The Kings Mountain Hesald Established 1888 Published Every Thursday hbrald publishing mouse, Haywood C. Lynch Editor-Manager f . Entered as second class matter at 0 the Poetofflce at Kings Mountain, M. C* under the Act of March 8, f J.: ,zzl_ ^ SUBSCRIPTION HAT ICS ^ OM ^rear^ .. . . >1M | A weekly newspaper devoted to tso promotion of the general w altar* and published tor the enllghtF Mat, entertnlnmeut and benefit o! ak^ .xf' wi_..j ?? cumtn ui muia oiuuuiuid mwi tta vicinity. LIFTERS vs. LEANEH8 I 1 > There are Just two kiiuls of people on earth loday,' Just two kinds of people, no more I say. Not the sinner and saint, for 'tis well* understood The good are hair bud and the bad ? ' are ' half good. Not the rich and the poor, for to count a man's wealth - ' You must first know the state of his conscience and health. Not the humble and proud, for in life's little span Who puts on vain airs Is not counted a man. Not the happy and sad,, _Par~ the-swtfr flying years ? Bring eadh man his laughter anl each man his tears. No; the two kinds ' of people oil b. , earth I mean, Are the people wliio lift and the peo pr "pic w-ho lean." Wherever you go. you will find the earth's masses Are always divided into Just two | chesses. And oddly enouglb. you will 'find, too I ween "" There is only one Mfter to twenty who lean- " f '*,. ?*- % # In wblch class are you? Are you eas Ing the load Of overtaxed litters who. toil down the road? Or are you a learner, who lets others bear Your portion of labor ancl worry and care? ?Ella Wheeler Wilcox I - : : IT'8 DONE RIGHT Kings Mountain Is not as fast as some towns to Jump jit foT Tiew things, but after The Best Town In the State decides to do something ? you can count on it being done right. I We have in mind rhe beautiful dec-] oration for the Christinas season. I '.i ^ The Editor made a 250 mile trip] through North Carolina lastt week, and not one of the Towns passed had more beautiful or colorful lights than Kings Mountain. To the Committee from the Men's Club and L. C. Parsons, of the Street Light Department, fwe congratulate you on the good work yon have done. Yes, when Kings Mountain does anything, ti's done rlghxr HOW DO YOU LOVE | YOUR CHILD? How do' you love your child? asks Mtldegarde Hawthorne, in an exchange, selfishly or unselfishly It is the mother who is the wise friend of her children who is the lov ing mother, who sees to it that their bodies are healthly and well fed. and K that ,tl)*y are' given proper training In ex^cise and good habits. who helps the young minds develop, and I. seeks to find the best type of school Ing for "each one of themp who does not insist that Tom shall go to colR-:, . lege or Will be a doctor or Kate star K ' at home. but who finds out whsit Tom and Will and Kate are best fitted for. and helps them to work for % that end. It is the mother who delights in seeing her children happy, not in seeing them indulged, and who can K stand noise and clatter when young t:. nerves are wild with Joy and must have expression, but who finds the BjV time , and takes the pains to insist on go ml manners, who loves her chil? dren. She may prate of sacrifices all f day, and pefhaps she may have sacrificed herself; but If she looks for fe ? reward and demands payment it was ? never love that prompted the secrfflce. It was a epaclal form of. s E Indulgence.?Hxchange. We react about a Jap hero named Mttllaki. No dcublvt his last name Is Rose. If he has formed no opinion and know nothing about it. he Is quallflled to nit on the jury or accept a bis K. government ^ob. People act sensible when they bear sensible things. When they yell In wild excitement, they are ft cheering! some imbecility like war. . e I Hone ta the only place where you sick aground more or lees without Ming aoy sign of friendliness. I" Moron* are like Inferior races, If you poikety treat them as equals, they deeping you tor being ao low M ' *, .*u. 1... u,.. I.ealJ&Jt*. Washington Snapshots (Cont'd from front page) strongly enough to force It to a you So the bill'* proponents hunt* ways to put "heat" on the cotto slaters. . mm It happened that the new fan bills coveting many ooimnodlilea ?i Mtn| debated on the House floo Two commodfck-a -e' whet and CO tun attracted moat. interest Th i m ..<> ? 11 < II i?i'iin snaiwn el alt)" speaking. w ere willing to pe mil a vote on the wane-hour bll Hut cotton state members were no So the w am)* hour bill proponeni threatened to knoek cotton out t the farm bill. And a few of the co I ton etatg-uienibera were frightcnc 1 Kitoug.1i of them sinned the petitio ; to net the wagtHhour bill out of th ' ltulo& (otttlnlUee. ' . \ The funny pait of It is that fe< ' folk-s believe there were ettoun , votes to eliminate wheat or cotto 1 or anything else front the farm bi 1 even thouslt the bill , as a whole Ian' 1 the subject of enthusiastic popular I ty. Besides that . someone remarke ) that "evarythkng. but the capltol i was traded to get tne bill up. Congress may let do something ? bout taxes during the 'special - se. slon in an effort to stop tmemploy j meat caused by the penalty on e> paaslons. The House Ways an Means tax sub-cominltiac^-bas'TisreS onchangewT-tirTKo'Two most hartnfu ]Taxes7 those on capital gains and un | distributed corporation Iticoe. I^gii latlve drafting experts are hard a [ work trying to put the agreement If to intelligible language, j Chairman Houghton is ready *.t< call his full cotivinittee into meet In ( on a moment's notice once the -.Ml !s approved by the subcommittee He figures that .?Veil if the bill oulj ! pas ted the House und stayed in th't Senate until the special session endthat would be reassuring to busi ness..-..Because at the January regit lar session the Senate could pit-'up where it left off. - . *** It .plight sound peculiar to say that the man who makes- $1000 a year should worry about the $100,000 a year man. But that Jt just ex actly what most Wash iig ton observ ens are saying now./ The cause of all the talk is a questionnaire sent by the Treasury tc those who make $MO,000 or more a year. Thai questionnaire asks for a listing of assets ? property. No reason is given for the Inquiry. But some Washington lans remembei that a few years buck Italy's "dicta| torial government' made such an ^ in <iuiry ana men iouowea k wun s new tax on property ? homes, farms I automobiles, .radios, machinery, ev | eTyttilng that people owned. | tip to now the United States has ; sever levied a direct tax on proper I ty. But someone apparently has de I elded that a splendid way to brtn* | in revenue to the federal treasurj would be to tax everybody on tilt I baais of What he owss. And ones j such a tax principle is instituted I taxes can be levied on everything | from shoes and overalls to a home i Hi 1 Br i H * Santa Is Old And Maybe Toothless But He Can Still Enjoy Our Steaks j ? Last Friday night, a gentleman entered our restaurant and called for one of, our sizzling TMJonv? steaks. Shortly after being served he called the manager over to his table and said "look" and upon gazing Into hia mouth." It was learned that he did not have a J I r* rrln . nrtn e fnnt It allfl VdW fftW I UHIp|iV| I vvvt? 11 ' - / ?? lower teeth yet he was enjoying the steak?the steak being bo lender that he did not need many teeth with which to chew It. This Is not merely publicity alcne bat Is an actual tact and we can supply proof along with the name of the gentleman. Try On* Of Our dialing T?Bone Ste*ks You Too, Will Cnjoy It CAROLINA RESTAURANT Good Food ConooUntlouoiy Propffod . ;i(5 $2.17 Gas Tax From ' M ante? to Murphy Raleigh. Dec. 14.?It's 621 mllee and ft.17 In gasoline taxes from Manteo to Murphl. tf - you use the n state"# best highways and S car which averages 20 miles to the gallon of gasoline. All cf which goes to show \ why m ihe average motorist, according to * tig urea compiled by the North Ouror*. Hna Petroleum Imhistriea Commitl" tee. pays on an average of some T lil'- rVTiYil?f.-'rvti-"nmfAJ'ls moUve taxes, moat of which are on ' his fuel. The Manteo to Murphy "figures are easy to reach ? a road map * showing the mileage and atmple dl' vision by twenty, showing the nutnV ber of gallons used if your car will go twenty mtlea on each gallon. The state gasoline tax is 6 cents per gal e Ion and the federal tax one cent, and 1 so very simple multiplication gives * the $2.17 answer, h 1 'J. LETS LOOK BACK I- From Tha Kings Mountain Herald <1 tf^inonoon-rnni mnrtnno NINETEEN YEAR3 AGO DECEMBER 19, 1918 I Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Hudspeth have l"j moved Into the Hord house on King . street. '| Mr. A. BentonPutnaia-hhs^recentI ly retuni?d~4T*nir~nopewell, Va. i-?STrTErnest N. White is seriously } ill with pneumonia at Spencer where ' he was at work with the railroad. C ' OopyrlfM 1?J7 by United drtirU Corp. Chapter One "They're French ? Parle?ParlsT" i crowed Collette, holding the dress triumphantly aloft. "At least you can claim a auocess at something." Gertrude answered wfth vehemence. "Something that even a German brain can appreciate!" was Collette'a quick rstort. >i "Madame," Gertrude cried out. "Am I to be Insulted like this. Is 1 It a crime to be German?" "Madame" was Madeleine Oodard, lovely and youthful proprletroil ftf ttia MAaf svhlnel ? J ?" I VA.MU.. U UICM shop In Stockholm ,' ; came on thla chlldlp* ..sre-up between l?er two a: \,iants. tha thought for n second how it retli-cted the grim and savage struggle between oppos* i Ing armies In France, not far away, i "Collette!" she spoke sharply. "I will not have this quarreling. I don't want Frenchwomen here? "Hah!" Gertrude breathed trlumi pbuntly. "Nor German women,1* she continued. "I want saleswomen. Ring tnr Anatole." The bell brought Anatote, a sly ' { looking little man with a wispy mustache, grumbling about bis ;i TjT i Kg h 9 i Be brought the eultry Vupita fv J J"n** 1 "Wrap up these models" Madeleine told him, Indicating several in the group of new Farie dresses that had caused the quarrel between Collette and Gertrude. "We're going to the Countess Llndenstrom's." Madeleine prepared to leave as Anatole gathered up the dresses she had pointed out. Just a short few days ago, the German U-boat officer had fingered them and smilingly remarked, "You might classify these as ammunition for the 8tockbolm frontier," That was aboard the packet that had brought her back from Porta The submarine had stoppod the ship in the North Sea for routine Inspection. One man had been taken off and Madeleine had seen the terror of the trapped In his eyes. She shuddered as she thought of the Incident and the Icy coldness In the officer's eyes as he questioned her about the frequency of her trips between Stockholm and Paris. In ten minutes 'they were at the Countess Llndenstrom's. Madeleine was evidently expected. Doors opened swiftly before her and she was ushered through rooms and long hallways. At last she entered an impressive paneled chamber. Major Schafrer greeted her. He eras brusque, portly, Teutonic, with a soldierly hardness under his rounaaeea ma whiudu were busy wltVi map*. Ikt removal of black eode booka from the wan aafe, with aattlnc up a lamp which revealed a map of Woatora Europe <m the abode When Mt. Tketr brief preetbra wore over. "The lataat Paria model*?" queried Jtehaffer, k>dWK|r the boa of ,* s -' , ' S ' > ;';k .f. k.. _ . ' . ^ y I W OPEN FORUM An open torum for our rood* i ' ore, but no Utter eon be pub* [ lished if it exoeede >00 words. Ne anonymous commj V cations i will be accepted. T'.? name ef the writer will not be published | > however. If the author to request*. Ldtet CHy, W Va., Uec 7. 1M7. Dear Mr. Lynch: ? of health. I do not know who I Am to It hank (or the subecrip.tou, but If you are tending It to ipe 1 want to thank you and tell you that 1 certainly appreciate It. 1 have been particularly intereedet In ^he work that Dau Cupid hoe been doing In and around King* Mountain? It icemi that when he finds a good spot, he la going to stay there for awhile, bo 1 have especially enjoyed reading the ac| counta of these weddings. ! A person appreciates such a news I paper a great d*al more when he is way back In the hills of West' Virginia, so I want to thank you ffcr sending the copies you have and trust that you will continue In your good work there In Kings Mountain. Sincerely yours. B. K. Oimand, Jr. Hoar-Mr. Lynch:? We will appreciate K if you will allow us spatx in you paper to publicly thank each and everyone who had a part In erecting the beautiful | street lights for the Holiday season. She selected a gown and swiftly swung it over the lamp, matching its embroidered pattern with lines on the map. Scbaffer's assistant swiftly read off numbers, another assistant consulted the code book. A third raced the message to a chamber above looking out to sea, where an Ingenious semaphore device flashed Information of French troop movements to a waiting boat. On board the boat, the leaping. spark of the radio relayed the message to expectant headquarters In Berlin. The work was soon finished. Madeleine stated the price for her information. Major Scbaffer protested, then yielded with grudging admiration. "Thank you, Major.' Good-bye, gentlemen," Madeleine spoke and was gone. Madeleine's big sale for the following day was to a Baron, Karl Marwitz. He brought Lupita, a sultry creature from the Grand Hotel, to her shop. And Lupita had bought everything her pretty eyes lit on to the tune of 1,200 kronen. Marwitz was a newcomer to Stockholm. He was cultivated, poised, darkly handsome, but about him there was an air of something sinister, unhappy. Madeleine could not guess that he had seen her at the WTM 8 B' TB MM (V om the Grand Hotel to her shop. ' Casino the evening before, where she had been accompanied by her English friend. Bob. Bob was a gentle, blonde youth who had lost an artw In Vnwiw Ho *a h? Just another drifter In Stockholm. . It was soon apparent to Madeleine that the Baron Marwlti*s In- . terest was not for Luplta, but for herself. When she bade him goodbye, It was with the realisation that she would see him soon again. She Immediately summoned Anatole. ' "What do you know about him?" she asked. Anatole was a mine of Information on newcomers to the Swedish city. With spies and adventurers converging on Stockholm from eVery corner, the dty bad become a hotbed of Intrigue. And a market had been set up for Information, that most precious commodity In time time of war. It was a popular cafe, the Cherry Garden. Anatole, a habitue of the Cherry Garden, had the Information In a little book. "Karl Marwlts," he read. "Traitor to the Fatherland . . .deserter . . . oourt-martlaled during absence . . . cashiered . . . sentenced to death." Madeleine examined the slip wnicn ion Mr rurtner tnat km Marwlta had bean a eaptain la the Oarman Nary. "Funny." aba w marked at laat, "ha doesn't took tba think aor Aa> atole asked "Instinct." "Feminine inatlnotT" retorted An* atote, putting Into the phraee an hia contempt for that dOetoue weapon "No. |ii iifianlnnat." an wared. "See If yon oaa Had out gore at the Cherry Orchard about (To be can Honed) > v.' BaKJtTmP^Sn BRkij Ml Mir ^ f^lp V E3^VjB1 If|2 Wjwfl ' '* "Don't Forget My Willie's Birthday Party'* "Kin I Bring a Jane?" We are very proud of Kings Moun- Rr;pf Ttfpwa IteniR [ talu and ?waat everyone to know onei ^eWBJliems that each member of our club is en- ^ Kreen {ce<s caused a sejojitig the Pretty Sight." voro dpol> Jn egK production in the Yours truly, poultry flock belonging to O. W. tse Carl Gibson, President. ly of county, he reported. Margrace Men's Club Correct this sentence: gets : r bushels of fan mail," said one of the PHONE 167 FOR JOB PRINTING 'nils, but he never monitions lit." Say Merry Xmas WITH FLOWERS V** Aa Beautiful m ^ Poinsetta or BfflM Other Blooming is the ^ Perfect Xmas Gift * j ;.' i -? Loved Ones That Have Passed On a * V | We have a Big Selection of Cemetery Wreaths . .. r ? Prices are so Low," no Grave need go UndecoratecJ i Walter's Flowers Phone 95 Kings Mountain, N. C. 1 . " i i TMSW IS A VOOMS LADY IN NtLCS, I I ?* ALWAYS t I WHOSK PACK IS ALL COVSAKO U WAS WOARIgO, I WITH SMILIS. r? /tth /m I 'TILL SHI TOOK fiOOO NERVINE I ft E LAX! ?y3jr^ to jgSj?"'An Hfl ft :--'V MI DR<miles' ? '; njervine -j9| MfVNt WMWH Ml ffWP MM BflMWMi 11^ SauJBi(nvim( i*m up-to <* ? pk 1M" M2 mtmAIM?tLH l3Btal^^HHKJ t SeeH frMtlt Mr purVifm tl <MI(A, ; . )

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