I State And" Condensed 1 ;.?Nations) Newi? 1 Saa Francisco, Jan. 4.?'tnomaaJ Pollard. 54, threw a brick thrombi PWA headquarters window, denial ed to be. arrested and explaM "Itls Job or Jail. -Industry say* iff too old to work." Dollard, recently laid off byffv WPA, said 65 employer* vvjMlv him in one week because of hlffpjj - - He has a wife end daughter. fffI 4.11^ VI ' " j"- ubu ior malicious uiW' He denied the malice charge, jj Mhww, Jan. 4.?Kxecutioqm ? j Conner officials of the Ann Soviet Socialist Republic on ?jplon, of disrupting fanning as paM * ' separatist plot wa? disclc4*7. Wlashlmgiou, Jan. 4.?n?nual: report of AjWorney-GcnJu Cum-ji mlcgs disclosed today thj*rre P*r; eons were sent to prisooffofeder*1 > liquor law vlolatlone UaM+r than < in any prohibition year. F < St. Joseph! Mo., JaM ?Kxplos on of a kerosene beatW^ ldUed two eleeplng bableslfcthelr trail er home here yeeterdjffi^Wle their parents were visltin^pfods only 10 feet away. /iMSunla, Fls.. Jan. ? Police press od a search today tMl man they said picked up a JL4 containing 127.000 ht Jewels bKgfag to a so-! cially prominent ww killed In an 1 KutomCMle-trafn coMtou. | The gems and JLetbook were the property of 3? Clara Austin. ' 52, whose body wiffi/lung from her crushed automoblllyBaturday by the Impact of the ooaJoa. Butler, ind., Ifi. 4.?Sorrowing parents claimed1 A>m two funeral ( homes today thrixxlles of seven , {\i. young persons, sjf of them hlgn j&jL school student*, mhose lives were ( yy' snuffed out by if speeding passenger ' train at a crossBg in the heart ot tbia northwestefl Indiana town. * ; Dekalb OouWm Coroner 11. O. 'Shook, told bg Aim Flgg. the crossing wttbohmaJM.taat the automobile! bearing the JMen crashed through erasing gatjfcBnto t,he palh of the . train last nmM, began an investiga-! tlon to deteSVne the cause of the ocnununHy-siXtlng tragedy. Ohidago. /an. 4.?Relief financing ( termed by.'wouc lawmaker as "public headache Ho. 1," will receive prime aVjej-.ticn ff-om state legislatures during a survey disclosed toThere JQVe numerous other pros-, lens, taJHrevlslon, finances, * school aid, lob^W liquor control prisons, but reliefto top the list. ra?v/uity, J an. 4.?Mexico city | Roday reports from the state B*t?, on the Pacific coast, to' j?A^^rn\n6 the extent of damage by an earthquake felt hi the iroital and over southern' Mexico yThe fpicenter of the quake Has > .aated to have been about 233 I miles *outhwe*t of Mexico City, In the ocean near Oaxaca coast. It was stronger than the one iwhlch rocked Mexico City Dec. 23. Hk KamJoops. B. C., Jan. 4.?Dominloo entlmologlat announced today he jud found nine specimens of "tee Kb", or living fossils which would Keilr*wxast to death if hed In a Laughing Aroui with irvr Industriou W By IRVIN I TN THE ancient wicked days when W Wilson, the official humorist of of Huntington a, friend of his from u customary hospitalities, WHson invib l I The visitor was agreeably inclined. 1 'he swinging doors of a life-saving i ... At oae end of the bar an elect the mountaineer frose oa this povel ' he that be almost forgot to heir ^keeper set-out^for him.^Hejjot o you don't mfn^rm'gofn'X AW a * i "onger I rhbob'MnHA^Wjwt f rtops spinnin' his WiM aronnd so I some pesHtliSRHHj^Hma B peartest <iwg|Vjfl|HHBr r ^Ki' . ... i Mpnal News wrief Form ?Sute News? |Urloo, Jan. 4.?Paul N. Smith, -AhUco or the B^arlon rok|>ht/nei Hmpnny. w*? treated at a hospital E're today (or burns and ahock auf,fr*d when lire destroyed bis $10, 00 home here early yesterday. Smith was alone In an upstairs loom and a neighbor awakened him j Irle managed to reach a wlmlow from which he wns rescued by firemen. I tils condltiou was said to be not so-! Irlocis. The home wns partly covered ha v **? ' WWUIHIikC. Keldsvllle. Jon. 4.~An inquest wss resumed today into the faUl shoot-J Ing of Junei Gardner. Jr., 32, found wounded here yesterday. Giardner, wfto was associated with bis father in tho. meat market business", here; .died in a hospital without regaining consciousness. Coroner C. R. Wharton said a discharged gun found near the body showed that three shots were fired, two going wild. An inquest, started last night, was adjourned until today. Laurlnburg, Jan. 4.?Deputy , Sheriff P. H. Todd and State Highway Patrolman W. W. Carraway led .a scorch today Jopr foty", unidentified negroes who, they saM, wounded j and robbed an elderly white couple In a Sunday afternoon hold-up In wes<t Scotland county. The officers said the negroes escaped in an automobile after taking about $30 from the operator of Broomes filling station and his wife. Broome, they said, had three ribs broken by hts assailants. Mrs. Broome was less painfully hurt. College Station, Raleigh, Jan. 4.? Col. John W. Harreton. administrative head of State college, announced toduy that there would be just sne summer school session this year. L-ast summer there were two. Mnxton, Jan. 4?An Eas'ern Air Lines .bl-rootored plane with 21 pas-1 sengers, the plkx. and ccnpilot made; an emergency landing here at' 6:0i)' A. M.. tcday'but no one *?s injured ( and the plane was not damaged. lOlio passengers were carried to Hjamlet. by - automobile and placed on a train for the north. The plane was en route from Miami to New York. * . 4Fayetteville, Jan. 4.?A body iden lifted by papers as that of Albert Joivc?, about 35, of Albemarle was found in Blount's creek near here to day. Coroner W. C. Davis of Cumberland county said It was evident that .he man had fallen Into the creek and that an Inquest would not be held. The body was under approximately two feet of water. North Wllkeeboro, Jan. 4.?The drowning of IS year old Louella teller In a pool of water near her home was listed as & suicide today by Coroner 1. M. Myers. .! * Rocky Mount, Jan. :4.?1^. B. Ounler cf Wilson, former state nigh way l;itrolman and Weldoa policeman un til two weeks ago, will Pace chargec cf driving drunk and impersonating a -highway patrolman In a bearing here January 14, Magistrate W. S. Swain said today. id the World J * S. COBB , v 4 is Bunny! a. mrr drinking still was going on,' P.fity West Virginia, met on the streets ip in the mountains. Extending thorn the hillsman to have something. Hiey crossed the street and entered itatlon. . Tie fan was bussing. The gate of object So absorbed and interested > himself from the bottle which the own his emptied glass and, waltV.s ch It in a fascinated silence, in ywj^y^row^QBjir ^ ^ KINOt MOUNTAIN, N. C. t wiz 's ik: ? ~ rresDytenan |;:i Young People To Meet Here i The Young People of Ktnga Noun, tain Presbytery met with the Yooitfl People of the Pirat Presbyterian church Monday afternoon. Young People ceoie In largo nuui bera from all Districts of the Preaby tery. li|ue afternoon session was devoted to nt the ' - , - ? ? I?? ? ?~??v WUA?. Supper wfla served lu the Fellowship Hall. 'the evening service was most Inspirational as soul-stirring reports were made by the young people whs hod attended the World Couferenofe for Missions In the Presbyterian church of Atlanta, Oa.. Dec. 28 a u; 1887. iThe meeting was dosed with' p recon?ec ration service and tho ccMbratlcsl of the Lord's Supper. Cleveland Scouters To Meet Clevelatid County Scouters are tp hold a conveutlon at the Hotel Chef' les, Shelby, at seven o'clock Friday evening. A large attendance from Kings Mountain is being planned. Each troop is arranging to send a group of their leaders including tbeir Scoutmasters and Troop Committees. The price of the dinner to be served by the Hotel Charles will be 78c per plate. Scout Executive Schlele and the President of the Piedmont Council, Hon. Bismarck Cappa, are being aak i-d to attend and addreaa the meeting. Rev. H. N, McDlarmld of Shelby is in cnm-ge qh arrangements ana program. Jce c. Whlanaat, Attorney of 8bel by. Is vice president of the Piedmont Council a"d chairman of the Cleveland Couuty group. D. N. Barnes and W. K. Mauney are to make reports on the Boy Scout work in Kings Mountain. S . -" ' j ? . v I Annual Congregational Meeting At Lutheran Church The Annual Congregational meeting of St. Matthews Lutheran Church will be held In the Parish Building this Friday, the 7th, at 7:16 P. M. Reports of the peat year's work done by all of the organizations- ol the Church will be heard. The otHclals and the Pastor will also pr?S rent their reports. , T,hls year same changes In the constitution will go Into effect. One cf these Is the making eligible to office the women of the OtaurcJj and another la the Increasing of the nuin hit 01 touiiciunen irum ? (O \t. That makes necessi&ry the election of six new members, four for three years, one for 2 year* and one for 1 year. ' Every member of the congregation Is urged to be present. Henry Mclntire Dies Funeral servicee were held at 2:3( o'clock Monday afternoon for Henr) A. Molnttre, 61, who died at hie home here Sunday morning. The service! wore held at the Second Baptist clruroh. Surviving are his widow; Com daughters by an earlier marriage Mrs. Novels Long, Mrs. 8tella Foatei Miss Delia Molntire and Mrs. Fran* Glass; two sons, Stanley F. Mcln tire and Wood row Mclntire, all o this city; and bwo sisters, Mrs. AffU Vlokers and Mlgs Jennie Mdntire i>oth of Oaatoola. , Special Speaker at P. T. A, Tuesday Night Miss Cornelia Carter of the Char lotto Board of Education will apes* t the ParentVPsaoher Association meeting neat Tuesday evening ?w 7:3ft. Her subject will be "The Un adjusted Child.'1 The meeting will be heM at the Central. School Auditorium, "witt thp other two Pnrsnt-Tsadhsr Asso elation* Joining In the meeting. Br ry parent, both father and mothei in Klnsa Mountain is sspeeiaUy in vlted to hear Miss Carter. i i ' f * Eye Shot Out -> Alfred Remolds, four^ year oh on of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Reynoldi of Kings Mpantaih, roots one, , s^ rrred Of? less of aa eye Retards; when ahot accidentally by an olde: brother, with ? rifle. The bullet pi creed the tempts and bad to be aa trkMted by the aid of a magnet. ' ' ' .. ? ' ' ihfe&gfc.": 'sfcjVn* h A CAME* A HURSDAY, JAN. I, 1*M Utile Mr. Welch It First 1938 Bahy Born Here Or*. Anthony and Lowery To R( colvo Priaeo. The winner of the flrat place i the ruce for the title of LIUlo Mr. Q Mla? 1938 wa* declared to be Ldttl Mr. Baby Welch, sea of Mr. and Mr I b. Q. Welch of the Dilllng Mill VI j lege who arrived In the Oest Tow I in the State at 10:.40 A. 1 Januar 4th. This little newcomer win r< celvo the many gifts offered - las week by the progressive merchant ; of King* Mountain. The mother b< i fore her marriage was Miss reai i Mensley. Dr. J. E. Anthony was th : attending physician, and wilt r< cotve gifts from the merchants a advertised. Dr. 3. A. bowery .earlier reporte the "still.birth of a daughter to M ' and Mrs. Harvey King on OrienU Avenue. Dr. bowery wilt be pre ten cd with similar gifts as Dr. Aathon; The winner for 1938 was the sain as in 1937, a boy. weighed Just on pound teas, eight pounds. The wii ' uer last year was the son of Mr. an ' Mrs. Bun Cofcrth on Shelby Roa< Dr. W. b. Itamseur was the attem Ing physician last year. Little Mr. Winner for 1938 ha \: not been named yet. He has one II : tie brother to keep him company i ' bright, new. crisp 1938. Klugs Mountain's baby derby wl ner was several days later in ma] ing bis appearance than the winnet from Oaatonia, Shelby and . Charioti The three winners from towns mad (heir debut just a few minutes ulte the new year began. Considerable interest was arpuse this year as to who the wlnne would be. Numerous phono call have been made at the Herald ofHc to Inquire, "Has the baby been bor yet?" Merchants.. and prizes to be give are as follows: Grlfttn DruK Co., a surprise tp both baby and doctor. llelk'a Department store, pair c baby shoes, and present for do. tow: D. F. Hord Furniture Co., Layett Basket for baby and smoking staud for doctors. Keater's Department Store,- , Bub Blanket and surprise gifts for do< tors. Victory Gin. Co., 500 pounds c coal. Home Building and Loan Assoc!: : tion, month's payment on one shar Building nnd Lean Stock, i Kings Mountain Herald, one year' I subscription. Mother Of Local | Man Passes Funeral services were held Satu day afternoon at Goffnoy, S. C., fe m *-a _l _ in. 1ll..i.u fy I .. mI B. Carrie iauuna riiiiiuu l cggm 1 aged 62, who died suddenly at b< ' home inhere Thursday. Services were conducted at th mortuary of the 8huford-Hatch< 1 Company with Rev. A. C. Hollar an Dr. D. A. Howard In charge. Inte ment was In Oakland cemtery ther Mrs. Cogglna wae the widow ( the late Marcus Merrlt Cogglna She Is survived by two daughter ' Mrs. H. 8. Redding, of Oaatonta, Mr A. C. Cloud at Plus bono; tout- son O. H. Coggtns at Greenville; Pu N. Coggtns of Qaffney; Harold Co gina, manager at Kings Miountal Purnfture Co., Kings Mountain, at Hint on Cogglns, of Atlanta. Two sleteiw, Mrs. E. L. Pryor ar Mrs. William King, live In August Ga. Thirteen grandchildren eurvh Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL SOGERS A GUY. from Chicago got a Job on a big estate in California. He iT told tho manager he'd boon used to tho groat outdoor! and had bad Bat it turned oat that the gov : didn't know navthtev about a ranch L , no^abooMioma^nor tractors nor * jnaa Ch icai^^a!S*1 . 5*wvr*a5"ta there In ChlcaSSSS*?"^ UMwtwa Mm VMwm. la?4 iifiiittiiiHM , ' . 19 V Important Lo Events Of Ye _ ' " ' i ;' ' ' tminiiim'liTxMMut?* '" HOW LONG HAVE YOU i K BEEN BEADING THE '; y n < ; HERALD? U 1 >r < > ' ! [ *' e J | How long havo ycu been >' s <> loading Th? Herald The X V I- X P*P^r started in 1889, It It J| ? ? -hae been a visitor In your < I U y 1) home for a great part of the p j. J >' time alnoe. we would be glad ?j ^ to hear from you. Drop ui a C g | J c?rd or drop In to see us here J J ir >. ? at the office sometime scon. * ir ; Home Of Mrs. * Kate Falls Is . ; Destroyed By Fire ? r. . * u l? Fire at undetermined origin prac* a tlcally destroyed the home and band a* soma (urnhhlng* <f Mrs. Katie ' d Fa Ha Frailer about 12 o'clock Moh* * 1 day night. Damage was estimated *' between 910,000 and $20,000. An air of mystery surrounded the 18 cause of the (ire and explosion ' 1' which could be heard for several ( u blocks. Every window In the house 1 was shattered by ttau explosion. * n When Chier Orady King .and hit lire laddies arrived at, the scene of " the tiro every room In the big two * story house was .ablaze Kerosene fi and gas (umes were delected .and ir some oil soaked rugs were found at- * tor the fire was put out. Firemen 8 rt fougtU tire blazing house with three it H 'l U*> III, AM ' * *' ^ I * *>? ivi ivua Huura uviure ine (Ire was extinguished. Hob McDanlel was one cf the first * to notice the (Ire. "ne Immediately ran to the home cf Charles S. Willi Huns who lived pext door to the N Frazier home, and hud Mr. Williams cl f to call the Flro Department. w The lvome Is tbo property of Mrs. >i Kate Falls Krazler, who formerly ai > lived In Kings Mountain. but now c< gv&kce her home in Shelby. Tne tc e house has been vacant for about 3 two years, but completely furnishes. U It Is understood valuable furnlshy lngs were found to be missing after c< '' the flro. Several expensive rugs could not be located, not the charred c. fe mains found. *', s< State Inspectors have been nott- in '* fled and an extensive Investigation 0 will be mode .to determine _ the t< cause of the mysterious fire which K 3 gutted the home and furnishings. According to the Shelby Star Mrs. ft Frazlor Raid. "The fire and especial- L ly the explosion is a mystery." sne and her husband had planned to o< move Into the home next spring, s p_ Mrs. Frazler further stated plans tor I rebuilding new are very Indefinite. g< ??>r Men's Bible Class Enjoys >' Fish Fry and Program p 16 " (j ,r One of the moat enjoyable social ^ (1 gatherings In . the history of the. r" Men's Bible Class r?f Central Methoe diet church, of which J. R Davis is ( 5t teacher, was the fish fry given the h recreation room of the Church on Now Years EVa. *- Mr. Pred Wright, class president, *> fasul planned the affair and as his custom, put It over In a big way. _ S" Those present, seventy-four, in ln number, including seven visitors, '*1 dined on fish, potato salad, cold slaw etc. c 1(1 After supper, C. E. Neisler/on hon * or guest, who has recently returned h e- from a trip around the world, entertallied the * eets with pictures and illiiatyatlons jt places visited and told interestingly of his experiences cn the trip. The class feel grestly indebted to Mr. Nelaler for an Instructive as well as entertaining evening. Mr. J. E. Garvin, who was enroute to his home in AKa Vista, VS., froyi a visit to relatives tn South OarAlliM was nmAti n> t>ia wlid^AM I present Mr. 'Garvin eras Superintend ' dent of the Sunday School during hie residence in Kinga Mountain. . { Lodge To Meet t < A special communication of Fairview Lodge No. 389 A. F. A A. M., I baa been oalled for next Monday ? night for Mm purpose of installing t the newly elected officers who will t serve during the ensuing year. The 1 ' meeting will be opened at 7: JO p. m. t and all local and vlaiting Masofte are < Invited to attend. < .The following officers wilt be ft-1 i tailed: Dr. O. P. Lewie, W. F. t K Bigger staff, 8, W.; ft "A. Croose, f 3. W., W- Ti Logan. Treasurer; t. ?j t , w?? w? ft* Croos, j D., J* A. witter, Tyler; J. H Bteiwwrt, ft ft; O %. i White, 3. S. (ii iiiiiiaMiT " Mil jflwa I |p? ' MAO ^t?r- 'Wt ??? FIVE CENTS SIR COST cal Newt | ar 1937 1 Highlight* of ike btppealngi of 4 tnga Mountain during the peat 3 ear as recorded in the ooluinna of be Herald are listed below: Death* Ml w?d<i*ugs are not Included: Jan. 14: vV>r?r begins on KIS** lountaln's new Town HalL Tun <iy? ,_l a??l? ? ?" ? MMU. *0. uviwiun lur IVOl^s wm' tin> Public Library secured in temorary Town Hell. jl Feb. 4: Over $1,000 raised by Bed rotw here to relive flood iuC(?rer* i pie Mississippi Wiley. j Feb. 11: Audit reveals big sum of loncy due Town on past due Whter nd Light bills, and Aurasnnntn Feb. 11. Kings Mountain's Public J ibrary Opens Monday. % Feb. 26: School elections to be eld on two issues. One on extending ibool term to nine mouths. And on- m ther to vote a $26,000 bond Issuo to . '3 leet a PWA grant Tor Building Pro- ;j ram includtng a gymnasium Cor lings Mountain. Match 18: Charles 8. William* to .9 He first to announce for Mayor of lings Mountain. Election to be held lay 4th. 9 March IS: Wdrk begins on new rcvbyterian church at the corner of aston and King streets. April 1: Both school Issues carry isurlng a 9 mouths school term 9 nd completion of Building Program May 0: Mayor J. E. Herndon and '.j Ive Councilman reflected In To>wii Section. W. W. l'arrlsh defeats R . Gold for Council. May 6: Brtdo and groom killed in uto wreck oorner of King afreet nd Bessemer avenue. 9 May 13: 82 graduate from gramtar school. May 27: 40 graduate from Kings <9 lountain High School in the class of - f Jvi < . "I May 27: Don DLanton and Johnnie ' n LcCrill buy Summer* Drug: Company ; .? hanging the mrne to Kings MotmUn Drug Company. 4 June 3: P. M. Diggers Laff resigns s Principal of Central School to aoept a similar poaltlon at BurllngJuiy 1: Kings Mountain's County ix rate raised from 48c to 81c. July 18: New 850.000 Town HaU '-.Jj >mpleted. August 19: J. A. Burns made Chief t Police succeeding Harvey Harril- J )ii, who resigned as Chief but re- < iniiied as member of the force. Sept. 2:?One killed and five injur1 in auto accident at the corner of j lug sTeei and Railroad avenue. Sept. 23: Shortage revealed in igfl iuds cf Klnga Mountain Building it 1 oan Association. Nov. 4: First sen-ices. In new1 |5U,10 Presbyterian oliurch to bo held j| untlay. Nov. 25: Annual Red Crou Drive . scs over Uie top. Nov. 25: Olee Bridges elected resident of Men's Club eocoeedbis aul Mauney. Nov. 25: Announcement made that Ity Poatul deliveries will be enlarge ' Dec. 2: New Presbyterian church y be dedicated Sunday. Dec. 2: For the tlret time In the I story cf Kings Mountain, bualneen ?ction is to be decorated tor holiday sason. Dec. J. C. Lackey made Secretary nd Treasurer ci " Kings Mountain tulidlbg and Loan Association. . Dec. ?: Firemen-Herald j tockiug Fund announcement. Dec. 18: B. 8. Peeler named Red row chairman. 3 Dec. SO: Postal receipts set new igh record here. M Mjjm yA m f ^w ^P^^P^w wVw jP^B by JamcS Preston Opinions expressed In This Cfclomn r> Are Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper ) The wvCslled "odeUtloe" la leasts hss caused more surprise*; hough it will cease plenty more. In the first ptaoe, prsmetur^pel^w7* lefty on suck * thing usually doeft' M >*?c,h to mop w. Thst viiitti jyBrJiJ won more tree in this JasJHkifl % tT!E?F ^nrSS M Itoa Bat despite *** aflM srltton to thet effect wM f the now famous >ut it fomerd only ae' sfl^^l ^imtor#deti?nritne;.#eir WM3p! mrlooe public qneetkm* 71 to" ttat** he tofl I Cont'd on bnofc pen.'

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