PppMiJs J4? . [' - -*? ~1 ' 'V uv AT VOL. M NO. 7. State And I Condensed - ?National News? Stmpoomriile, S. C.. Feb. 15.negro priacscr. Frank Barber, pcitefced yesterday in a fire t CA-Qpt the four-cell town . Jail. Corner Ootange W. McCoy s Iiaavber, arrested the night bet ' on a diatnk and disorderly charge a paresvtiy not fire to the bedding rte oell and it .got out of comrcl. Police Ohlief C. S. Hornby a Barber had sot fire to beddiug his cell once before, while he v a prisoner last fall., H-tng Kong, Feb. 15.?Tseng Y? Fu,. Mayor and Treasurer of Can Mid today that America baa hel] China to a considerable extent her war against Jtwpan. Tseng refused to dlwcose the mount of arras and ammunition eetvod thus tax from American el per*, but said he expected mi more la the near future. Newark, N. J., Feb. 15.?Ooun for eighteen year old Genev|< Owew, on trial with an older girl a murder crtarge la the $2.10 hold elaypog of a bus driver, a&id i would testify today In opening 1 defense. Winchester, Ve., Feb. 15.?She J. William Newcome of Freder * County was killed and Virginia C cer George F? Ml'ller critically wx ded lae-t night as they sought to rest a countryman for sheep steal Singapore, Feb. 15.?The Brit Empire's most formidable naval b ?a Gibraltar of tCie Far East?a formally opened today with n At ican cruiser squadron attending ercmorfiee. "Washington, Feb. 15.?Treas figures showed today the Fed* debt reached a record total of I 575,727,713 Ust week. The debt bad been considerably low this figure tilnce December when It ncae temporarily because fin arcing it. It is expected to re $37,858,000,000 bu June 30, the of the fiscal yeans. Washington, Feb. - 15.?Sent VsEidenfourg'a renewed proposal a ceailftlon party of Republ3ca.ua "Joffonsonian Democrats" failed day to arouse marked enthusiast! morrg leaders of either group. Pronafoeut Republicans Indies in Ldmcoln Day speeches. that t wc-rjid welcome the support c.f sending members of President R< velt'e party. None, however, went far ae did Vandenburg in suggeai possible submergence of the Re] lican lalbel. ' <. Dob Angeles, Feb. 15.?The Un State# fleet?173 ship# and 547 planes ? la making ready for weeks of grim war games. March 14 the moat powerful f fng nMohd.no America ever sent sea moves into the Pacific under new commander-in-chief, Ada Claude Charles Bkxjh. Laughing Ai With u Du By 1 TN THE Pincnut mining regi A rich gold-bearing veins we a tremendous rush of prospect Pinenut became the centre of to be a y-inerficial bonansa a fanatics still lingered on hope bad taste to die. It was the i District Recorder to perform net those who expired with * This particular funeral U hole six by two by three had . reposed, in a rude eoffin. ?- H*eo?tert from a Be I "Ye brought nothing into The ooffin wu lowered b; "The Lord gireth and th< I el the Lord. Duat to duat" [ - Reach la* down be gathc . Sifted through his bm and f - "Aahee to nahes*^ Bat ioetend of either dtu beck from the coffin 1ML T1 glacier while the lamented wa ^S'rHEral; Mf Mtnlill I . (Ammtm Kings National News In Bri$f Form , ?State News? ?A j G:-lWn a few minutes before the shooting. iUg j . ton j Frankllntcn, Feb. 15.?A car left a >eJ j highway ouid hit a tree yesterday 111! and Mrs. Howard S. Gilbert, of Long I Island; N. V., was killed. Her husr a-1 band, sefi'ously- Injured, was taken re-; to a Henderson hospital. The couple . t : "P* was en route home from Florida, icb nsel SmltftfleM, Feb. 15. ? Brantly eve Thornton, middle a&ed farmer and on' MHng station attendant, will go on up. j triij here a seccnsd time this weeK, she probably Wednesday, charged with her slaying of John Draecus Webb In Augnst^-1936. iSollcltor Claude C. Can-aday said riff tcday ho would seek a second degree ick conviction. At hi? Clret trial Thorn)fH ton was convicted of manslaughter, )un' sentenced to ten to twelve years. An ar.! appeal to the Supremo Court won Ing a now trial. j Tltorw icn evened selfoAefense. j The State contended Webb was slain uft as the result of a family feud. ? P. T. A. Of East School " nor Celebrate Founder's Day the The East KMigs Mountain P. T. A. will meet Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Fast End School. Feb* ufy | ruary 17tih being Founders Day of the P. T. A. there will be a special 37, program given in honor of the tound era of this organisation, bo Every one la Invited to attend this -If program, and by doings so ' Mi aw ion Interesting In this orgaBnh ncl11 Hon. end: Another Lunch Room U or Started for and Kings Mountain School system to- now has lunch rooms at all three ii a1 white schools, where hot lunches I r?o n lvn coPfC.'l -ilin nnnllc lit linniin.il ~ ?- ? ited cost. The third lunch room was open heyjed at West End School Tuesday un dig-1 der the direction of the P. T. A. wlt'J lose' Mrs. N. F. McGill as president. The so I first dWy. Tuesday, 21 lunches were ling 'Fold and the second day the total pub- i lmost doubled with 40 luuchea be ing sold. Food and supplies are partially do '.ted rated, and the labor of the prepara air-1 tlon of the lunches is furnished bj six' W. P. A. The primary object of the lunot Ight rooms according to Supt. B. N. Barn to es la to furnish hot, nourishing foot! a to the children at low cost, and t< ilrnl the children who can not pay, lunch | ea are to be served without oharge. " ? * round the World R.VIN S. COBB st to Dust RVIN S.COBBion of Nevada during the early nineties, ire dircovcrr ! th<* foothills. There was ,ora from neife<..-oring mining towns, and much activity. Unfortunately, it pro\ ed ind petered out in a short time. A few ful, and one of the "hangers on" had the custom in the new mining camps for the the services of the church and to lay to >r without their boots on. >ok nlace hi the dry bed of the creek. A been scooped from the gravel. me Doay ok of Common Prayer, reed the service! > . - ' . this world end ye shell teke nothing out" f horny heads. t Lord tefcsth ewey. Blessed be the same red a handful of dirt end gravel which fell with a ratteplea upon the wooden boa. - it or ashes the (leant of a nonet fleshed tere it lay, resurrected from the eternal s being returned to the mould, itation the Recorder dropped Ms prayerheaved the dsesnssd oat of the property i huhdrod and- fifty feet North and death " ?'I i mu .! 3 Mfliiii 1V1UU1I . KINO# MOUNTAIN. N. C. Tl Local Public Library Passes First Milestone The Kings Mountain Public Library passed It's first year of existence li. the Best Town in the 8tat? 1 last week. When the library opened in February ol 1937 605 books were i cu the shelves, n?-w after one year of operation a total of 1,592 books are in the library. Of this number 2:?4 a re children's bicks, 125 are VoyV hooks, 157 ar? girl's books,. 800 adult books, 56 junior books, and 160 nonaction becks. The biggest t.Ingle day in the flrat | year of 'the Library was on Decem| ber 28, when n tctal of 242 ? books were let out. The most popular book for the entire year was "Gone Wltli The Wind." with 95 Derscns haviner1 read ihte tkle. A tctal of 1.650 persons have metd berahip cards to use the Library. This next flguc will show everyone1 that Kings Mountain citizens like' to reed, as n total of 22,01^ hooka' were' read here last year. Out of this number only 18 books were lost*' The five most popular authors tori 1 the ladies' readers were: Grace I4v-, Ing&ton, Hill, Temple Bailey. Faitli I Baldwin, Kathleen Norris and Bmille |d>or!ng. And for the men. the moat , popular authors were: Zane Grey, , Max Brand, Janata 0\lver Curwood, Charles Alden Seltzer and William Ma-cLeod Ralne. i The Library is open every afternoon from 2 to 6 p. m. and Saturday mornings In addition to the evening ihours from 9to 11. The Library is located in the basement of the newTown Hall Building. Miss Ida Mae Davis, Librarian, extends a ccrdial snvi'M.lon to all to visit tht Library as o:\en as they desire. Guffey Arrested In Rape Case Iveonard Guffey, about 26 years of i age. local textile employee, is In the ; Shelby jail awaiting trial for rape.ee Geneva Sheppard, young lady of Kings Mountain, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cialg Sheppard. Th-s alleged attack took place last Thura day night abont 8 o'clock at the home of Guffey on Gautt street 1 which is across the street from the 1 home of Miss Sheppard. ' AcoorfiVng to reports Miss Bhep' pard had been visiting neighbors 1 and was on her way home when Guf ley called her to show her a book. \\ hen Miss Sherpard got to tho ! porch Shcppard Is alleged to have ' grabbed her and carried her Into the house where the alleged assault took place. When Miss Sheprpard did not return home, her mother went to lock for her, and stopped at the Out| fey home and Miss. Sbeppard tore away from Quffey and escaped. Miss Sheppard's clothes were torn utmost to threads, and she was badly ' bruised and' suffered from snock. Dr. W. L. Ramseur, when asked by the Herald Reporter whether the crime had been aotually completed or not refused to say. Dr. Rasnseui said Miss Sbeppard was badly bruit cd and suffering from shock. Officers were called, but before they could apprehend Guffey he leu for parts unknown, but was arrestee! by Chief Burns and Officer Jone< Tuesday night, and lodged in Jal! here. Wednesday he was placed n. the Shelby Jail to await trial. Guffey is a married man and th? father of one child. OVXwMan la utretoe (IllC Olici'lliau VTU? I v-J 10 INIUVI T?v, bond (or aiding abetting in the case aged seriously. Mauney Twins On Shelby Program The Mauney twine, Miles and Er nest, were gueets artiste ?t a meet ing of the Shelby Music Club Tuee day evening with Mrs. Earl Hani rick as hostess. Mrs. Ham rick entertained the clui and a large number of invited gueati at Hotel Charles. Mr. and Mm W. K. Mauney, Mile and Brneat Mauney and Mrs. Lad* He-mrlok were dinner gueata of Ml and MrW. Earl Ham rick. TOWN BUYS DUMP TRUCK Time Marsh aa On. For man; dmm itlna* Mountain haa Ul d horoo powir, or rather mult ?ow r to work tho at root o, but boglnnln loot Monday tho mofOa wHI bo woo no mora, ao o brand now 1Mb mod* I truck will do tho work. Tho no* truok will bo wood on tho otroob Tho triuok* hu a dhrag body with' 1 cipaolW of two yardo. Mr. Charll Pulton who' Kan booir working ad furnishing tho fnutoo Hr tho Tow will bo rotalaoi undor tho now a rangomonto. f- ' . v ifUftSDAY. Ft*. 17. 1MS Funeral Held For Beloved W. K. Mauney Elected 1 To Head Scouting The Boy Scouth anol Cafeteria. The banquet was attended by appro v'mutely 150 Boy Scouts and' B.?nriy the same number cf reprcssen i jfctlve citizens. The Banq.uct was at-femled and sponsored by the Buslyss Men's Club. T The addTess of t.'ic occasion was Alivercd by the Hon. C. li. McBroyW of Sltelby. In -no uncertain terms he tefi-rred to the' organisation a? fce great upbuilding force in our in- j 4on. In his address Attorney Mc-! njtrayer reviewed briefly the activt-J lies of scouting up to its 28th birth- \ r$?y early this week, and recalled; bow fitting that scouting should be I I Ave>>ped near Kings Mountain, "a | ma>itn cf freedom which severed i Air bonrs from England." He pralsi*d scouts for being better informed j ; cii first aid and sanitation than any physicians Just a few years ago, and commenced on the fact that while he was recorder's judge oi1 the county no Boy Scout ever came; .before him; "Life is not how we win; or lose, but how w'e play the game, he told the boys. He called the great principals of Scouting the same literal forces taught by Christ, the' Great Scoutmaster of us all. B. N. Barnes, chairman of Scouting In Kings Mountain during the past several years, presided aB chain man of the meeting. Music was furn ttiled by an orchestra of boys from the Scout Troops. Guests present at the meeting included Executive and Mrs. R. M.; (Cont'd cn Editorial page) i Speaker Secured For I I ?!__? XTi~Ui iimm, i Dr. D. W. Daniel, cf Clemson Col' lege has been secured as the main speaker on the program for -Ladies' Night of the Men's Club, which is to he held next Thursday, Feb. 24. Dr. j Daniel is considered one of the forcI'moy. ' Vter-< i iner speakers of it lie ; two .Carolinns. The program commit J tec- considers themselves very fcrI tunate in securing Dr. Daniel as the I ..pedker of the evening. P. D. Herndon has been selectee ' to act as- toastmaster for the even' The Program Committee who are l':ard rt wo"k getting everything lined up for the gala event is compos* j cd cf: Messrs W. M Boyce, Chairman. Ladd Hamrick, and W. K. Mauney. 1 ; 1 Will Rogers' I W Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS I ' 1'HERE wma a biff lawsuit over i Scotchman's estate not Tory I long ago. and they had a terrible time fin ding something for the lawyers to disagree about, so that the lawyers could fight in court and * make their clients think they were earning their fees. Both sides ad) mitted that the man was dead and that his will said so and so about who was to get the dough. So they k- found out they could get up a fight r over whether this Scotchman died suddenly or not. One side claimed . | that the poor fellow died right sud13 den. so tnat he didn't have time to make a change in his will that he intended to make. They were tryi lag to pro re it i w. . - ?.il I *uc/ jniv? iciivw vu hiv wimivm itaad that had been the Scotch[ an) financial adviaer. "Too aay ha died sodden?" "Awful aodden." "What makes yoo think as T" "Wen, I know it Nobody taw Mm die, and it was a week Wore 1 the Body was found, b?t there was ? evidence - that Sandy went oat tWLr "Well, for mm thine, there wae a letter he had not thai day that he'e seppenad te have died, and the ' stamp en ft happened tike uneaaeetlad. Thar on canceled stamp was a-wtwcsrtcr/sss ttlSVas'SJSffl&S'S " X ssnsihity te snfce one of that [craU lUraiu Saturday Woman ] MM. B K. Ornunl, 64, died las: Thursday uftorncn, at 2:15 o'clock ; in 3t. Peter* Hospital. Charlotte. af i( ter a' brief llinesa. Mrs. Orntand has i none to O'larlclte for a visit to Uor daughter, 'Mrs. A T. Bentliardt, w'.icit she wag stricken. She was car- | rlcd to the hospital on Sunday morn , ing where she remained in a precarious condition, until the end came. . , Funeral services were helu Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the; Presbyterian church ami were at-! tended by a large concourse of reliclives and friends, many of whom were from nolxhl>oring towns. Hev. P. D. Patrick in charge of the services and waa assisted by ltev. J. H. Henderllte, D. D., pastor cf nl>e FlisC Prosbyrtcrian Church, (iastouia. Interment was made in Mountais Beat cemetery; A/*> present.. The services, ?ero delayed for a short while pend; :T)!< the arrival of Mrs. Haverly. Mrs. Ormand was very active in churc.t work and served as president of the Women's Auxiliary and as clr ele leader. She had been very active .a the work cf the local chapter, I American Legion Auxiliary, of which she had been president und of w:.rich she had held other important offices. She had the honor of being twice, chosen Chaplain of the State Legion Auxiliary", which office she filled with reverence and dignity. Mrs. Ormand has served as president of the Parent-Teacher orgaulza tlon in years past and was a valuable member of the local . U. D. C. chapter, the Red Cross and the Womar,s Club, ill health forcing her to retire from active service in these organizations. Mrs. Onnand's chief interest lay, however, in her home, and in the welfare of her family.' She was perj knitted to live to see her sen. llev. B. I K. Ormand, Jr.. ordained as a minisi tcr in I he Presbyterian church and this no doubt, was the greatest Joy s.'ie experienced in the later years of her life. Scout Union Service At Presbyterian Church The Presbyterian Church was ho* to a union service Sunday eventnj closing the community observant* of the 28th Annual Scout Week. Tht Boy Scout Troops attended to i body. Twelve Boy Scouts three fron each of four troops repeated ant gave the meaning In an Imp retain way of the Twelve Boy Scout Laws Carl W. Davidson of the Presbyter Ian Troop lead tbe tontragMkm b the Scout Oath. ' The wrmon of the oocaatcn ww preached by Rev. A. O. Sanjceant. fa cloeing hia sermon he called upoi the Scoule to eedh day read eom< paw of their Bibles and In Uda are] let God apeak to them and tha they have some time each day b quite alone talk vrfak God. - " MAD fl MIMLO Five CCNTS PER COPY | Kings Mountain ! B. & L. Assn. I Elect Officers 1 Fttve directors were re-elected an ! rive new ones were elected by the stockholders present at the annual meeting held last Thursday evening in the court rcom of the new Town Hull. The meeting was changed Ircm, the Hulldiug aud' Loan building :?TI JMfnillll l\i I hn In'l'aa vrs HIV luigv UUUIVCia Ut stOeklicU present. The five directors re-elected Were A. E. Cllne, J. c. Keller, J. C. lackey H. L. Mauncy and M. L. Uannon. The new onus elected were: J. R. , Davis, Kd Hord. Charlie Hullender, Mack Gantt, and Haywood E, Lyncli. After the stockholder'^ meeting the directors met and elected the following officers: A. E. Cllne. Pres- " Ident, J. Keller, Hirst Vice-President; J. C. Lactoev, Secretary and Treasurer; Haywood E. Lynch, Sec Otid Vice-President. It was decided to have another meeting of tue Board of Directors next Thursday the home of Pres.dent A. E. Cllne. A. E. Cllne presided at the stockholders meeting, v.hlCh wae opened with a prayer by the chairman. The minutes of the annual meeting held one year ago was read by Secretary j Lackey, and approved by the stock-' holders. Next the statement of condition ol the Association as of December 31st, 1937, was read by the Secretary. Presiding Officer Cllne asked if anyone had any. questions ? he would like to a8k. Haywood E. Lynch asked abcut one of the Item1! under assets which amounted to 120,000. He wns told most of this was the discrepancy account. . . Tom Fultoni asked a question abcut one item under the liabilities, lie was told the $2,000 item was a rote at the Uatik. Mr. Fulton made i ho reuueat that the voting svatem of the Association be changed from voting memberships to voting stock. He was informed by the Chairman that the constitution of the Association called for tin's system of voting, and that the voting System could not be changed without changing tbe constitution. - ^Ji J. C. Keller made a short speech, celling 'on the stockholders to help , In every way possible to aid the Association. Chairman Cilne appointed a nomination committee of J. R. Davis, W. D. Weaver and Charlie Hullender to *' liilug in the names of ten stockholders to be approved as directors. While' the nominating committee was out pc:fornic>?j their duty, Civsir man ('line tailed on Haywood E. Lynch', as a "new member"' to tell v.'h'ai was on his mind. Air. Lynch :.-id that it was his firm conviction, fcr the liest interest of the Association that "new blood" be elected to the Beard cf Directors. Arii' that most of the stockholders wanted a change in the way the Association had been operated. 1 ' t Nominating Committee Chairman, J. R. Davis, in maklug his report, stated that 15 stockholders instead of ten had been named so that the stockholders would have a choice hi the matter. Before a vote coma oe taken on the nominating committee report, E. L. Campbell, made the mo- ' j tlon that the stockholders be allow- ' 3 ed to vote for whom they pleased without any nominations. This mo- a tion was seconded by Haywood E. I Lynch, it was carried by the stockholders. By this method the above named directcia were elected. Clinic To Start I February 24th I A prenatal and infant clinic for II indigent mothers and their babies will be held hi Kings Mountain on the fourth Thursday of each month, beginning February 24th. Mies Beam 4 of Shelby, who Is the county Red Crow Nurse, will be in charge, cooperating with the State . Board of Ilea Kb and the doctor* ot King* Mountain. I The clinic le intended to furnish phtyntoei extern inatlcna and hygienic instruct Ion to those expectant mothers, and babies, up to one year of age who otherwise would lack I such rupervMoo. One of the local phy- j rtctane will be present at eaoh olin- 1 ic. which will be held in Mm. (Jam >le'e office la the City Hail. Those .. J | ho ere interested should see Mrs. ,M 1 Ciunble st her offloe before the date 1 of the fhrnt clinic. i ? l Manteo, Feb. 15.?The Honduras a t .rrslchter Out ilia nnd.ths gun _ oil J t 'anker Pennsylvania crashed tn a 1 t. heavy fog off the North Carolina | I const Saturday. Neither was dun I MMdiiiini in n .a,