, I . ! , I* llli Deaths Increai During Month Raleigh. March 22.?Sn increase li deaths from diseases prevalent a none children la noted in the Febru ary report of the Bureau of Vita Statistics of the State Hoard o ''fSSr of gWTB Tff. *ff f miBTHUHi is director. There were 21 deaths from meal tea in North Carolina last mouth, a compared with 4 In February, 193] while d'-aths from whoopinK couk totaled 21. against 7 the correspond Ins month last year the report r? veals Pneumonia took a heavlre toll thu In February, 1937.'the 1938 total b< inx 395. laist year's total for Febri ,.ru u.?o Oil Hi J ' w no ??" i, IV' at hh from automobile accident reported throuRh this source droi pod front 70 to 55. The birth rate continues its ui ward trend. During February of thl year the total was 6.271, as compai ed with 6,159 last year. The deaf rate, too. went up. this February' total being 2.918. as compared wit .2,865 last year. There were three deaths from ft tanus. lockjaw. In North Carotin last month. None occurred in Febri ary, 1937. Tuberculosis deaths dro ped from 161 to 156; cancer increai ed from 145 to. 147; pellagra jutnpe from 347 to 395. Maternal deaths numbered on less while Infant deaths under on year dropped from 441 to 419. Sypl ills deaths numbered 41, as compa ed with 34 a year ago. Quick Result*?Low Cost? HERALD Classified Ads a# a word for first Insertion; half prise for subsequent Insertion*, . Minimum charge 25c. Do net ask for information ?4 1 ? ? .J. ^pnuiiiy r\?;su au?, imw/ - art-strictly confidential. If error is made. The Herald Is responsible for only one incorrect insertion. The customer la responsible for subsequent insertions. The advertiser ehould notify Immediately of any corrections. needed. Want ads are always cash In advance except to business men or concerns havinq accounts with this newspaper. BANANA SPLITS SPECIAL 10c Saturday oui, if served in store but in container, 20c. Kings Mour tain Drug Co. HEREFORDS FOR 8ALE?313 m ves; 243 yrls. T. B. and Rang tested. Good quality. Also 2 Id? horses. Write or wire. Bob D Lnshmutt, Fairfield. Iowa. Route WANTED TO BUY ? Shepherd Collie or German Police mal vuppy. Haywood E. Lynch a Kings Mountain Herald Office. UNU8UAL OPPORTUNITY for tw men with cars for Specialty Sale Work. Experience unnecessary. Ai vancemont. Apply L. B. Prici Merc. Co., 124 N. Marietta St Gastonla. N. C., between 8 and II A. M. mar 24p ROOMS FOR RENT downstairs. 50 Piedmont Avenue. Mrs. D. E ' Bfabry. FOR RENT Rooms and ston building. Mrs. George Boone. FURNITURE REPAIRED, renphol atered, refiniahed and springs rc paired. M. J. Bell, Phone 304-W ll-25tf<\ iffMW* a< a v _ vvetq mnut. iaurb, \ acuum Cleaners and Speedometers Re paired. All work guaranteed. C. L Ramsey, at Cleveland Motor Co 11-25-tf Say, ?! taw It In The Herald." THE CLAP> iv^2l"HiZ> Co OUT AMI llwehCoooeoY YT e In State < Of February + i 11 ? <> L MARGRACE NEWS | (By Mrs. Joe Foster) |J II ' The I.ottle Mion Missionary Cir'* tie of the First Baptist church and? ' the Missionary Society of Macedonia |" church held a Joint meeting last! ** Tuesday evening at the borne of Mrs! I" llnrlov ? l.w " " 'I ( .wvi.tivuu " uii .ucauuiut'o. _ s Lula Woodward*, Jot Footer and Mrs. * Mcintosh as hostesses. The two main 1 s 11 (futures on the program was an In- j " s* spiring and helpful talk on "How ' Lteneticlal and Important that we( as ' Adult Unions, should realise the ims portance of organizing the different Religious Organizations for the Young People In our communities."! by Mrs? D. F. Hord, president of the 8 \V. M. U., and a number of selections sang by the girls' trio, compceed of Misses 1-aura Watterson, 8 May Hawkins and Wilma Rhea. A h number of the members from the o Circle from East Kings Mountain, g ^ | were visitors at this meeting. At the l a, conrluslon of the program and busl- j l*lness session refreshments were c p I served. The 8t. Patrick's Day idea f was effectively carried out In tne p plates which consisted of lime con- t gealed salad1, sandwiches, and cook- a e les cut In clover shape pattern, | e maple cup cakes topped with marsh- <j mellow and green cream Icing and n r' Ice tea. Favors were made from * green gum drops, white mints and 4 miniature white tapers, representing i an old fashioned candle stick. I " The Trf-L Club held its revular e meeting at the Club House with Mes ( dames Cora Hayes, Lula Wopdfwgrd ( and DSertha George acting as . Jolut s hostesses. Mrs. WOodward had char c ge cf the Devotional. After the bust- t 11 Pd u hail hoon off Ofi/tnH 1a n ? .V ? . ,1 of games and contests were enjoyed, c Among them "a relay race." The t hos'tess served a delicious frozen! salad course with accessories. ' I j Born to Mr. and* Mrs. Seth Wilson's a daughter, PhylllB Ann. ; Mr. and Mrs. Tha'mer Gamble, ac- s tpmpanied by Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Brl e ton of Cramerton spent the week-'t end In Valdese with relatives. In iMrs. Eliza Kendrick of Waco visit f ed Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jolly last'? week. | e Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ledfprd of near ' h^allston were the guests of Mr. and g Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Head and sons ( John Lewis and Wallace, of Cramer ton,, were the guests pf Mrs. Lula Woodward over the week-end. I Wanda Jane Jenkins, young daughj" ter of Mr. and' Mrs Jess Jenkins is j " Impi'aving from a serious illness. | | mis. waiter macKweider is a pa- c tient in Rutherfordton Hospital, s Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kimrnel visit- L I- ted relatives In Spencer Mountain 0 S|lust Wednesday. ti i. Mrs. Thainer Gamble and Mrs. Joe o 0 Foster spent last Friday a/uPaion a ? in Gastonia. I - Mrs. Bertha George was the- guest it ' of Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Byers at '1 0 their home on Mountain Street last a \veek end. . v ip Mr. L. Pi Sanders and Mr Grady e 3rRhea motored to Florida last week. 1 s They were actf.mpanled home by H ,1 Mrs. Sanders and young son, Ralph, 1 g who have been spending the winter t t in Florida. " . j C H Kittle Jo Ann Woodward spent o part of last week with her grand- o m):ther, Mrs. Kuia Woodward. .. t R Mrs. Gertie Proctor and Misses ' Lillian and Lou Ellen Proctor were -1 the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. It * Charles Moss. / |F * iMrs. Mamie Edwards of. Bessemer H City Was a vlsi or here last Thurs- tl day. C Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Key and child- P * ren were the guests of Mr. Key's ft parents in the Bethlehem community V last week end- | a Mrs. tsenna ueorge visited friends r 1 and relatives in Grover last Sunday.! Miss Flossie Wilson of Shelby wn the guest of Mrs. E. B. Cook last1 Saturday. iJ Mi*, and! Mrs. Millard Caldwell vis " Ited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foster Sunday afternoon. jcyKids f vw f) 1 If |l^l . * 4 f ? ' ;'Vy ; By Mary Julia POUock ' AIM* Batty Mauney and Ladd I am rick?Scholastic. Virginia Logga, Virginia Allan, innle Mae 8lme?Girls' Athletics. J. D. Jonea, Andy Huftstetler, ames Gibson?Oridlron. Carl Finger, Eugene Goforth, Ned day lia.Vi Sa.hwli til ,,,. Miles and Ernest Mauney?Piano. Nina Putnam. and James Ratterrce -Cooperation. 1 Our cheer leaders: Elisabeth Monk. Aline Campbell. Gloria Corn- ' veil, Charles Campbell ? School 1 Spirit. Elizabeth Plonk, Wllburn White? 1 Sociability. ,, t a a ? ??- ? .tiuui cu juiiv aiiu nuwara WQK* ' lugton?Newspaper. 1 Virginia lx>gan, Frances Stewart, tachel Smith, Colleen Campbell ? lee Club. Melva Settlemyre ? Band. Vera Phifer, Hal Allen?Dramatic 'lub Service. NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power ( sale contained in a Deed of Trust iven'by J. M. McGlnnls and wUe, D. 1 /orene McGlnnls, on the 11th day of I 'ebruary, 1936, as will appear on ree rd In the Register of Deeds Office 1 or Cleveland County in Book 216 at 1 age 14, to Wiley H. McOlnnia, Trus ee, for the Kings Mountain Bulkflng 1 nd Loan Association, to Mcwe the ndebtedness therein mentioned and 1 lefault having been made in the payment of same and at the request of < aid association, tbe undersigned, I laving been appointed Substitute Trustee by tbe Kings Mountain lulldtng and Loan Association . am pproved by tbe Court as will appear >n record in the Register of Deed* )fflce for Cleveland County, I, ss aid substitute trustee, will sell for ash at the Courthouse door in Shel>y, Cleveland County, North Camilla. on Monday April 4, 1938 at ten v'clock, A. M., or wltbln lege) hours, he following described real estate: Situated in the Town of Kings Mountain. N. C.. and on the East ilde of Sim's Street, and . BEGIN- ! flNG at a stake In tbe edge of said itreet, W. K. Mauney's corner (form rly Loyd Blgger's corner) and runs hence with. his line East 120% feet nore or less* to a stake In J. M. Ihea'a line; thence with Rhea's line ?orth 50 feet to a stake, a new cornr, thence a new line West 120'i eet, more or lesa. to a stake in the dge of Sim's Street; thence with aid* street South 50 feet to a stake, he beginning corner. This the 2nd day o' M 'voh, 1928. J. C. Iockev. S\;l .i.ute Trustee. . R. Davis. Atty. ?adv?mar 24 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power f sale contained in a deed of trust ive.il by J. M. McQinnis and wife, <orene McGinnis,' to Wiley H. Mclinnis. Trustee for the Kings Mounain Building and Loan Association, n the 26th day of February, 1937, nd registered in the Register of leeds O ce for Cleveland Countv i Bcok 216. at page 196, to secure lie Indebtedness therein mentioned nd default having been made in the ayment of same and the undersign d baying been appointed Substitute 'rustee and at the request of the lings Mountain Building and Loan "ssooiatlon, I will sell for cash at be Courthouse door in Shelby, Cleveland County, North Carolina, n Monday. April 18, 1938. at ten 'clock, A. M. or within legal houro, be following described real estate: Situated in the Town of Kings fountain, North Carolina, and being it 19 as shown on map made by A. Palls, Surveyor, for Plonk and ierndon. as will , appear on record in be Register of Deeds Office for leveland County in Book No. 1 at age 48, reference to which l,s made jr fuller description, said lot in a ' shape and is 165 feet by 155 feet nd by 125 feet and is a part of the 'arker land.. This the 15tto day of March, 1938. I J. C. Lackey, suDsiuuie iruniec. I . R. Davl#, Atty. ?adv?apr 7?D: JOB PRINTING ?PHONE 167? EraPMg^': V'' ' ;. ' >tr*S Under nnd by virtue of tbe power ol at Mlo contained la an Order made gl by f. M. Ham rick. Clerk of tbe 8u- V perlor Court for Cleveland Connty, Ol In tbe apectal proceedings entitled, ta "Bryan Herd and wife va. Fannie di Hord, Widow, et al." the undersign- < < fl will resell for cash at the Coart- fc house door in Shelby, ClevelanJ1 |N I'ountv. North Carolina, on Aalurdavl it April I. 1M1, at 11 o'cloclt, A'.'M 'c'flT within legal hours, the following de-'m scribed real estate: j In Situated on the South side of OolJ.ut Street In the Town of Kings Moun -! M lain, N. C . and BBGINN'Xa at a li< In the edge of aald street and runs h< thence 8. 1% W. 320 feet to a stake; C< thence N. 88^ W. 143 feet to a A stake; thence N. 1 Vj K. 320 feet to a \ or stake in the edge of said Gold street j d< tltenee along said street S. 88'3 IS. 143 feet to the beginning, containing cc 45.760 square feet, more or less. ? This the 10th day cf March, 1938. t The bidding will begin at $1,580.25. Bryan Iiord, Commissioner. J. R. Davis, Atty. ?adv?3-24. NOTICE-OF RESALE Under and by virtue of the power af sale given In an Order of the Superior Court in the cause entitled, "Reynolds vs. Reynolds," the undersigned commissioners will resell on the premises in the Town of Kings Mountain, North Carolina, on 8aturt day, April 2, 1938, at ten o'clock, K. M., or within legal hours, the followsIng described real estate: Lots numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 8 as shown on a plat or map made by E. L. Campbell, Surveyor of the Levy Reynolds estate, which map will appear on record In the Register of ? ? - ?- i kwi vivtcrauu ViUuui;. The above lots are located on the East side of Railroad Avenue anl are splendid lots for business purposes. All the lots will be sold as a whole and the bidding a;ll! begin nt 15,776.00. Terms of sale: one-third cash, onethird In six months and one-third la twelve nqontbs with privilege of pay Ing all cash upon the confirmation of sale. This the 14th day of March. 1938. J. R. Davis and B. T. Falls, Commissioners.I DELIVER. DETRO I *59< Federal and tint* taxe I EQUIPMENT I frit* Ufirth* 60 H. P. C?uf> tlmdtt trauiprtati*a chmrgtt 4 12 bumpers; 4 bumper |virdi tube end look?2 metohe CI|M lighter end uh trey Foot control for hcadli(ht I tor ? Built-in luffage ooo ?Silent helical (cart la all M- ? m 1H I fR I Hh I riAJJN* . t ' ' / ' ; ?"* . '"* .. y*. ' ' ' .-+ ' ' ' . i NOTICE OF SALE r* Under and by virtue of the power U : Ml* contained In deed of trust h< en by J. M. McQInnie end wife. SI orene MoOtnnle, to Wiley H. Me- lo inula, trnetee for the King* Moua- et In Building aud Lean Aaeoclutlon. SC ited October 1. 1934. and register- 01 I In the Register of Deeds Ofltcc ai ir Cleveland County In Book 1ST st X ige M to secure the tndebtedaees M lerrln mentioned and default bar- ol i'g Wen made Itf W*1 HfWWI Ul' ime and the undersigned having) fen apvolnted Substitute Trustee) id at the request of the Kings ouutain Building and Loan Aeeoctn J. an 1 will sell for caah at the Court >use door In Shelby, Cleveland I* aunty. North Carolina, on Monday,! I prll 18. 1838 at ten o'clock. A. M.. I ' within legal hours, (he follow lug I ascribed real estate: Heginnltig at n stake, Illackwell's I >rner. formerly Uren's corner and ^ BUILD Yo Wil F H A I f, V . You Can Borrow 90 Per Cost ? And Have Up To Pay. For complete information t mot imclttded ncluded , illuttrmtid, ondtn' ,mJ oil tko folbwimgt ?Sp?r? wheel, tire, d el?ctrlo^h?r?>?~ , with JSShfiBfe L MOTO By ggjgp^^ **> <jf?T~a^ q :^<y* - '. " ' y, ..*- ,' "*' "* "<* *" - ins with Blacfcweira H|M Bllth 17% (Mt to a corner of BtadmiT* >m? lot; thence alone Me line Beet ) feet to a new comer; thdace* a* ng a new line 197% feet North to a ake. a new corner; thence Weet l feet to the begin ate*. containing * e fourth of an acre mere or leea id being the Northerly half of Let o. 4 ae per plat aaade hf L T? iaaa and reentered la the Regteter Deede OMce for Oaaton County i'wm mi This the 16th day of March. IMS. J. C. Lackey. . Subatitute Truetee. R. Davie, Atty. ?adv?epr 7?D MASONIC MEETING First Monday Night In Each Month ur HOME r - i th MONEY Cent of The Complete Twenty-Five Years to , . ~ ' '* see your local builder. r -v ' ... _ ?- v ,"."^ I l AAU| ||IHVII He; HffllMMfl '* * 4 V ImICI ew Thrifty "60" RDV-8 i '* . " t' '-': ."~~ "' ' ' ' D PA I I - W PERCY L. CROSBY T. IV THf MiVM MWIM9M tmilATf |

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