' ?UV AT NOMA VOL. 34 NO. It State And M Condensed Ii ?National News? Cheater, S. C., March 29.?Little Hess White McAuley, daughter o( Mr. and Mrs. Angus M. McAuley wus painfully injured thlB afternoon when the pony she was riding brushed against a post and threw her frcjn the saddle. The little girl suffered two broken ribs and a deep gash across the forehead that required five stitches to close. Buffalo, N. Y., Mar. 29.?Stricken wttb a heart attack, former Mayoi George J. Zlinmernunn was seriouB ly ill today at a hearing opened 1n supreme Court on an indictment charging hitu with attempted bribery Zrjxtmermann was stricken while returning from New York City _ by train and was confined to his home ? .? . s r Nashville, March 29.?A 15-yearold boy. Jack Morgan, was held here today after. Sheriff C. V. Faulkner said, he confessed he slew his foster father tor tear he would carry out a threat to beat him to death. The sheriff quoted the boy as say - lag his foster father, Henry A Mot g&n thhreatened to beat him, so h< crept into Morgan's bedroom last Monday while he was asleep and shot him, ducked behind the bedpost, reloaded the gun, and fired agaln. Denton, Texas, March 29.?A col lapsed trestle plunged the engine and two cars of a Missouri-Kansas Texas passenger train eighteen feel Into ft creek bed hear here last night Three crewmen were slightly injur ed but all passengers escaped. A torrential rain was blamed foi tbe trestle collapse. Several cars of a Rock Iatand freight train derailed and caught flre between Boyd and Newark, Tei r v as, but no ope was Injured. Granltevllle, S. C., March 29.?Fur eral services were planned here late today for Curtis L. Britt, 25, textlk worker who drowned at Now Sawar uah Bluff Friday night. The bodilee of Craig Russell, jsu perinteodent ol the Warrenvllle D1 vision of the Granltevllle Manufad uring Co., and Bynum B. Cadu, i truck driver, also members of a boat ing party with Britt, had not beer found today... Their motorboat weni over the dam at the bluff. New York, Mar. 29.?Col. Edwarc M. House, internationally known at , a close advtlser to President Wood row Wilson during the trying Work war era, died today after a long ill nes?. He was 70 vears old. * ? ' Cheater, 8. C., March 29.?Frui and truck crops In the Lewis Turn out section of Cheater county wen badly damaged when, a severe hai and electrical storm struck the con muirtty about 5: SO o'clock Baturda] afternoon. Georgetown. 8. C., ?Playing wit) matches three year old Moses Mai Ion Varnum set a fire in a barn lot and was burned to death yesterda; A ftve year old playmate was reset % ?_ ? Lewiston, N. T., March 29.?Stnu Kling along the lower Niagara Rive has declined to such an extent tha the United 8tatea border patrol wi: close its Lewiston station due to lack of "customers." Laughing Aroi With IRV The Similarity 4 Br ntvn *pO MY w*y of thiaUng, the funi * In any American Publication ii There waa a picture which hel] of a summer scene off the coast resorts. A youth |ins induced a Pr o , '1 Li Ms catboat; presumably it The ttle craft is dancing merrily awir Tinjr the tiller, glorying in thi ging 1 the splasn of swells egaii i I But :e Pretty Young Thing i E - i.up forward and upon her face la she sneaks: "I've enjoyed the sail tremen pt v mind, I think we might Just as well when you've seen one wave you've ?1?-?'?? ; ? Kings lational News n Brief Form! f ?State News? i Newton. March 29.?The Newton ' elementary schools reopened yesterday at the regular hour after a three weeks vacation due to a measles and whooping cough epidemic, according, to an announcement by Superintendent 11. N. Ourley. '| V " * 1 Warrentou, March 29.?Coroner Jasper Sheariu said today that Good Cheatham Uurrls, 38, of Henderson i ws killed Saturday night when his ' car crashed into a Warren County > badge near the Virginia line. \ Sheariu said Harris was attemptlng to elude two officers who sua i pc-iteu mm or transporting Illegal Ui quor at the titne of the fatal accl' dent. i ' Raleigh, March 28.?A quarter of . a million dollars, Included In .about , 31,200 checks, waa distributed to un ? employed workers in North Carolina laat week, bringing the tout so far distributed to about $1,316,000 in . about 189,000 checks since the last of January, Sjuto Unemployment > Compensation Commission office rec i erds show, i Dunn, March 28.?Ttxn Pope, local truck driver, barely escaped dea ih early this morning wheu the truck he was driving crashed . into the side of a passenger train. \ Pope, who was traveling east on ' die town's main business thorough' fare, failed to slop wlien tne special ' double-header passenger train croes ' cd the track and his car crashed into the second engine. |i Newton, March 29.?The explosion . of an oil circulating heater in the chicken house of Jap Setzer, who lives on the Claremont Road. Just beyond the town limits, resulted in a fire that completely destroyed the ' building along with 200 brown leg!I corn pullets and about 30 hens yt?-j 'i terday morning. Mr. Setzer said neil '.ghbors discovered the -fire about I 6:30 o'cleuk. and aroused hi in just in time to save about half of his ' hens. He estimated his loss at about 1300.' . . ? . ;i t' Charlotte. March 29.?A young wo Imau using the name Charlotte Boardman but who, her attorney I said, is really Helen Hayes, "mem, ber of one cf New York State's best . families," was convicted today in I O'.ty Recorder's Court on two charg.1 c-s of passing worthless checks and I sentenced to eight months in the Industrial Home, t Miss Boardman was brought here . < from Asherllle. where* lest week she 8' am pie ted a jail sentence tor a stm-iI lar offense. "H-* J First National Issues Booklet II The First National Bank of Kings v Mountain has secured for Its ps* trons an Interesting booklet with f questions and answers about bank>' lug. These booklets will be distributed with the monthly statements according to B. S. Nelll, Cashier. The & questions are Interesting and they r are answered In simple, understand * able terms. If you desire a copy of 11 this faotgiving booklet, a copy may * be had for the asking at the Fire MotUonl n??i# | niwiuiiai iw II (\. and the World in s. cobb y of the Waves S S. COBB niest original job* that haa appeared i quite sometime was printed in Life, pea to tell the story. It was a picture facing one of our Eastern summer ?tty Young Thing to go with him for ; was her first experience of this sort, on the surf. The infatuated youth is t swish of the wind through the rigi ist the careening hull, s not quite so happy. She is huddled a wan and apprehensive look. Anon dously," she says, "but, if you don't I be going back to the land. After all, seen them all." as ftotona. In.) v-kT'jwr""' ' iPpr*' > Moub KINGS MOUNTAIN, N. C. - ' EMI W/&UL -fOOL. McSwain Tu Now Open T Former Resident Of Kings Mountain Passes In Shelby Hospital , , ' J. A. Harmon, axe 69. formci Kings Mountain resident, died in th' Shelby Hospital. Monday, following a two-weeks critical illness. For tl?? past ten years, he had been in fall iig health. Funeral services were held at Pht terson Springs church, Tuesday 11 a. m., where the body lay in state for an hour previous to the funeral Mr. Harmon had been a leading nember and steward cf the churcl for a number of years. The pastor Itev. J. A. Wise, was in charge . o the services and was assisted bi Rev. R. M. Courtney of Shelby, an< Rev. W. M. Boyce of Kings Mcun tain. ii Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Jei sle Hogue Harmon; two daughters Mrs. M. H. Starns of of Monroe anr Mrs. Knox Hardin, of Shelby; tw< brothers, T. N. and Luther Harmon three half-sisters, Mrs. Minnie Crav ford, Miss Ella Harmon and Mrs. T P. MicQHl. all of Kings Mountain. Mr. Harmon and family lived to a number of years in Kings Moutt tain and during his' stay here, serve' as Superintendent of the Sunda; School of Central Methodist churci of which he was a faithful membe and steward. Mr Herman was a native of Clevi land county, member of a promtnen family The funeral services were attend ed by a large number from 8helby Kings Mountain, Patterson Spring and elsewhere. Mauney Twins Make Hit In Gastonia /The Mauney Twins. Miles am Ernest, were guest artists nt K wants meeting in' Gastonia Tuesday The following from . the Gazett AlQng-the Avenue bolumn, leads t believe that as usual they made big hit: Ernest and Miles Mauney, hand some and accomplished twin sons o Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mauney of King Mountain were the main and onl attraction at Klwanls luncheo Tuesday . . . thep put on the wbol program and it was a humdingei for fair ... those boys can knoci the daylights out of a piano . . they play hlgr brow stuff, too, non of this light, airy, popular music . . tbey practice religiously an hour o more every day under the snperwh ion of their mother, formerly Mis Sarah Hoffman of Dallas, and an a< conypllshed musician herself . . they have appeared In Gastonia number of times and always attrar a lot- of applauae . . . they were 01 a big program at Spartanburg a fw week* ago end their performaftc drew moat favorable comment . they ought to go placet ia the mua cal world before they get much ol< or. Musical Program At BethteJiehi Church The Qlee Club and Quartet,, an WWa of Boiling . Spring Junior College, will render :a pre gram cf nfulle aV BeCWbtfOm Baptla church Sunday, April 3, at 11 o'clock '* v itain ] * & . I rHUWjipAV. MAWCH >1. 1?M PTY^ lip Gardens 0 Public X ?? The annual treat for flower lot and who doesn't love a beau flcwer. is Just about weeks before the ei . gardens will be at their peak. V .vaya have been arranged beu r the beds, so that as many as ' people can be accommodated at 3 time. r| , I r Re*. J. L. Chaney To Preach Here ? ? ? i The pastor of Grace Metb Church announces that Rev. J. I- Chaney of Newport, Tennessee, preach n special revival service s that church two weeks begin April 18. Mr. Chaney Is a ? Mountain boy and baa many frl here. He baa served. aa paatoi several Methodist churches in Tennessee. 1 Will Rogers' I Humorous Story 'j By WILL tlOGERS a THE big day foi a lot of men y when they can get up and-1 n the boy scouts what a hard ti ? they had getting started. 1 poor kids must be scared to de " from all the hard tales they h * these well-fed guya telling th about how the successful! men e started sweeping chimneys or s< ' ^^U^ttJsre was one rich fell r that always used to tell ey ' meeting that he spoke to all sb A Viin V?n?/l lnete af ?* m?o imuu luva n? vuu a?w* v? ' (loo* ftr hs) ; ^ 1. "When I landed In this h ] town * he says, I had only tfc dollars to my dame." He got away with this tale twenty years, %nd one day a low of his own aye happened hear it "Yes," says this wise ffeexert the one that sat next to 1 4 "that's the truth, all right j you know how he spent his tl * neks ? Por two of them ho v drank, end the third he used it wire home for a thousend dolls (jjaiteuNm IMmS IM) * * - 15 ^ n Herald * > * 1 ' 'I' " ";V- 4 . * I Clinic At Red Cross Office j Th,. Health Center at. the lied' Crocs otIU-e was a scene at hustling activity Thursday afternoon The, set-end rl'nic for expectant mothers" ; and for babies was in prom-ess. J. Several of the mid-wives of this , section were in attendance with haj hies they, have cared for and mothj el s they expect to take cafe of in i delivery. ;v~; 'There were fourteen expectant ' mothers examined and. advised.i Thirteen babies were examined and advice concerning their care given to. their mothers. This clinic is held every fourth Thursday In the Red Cross office at; the City Hall. It is being provided by Red Cross for only these % ho are not financially able to secure the service and care, of a physician. j There were three registered nurses and several attendants at work at the clinic. Dr. Harper was the attending physician. Epidemic Of Chicken Stealing Here Chicken thieves have been active in the Kings Mountain area lately. During the past week about 75 chick ens have been stalen from four owners. Last Thursday night thieve made aw^y with 17 white rocks from Carl Mauney on East King street. Sunday night 40 laying hens were stolen from Mr. George Owens who lives on the Alex Weir farm near the Park Yarn Mill. Monday night rers, 12 chickens were stolen from a Mr. tiful Baumgardner who lives on Price It's Street in the northern part of town, lens And Tuesday night five hens were roxl- taken from the flock of Trov Cart A. ... / ? _ ? i _? * rv?t_ _ lain |icmer oil Vroia sireei. i aere were fund several bantams In the Carpenter Mr. flock, but they were turned lose, and id n not taken, vission IxH-al .officers - are working on the jn case, and think a ring of thieves are cle(j! stealing the chickens and disposing they Icf them cn some distant market. and j One officer advanced the idea that rked 1>e chitdcens were put to sleep or' non.. gassed before they were stolen aS( for! the owners have not heard oue out-[ cry. and did not discover the thefts the until the next day. ^avo About two weeks ago thieyes norei tnade a raid on the chicken hous'es meriof Ar,hur Kails, and made away with , en.j 19. and the same night got 21 from ten | Mr. Falls' father-in-law. Mr. Blan-j a3| ton. An undetermined number was ; stolen from Kess Stewart I Mies ' be Dr. Stanford Suddenly 111 itirej !.?!!!.' Or. A. L Stanford, pastor of the veen1 * Methc-dlst Cnuich at Lincolnton, 1 came to Kings Mountain on Monday one : afternoon to assist the pastor cf the | local Methodist Church in a ten days meeting. The congregations wero j large and well pleased with the be| ginning of the meeting Dr. Stan/orl I professed himself more than pleased odist with all that had been done in prep I osaiIaii foa Klo /vMnlnv b, ! mai'VM ivi uio Q. will! Just as he closed an unusually' g at strong and Interesting seirtcn Tues| inlng morning he -was taken suddenly kings was carried over to the Meth J ends odlet parsonage and attended by1 r of two doctors, and later carried to hlsj East own home In Ldncolnton by ambulance. At the time of gotng to press he is reported as showjng signs of _ improvement and his physicians and friends hope for his early and com-j , plete recovery. I The Methodist pastor and congregation regret very mutih that Dr. Stauford could not continue iu the 4 meeting. They are very much pleas ed with the progress of the meeting. A very attractive feature of the i is meeting Is the song service led by t?" Mr. F. C. Todd of Oastonia. T&* rh6 meeting .will continue as planned with the pastor, Rev. E. W. Fox, or ear come other minister preaching each em night at 7;30. For the present no day all services before Sunday are planned. ?rt low Guffey Sentenced To 12-15 Years In Rape Case Leonard Guffoy was sentenced to 12 to 15 years In the State Penlten Mary after pleading guilty to assault ? on a female with attempt to commit . rape. Gutfey was charged with rape 1 but was allowed to plead guilty to ^ the lesson crime. He was sentenoed In Superior Court In Shelby Wednes ere day morning. tree On the original Indictment Ouffey . was charged with rape on Miss Oe fe?j* neva Sheppard. [ to During the same term of Courl I^andrum Haney was sentenced tr r to. 13 to 18 years at hard labor in the State Penitentiary, while Hugh Har itee r!H 7 t0 *? years for three auto thefts. One of the cars allege? to stolen by Haney and Harrill belong rs." ?o n-w. w. M. Boyce. of Kingi Mountain. -rrr?- wr.jBi. II | - - ' -T^| READ | THI HERALD 9 PIVg CENTS PgR COPY1 J SEEKS RE-ELECTION 1 H I ? H H 3 Raymond Cllne, sheriff of Cleveland county, has officially filed for rcndmlnntlon to the office he now holds, subject to the Democratic prl mary on June 4. In announcing Mr. Cllne bald; I "I am seeking the renominatlon for sheriff of this county on tho record 1 have made In this office. In the event that the people of this J county honor me with this office again, I pledge them by best efforts to faithfully fulfill Its many duties. It bus always been, and shall contin J ue to be my motto, 'right will win.' "Regardless of the outcome of this primary I would like to be known by the citizens as the staer- | iff of service. I appreciate the confidence and cooperation of the pub- 3 lie In the past, and earnestly solicit your contiuued support and influence." ' . Church School At First Baptist j The annual Church School of Missions of the First Baptist Church will be held each night next week 9 fic-m Monday April 4tli, through Friday. A.pril 18th. There will bo classes for all uses. meeting at 7:30 o'clock with an address each night by a visiting minister on sOme phase of the Missionary Work at 8 o'clock. Following is the schedule of addresses: A. (5. Sargeat, Foreign Mission. Monday. Boyd Canno, Christian Education, Tuesday. C. J. Black. Orphanage, Wednesday. J. V. Frederick. Home Missions, Thursday. C. C. Parker, State Missions, FrlThe following books will be studied in the classes: Europe: Christ or Chacs?Adults; Questing In Galilee ?Intermediates; The Village OvenJuniors; The Camel Bells ? Primary and Beginners. Three P. T. A. Meet April 12th m U . > 1. . .TAH^Viam icon l nt? lurre rairiiricuvuoi n?ouclations of Kings Mountain will have a joint meeting on Tuesday evening April 12, at the High School auditorium. according to an announcement from Mrs. Frank Summers. President of the Central 8choo! P. T. A. The entire program will be devoted to safety, and complete details of the arrangements will be announced in the next Issue of The Herald. The Presidents of the three associations are very anxious for all the parents of Kings Mountain to make plans to attend this Important meeting. (Opinions Expressed in This Column Are Net Necessarily tha Viaws of This Newspaper.) A careful bit of behlnd-the-scene t oi?ia?w v?o-n nnmo *a Korhf In rannap | on aicgj u?o vvimv vv ii^uv iu w ? >. 'Ion with the Increasing talk of an ^9 early adjournment of Congress. And . If the strategists do their work ef- S | fectlvety, the wage-hour bill hopes i of the administration may not ? as > had been expected *- expire In a I Congressional pigeon hole. Instead, the stage Is being set for a "pressure" passage of such a bill ' In an eleventh hour fight. The strategy began when It recently became apparent that most ill members of Congress are anx> :cus to get back home as eerlt ss I ' passible?what with moat of them .. facing hard campaigns before next > November's "reckoning" at the polls. I Briefly, the strategists are advan? lictpg along this line: I (Ccnt'd on b*ok page) j . " 1 v ' '