k * * * ?'" miff AT ?,* " HOME ' ' . ? VOL. 92 NO. B1 Slate And N Condensed Ii ?National NewsNew Orleans, , Dec. 22.?Five ne*v couion records were established duting the dying year and under pieseut iiidicatlons tt Is unllkey that they will be duplicated lu the near future The new marks were total produc tlon. Indicated y(eld per acre. Rinnings to December 13, southern consumption and record spot hales for cne weok. Chicago. Dec. 22 ?Dr. Francis K. Townaend. 70, old age pension plan ail irnral'n .woo. imHoe ? ? ? ? ? ? wwut. iicauiKiii HI a suburban Evanstcu hospital . today, for several fractured ribs which he cald !>e suffered In a fall In Boston more than a week ago. * , . % . . * . I1 * Sunburry, Pa, Dec. 22.?The Northumberland county grand Jury failed to indict Kdward Flynn. Jr.. anil Allan Swanaon, of Philadelphia yes terday in the death of George Miller Mt- Oaxmel railroader. They ? were Immediately taken to Darlingtou, S. C.. to answer charges of highway robbery. # Colubbia, 8. C.. Dee 22 ?The State said today it "understood", a proposed plan of the South Carolina Wghtwny department for a police radio system called for fonr or five broadcasting stations at strategic potato to afford Instant communication with highway patroimeen and other police cars equipped " with short wave radios. Lancaster, 8. C.. Dec. 22.?The Duke ECndowment has agreed to donate 160,000 for a hospital to be built ta Lancaster county, provided that $70,000 Is raised in the county and a sits provided. Knoxvtllle. Tenn.. Dec. 22:?the Tennessee Valley autWoitftys condemnation suit against the marble and mineral leases of Senator George Berry and associates nearer! com pietkm today as defense counsel planned the introduction of rebuttal testimony? " - - - Near "York, Dec. 22.?A spreading strike of tax lea b drivers with the CIO threatening a clty-avlde tleup during the Christmas rash railed Mayor P. H. La Guardia into action for peace today. ????????y Hollywood, Dec 22.?George Arllss veteran English actor, came to inovledom's capital tady ? Tor n year's rest. "Its my holiday?its the first time I've refused to work." he said. Ooffiney, S- C., Dee. 22.?An Inquest was booked for today . into thehlgfrway death last night near here of Mrs. Elizabeth Simmons, of Ruth, N. C. Sheriff R. B. Bryant said the driver of the car was Park Thompson o. Gatthey, 8. C. Hollywood, Dec.. 22.?For one broken leg, one doll. Ruth Herman of Albany, N. Y? wrote Jane Withers she laugh ted so hard after seeing one of Jane's pictures that she fell dawn a .theater stairway and broke a leg. Ruth said she'd have to spend Christmas In a hospital and was pretty certain she wouldn't get the present she wanted, a doll. So Jane sent Ruth a doll by. air mall today. Georgetown, S. C.. Dec. 22.?A search ccnttnued tc Jay on Waocamarw neck for two men officers believed were Bill Payne and Wash ThtrnecV North C l-ollua desperados, hut no further trace of. the fugitives was found. . ??. : : _______ .. -? _ Laughing Arou , . With IRVI 14 Marks of Disti By IRVK ? A CHARITY worker wu making; country town. Four little child "What a pity I" exclaimed the r It eeenu. that all your children ha There aint nothing the matter J "Then why in the world do y the charity worker. The mother etared at her ealle "Why, I like apeca on young real dreaay." ^ Ummttfm Urn Kings j ' ' ' ' ' . . ' ational News n r r i oner rorm j ?State New?? Italehch, Dec. 85?Two .Wake coun ' ly negroes were killed last night ' v lieu their ear coltded with a Seaboard train at a crossing near hero. Hicoksi- Haggle died almost laj stuntly and Lovelace Cotton seeeuir.bt'd several hours luter.. .Vvbevtlle, 1).c. 22.? Appeals for a j iloivar. of a raiv type cf blood to sa\" . ' the life, of 13 year old David Devestish were In vain. Young Dgveulsh died late yesterday of a staphylococcus infection. Physicians had sought a donar with type No. 1. blood who had survived the fame infection. Several persons called at the hospital but acne was found, acceptable. ' . Raleigh, Dec. 22.?Officers sought | today to establish the Identity of two | wlrlte men who Delmo Eft wards,. 221 year old fillltiK station attendant! said kidnapped him near Wake Forest last night and released hhn unj harmed, gfter robbing hlm? of $11. j The men, both Jieavlly armed, released Etlwards about 3 miles away, j ; " Charlotte.' Dec. 22.?Boy U. Law- i, reuce. Carolina* director for the! l Textile Workers Organizing Cone ' mil tee. said today lie hud filed char-; ses with the national labor relations 1 board against the Cannon Mills. J l^awTence said the complaints al-| I leged discrimination nr^inst 31 work I ers la falling to reemploy them aft-jr or a shut dewn or curtailment. He, ^ asked for a hearing here. I P Dunn, D"o. 22.?.Police Chief J. 11. jo Jackson sa'd today he had l-eoo in- ? formed an automobile crashed' Into the Cape Fear river bridge between p tinwfn and Linden this morning and C caught fire, cramatiug Its unldeiitl- ji i fied driver and igniting the bridge. it i. . ' ? 1 ti Lumber toil. Dec. 22.?Richard C\rt Irityht. local resident, was In Jail to- 1 mill ft ftnad], ner's jury retoiiimcsided that lie be held for tmi: sin lighter in the death ' Friday cf Millard Hawkins. ; his ' brot hep-l'.i-law. . . a Coroner D. W, Tliggs said Cart-i 1 ! wriglit vcluutardy admitted striking ; Dnwklns with an axe handle after ,! 1 Hawkins flnpp'-i and kicked _hts '' Wife, Ca'rtrlsht's- sister. I ' ' . ' - ! a . ; a Raleigh. Hoc. 22.?A liquor store q at Ilichlands in Onslow county, v. j't. | be closed after Christmas for 'lack; ! cf law enforcement. . L, An order to this effect has bee" jsigned by Cutln'r Moore, chairman (j j of tire state alcoholic bevcreal con- ,, I trol board. I - 'i ...? . Charlotte, Dec. 22.?John N. Dlx-j on. federal narcotics agent, announ-' N ced today the arreSt In Salisbury, yesterday of a man he booked as Mck D. Kare% of Charlotte on a a charge of selling narcotics. Dixon said he and another agent, 14 \V. T. Atkinson of Greensboro, selz- f ed an automobile and narcotics Val- p iued at 9826. p - c Raleigh. Dec. 22.?The prison com niittee of the state highway and pub lie works commission met here today to take up plans for a new, wo- c meat's dormitory and the advisabill- ( ty of setting up Industries at state's ^ prison. " Concord, Dec. 22.?E. C. Ilarnhardt, 73, retired textile manufactur- 1 er. died here yesterday of a heart 11 ailment. Bamhardt was widely ' Known In the textile Industry. ib m m m m m m m m n ind the World v NS. COBB i x unaBiBBBanq. , j nction, In Fact 4 IS. COBB I visit to poor woman in a. small ren in tha family wors (lasses, isitor sympathetically to the mother. I ire trouble with their eyesr with their eyes, ma'am." u make them wear glasses!" asked : ' v * ' \ > ' ? ... ?. ; children," she said; "I think they're r? *nam las) t Moun KINQ8 MOUNTAIN, N. C. T? K Hi ' . fl N : ; ' | ' ; ' ': ; | ; ! . . ^. ' v 4 Yilliams And Hord )ecorations Win First prize for the best decorated esldunce within the oity Units of ItiRs Mountain was awarded to Mr. nd Mrs. Charles Williams. First rize ior the most attractively dec ruted Business houses was awardi to I).. F. Hord Furniture Co. The local secret committee apoVnted front the Busiuess, Men's lub secured thtvo out of town tdges to come over and make sections. Cash prizes cf >10 O0 each j the two winners will be presented lis evening at the Men's Club Super The out-of-town judges had a civ hard time in deciding whose, cuc:?ft&nB wore the most attractive jul elated there was several who liey would like to give prizes but s only two prizes were*fc?ffered, only wo could win. ' i Mr. and Mrh. Williams had their onto bordered with all colon '! zrh'ts, and in frcivt on their large iwn. on one side the Wise Men, lid cn the other side tlie Shepherd nd tbq slieep. a.tid in llio cenled. 'lie City of Bethlehem. All of tlt?f ut cut figures were flood-lighted. On top of the D. F. Hord Fund tut ; 'ctnpany building. In his sled, with ivo reindeer headed skyward was eclared the winner. Flood lights . ere thrown on the jolly old man i a very attractive manner. I The out-of-town judges mentioned ery favorably the beautifully doco-r ated homes of L. A. Hoke, Dr. L. P. laker. W. K Mjauney, Glee Bridges nd others. All who have made a drive over [lugs M nmtain and seen the beauti! ul holiday season manifested in thej ttraotive decorations are very roud of the old home town, and sev i ral have expressed their desire to ake part m the decorations next' 'bristraas. service of Song and Christmas Story At >ntral Methodist ???? * The Senior and Junior choirs of 'entral Methodist church united In i service cf song interspersed with he Christinas Story and interpreta-j ion by Uev. E. W. Fox on Sunday : ivenlng. Mrs. Aubrey Mauney play-' -1 the organ arttlaunparnVment ivntt ho ever-iiopular Christinas carols vere sung. On Wednesday evening a program >y members. of. the Primary and inbrraedlate departments of the Sunluy School was rendered. ^ . . . stores To Be Closed Saturday . The store* and business houses of Kings Mountain with the exception at the Drug Stores sad Service Stations will be cloeed all day Saturday December 26th, hi observance of Christmas. Most everyone hi expecting a quiet Christmas. The picture shows will be often and some are planning to go to the movies, others will Just stay around the home and recuperate from the big Christmas dinner, and till others will visit friends, or go for a ride. .The Kings Mountain Public Library will he closed all day Saturday and Monday tor the holidays. r , .i?.I,.n.p p. ... itain H ?" '?* * ? .-l IURSOAY, DEC. 23, 1*37 JMI -UK : ' * ' 1 ? 1 1 ' ?? I ^ * r 1* *. r vik (1 ^ n^i jk . EJK. rZA^m^^. Mt Br \^|im^pR ; B ' Bp ha im^s *wKSrflK^ ' HrwJJBjj^Lc^JV* Local Boy Making .!' r.nnil In Aft I After a successful year In Wash-' hlgtolt, D. ('.? where . he has made rapid strides in . the field cf art. ' Julius l,ee ?ettleniyi??, Jr., 21. of this city arrived December 23. to i sp'ttJ the Christmas holidays with bis parents at 204 West King street. Young. Settlemyre was graduated fr< m Kings , Mountain High School and then attended Lincoln Memorial ' University. -Harrogate. Tenn., whet ; ( he studied painting under I'rcfeesor t, Aittts M. Moser. He also prepared bhnself at the Corcoran School of Fine Arts In the nation's capital.* He criiily he has studied portiait paintmS mitlrt nwlteilnr CTUoTrwrrrffTe 6T' ( Washington's foror.iort artists. -Vnong ScUle.tnyrt's mos* '.recent , works is an original portrait in tils , Pi the Duke cf Winds, r for "Packet' ( the Washington weekly. Besides being an artist of rare promise. Settlemyre is deeply interested in amateur nature study. How- | ever, his hurtling ambition at this j time is to complete his art studies ( ,ln Europe. He expects "to go first to , Brussels. i > Unemployment Office Onens iitve A branch cf the Shelby oilier of , the North Carolina Unemployment j Service has betn opened in the new ^ TMty Hall here. A representative will)) be In Kings Mountain every Tues-; ( day from 9 A. M. to 4 I'. M. tnd ev-j ory Thursday from 9 A. M. to 11:45 ( A. M. All who are unemployed arei j asked to register during the above,] hours. Every service rendered will', be offered from the local office. Aid . will be given applicants who desire! to atpply tor unemployment Insure' ance. Those who desire to hire any-', one are invited to contact the office as Ju?i the person needed may be I listed as desiring a job. , : . " I < Hi ! ... i, Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS T GUESS one of the worst things A yon can have wronsr with vou is sleeplessness. A guy that can't sleep gets to worrying so much about it that he really can't sleep sure enough. Lots of times he starts out Jby being kept awake by somebody'a ' party or something like that, and t&en they get the idea they can't ' aleep, and ao they can't ' ' Well, there's a lot of fan in nek sleeping, b scenes a lot ef Jakes are aaadeabeot it One man that had get the idea ho couldn't sleep had some sleeping asedieine prescribed for him by the doctor. About stamp o'clock that night he called up the doe and said. ^8ay, that druggist ain't got the sleeping medicine to am yet! That's s great kind of a druggist to sand a prescription tot Can't you hurry him up? I'm half asleep, and I don't think I ean stay i awake much longer waiting to j sack a poke." >7it t idihrtlm .? . . - [er aid SCOUT COURT 0F~ ( HONOR } Scouts Patrick and Gantt Awarded J Eagle Badges. . ^ The -regular monthly meeting ct the 11-J.v Seoul ('curt of lion >r w.>< tl '? M "in tl?< High School .huililluK K Monday night, Dee. 21?t, at 7: .10 t( itk-lcik- (J Meeting opened with prhyer. be w Hevi HoeVes of Grocer fcll-eaed by c ill-.- repi ntlng ot the Seoul Ouih. . li A it iv trdep ct' Scout* from Grov- C pi* was rcccgiiiaed by the Court of tl Honor and all Scouts present. O ^l.er ori'.otiiv.''inenis were made c the woik of the Court went forward n is l?llctvn: . u Tenderfoot: Clayton Huiegardner, ti llrcviM';.- Rufus H.'winbi'iglu. 1. Grover it James Hardin. 1. Grover; Wm. liar- t< ilin, 1. Grover; Wiu. MVGlnnis. V. li Stiver; Henry-I.. Hemes 1. Grover. u Tenderfoot: John Vnliivi' t- i. . - ell Slalup.l; Wm Bcunett 1; Yates it Suiithl; Buddy Wnlke'rl ' ( Second Class Rank:' 1 Juris Ben- tr nett 2; Vernon Thompson. G; Annua Sargcant, Jr., 6. J First Class Rank: Andrew Ramsey 5; Stonewall Walker 5: Manly ' Mcrehcail, 6; Jimmy Willis ti.: Georg Alexander 6. Merit Badge* Bird .study: Billy Ruddock 1. Bookbinding: Eugene Mutltls ti. Cocking: Billy Ruddock I; Eni?enc W'tlltf 2; Miles Mauney 2: Ernest Mauney 2: Herbert Puniphrey L'; Bobby Allran 3; Gene Davis G". ['urtis Gaffney 5; Harry Wilscn 5: [Jean Payne 5: James Ames 5; l.ovd J Barly 5: Pride Rnturroe ?>; J. C. Bridges 6; Eugene Gault t>; Eugene E?kew C. j bi Electricity: Paul Patrick 1. i si Faun Heme: Chas. Gantt 5. ! n Firemanship: Curtis Gatfne.y 3: la Harry Wilson 5: J. T Plieaglii t? F First Aid: Pride RatterfeO 4; En- b; jenc Gault 6; Eruest Mauney 2; C Miles Mauney 2; Herbert Pt|m|ihrey tt (Cont'd cn back pag-M s?i ? iut COMMUNITY SHOWING i n ROOD CHRISTMAS SPIRIT.; (By Aubrey Mauney J In spile of the fact that business a1 are not to jjocd this ycar.,u >nr mills operating only part time tsnl our farmers receiving tow prices ror their products, the community ? his >ear is shewing the best kin 1 >f Chiistinas spirits. For the. first time cur bus hie vs _ ecuon is lighted with a multitude of oloiod Christmas lights. As proba- v| iv never beiorv our busincst. p-mpte nave cooperated one h'undred per- ^ . ent to put the holiday lighting pro- ' aam over. The committee start en ait to make a pudest beginning in lighting the town and the resptr.se ^ was so good that the job is abort as u jiii|STeIe as our city, could wish. The >treets are lined with lights. t 'l.'.? tew Town Mali is decorated. A bran- c| i ftil tree in the business section is p :'V-1 titled o.nd dtci>nat?d. A baud- jj Inl tree is presented and decorated ^ n front of the Town Hall .by tne| n \merlcan Legion. ' L in the program of street lighting |a the business people funiished $18010 for the purchase of the sockets ana lights. The Town furnished the wire and made the installations. Tnaj a hole program demonstrated just|S what could be done in our commuul-1 ly with the right spirit and cooper-1 <= ition. This same good Christmas spirit ^ ih indicated In the decorating pro j cram being put on by the individual'1 Merchant* and throughout the corn ! munity among the homes. A good Christinas spirit of giving hasj. been tl indicated this season in the success of the Red Cross campaign, the b planr fcs giving by various organist titjns and the churches. This should p nil make for the merriest Christinas! this community has enjoyed. ^ s The committed from the Business! f Men's Club have expressed their r wish to thank the whole community..) for its splendid cooperation wit a them in the plans for Holiday Light j | (Cont'd en back page) " > ' I Funeral For Mrs. * J. C. Gray Held ? * Funeral services for Mrs. J. C. ? Cray. 67, who died Saturday evening I In the Shelby Hospital, were held ! Sunday with Rev. C. J. Black In charge Mrs. Black had been a patient In < the hospital for 11 days before berlt death Saturday. She numbered her11 friends by those who knew her.-She |? was a good woman and a good moth 1 er. Mrs. Gray had made her home < in or near Ktnngs Mountain for the < past 20 years. < Mrs. Gray Is survived by two sons, i Pearson and Dewey Gray of Kings I Mountain, one grandchild and sever- < al brothers and sisters. 11 Pallbearers were Hal Morris. Earl Morris. Charles Spearman, Marlon / Ix>gan, James Logan and Jerome, ssinu r .imams i. READ THE '' " HERALD FIVE CENTS PER COPY* 59.20 More For 1 Stocking Fund 1 A t<>'.11 t f $;> _'u was contributed 9 !tls *n'lt t?? the IK-i aldKu tuicu :tipt \ Stocking Kuud to piuvla* ays for tn-edy children (hrljunus A itfly two more day's air friv In hdch.to ocntrlbute to a worthy, suw that will bring h.i|>i>iii< ir" t" ./a Mle (oiks on Chrltintili morning. 1 ontribuLoiri will !> received at . I 10 Herald .,m<or lh> Town Halt lllce until i'r.klay evening. Members f the Volutin .>r Kite Department x 9 ill |?utvfcnr-e a'l the til-! tuiu- 3 te and v. ill tll.-.trroute ihetn Christian muntittit. The reason .'or waitin 111111) (lie la.Ht minute to pittx-haae ? ?js is b< cause the merchants will, "1 lake a close-out prlee. and more J>a will Ik secuitd tor toe iiiouey. B It you have n< t airload) contribu d. two da\* ate left to make an ives ni? al In happiness and Chrtat- ,1 las Joy. Cclit ribut lull* received thin week: A friend , 50c I C. K. Cash $l,2d UrORe W. Mannoy ... |1.0') J. Bun PUIerHQ 60C C. K. Thoirutsscn .. $5.00 1 A Friend ?... 'll.OO .1 Total $$.20 Previously reported .... $29.00 ' J Grand Total $:t$.20 : rr ' . -J turns Back On Job ' I J. X Burns. Chief of Police, la uck c'n the job. after having been not hi the left arin by Clyde CunIngham. South (Carolina desperado, st Fr! !.i> niieht. The had man from 1 outh Carolina was shot and .killed K other ottlcer< a;:er he had shot hief Burns. A 38 calibre bullet en- S red the left haud of Chief Burns nl ttaveled a considerable. dihtanco (> the arm. The bullet was removed I : the Garrison Hospital, and Chief ums returned home Monday afteron. jfl Ho\le Ms-Daniel has. been rellev-. x Burns for the past several days, litre r Farr. who has been' working : the Margrace Mill has. been added > the force- during the Christmas . ; i*h. ittcnd Convention ..." iMiss AtvBle Gaurle Suinmltt and l.ailts Tltuniakscu-, Jr., will leave Monday for Atlanta to attend the resf.ijca-l.aii Vcotild (Clivwitlou on ,'orld MUViyits. to be held in the irst Presbyterian church of Atlanta Special buses will take the deleties front this secticn. Young peoe: from all over the South will at nd in large numbers. Amelia the speakers for-the Con tition will l>e Dr. Robert E. Speer New York City; Df. Frank W. rice of Nanking, China; Mr. Frank aker cf Brazil; Dr. John A. Maoav, President of Princeton Semiary and a recognized authority on atin America; Dr. Homer McMiF ni cf Atlanta, and Dr. Darby Fulton f Nashville, Tenn. The convention is under the dlree en of Rev. Wallace M. Alston, the ecretary cf- Young People's Work a 3t the General Assembly of the knftheftat Prcebyt<J.-iata Church. lien's Club Meets "tonight Tlie second regular meeting of lie Men's Club will be held this ev >.ing at 6:"0 at the Woman's Club uilding. Myron Rhyme and Harold luhnlcutt will have charge of the rogrant for the evening Prizes of $10.00 each will be preon tod to Charles Williams and D. ' Hord. winners in the Christmas Kjcoration contest. '3 ^++4-***++4***++++++*++++ + ECONOMIC HIGHLIGHTS Happenings That Affect the Dinher 'ails, Dividend Checks and Tab Bills if Every Individual. National and nternatlonal Problems Inseparable From Local Welfare The uj).!. flt,ho?rufn.uto war Hechnl ,'| lue is to Invade a country, kill solliers and rivfllaos and devastate rod capture Its cities ? but not do. dare war. Perfect example of Shis h provided by the SlnoJapanese :c ntHc-l. Neither country has broken . ;..'f diplomatic relations -frith the 5; iter. China Is represented In Tokto jnd Japan in Nanking. In theory there is no war. In actual fact, however. one of the most sanguinary ccn filets hi history ta being waged. Another uf>4 odheminute te-Jhnl qquqe is for a country to pay Up (Cont'd c-a- back page) \ ' * j nil

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