Allle M. Stribling's direction.- Richmond, with Mrs. John 8. Covington in charge ot the exhibit won, second aril. Rat System May Be Junked. VW ,"1 11 HfcA1 . ln.F.j.1. ,A freight rate eystem may be Junked to a substitute involving 'radical in creases it the preliminary recommen dations ot Examiner Burnside of the Interstate Commerce Commission are adnnted as a whole, according to a " bv the State -Corporation Train Service Extended. Announcement Is made by the .cor poration commission that beginning November 9, Southern railway trains, Numbers 113 and 114 will be extended from Rutherfbrdton to Marlon, there by affording greatly improved service between these points and greatly benefitting travel in the territory now served by these trains. Orphanage to Benefit. ' The will of the late W.,W. Ormond was filed tor probate lh Greene coun ty last week, and among the different bequests was a farm In Greene coun ty, valued around $75,000 which was left, after his widow'! death to the Methodist Orphanage at Raleigh. To Head Dairy Field Office. Mr. John A. Arey,. formerly assist ant In dairy extension for the Animal 1 Industry Division, and now County Agent In Iredell county, baa been se lected to head the Dairy Field Offce of the Animal Industry Division succeed ing Mr. A. J. Reeil, resigned. , ' Cotten Campaign Postponed. The campaign for membership In the American Cotton Association will be poatponed from October 27 to No vember 10, according to decision of the state executive committee for the American Cotton Association In meeting following the cotton mas meeting In; the city audltoriom. t t's Tvi'.r afford an opportunity tor rf county and township Between the North Carolina State Board ef Health and the Town of King Mountain, N. C to Provide Adequate Tim for Said Town of King Mountain to Comply with Chapter 71, Public Law of 1919, by Installation of System of Sewerage. Whereas the people of Kings Moun tain have not provided themselves with sanitary privies constructed in accordance with the plans and apeol fl actions of the North 'Carolina Stat) Board of Health adopted on July T, 1919; and, further Where the people of Kings Moun tain are deeirou of complying prompt ly with th requirements of the state wide privy law, and desire to make inch oompltanc by Installing a sys tem of aewerag in certain sections, and a system of sanitary privies in oertaln other section within th cor porate limit! ; and further Wbereai It ii believed that aaid sewer system will be completed and in operation on or before March 1, 1920, the state board of health agrees to exempt from the construction of sanitary privies such portions of Kings Mountain, N. C. aa are to fee served by said sewer. Provided the owner of each proper ty to be served by said sewer shall have filed with the city clerk on or before December 1, 119 formal appli cation for sewer connection, and shall have deposited with the city clerk on or before said date the state privy li cense fee of $.40 for each residence to be exempted. It Is further agreed that the state board of health will extend the time for Installation of privies in the above outlined privy districts until Novem ber 1, 1920, at which time it is ex pected that all privy Installations within . the corporate limits of Kings Mountain, N. C. can and will have been made; Provided that installation of afore said privy system goes forward with all possible dispatch;, and Provided, further, that the owner of each residence or other building with in the corporate limits and not acces sible to present or proposed sewei lines shall have filed application with the city clerk on or before December 1, 1919 tor sufficient privy equipment for all properties owned or controlled by him, and shall have deposited with th city clerk on or before the same date the state privy license fee of $40 fjr privy at each residence or other building as above stated Said privy license fee to be turned over in toto to the state sanitary in spector not later than December 16, 1919. ,. . Provided that no town or section of any town shall be exempted from the requirements of construction of san itary privies, unless the foregoing Is complied with by each and every in dividual on or before December 11, 1919. This agreement entered Into by the said town of Kings Mountain, N. C. and the North Carolina state board of health on this 20th day of October, 1919. . (8Igned) . W. H. McGINNIS, Mayor. Attest: GEO E. LOVELL, . City Clerk. N. C. STATE BOARD OF HEALTH H. E. Miller, Chief Engineer. Adv. TO MY MOTHER. (Francis Sue Connell.) the stream grow calmest th tlta ' ORDINANCE TOWN OF ' MOUNTAIN, N. C. KINGS Be It enacted by the board ot alder men and mayor of Kings Mountain, North Carolina: ; . ' , 1. It shall be unlawful to use or maintain any residence or other build ing in the city which Is located on, a lot abutting, on the . city sewer line, aid residence or building being not more than two hundred feet from the same, where one or more persons live or congregate, unless such residence or building be provided with flush closet or closet! connected with sajd sewer, proylded water I 'available from the city math within two hun dred feet ' from said residence or building. . . t. That all properties in the city of Kings Mountain not included under section 1 shall be governed by the re qulrement of the : state board of health, chapter 71, public - law of i9ii. r-v 3. That all ordinance or part of ordinance previously enacted which are in conflict with this " ordlnaaoe re hereby repealed. . 4. That thl ordinance shall be hi force from the date ot it passage. I. Violation-of any of the provis ions of this ordinance shall consti tute 'a mlailemeaner, and (hall be pon- Ished by a Una of five dollar tor the first i7 And on dollar for each ad ditional day th violation is con tin ned, dating from th tlm specified in official' not lo from the city. - Passed and adopted thl 10th day of October, 1919. -v, ;-,.;. -.;J Attest; CMl . LOVELL, I And the flower at eventide more bright, V Ai the day sink on Into the night The music of th birds Is sweetest. So a my mother grw older, see, She was nearer, and dearer, and weeter to me. When my mother lost her youthful noes, .-, And hei" locks were turning gray, When wrinkle came In her dear brow, Then to myself I'd often say, "She's growing old, how sad to see. She cannot always stay wKh me." When my mother lost her - youthful walk. And her eye were growing dim, How oft she'd smile and of her youth she'd talk. And then of her faith In Him, Wlio always heard her earneet prayer, And of His Word which to her was : ever dear. When her dear old hand war grow ing thin And her form began to bend, Then her smiles to me were even more sweet. Than when those hands she eould . lend For she'd smile and say, "How I wish I could do as I did. But my days ot work are through." Now angels have borne her angel form, ' Beyond the Vale of Tears. She did not tear, Christ went before, The One she served for years. She' resting now in "The Heaven of Love," And will enjoy forever, "The City Above." Emma Cornwell Am telle. CONDENSED NEWS FROM THE OLD NORTH STATE SHO.1T NOTES OF INTEREST TO CAROLINIANS. Obtain Oil From Eggs. The turtle living In the Orinoco lay eggs which are extraordinarily rich in oil. The Indiana In British Guiana collect 28,000,000 yearly for making oil. Th eggs of many sea birds are excellent eating. The beat of the lot Is said to be that of the "murre," a bird which la very common on the Labrador coast. The rtattleenak Rattle. The rattle of the rattlesnake I de veloped from the single conical scale or epidermal spine, which In most snakes forms the Internal tegument of the tall. The bone on which the roof of the rattle rests consist of th last caudal vertebra and la covered with a skin which Is the beginning of the rattle in yonng rattlesnakes. Have an Elephant Stew. An elephant's foot takes longer to cook, than any other meat. To make It tender It must be boiled for thirty six hours. Leather-Lunged. " "Hold on, William 1' command a voice In patent-leather shoes, running down the stairs, nil pink with haste." -?earson's Magazine. A TIP. -. : There are two great races the hu man race and the horserace and if yon moat bet, lay your wager on the human race It 1 safer. Jacksonville (Fla.) Times-Union. Where the 8exes Differ, A woman can do a thing she doesn't want to do without making unprint able remarks, but few men can. Have to Piece Out Truth. Ton can draw yonr own conclusion from th fact that there Isn't enaagh truth In existence to keep tongues of gossip constantly wagging. A Vamp. "Where are you going?" "To get my shoes vamped." "Is there a lady cobbler In townr . ' .' Leonardo's Handwriting, tn one account of the life ef Leo nardo d VInd we. read a curious story about the great man's handwrit ing. It seems that it .resembled char acters in. Hebrew or Arabic, for be need bis left hand and wrote from right to left of the page. Instead of from left to right aa w do today. On of ra Vinci's letters coald, there fore, only be read by boldlng It up be Un mirror. ' 'Cvr - , Wilmington E. S. Tucker, ento mologist from the department ot agri culture, announced that the cotton boll weevil has reached New Hanover county. Asheville. Two schools in this county at Arden and South Fork, have been closed owing to the lack of teachers, the county board of educa tion announced. Charlotte. Ten young men have en listed for naval service at the local navy recruiting station in the Mint building during the past week, accord ing to the report of Chief Quartermas ter Wilson. Wilmington. As a result of the continued high tide -existing at pres ent, some of the .largest Industrial concerns ot Wilmington have been forced to sbut down their plants. High Point Junior Order, United American Mechanics, announced here that the T.istrict convention would be held in Ramseur October 31- Novem ber 1. Prominent men In the order from over the state will attend the meeting. Hickory. Ed Lippard, alleged Vir ginia hotel man, but a former Alex ander county blockader, according to officers, was held up and his Reo touring car seized in the South moun tain section ot Burke county, by Dep uty Collectors Boger and Klrksey. Wilmington. Edward Hood, Well known and prominent merchant of Bouthport, a fishing town located 25 miles from Wilmington killed himself t his home, a pistol being the wea pon used. The bullet penetrated the 'brain. : Reldsvllle. The sugar supply is at vary low ebb and Reidsvllllians are threatened with absolute famine. Asheville. With 55 charter mem- beis present, the organization meet ing ot the Asheville local of the Amer ican Federation of Musicians, has Just been perfected here and officers elect ed This is the first musicians' un ion In the state, it Is believed. Monroe. An accidental discharge of a shotgun tore off the left hand ot Cecil Williams, who lives about two miles east of the city. president! rain AGAIN PA8SEO K REPRESENTATIVE OF 17 TOi ME VETO WAS' When Senate Duplicates All Hops of "Wet" Seal Over Christmas Wll " t : DaHy : Thought Poverty It In want of mach. bat avarice af everythlg.Pubtins Syros. W 1- ' - '. I ,1 II : v- :,: , j f-- , ., f -' Shouts' Bs Remembered. Many riewte V"-M - Wilmington. Henry Bruns, white, 28, a carpenter employed at a ship yard here, was shot and almost in. stantly killed, declaring aa he died that "Tom Mitchell," a negro, had fir ed the shot. The negro ban not been captured. Raleigh. There is a movement on foot here to revive the establishment ot the meat packing plant that was well advanced In preliminary organi zation when America became Invol ved In the world war. Chapel Hill. Several hundred per sons from Orange county united with the people of Chapel Hill here in the annual rally day celebration, under the direction of Prof. M. C. S, Noble. Memorial hall was filled with exhibit, New Bern. The Col. J. E. S..v.yer, 700 ton concrete passenger Bbip, took to the waters of Neuse river here witnessed by more than 1,000 people and In the presence of several army officers sent by the government Salisbury. An early morning Are destroyed an outhouse and garage at the Salisbury Ice and Fuel company's plant. Also an automobile truck. The fire was started when an employe tried to draw gasoline from a drum using a lantern to enable him to see how- to do the Job. Winston-Salem. Announcement Is made that less than $25,000 of the $270,700 is needed to,' complete the fund being raised far the'erection of P1 11UUUV UUUDU . HI Wash ington Presldend Biiwuieaiy vetoed the pi tuiueujeiu out ana witblil the bouse had repasseij veto by a rote of 176 to The total vote was ban a majority ot the entire , Dry leaders in the diately began laying phJ the bill there. They unanimous consent for il tion, claiming enough vo- through. The President refusedi bill because it Included ment ot wartime prohibit The objects of wartime the President said in hll been satisfied, and "sound icy makes clear the reasl enelty for its repeaL" dent held, for Congress M rately with the two lssii. The veto hit Congress ut. The house, getting oa Hi) deserted Its leaders, who defer consideration so as all the dry members. H swept into the chamber there was an overwhelming among them to give the f ample weapons for dealing liquor traffic. , i Nobody had really f)rf know the President wot bill. 'I Attorney General Pal laid, had declared it cou But lie President, pro bed, dictated and then si message and sent -It ale gress, wlthoOt worrying, what Congress might dr With repassage of house and the prospect thing happening in the of the big "wet" spell I over the Christmas set PUBLIC APPRECIATE IN IMPENDING C a modern city. Monroe, The Pi soeiatlon ot Mom to federate with thi ot like nature thi rent-Teachers' as- met and voted i other associations jghout tha state. Newton. Arthur (F. Bolick, who lived about one and half miles from Conover, was horribly mangled by a circus train on the' Meal yards of the SootheVn railway. -; ' - r1 Bolic. It is said; ws.-nkingand af" ' ' Waahineton. Manv .: lng Congress to support . on his attitude towar strikers are arriving t The coal mine lead prosecuted under the ' trol act if they carrleC for a strike. It vati.' they have alreaxff ! by agreeing to'sJV It Is held by offli ment that under tl who met at Cievel and "agreed" to ' ready guilty hn' Although the))' not divulge hrt that he Is prep., the miners earn Congress is gl its loyal support V tect the public ag SENATE REJECT AMENDMENT1 Washington. T ment to the peat equalize America strength in the I" rejected In the s, to 40. ;t On the roll cc pectedy during; two Democrats supporting th Republican sf crata again sent, or pa J two Democ vorlng It a lng It y MANUPA' Madrtr- aons th out of I ber 4.4 ot 8pa deelaT-

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