UY MOMS VOL. 34 NO. 22 ' State And?N I Condensed Ii ?National News? iJucharcst. Rouinania, April 19. ? Military court began' today a thorough investigation of a supposed plot against the Oovernmnet, and held under strict guard the NazMncllned Cornelia Zeiea Cordeau and 80 of his colleagues. '. . . nv v _-t - ' Trucker, Calif., April 19.?One man -was killed and two others -were injured when an aval&nchn at snow and ice tumbled down on a work % t crew at the mouth of a railroad tunnel near Donner Summit in the Sien ra Nevadas Sunday. l^accester, 8. CI, April 19.?Fenndl Hammond, of Kershaw, died in a local hc&pltal last night of injur!.. ' es suffered in a highway accident near Heath Springs late Saturday night. Mr. Hammond received a fractured ahull, a cut across the face, and a broken hip when his automobile collided with a truck parked along the side of the highway. Mexico City. April 19 ?Gustavo Es pines Mireles. ead of the National Oil Export Co., announced today preparations were complete for the export of ell from expropriated Brit tsh and American weils at Tampico, He did not specify destination or purchaser of the oil upon his retunt from a Tampico Inspection to check on transportation facilities. He said shipments would start this week. Washington. April 19.?President Roosevelt today pardoned Dr. Fran cis E. Townsend, old age pension ad vocate, as he was about to enter the local jail to serve a 30 day sentence for contempt of a Hcuse committee Shanghai, April 19.?Japanese laun chtd a strong attack In the Lint sec tor today, precipitating a major batt le in which thev anoarentlv were de termined to avenge the series of stinging defeats they have suffered recently at the hands of the Chinese In Central China. Washington, April 19.?President Roosevelt's relief program will pel mit the Agriculture Department tc broaden substantially its, activities in helping needy farm families, offl rials said , today. Mr. Roosevelt has recommended that Congress appropriate $175,000, 000 for rural relief during the fiscal year beginning July 1. Chk&go, April 19.?Investigators digging deeper into the tnngled fi naric'nl opcratons of t.hc Hoagland Allutn Co. turned today to the per sonal bank valuts of- three official' of the LaSaJle Street brokeragt house. f Columbus, Ohio, April 19.?Nego tialions to end a strike of street cai and motor bus operators were mirec in an impasse today ? and thpu3 ands of office and factory employed walked or thumbed a ride to work. Laughing Aroi With IRV V I A Tribute to By IRVI "THERE was a tailor who lived i A youth, who w:,3 probably the Dixon's Line. Indeed, I am inel he held the skinny championship o he surgestad a pair of callipers. 1 On u> autumnal evening he Hunting in the woods. As the part edge of the town one youth hauled revolver which he thought was unl as unloaded revolvers usually do i entered the thigh of the attenuate While several of the group so fortable at the roadside, two othe The nearest physician was an eld* B- fashion of speech who lived in tl mile from the spot where the so two hours earlier, after a session was now sound asleep. Badly excited and very much reached his residence. After rep? B heard the sound of an upper wi thickened voice demanding to kno the night. "Come on down right away, pair. "You're needed." "Was masserf" he answered. "Wade Hoyfs been shot dews , "Wade Hoyt, huh? Who shot "BUI Wflgus." I "Where'd he shoot 1m?" I . end went hack to L XT Rings ational News n Brief Form1 It ?State New*-Concord, April IP.?James Whittington lest a $10 bill more than a year ago and Saturday he found It?' | In a rat's nett. Last sprjng Whittlngton droped the bill In the office of a mill here' land despite a thorough search the I money could uot be found. Saturday. Yateg McCachren, office clerk found a s:na11 part of a bill In a filing cabinet. Searching further he uuearthed a rat's nest, the greater part of ' which was made up of small pieces cf paper money- The pieces were j assembled and pasted together . a. , local bank accepted the money. I ^ 1 Sprarta, April 19.?Olenn Maxwell, , 40 year old negro charged with slavi, Ing Charles Shepherd, a white man, , j near here last Thursday, was held in | ' ?n unnamed North Carolina jail to- t day. i, Sheriff Walter M. Irvin said that | Maxwell, arretted at Galax. Va.. Sat , j nrday, had been returned to North j I Caro'na after waiving extradition. ! i i ' It | Salisbury, April 19.?A special air ; ' mall flight from Easter North Caro- ( ij liua to Knoxville, Tenq., will be. nude during air mall week. May 1&-21. 'Plans for the flight designed ' ' to show the practicability c-f sucu an; ! fVst-W/rtl route, were announced here by J. H. McKenale. etate chair- ( I siisfir of Na.ttcnal Air Mall- week. The flight will be in addition ta.j the national pick-up service May 19.' ; Chapel Hill. April 19.?The Hosplt tul Saving Association of North Car olina is among the first group plans for hospital service in the country to be approved by the American Hospital Association under the standards j i recently established, according to . an announcement of the American; , Hoaptal Association of Chicago. ! OPEN FORUM LETTER I '11> the Editor cf the Kings Moun-j , tain Herald: Dedr Mr. Lynch: ? We have been accused ot (or giv-j t ?n so much credit for) writing tho; . "flftftJiilfll Iftttar" that uto havn , to tho conclu'i'ou that something , must be dene so that we can earn . the credit honestly! AVe. Mr. Lynch, and ? *!?!**? I have niado arrangements so that we . can write a column one week and I let ? *!?!**? have it the next week. We'll print cur column week piGier next tor the first time. O. K.? it's yours next week, ?**!?! *? Yours sincerely, Virginia Logan . . Mary Julia Pollock. ? :?: ? '.! > Fire Call Monday Firemen were called out Monday - morning to the heme of K. W. Fo?r tcr on Parker street but the fire huT 1 already been extinguished before the * firemen arrived. No damage was i <H:ne. A pan of grease on the electric stove had become inflamed. ind the World IN S. COBB Marksmanship S S. COBB in a town where I spent part of my skinniest tailor south of Mason and incd to believe that among tailors, f the entire United States. In profile PSj '' Tier? wmsn t a span ounce on him. was one of several who went coony was returning and had reached the l out of his pocket a newly purchased loaded. He snapped it and it behaved inder such circumstances. The bullet ?d tailor. /". * uffht to make the wounded man comrs hurried off for medical assistance, irly person of full habits and a gruff bo outskirts, perhaps a quarter of a ddent had occurred. He had retired with a bottle of prime Bourbon, and out of breath, the two coon-hunters ited knocking at the front door they ndow being raised and a somewhat w what they wanted at that hour of please, Doc," called back one of the i Hie road hern a little piece,** 1m?* M . ?eid doctor as he closed the window Moun . . KINGS MOUNTAIN. N. C. WHO IS THIS? rb D I rl HK< jw Above is pictured one of King* Mountain'* oldest and best knovtto :itizens. Needless to say the picture aaa made several years ago, but leverthelesa It is almost an exact ikenecs of the man today. Mr. Glee \. Bridges of Bridges & Hamrick Mill present a nice gift to the first aereon who identifies this citizen, lust the very minute you receive four Herald call Glee Bridges, you nay be the first and the winner of .he prize. More about this picture ind citizen will be in the next issue 5f The Herald. , * Jack and Jill Club News TJic Seniors in the Jack and Jill Club are very busy these days practicing for the Senior Play*,' "Glrl; Shy", try Katherine Kavannugh. Hie play, a conuily in three acts, will be given April 29, in the new High School Auditorium. . We are very proud to give the first play In the auditorium. The characters are: TLkii Arsdale, who is girl-shy, Wil burn1 White. Oke Slimaon, who isn't. Bill Davis Caroline, Tom's aunt, Nina Putnam Anthony Arsdale, Totn's father Dick Baker, Sylvia Webster, Tom's pet aver sion, Lllafaye Sides. Dean Marlow, dean of the college Uuren Neill, Jr. Peaches Carter. Oke's present weakness, Marjorie Rhea. * Asms. a colored "wash lady", Em ily Lee Ashe. Birdie LaVerne, a movie aspirant, Mary Frances Tidwell. Barbara Sanford (Babs) herseif Elizabeth Plonk. Alfred Tennyson, the college pcet, Charles Thomassdn, Jr. Chuck Mayo, Birdie's late affinity Paul Stewart. band w -Ik Mountaineers Drop One Take One The Mountaineers H. S. baseba! team wns defeated by CherryvllJ last Thursday 14-5. Gcterth, lluf stetler, Jones and Whelsttnc walke sixteen men, but gave up few hi's. Tuesday the Mountaineers defeate Forest CVty 10-7. Huffatetler gav up ?tx hits. High hitters were G( fierth and Morrison with 2 for 4 eao Monday the home team plays La notr, and Tuesday they play Fores City hgaln, both games to be playe here. College Singers At v a a a LAitneran unurcti The Lenoir-Rhyne College singe under the dlVectlon of Professor i B. Leo will give a musical progra in 8t. Matthews Lutheran Chun Sunday Evening April 24th at 7:3 This group of singers has had moat successful year and the be performance yet. There are sever Kings Mountain young people sin ing with them. A program of inspl lng and worshipful music will 1 given. The public is cordially Invitt to attend. itain I THURSDAY. APRIL 21, 19M | Hugh B. Stowe Dies '.At 1 av.oU Tathcr of Logan Stowe Dies Sudder ly Following Heart Attack; Rite At New Hope Church Yrete/day. Hutch Border* SW*e, 54t di"d su lionly Tuesday aftentitosn alter L.jrt attack suffered in the yard n It in htirtr tjopr Lowell. Mr. Stow had been in ill health for the laa two yearn. Kuneifttl service a were held at thrc o'clock yesterday afternoon at Net Hope Presbyterian church in whlc .Mr. Stowe lead served for some tlm as a deacon. He was to bave bee Invatciil 'a thf* nr tr'if Jam . ol't" %?V> IJ?V-1WM VI WiUV. within the ncrt few days. Buris was in New Hope cemetery. Mr. Stowe was born on the ol S'.c we home place near Lowell, sn cf J. Logan and Jane HI at Stowe. For twenty years, until hi i<;rc.nent uinee ycnr8 ago to th (id hemo place, 'he lived in King .Mountain, where he operated a stor mi farm. , Surviving: are the widow, Mr | Cora Lewis Stowe; two sons, Ixtga I Stowe of Kings Mountain and Ten j pie Stowe <f Lowell; two brother ' Or. A. H. Stowe of Pace let, S. an ' C. F Stowe of Kings Mountain;, an wo sisters. Mrs. Hoyle Armstronj j < .id. Miss Hutlie Stowe cf. Gustonia. Mrs. Florence Tate Dies J Mrs. Florence Tate, wife of th : late Vance E. Tate, passed awh Thursday April 14, after a iingerln ! illness. Mrs. Tate was 59 years ( . '..go and had lived in this city fc ! more 'than forty years, ccming het jlt-cm South Carolina. She was a da ( gbttr of the late Robert Crawfori Mrs. Tate was a member cf the Se< ond Baptist church more than thirt years. Although her Illness hept h< ' from attending church regular" \sti umained loyal in deed and thougl l, :o her church and her Lord. C. ,! Surviving her are nine chlldret Mrs. A. J. Ccdy, Mra. Henry Putnai Mra. Odcll Pruitt, Mrs. Willie En Ihud, Mrs Paul Putnam, "Grad , Brocks and tferman Tate, all < Kings Mountain, and Mrs. CharU t Meltcn of Stone Mountain. Ga., ar cue brother, Jeff Crawford, of L4 colntou, and twenty grandchildren Fish Fry At El Bethel There will he a fish fry -at E , Bethel Church Saturday night t 7:J0 and the public is cordially tnv ' ed to cotne out and enjoy a goc "feed," > .. INS FIRST PLACE IN DI * -'. ,v <. f . ? ~ BEik' .1 U|K .>*-x . - "*'* . . ? \ i'1V *' - ' Fox's Iris Very Pretty Rev. E. W. Fox, pastor of Centi Methodist Church, is very proud his beautiful iris. He has ever II varieties in his" Kdrdens at the ft j, if his home on Mountain street. S Fox extcnrls a cordial invitation j flower lovers to visit his home a enjoy his iris with him. I J1 r"~ "I h Will Rogers' Humorous Story By WILL ROGERS MISS SPEND IT'S dad dldn' Ilka tha looks of tha guy thai eoma to him to talk about mar riaga. 0 "You cant support har on yon alary," says tha dad. "Why. - maka tan times that much, and tall you I can hardly keep har bill * paid upr * "Wall, say," says tha young mar lr Idnda hopefully, "IH bat you an i> ma together can manage It a 1 ? ul T t j ler aid : \'r ;/ ; f Aged Retired i Passes Mond J ?? L ^ a; National Air Mail Wzek ,f To Be Observed Here j! ej . 1' it | Arra-iigpinOHts are being made to j celebrate National Air Mall Week e in Kings Mountain from May 15/to,' *!,2I. Ki:w?s Mountain firms and 1ndi-| ( h ' ..1.1 1.. K-.1- 4 ' ' nuumi tan iit-ii> lut ir wwii receive , ^ e, a great deal cf favorable advertising f n; during this week by mailing; our lot'iters by ?ir mall, with an attractive ( ll ic.v'.u>: stamped- on the envelope.,' | Rending a etter by air mull costs d only three cents extra. Plans are | being made to have a pick-up plane ? kis-s.-'P In Kings Mountain during the.' s' week to take cn air mail. , I e Complete details will bo ann.ounc ' sjeJ in a later issue ot tlie Herald ac lang, wi s a ' leptkduction of the (cachet that will be stamped on the 5. air mail envelopes. i ' nI The following committee has been! >I M.niad fc assist Postmaster \V. K s ! biakeiy. Mesdaines 10. \V. muffin , 4 and Giady \V. King. Messrs (51ee A. j ( j j bridges. F. I{. Summers. Charles F. rt i Thcnuuwan, w. K Mauuo;., P M ; Xelsler. B. S.'Neill, luid lla> wood E. , Lynch. ; . I Easter Crowd ( e Fills Churches i v ?'? " g With the co-operation of the ( jf weatherman until late Sunday aftir ernUcn Kings Mountain Easter pae was pronounced a decided sueu ccss. ' j. Churches here enjoyed capacity c- crowds. It was estimated that 50'J y attended the Sunrise Services In ;r fjuut of the Central School. with, ie .most cf the choirs of the local churit ches partldvatiug. Meix-hants re>ptrted that buying of ' clothes, especially in the wotpen'n l: departments was brisker Saturday 1,1 'than it has been this year. Throngs '6 or people were seen cu Kings Moun y,|tai:i sirrets all Saturday afternoon. ' Hi I [j Local Girl lakes Part n- 111 Plays Miss Frances Goforth, a student at the University of North Carolina has been chcsen to take a leading part In a series of eight play? to' 11 be given this' week by the well i known Carolina Playtnakers. Miss it Goforth was an honor student in id | the local High sell col and U new a ( senior at the University. ULL1NG HS I ' -a Bfi ? t (Picture by Belk'a Studio) Above is pictured Kings Moun tain's Eighty Piece School Ban ra which, according to a long dfstano 0 eleiphcne message last night, w?: ? declared wtr.ner of the first place t' >a Drilling In the State Band Contes llr hold yesterday In Greensboro. Thir" ' place was chalked up for the loe.-.l n hand In the music etcntests. Com nlete details of the contest were lacking at press time last night. On the return trip from Greensboro the band storped ever In Mocksvllle, D rector Paul E. Heudrlck's ' hometown. Among those who accompanies the band on the trtp were: Meadam. es B. M. Ormantt, L>. D. Shuford, E. W Griffin. Mr and Mrs Troy Carponter, and MeeeTa I Add HanYrlck, t W K. Maunep, Curt la Falla, Olee 1 Bridges, Ned Mow, B. N. Barnes, and D. M. Bridge* About one half of the bend members made the trip by bus and the feat went in cars. Charles F. Them?son was unable to make the trip but aent his oar. Mrs. Page Dies r In Lancolnton I Mrs. Addle Hoover Page, mother * f Mr. Harry Page of Kings Moun , tsln died at her home In Llncolnton d Tuesday night. II Funeral and Interment will tak< (place In Ldnoolntoa this (Thursday] I afternoon at five o'clock. ? . . * \ ' READ THE PtVE CENTS PER CORY* 1 Pastor 1 Rev. J M.'r .-on, IV I), arc V), pi-cmincnt reilrwl Kilnlstor and pas- i or cntctitug of Royci' Memorial A. it. I'. Church. di??d Monday evening it 8:150 following a long period of let-lining liVHltbi .-S KuAeral fct'V vices were held at 1 Boyce M< iiortal at 11 o'clock Wedleadoy moroil: < and interment ma/dJ n the family burial plot in Mounain Hest f'eineiery. Rev. R. M. * j 3tephenson, I). D.t of Due Weal, J i'lass mate and life-long friend of he deceased conducted the services irJ tl'AO I It.. I 1. .. -1 *?4U wu."? U9ni9U u UJ lll|* VI ho church. Rev. \V. M. Boyce. * .1 Active pall-bearer:; were Dr. Garden's heph-ews, \V. M. Garrison of G:ustonia. J. M. Garrison of Derlta, i'amks Garrison of* Badin, Hubert Parka of Trout man, Nell Garrison of 1 StaU-sville, ' and Reese Overeash of Charlotte. Honorary pail bearers included r fliolal members of Boyce Memorial 1 hurch. Dr. Garrison is survived by his widow, wlo was before marriage. Miss Fiances Nair of Virginia. He ' Is also survived i?y oue brother, Hal 'I Garrison of Derita; two sisters. Mrs. Will Garrison and Mrs. Salle Over* [ ash of Charlotte and a number of ? itleces and nephews. ,'r\ Jfl He was a native of Mecklenburg C'ounty. a sen of the late Samuel A. and Elizabeth Jane Hunter Garrison, J He was educated in the schools of Huntcreville and Etshine College and Pr'incton Theological Seminary. He aceeptdi a call to ttie pastorate rf the A. U. P Church at Kings Mountain in 1892 and was installed in the old frame church, which as In later years during his pastorate, 'j i e place by Boyce Memorial Church. ] During Itis stay in Kings Mountain -j he was for many years paster of i Bethel church, near here. He remain .i ed in Kings Mountain for 16 years, . 1 returning in later years, when hd again served the congregation for ! 14 years. During his absentee he serv ?d charges In Anderson. S. C., F>aye.ttevlUe, Tenn., and elsewhere. He retired from active service ..] about four years ago but continued ! 'tis residence here. Dr. Garrison was popular with his i congregation and with people of oth ^ -r denominations. A sense of great ] loss is felt in this, ccirtniunity over J his passing and espeellly is it felt' 1 in tlto ranks cf the ministry of Ills i church. Of a friendly, affable nature j i?d possessing a kcjen stuse of hu- 1 mor, lie made friends easily. His passing takes ' from Kings t Mountain one of its best-knewn and : best-loved citizens. The funeral services were attend- | ed hv a large number cf relatives <j and friends from litis and other sea- 1 -tiens nud a number of fellow-minis- j ters. Crystal Shows Here Next Week The Crystal Shows, sponsored by 1 the American Legion will appear 3 here oil next week, at the old ball J park ground on Speedway. Shows, i Rides and Ban,l Concert3 will be fe? j turedi with a free act eacti evening. J The free act will include Bob | Hovey High Pole act. 90 feet high: j Art Carver Circus clown and the ;| traiinhaline and the Plying Sullieans J on the Flying Trapeee. ^^^^vm^Preston I (Opinions Expressed In This Column J Ars Not Necessarily the Views of This Newspaper.) With the administration's near | spending spree about to be laun?he4.|? the customary mad scramble that goes with every new dumping of J government funds into he relief :! trough is on In the Capiiol. The WPA and PWA are righting J U As.t hahtnil thA enana fa. the twn. 1 v vuv u*. iiiiivi iik; ovvuo ivi iuq ihm??i jor slice of the new money; State | ana city delegates are pitting their 'J oars In with both WPA and PWA just to be sure that their pet proJ?m ects and constituents wll not be necfl lotted when the Treasury spigot# 9 are turned. ,9 H ! Observers say the WPA has therm upper hand in the struggle for them simple reason that with its system J H - of direct relief, tjie spending bettgj , fits will be more quickly felt byfl those for whom the benefits are tnvfl t tended. PWA, on the other hand, M I i handicapped because three motttkjlfl I (Cont'd on Editorial page) i ?

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