jV i , . .. Honor Roll Foi Mountain City ? Grade 8-A: Gordon BaraeU, Billy Throneburg*. Grade 80): Howard Bdttfla*. 84 okna poller*. Knu'st Mauney*, Mllea Mauney*. Manly Mo re head*, Max PouK-.a, Herbert Humphrey*, Hoy ftn*h*. i OraUe 80': Hatha. I McClain*. Juanita M< Swain*. Betty Patrick*. IX)-' tired. 9-A: George TI)umai?ol' Agm-a Abeiiiathy *, Koine K ??! ? Grace lialP. Vtrg.ula I'ordcfl*. Mel ' UL K??in i .. raye M <-.?*? , M iry juiit. I'oll > . tirade #'11: Lndd llaniiiok*, Violet | Daughter*, Alice Betty Mauney ?. (ira-le 10-11: Dick linker. - Uiado 11: Ksker K.trp*. Jainco Hat terree*. Kxcell Welch*," Allot-ij Mack*. Betty Clonlnger*. . Miltlrt 1 Jtelly*, Vlltfnfet l.tjtan*,' l.ililmj Mosft4, Kaye Pcnland*, Vera I'hlfer* Nina Putnain*. CENTRAL SCHOOL ? Elementary Grade One: Marsha Ann Cox. Mingle I?u Dickey, Charlotte JenklitP. Pegtgry Ana Mauaey. l-ouise MOh.i. - Jan Reynolds, Kugetle Allinan, Billy dene Amos, Charles Blamcn, Hi'l lllackwell. S. A. Collins. Robert Oofortb. Plato Henidon, Jr. Joe Ne'.n ler, 'Herman Maune.v, Hunter Warlitk. Krvln Weill. IUchlard WWte Dan Preswley. Carpi Biggicis, llowar I Illaaton, -Eugene Barrett*. Denver Nearly At ' The following pafagrap Drum's column, "Small A popular .yoult I he town has " ku that successful bi to be hard-boiled) cocked hat. ?' ' The young man hlB wife and oMlt recently from bis the beach when h V skirts of the city childi trudging alo the heat. Somethti yanked at his he lently that after ten or twenty yar car, backed up ev ors and started a few questions cot ions that they wet that they hatl no place to go and h . that day. Ih spite the fact had his pocket boo gears. #o to sP'jai I find a lone $5 btl ?i>*ner and gave i explains his actio he "just could not I New I'll offer a . ' ui!. i' wn- ine rnwi V ' j gave his heart tl which acted like f.lye dcllai3 trim mail has three lii being a parent m; exactly what a eli to a parent the w It's n safe bet mother and fathei tion fro n that fii , other money g.pei VOTE FOR 1 The young man mention Vick WYay. It has leake that he has been guilty < in times past, modestly be mentioned. Big-Hearted, Honest, Knows No Differe t '(This Ad Published and . A I F. H I Elmer I *frm* : i*p." i TH r Kings Schools Ul?duann iler.idon*. Colt ho Martin,, Frances Wllliu;ni?*. Maik-trot WUKanw*. Patty \Vtfbb*, Catherine Ulan tort* Frail c-i-3 Tatt, Irene Cuchurch*. Crate Four: Frances Summers*, Jean Hord*, Nancy Dickey*, Jean Deese*. Betty Hayes*. William Boyce*, James Herndon*. Earle Myers', B. S. Peeler. Jr.* Opal Prultt.*! Katie Ceim;i'*, Edna Ccok Hazel Jones, Christopher Edena*. Cradc Five: Everett Weaver ('Itailes Warllck. Slavon- KelleyV Mil died Owens*, Helen Hetisley*. Bett1 Turner*. Nell Costlier*, Mary Ann (Irou^ev Virginia SilmneriB,^, Heni\, 2 Years go ihs appeared in Mrs. Renn Talk," July 29, 1936: K business man 6f locked t he tbeor nslness men liave into the proverblnl in question with iren was returning vacation spent at e met on the outtwo women and a ngside the road in ug about the sight art-strings so viodriving on some' ? ds he stopped his en with the walk' conversation. A;." i firmed his suspic re persons in need.! lilace to sleep, no' ad nothing to eat that the vacation U stripped to the' k. lte managed to' I lurking In one ( t to the group. He ms by saying that help it." | n explanation forj 1 in the group that tat wrench, and ii iua5?vv tu uia'T . his' pocket. That| tie 'Ju'ujhters ondj I know just' i!f many such good deeds preferring his name not and A Hard Worker, nee in His Friends Paid for by his Friends) w) HHw mu wj ^p*/ ujftfl \f Bji . A Funds Avi Lumber C B KINGS MOUNTAIN HER ALT) TUTORS: Newsier, DarM Nelll*. ttaf ' Grade Six: Coyt Payoeur*. GoMon Si HarreU*, Margie Barrett*. OmU? i Gladden*, Marceltae Sfcnar*. Harold La Adams*. Glee Bridges*, Harold Glenn*. (] Grade Seven: Janet Mabry*, " Mar the Walker*. 'WEST SCHOOL Ft rat Grade: Peggy Sue Bank 'head*. Mary Ixu Blalock*. Myr:!ej j Hoy If. Barbara Jean Ware, - P**gy! ' WhVeker*. Barbara Jean Matthew*. I ' Hud Jackson. 'l"* So,ond Grade: Jo Ann Blalock".' r" -- i - ?*-" ' t,v j Ntatglc Gordon*. Melba Itlcka*. Hulb 4 ! Innler*. Iteulnh , Rhea*. Jean Webb* j Buddy Medlln*. I . Third Grade: Bobby I.edbetter*. | Norman McCill*. Johnny Plonk', BUI Ptr.ntfin*; Darv'.n CIJiilger, lie!- xi ! en Chili 'rs*. Maty Beth Hord,' Dorcas Carpenter*; Uflor* Plonk. Fourth Grade: Avle Male Warllck* i . Laura Sue, Randall*. Margaret Cclc* F.fth grade: Houston Black*. Hrs nit aleen Abernathy*. Seventh Grade: Thehna St pes *. cr George Laubnore*. * Edua Black*. h EAST SCHOOL th L'U.i J1 eu< w 'By George! . (Observations in and about K. M. b< HI?Sports Comment) The Mountaineers are still at It! Last Thursday night they invaded Fi Lenoir and ket 7-3, but Tuesday they came back to defeat the Arch- fo Enemy, sneiuy, l^a. uoiorin, mo ? lanky pitcher - and outfielder, strut*- D ed his stuff In both s?-rrt He pkrb- ni ed the Lenoir r-r.t tl gi.o up. on- at iy t"?o hits and eliftU out 15 ^ten. ol He got one hit In the Lenoir game * for feur tiips and 3 for 6 in the She!' m bv game. Not bad. we say. \Vhe^- stine surprised (or rather shocked) it- all by getting 2 hits at Lenoir and ' | -" '"'tins; thiia performance against Shelby. Base running seems to the ' ... ...i tr t.tLbie. I^enoir gtole every base but fir.;t last JPhwrsjilay night ar (I tried that once, while the Moun Iti'neers srole vefry few. Tuesd;ty'g game was a hitting affair with the Mountaineers getting 20 hits and a Shelby 9. f Church News LUTHERAN CHURCH ? L. Boyd Hamm. Pastor 11 Bible school 10:00, W. K. Mauney, 3| General Superintendent. 11 I flotHuwj f/\r ovorv n pa nrAnprlv ^ graded". p Services fer the 4th Sunday after " Bsc r er. p Morning 11 TOO, sermon! When Jesus Removes Limitations. Evening 7:30, sermon: Considerh?g Christ's Claim. ,~ fTihe Evening Service will be a Public Life Service program conducted by the Luther Leagues, the J Pastor giving, a sermon on that sulrJect. ffhe Men of the Church meet at 6:15. Plans that will call on every man's cooperation will be discussed. All men urged to be present. Daily Vacation Bib'e Scnool will I be.-1'n June 13th and run for two ' weeks. - ' V ; I Bey Scouts. Troop 2, Monday evet . ' .1 j . ' __ ..-V j BUILD NOW ;j \ t' I uliable i .. J ;"J | I ompany I d > ' ' '' DULY,'1CAT IS, IMS ^ n> : 7:00. JN.T LXJKBB:? Btb)? acbool 10:00 10:00, Jmi?i ckey. Supt. ENTRAL METHODIST CHURCH Rw. B. W. Fox. Pastor 9:45 SutrJay ictiool B. 8. Peeler, ;,erln?endent. , < 11:00 Sermon by the pastor, Wut doe* the Church mean to r 1:00 The service will be featured |I?AottuIoilloM r,kan..^k i tcbuj ici iaii viuhivii R?v. V I>. Patrick. Pan tor 9:4a A. M. Sunday Srhool. C. F. KtUHMca, Supt. 7:30 P. M. Evenlug 8ervlce. M jnday 7:16 P. M. Boy Stouts, oop One, Carl Davidson, Scou?j. er, Harry 1'gge and Jack Grind. Asat. Scoutmasters. Wednesday. Tbere will be no pray meeting as we will worship with e Macedonia Baptist church .In eir meeting. BOYCE MEMORIAL CHURCH Iter. W. M. Boyce, Pastor Bible School at 10:00 o'clock. Morning Worship gt 11:00. The istor will npeak on "SHEPHERDESS SHEEP." Evening Wirshlp at 8:00. The pair's subject Is. "AN UNFINISHED TORY." YPCU meets at 7:00 o'clock. Mid-Week Service Wednesday, ev7:16. First Baptist Church Angus O. Sargeant, Pastor Sunday School, 9:40. C. G. White, (perintemdent. There will be no Sunday morning id evening serviced as the Pastor awal attending the Southern Bap3t Ocnventiiu in Rkhmond, Va., Tito Gleaners Class will nolo Its tgular monthly meeting, Saturday ani May niii, at te ftrnie of Mrs. arl Tlate wMh Mts. M. C. Yarboro rting as Joint hostess. > ' The age of the earth, In Its presii. sclldCfied foitm, Is estimated to ' ! 1,852,000,000 )?in. ??? ? , Announcement OR CLERK Of SUPERIOR COURT I hereby announce my candidacy r Clerk of Superior Court of Clevo* nd County, subject to the actlsn of emocratlc Primary June 4th. If Nnfnated and elected, 1 pledge my* slf to execute the duties of this Bee to the best of my ability, and 1 111 appreciate any support given ? * LBV BLAND COUNTY. ORTH CAROLINA, In Superior Court [ary Davis Robcrscn, Plaintiff, " Vs. /illlam Lester Robersou, Defendant Notice Of Service Of Summons The defendant, William Lester oberson, will take notice that an ction titled as above has been beun In the Superior Court - of Cleve* nd County, N- C? wherein the plain ff seeks an absolute divorce upon iatutory grounds; the defendant 111 take notice that he Is required ? appear at the Office cf the Clerk f Superior Court of said county in te Courthouse. Shelby. N. C.. within 9 days after the 23rd day of May, 938, and answer or demur to the omplsint in said action, or the laintiff will apply To the court for le relief demanded In said comlaint. This the 18th day of April, 1938. A. M. Hamrick, Clerk of Superior Court -adv?5-12?McB. - Thursday and Friday Jezebel Bette Davis Henry Fonda Saturday Patient In Room 18 Ann Sberfdtan Wild Horse Rodeo The Three Musqukeerg Monday and Tuesday Nothing Sacred Carole Uonbarl Frederick March Wedneaday I Met My Love Again Joan Bennett Hwri I V V v / V " ... : 7\ll; "THE MORE SENSES YOU USE- THE MORE CENTS YOU'LL SAVE" * In selecting; your new refrigerator let your full senses prevail. Ignore the wonderful claims and glowing words of the salesmen . . . put your purchase to the "five sense"' test. Do this and you like millions of others will select a General Electric.. ... use your eyes! Your eyes will reveal the glistening beauty of the smartly styled General ** Electric. Look at the cabinet, super ' freezer, mechanism and its many con* venient features . . , and you will tee the difference. . . . use your ears! ?v*a _ r* . i r-?t ? ?.? i ne ucncrai cicctric ntecnanism wttn forced-feed lubrication and oil'cooling I . Ml is so extremely quiet . . . that you can I hardly hear it run. Listen, too, to the I . words of praise of General Electric I owners. . 7 . use your nose! You'll have to possess a strong sense I of smell to detect any interchange of I food odors in a General Electric. The convenient sliding drawers and lovely ^*7* covered dishes prevent the interchange of" odors. ' ' 'v'? ^ , ; .a'-?-: * 1 ' . . . use your tongue! A General Electric refrigerator safely *>!??% guards and retains the appetizing flavors of perishable foods. Left overs, \tt/ when served several days later, taste as they did when first served. \ ? ' * . . use your lingers! . And last but not least feel the glisten- I /MU ing chrystal surface of Hie Bonderlzed I f U7f all-steel cabinet. It's built like a sky- I 1 \ scraper to endure for years. Do all of I V \ these, then buy a General Electric and I you'll always feel that you have bought I the best. See this refrigerator that started a "save wave" in America! Look at sJl the price I tags?compare values! Check the new - General Electric for these multiple savings?in current, upkeep, long life, preserving food, freezing of ice cubes, I convenience, capacity, etc. And we believe you will choose a General Electric. 1 I D. F. Hord Furniture I Company '