Blanche Jaumf/OoMin, t IT WAS foolish to waste time and material making them, John Carlson told his mother when she said she would like to make some “gingerbread dolls” for the Christmas display in the window of Ills bakery. No one was interested in such things any more. Yes, he was a very good son to her—he had given her a good home. She had nothing to worry her now— to responsibility. But she would enjoy making the dolls; that wouldn’t seem like work. She would furnish the materials and make them in her own kitchen. Of course if she wanted to make them she could, John said. That he was wrong, John had to admit. “We have never had so much interest shown in the window display and never sold more than we have since we put those ginger bread dolls in the window,” John tcld a customer who had returned for a second purchase of dolls. Hul da Carlson had made not one type of doll, but different ones, and grouped them into families. “Her idea of grouping them into families is new. That’s what attracted attention,” the customer said. When John told his mother this, she smiled. It was the love and happy thoughts—glad memories— ■“That's What Attracted Attention," the Customer Said. which went into the making that was the cause, she told herself. Her children had loved the sweet bits She had made lor them at Christ mas. Her children and grandchil dren had outgrown such pleasures, but weren’t there others who would | enjoy those things? There proved to be many. And what joy it had brought her. No profit in money, but large dividends in joy—real Christmas joy—that of serving and giving happiness. © Western Newspaper Union. Now, it seems, workers start at the bottom of the ladder and sit down. The whippet, fastest dog in the world, is a cross between a grey hound and a terrier. The reindeer is the chief source of the milk supply of the Far North. STAR BLADES fOR GEM AND EVER READY RAZORS it s Hog Killing Tune In Carolina Hog-killing time. How this expres sion stirs tile activity of the farm j family as cold weather arrives! It means plenty of hard work, but it also means fresh pork, sausage, spare ribs, liver pudding, cracklin’ corn bread — filling the smoke house, said Prof. It. E. Nance, of State College. A moderately cool day. with the weather above freezing, is better ilian a bitter cold day for hog-killing j he continued. Stop feeding the hogs 24 hours he • tore they are to be slaughtered. It is easier to clean and dress the car cass when the digestive tract is I empty. And when tlie* system is not gorged with food, the blood will drain out more readily. Don't overheat or excite the ani mals before killing. Getting the hog wrought-up produces a feverish con d It ion that prevents proper bleeding and causes the meat to sour while in cure. Kcr scalding the carcass. Profes sor Nance said that water at a tem perature of 150 degrees is best. In cold weather, add a bucket of cold water to half a barrel of boiling wa fer, and this will give about th" right temperature. Or dip the finger into the water (luiekly. If it burns severely tin1 first time, it is too hot. But if the finger can be dipped in three time in quick succession, with the water burning severely the third time, the temperature is about right. A vat sunk into the ground beside a platform close to the ground level provides a convenient place to scald the carcass and scrape off the hair Warranty Deeds — Herald Office 7 }• **;•❖•£♦ *2* *5* *J* *j» «j» «5» •$• *J« ♦ J» *J» *J* *J» *J» »J •!* *5*« PATTERSON GROVE NEWS By Miss liuzeliu McSwain • *!• ❖ <* •{••?• <• <• <• t *;• *y •>.j..j Mr. and Mrs. I. M. Allen and faiu il.v spent Friday in Shelby Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bimen bad as their guests Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Woo drew Neelv and son Hilly, and Mr. and Mrs. It. W. Neely, and dau ghter cf Fort Mills, S. C. Mr and Mrs. T. F. Ware and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. T. M. Ware of Oak Grove.. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Ivey an nounce the birth of a son, William Dillard, Sov. 28. Mrs. Ivey was be fore marriage, Miss Louise Gantt. Mr. and Mrs. .1. 0. Goforth and daughter spent Monday In Shelby. Miss Mary Frances Roberts visit ed her sister. Mrs. C. K. Fonenburv in Shelby- Monday. The baby of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mamr' k G in a hospital in Char lf tie ft; treatment. It was thought the child had dipthoria. but upon ex I mine;ic